#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. # Copyright © 2020 NXP and Contributors. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """Python bindings for Arm NN PyArmNN is a python extension for Arm NN SDK providing an interface similar to Arm NN C++ API. """ __version__ = None __arm_ml_version__ = None import logging import os import sys import subprocess from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path from itertools import chain from setuptools import setup from distutils.core import Extension from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext logger = logging.Logger(__name__) DOCLINES = __doc__.split("\n") LIB_ENV_NAME = "ARMNN_LIB" INCLUDE_ENV_NAME = "ARMNN_INCLUDE" def check_armnn_version(*args): pass __current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) exec(open(os.path.join(__current_dir, 'src', 'pyarmnn', '_version.py'), encoding="utf-8").read()) class ExtensionPriorityBuilder(build_py): """Runs extension builder before other stages. Otherwise generated files are not included to the distribution. """ def run(self): self.run_command('build_ext') return super().run() class ArmnnVersionCheckerExtBuilder(build_ext): """Builds an extension (i.e. wrapper). Additionally checks for version. """ def __init__(self, dist): super().__init__(dist) self.failed_ext = [] def build_extension(self, ext): if ext.optional: try: super().build_extension(ext) except Exception as err: self.failed_ext.append(ext) logger.warning('Failed to build extension %s. \n %s', ext.name, str(err)) else: super().build_extension(ext) if ext.name == 'pyarmnn._generated._pyarmnn_version': sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.build_lib, str(Path(ext._file_name).parent)))) from _pyarmnn_version import GetVersion check_armnn_version(GetVersion(), __arm_ml_version__) def copy_extensions_to_source(self): for ext in self.failed_ext: self.extensions.remove(ext) super().copy_extensions_to_source() def linux_gcc_name(): """Returns the name of the `gcc` compiler. Might happen that we are cross-compiling and the compiler has a longer name. Args: None Returns: str: Name of the `gcc` compiler or None """ cc_env = os.getenv('CC') if cc_env is not None: if subprocess.Popen([cc_env, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL): return cc_env return "gcc" if subprocess.Popen(["gcc", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) else None def linux_gcc_lib_search(gcc_compiler_name: str = linux_gcc_name()): """Calls the `gcc` to get linker default system paths. Args: gcc_compiler_name(str): Name of the GCC compiler Returns: list: A list of paths. Raises: RuntimeError: If unable to find GCC. """ if gcc_compiler_name is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to find gcc compiler") cmd1 = subprocess.Popen([gcc_compiler_name, "--print-search-dirs"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cmd2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "libraries"], stdin=cmd1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) cmd1.stdout.close() out, _ = cmd2.communicate() out = out.decode("utf-8").split('=') return tuple(out[1].split(':')) if len(out) > 0 else None def find_includes(armnn_include_env: str = INCLUDE_ENV_NAME): """Searches for ArmNN includes. Args: armnn_include_env(str): Environmental variable to use as path. Returns: list: A list of paths to include. """ armnn_include_path = os.getenv(armnn_include_env) if armnn_include_path is not None and os.path.exists(armnn_include_path): armnn_include_path = [armnn_include_path] else: armnn_include_path = ['/usr/local/include', '/usr/include'] return armnn_include_path @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def find_armnn(lib_name: str, optional: bool = False, armnn_libs_env: str = LIB_ENV_NAME, default_lib_search: tuple = linux_gcc_lib_search()): """Searches for ArmNN installation on the local machine. Args: lib_name(str): Lib name to find. optional(bool): Do not fail if optional. Default is False - fail if library was not found. armnn_libs_env(str): Custom environment variable pointing to ArmNN libraries location, default is 'ARMNN_LIBS' default_lib_search(tuple): list of paths to search for ArmNN if not found within path provided by 'ARMNN_LIBS' env variable Returns: tuple: Contains name of the armnn libs, paths to the libs. Raises: RuntimeError: If armnn libs are not found. """ armnn_lib_path = os.getenv(armnn_libs_env) lib_search = [armnn_lib_path] if armnn_lib_path is not None else default_lib_search armnn_libs = dict(map(lambda path: (':{}'.format(path.name), path), chain.from_iterable(map(lambda lib_path: Path(lib_path).glob(lib_name), lib_search)))) if not optional and len(armnn_libs) == 0: raise RuntimeError("""ArmNN library {} was not found in {}. Please install ArmNN to one of the standard locations or set correct ARMNN_INCLUDE and ARMNN_LIB env variables.""".format(lib_name, lib_search)) if optional and len(armnn_libs) == 0: logger.warning("""Optional parser library %s was not found in %s and will not be installed.""", lib_name, lib_search) # gives back tuple of names of the libs, set of unique libs locations and includes. return list(armnn_libs.keys()), list(set( map(lambda path: str(path.absolute().parent), armnn_libs.values()))) class LazyArmnnFinderExtension(Extension): """Derived from `Extension` this class adds ArmNN libraries search on the user's machine. SWIG options and compilation flags are updated with relevant ArmNN libraries files locations (-L) and headers (-I). Search for ArmNN is executed only when attributes include_dirs, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries or swig_opts are queried. """ def __init__(self, name, sources, armnn_libs, include_dirs=None, define_macros=None, undef_macros=None, library_dirs=None, libraries=None, runtime_library_dirs=None, extra_objects=None, extra_compile_args=None, extra_link_args=None, export_symbols=None, language=None, optional=None, **kw): self._include_dirs = None self._library_dirs = None self._runtime_library_dirs = None self._armnn_libs = armnn_libs self._optional = False if optional is None else optional super().__init__(name=name, sources=sources, include_dirs=include_dirs, define_macros=define_macros, undef_macros=undef_macros, library_dirs=library_dirs, libraries=libraries, runtime_library_dirs=runtime_library_dirs, extra_objects=extra_objects, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args, extra_link_args=extra_link_args, export_symbols=export_symbols, language=language, optional=optional, **kw) @property def include_dirs(self): return self._include_dirs + find_includes() @include_dirs.setter def include_dirs(self, include_dirs): self._include_dirs = include_dirs @property def library_dirs(self): library_dirs = self._library_dirs for lib in self._armnn_libs: _, lib_path = find_armnn(lib, self._optional) library_dirs = library_dirs + lib_path return library_dirs @library_dirs.setter def library_dirs(self, library_dirs): self._library_dirs = library_dirs @property def runtime_library_dirs(self): library_dirs = self._runtime_library_dirs for lib in self._armnn_libs: _, lib_path = find_armnn(lib, self._optional) library_dirs = library_dirs + lib_path return library_dirs @runtime_library_dirs.setter def runtime_library_dirs(self, runtime_library_dirs): self._runtime_library_dirs = runtime_library_dirs @property def libraries(self): libraries = self._libraries for lib in self._armnn_libs: lib_names, _ = find_armnn(lib, self._optional) libraries = libraries + lib_names return libraries @libraries.setter def libraries(self, libraries): self._libraries = libraries def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.name == other.name def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return self.name.__hash__() if __name__ == '__main__': # mandatory extensions pyarmnn_module = LazyArmnnFinderExtension('pyarmnn._generated._pyarmnn', sources=['src/pyarmnn/_generated/armnn_wrap.cpp'], extra_compile_args=['-std=c++14'], language='c++', armnn_libs=['libarmnn.so'], optional=False ) pyarmnn_v_module = LazyArmnnFinderExtension('pyarmnn._generated._pyarmnn_version', sources=['src/pyarmnn/_generated/armnn_version_wrap.cpp'], extra_compile_args=['-std=c++14'], language='c++', armnn_libs=['libarmnn.so'], optional=False ) extensions_to_build = [pyarmnn_v_module, pyarmnn_module] # optional extensions def add_parsers_ext(name: str, ext_list: list): pyarmnn_optional_module = LazyArmnnFinderExtension('pyarmnn._generated._pyarmnn_{}'.format(name.lower()), sources=['src/pyarmnn/_generated/armnn_{}_wrap.cpp'.format( name.lower())], extra_compile_args=['-std=c++14'], language='c++', armnn_libs=['libarmnn.so', 'libarmnn{}.so'.format(name)], optional=True ) ext_list.append(pyarmnn_optional_module) add_parsers_ext('OnnxParser', extensions_to_build) add_parsers_ext('TfParser', extensions_to_build) add_parsers_ext('TfLiteParser', extensions_to_build) add_parsers_ext('Deserializer', extensions_to_build) setup( name='pyarmnn', version=__version__, author='Arm Ltd, NXP Semiconductors', author_email='support@linaro.org', description=DOCLINES[0], long_description="\n".join(DOCLINES[2:]), url='https://mlplatform.org/', license='MIT', keywords='armnn neural network machine learning', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Education', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', ], package_dir={'': 'src'}, packages=[ 'pyarmnn', 'pyarmnn._generated', 'pyarmnn._quantization', 'pyarmnn._tensor', 'pyarmnn._utilities' ], data_files=[('', ['LICENSE'])], python_requires='>=3.5', install_requires=['numpy'], cmdclass={ 'build_py': ExtensionPriorityBuilder, 'build_ext': ArmnnVersionCheckerExtBuilder }, ext_modules=extensions_to_build )