// // Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // %{ #include "armnn/Tensor.hpp" %} %include %include namespace armnn { %feature("docstring", " Class for holding the shape information of an Arm NN tensor. This class is iterable. You can iterate over it to get each value of the Tensor shape. Examples: Obtain tensor shape information as a list. >>> import pyarmnn as ann >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((4, 2, 1, 3)), ann.DataType_Float32) >>> tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, np.ones([4, 2, 1, 3], dtype=np.float32)) >>> print(list(tensor.GetShape())) [4, 2, 1, 3] ") TensorShape; class TensorShape { // Make TensorShape iterable so we can return shape dims easily. %pythoncode %{ def __iter__(self): for dim in range(self.GetNumDimensions()): yield self[dim] %} public: %tensor_shape_typemap(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes); TensorShape(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes); %clear_tensor_shape_typemap(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes); %feature("docstring", " Returns the number of dimensions in this TensorShape. Returns: int: The number of dimensions in this TensorShape. ") GetNumDimensions; unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const; %feature("docstring", " Returns the total number of elements for a tensor with this TensorShape. Returns: int: The total number of elements for a tensor with this TensorShape. ") GetNumElements; unsigned int GetNumElements() const; }; %extend TensorShape { unsigned int __getitem__(unsigned int i) const { return $self->operator[](i); } void __setitem__(unsigned int i, unsigned int val) { $self->operator[](i) = val; } std::string __str__() { std::string dim = "NumDimensions: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumDimensions()); std::string elm = "NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()); std::string shapeStr = "TensorShape{Shape("; auto numDimensions = $self->GetNumDimensions(); auto sizeDims = $self->GetNumDimensions(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) { shapeStr += std::to_string($self->operator[](i)); if (sizeDims - 1 > 0) { shapeStr += ", "; } sizeDims--; } shapeStr = shapeStr + "), " + dim + ", " + elm + "}"; return shapeStr; } } %feature("docstring", " Class for holding the tensor information of an Arm NN tensor such as quantization, datatype, shape etc. ") TensorInfo; class TensorInfo { public: TensorInfo(); TensorInfo(const TensorInfo& other); TensorInfo(const TensorShape& shape, DataType dataType, float quantizationScale = 0.0f, int32_t quantizationOffset = 0, bool isConstant = False); %feature("docstring", " Get the tensor shape. Return: TensorShape: Current shape of the tensor. ") GetShape; TensorShape& GetShape(); %feature("docstring", " Set the tensor shape. Must have the same number of elements as current tensor. Args: newShape (TensorShape): New tensor shape to reshape to. ") SetShape; void SetShape(const TensorShape& newShape); %feature("docstring", " Returns the number of dimensions in this Tensor. Returns: int: The number of dimensions in this Tensor. ") GetNumDimensions; unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const; %feature("docstring", " Returns the total number of elements for this Tensor. Returns: int: The total number of elements for this Tensor. ") GetNumElements; unsigned int GetNumElements() const; %feature("docstring", " Get the tensor datatype. Returns: DataType: Current tensor DataType. ") GetDataType; DataType GetDataType() const; %feature("docstring", " Set the tensor datatype. Args: type (DataType): DataType to set the tensor to. ") SetDataType; void SetDataType(DataType type); %feature("docstring", " Get the value of the tensors quantization scale. Returns: float: Tensor quantization scale value. ") GetQuantizationScale; float GetQuantizationScale() const; %feature("docstring", " Get the value of the tensors quantization offset. Returns: int: Tensor quantization offset value. ") GetQuantizationOffset; int32_t GetQuantizationOffset() const; %feature("docstring", " Set the value of the tensors quantization scale. Args: scale (float): Scale value to set. ") SetQuantizationScale; void SetQuantizationScale(float scale); %feature("docstring", " Set the value of the tensors quantization offset. Args: offset (int): Offset value to set. ") SetQuantizationOffset; void SetQuantizationOffset(int32_t offset); %feature("docstring", " Returns true if the tensor is a quantized data type. Returns: bool: True if the tensor is a quantized data type. ") IsQuantized; bool IsQuantized() const; %feature("docstring", " Returns true if the tensor info is constant. Returns: bool: True if the tensor info is constant. ") IsConstant; bool IsConstant() const; %feature("docstring", " Sets the tensor info to be constant. Args: IsConstant (bool): Sets tensor info to constant. ") SetConstant; void SetConstant(const bool IsConstant = True); %feature("docstring", " Check that the types are the same and, if quantize, that the quantization parameters are the same. Returns: bool: True if matched, else False. ") IsTypeSpaceMatch; bool IsTypeSpaceMatch(const TensorInfo& other) const; %feature("docstring", " Get the number of bytes needed for this tensor. Returns: int: Number of bytes consumed by this tensor. ") GetNumBytes; unsigned int GetNumBytes() const; }; %extend TensorInfo { std::string __str__() { const std::string tmp = "TensorInfo{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast($self->GetDataType())) + ", IsQuantized: " + std::to_string($self->IsQuantized()) + ", QuantizationScale: " + std::to_string( $self->GetQuantizationScale()) + ", QuantizationOffset: " + std::to_string($self->GetQuantizationOffset()) + ", IsConstant: " + std::to_string($self->IsConstant()) + ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumDimensions()) + ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}"; return tmp; } } class Tensor { public: ~Tensor(); Tensor(); Tensor(const Tensor& other); %mutable_memory(void* memory); Tensor(const TensorInfo& info, void* memory); %clear_mutable_memory(void* memory); const TensorInfo& GetInfo() const; const TensorShape& GetShape() const; DataType GetDataType() const; unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const; unsigned int GetNumBytes() const; unsigned int GetNumElements() const; /* we want to disable getting the memory area from here - forcing use of get_memory_area() in public api. void* GetMemoryArea() const;*/ }; %extend Tensor { std::string __str__() { const std::string tmp = "Tensor{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast($self->GetDataType())) + ", NumBytes: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumBytes()) + ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string( $self->GetNumDimensions()) + ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}"; return tmp; } } class ConstTensor { public: ~ConstTensor(); ConstTensor(); ConstTensor(const Tensor& other); ConstTensor(const ConstTensor& other); %const_memory(const void* memory); ConstTensor(const TensorInfo& info, const void* memory); %clear_const_memory(const void* memory); const TensorInfo& GetInfo() const; const TensorShape& GetShape() const; DataType GetDataType() const; unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const; unsigned int GetNumBytes() const; unsigned int GetNumElements() const; /* we want to disable getting the memory area from here - forcing use of get_memory_area() in public api. void* GetMemoryArea() const;*/ }; %extend ConstTensor { std::string __str__() { const std::string tmp = "ConstTensor{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast($self->GetDataType())) + ", NumBytes: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumBytes()) + ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string( $self->GetNumDimensions()) + ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}"; return tmp; } } }