# Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import pytest import numpy as np import pyarmnn as ann # import generated so we can test for Dequantize_* and Quantize_* # functions not available in the public API. import pyarmnn._generated.pyarmnn as gen_ann @pytest.mark.parametrize('method', ['Quantize_uint8_t', 'Quantize_int16_t', 'Quantize_int32_t', 'Dequantize_uint8_t', 'Dequantize_int16_t', 'Dequantize_int32_t']) def test_quantize_exists(method): assert method in dir(gen_ann) and callable(getattr(gen_ann, method)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dt, min, max', [('uint8', 0, 255), ('int16', -32768, 32767), ('int32', -2147483648, 2147483647)]) def test_quantize_uint8_output(dt, min, max): result = ann.quantize(3.3274056911468506, 0.02620004490017891, 128, dt) assert type(result) is int and min <= result <= max @pytest.mark.parametrize('dt', ['uint8', 'int16', 'int32']) def test_dequantize_uint8_output(dt): result = ann.dequantize(3, 0.02620004490017891, 128, dt) assert type(result) is float def test_quantize_unsupported_dtype(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: ann.quantize(3.3274056911468506, 0.02620004490017891, 128, 'int8') assert 'Unexpected target datatype int8 given.' in str(err.value) def test_dequantize_unsupported_dtype(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: ann.dequantize(3, 0.02620004490017891, 128, 'int8') assert 'Unexpected value datatype int8 given.' in str(err.value) def test_dequantize_value_range(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: ann.dequantize(-1, 0.02620004490017891, 128, 'uint8') assert 'Value is not within range of the given datatype uint8' in str(err.value) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dt, data', [('uint8', np.uint8(255)), ('int16', np.int16(32767)), ('int32', np.int32(2147483647)), ('uint8', np.int16(255)), ('uint8', np.int32(255)), ('int16', np.uint8(255)), ('int16', np.int32(32767)), ('int32', np.uint8(255)), ('int32', np.int16(32767)) ]) def test_dequantize_numpy_dt(dt, data): result = ann.dequantize(data, 1, 0, dt) assert type(result) is float assert np.float32(data) == result