// // Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once template class SlidingWindow { protected: T* m_start = nullptr; size_t m_dataSize = 0; size_t m_size = 0; size_t m_stride = 0; size_t m_count = 0; public: /** * Creates the window slider through the given data. * * @param data pointer to the data to slide through. * @param dataSize size in T type elements wise. * @param windowSize sliding window size in T type wise elements. * @param stride stride size in T type wise elements. */ SlidingWindow(T* data, size_t dataSize, size_t windowSize, size_t stride) { m_start = data; m_dataSize = dataSize; m_size = windowSize; m_stride = stride; } SlidingWindow() = default; ~SlidingWindow() = default; /** * Get the next data window. * @return pointer to the next window, if next window is not available nullptr is returned. */ virtual T* Next() { if (HasNext()) { m_count++; return m_start + Index() * m_stride; } else { return nullptr; } } /** * Checks if the next data portion is available. * @return true if next data portion is available */ bool HasNext() { return this->m_count < 1 + this->FractionalTotalStrides() && (this->NextWindowStartIndex() < this->m_dataSize); } /** * Resest the slider to the initial position. */ virtual void Reset() { m_count = 0; } /** * Resest the slider to the initial position. */ virtual size_t GetWindowSize() { return m_size; } /** * Resets the slider to the start of the new data. * New data size MUST be the same as the old one. * @param newStart pointer to the new data to slide through. */ virtual void Reset(T* newStart) { m_start = newStart; Reset(); } /** * Gets current index of the sliding window. * @return current position of the sliding window in number of strides */ size_t Index() { return m_count == 0? 0: m_count - 1; } /** * Gets the index from the start of the data where the next window will begin. * While Index() returns the index of sliding window itself this function returns the index of the data * element itself. * @return Index from the start of the data where the next sliding window will begin. */ virtual size_t NextWindowStartIndex() { return m_count == 0? 0: ((m_count) * m_stride); } /** * Go to given sliding window index. * @param index new position of the sliding window. if index is invalid (greater than possible range of strides) * then next call to Next() will return nullptr. */ void FastForward(size_t index) { m_count = index; } /** * Calculates whole number of times the window can stride through the given data. * @return maximum number of strides. */ size_t TotalStrides() { if (m_size > m_dataSize) { return 0; } return ((m_dataSize - m_size)/m_stride); } /** * Calculates number of times the window can stride through the given data. May not be a whole number. * @return Number of strides to cover all data. */ float FractionalTotalStrides() { if(this->m_size > this->m_dataSize) { return this->m_dataSize / this->m_size; } else { return ((this->m_dataSize - this->m_size)/ static_cast(this->m_stride)); } } /** * Calculates the remaining data left to be processed * @return The remaining unprocessed data */ int RemainingData() { return this->m_dataSize - this->NextWindowStartIndex(); } };