// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include #include /// This list uses X macro technique. /// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Macro for more info #define LIST_OF_LAYER_TYPE \ X(Activation) \ X(Addition) \ X(ArgMinMax) \ X(BatchNormalization) \ X(BatchToSpaceNd) \ X(Comparison) \ X(Concat) \ X(Constant) \ X(ConvertBf16ToFp32) \ X(ConvertFp16ToFp32) \ X(ConvertFp32ToBf16) \ X(ConvertFp32ToFp16) \ X(Convolution2d) \ X(Debug) \ X(DepthToSpace) \ X(DepthwiseConvolution2d) \ X(Dequantize) \ X(DetectionPostProcess) \ X(Division) \ X(ElementwiseUnary) \ X(FakeQuantization) \ X(Fill) \ X(Floor) \ X(FullyConnected) \ X(Gather) \ X(Input) \ X(InstanceNormalization) \ X(L2Normalization) \ X(LogSoftmax) \ X(Lstm) \ X(QLstm) \ X(Map) \ X(Maximum) \ X(Mean) \ X(MemCopy) \ X(MemImport) \ X(Merge) \ X(Minimum) \ X(Multiplication) \ X(Normalization) \ X(Output) \ X(Pad) \ X(Permute) \ X(Pooling2d) \ X(PreCompiled) \ X(Prelu) \ X(Quantize) \ X(QuantizedLstm) \ X(Reshape) \ X(Rank) \ X(Resize) \ X(Slice) \ X(Softmax) \ X(SpaceToBatchNd) \ X(SpaceToDepth) \ X(Splitter) \ X(Stack) \ X(StandIn) \ X(StridedSlice) \ X(Subtraction) \ X(Switch) \ X(Transpose) \ X(TransposeConvolution2d) \ X(Unmap) /// When adding a new layer, adapt also the LastLayer enum value in the /// enum class LayerType below namespace armnn { enum class LayerType { #define X(name) name, LIST_OF_LAYER_TYPE #undef X FirstLayer = Activation, LastLayer = Unmap }; const char* GetLayerTypeAsCString(LayerType type); using Coordinates = std::array; using Dimensions = std::array; }