// // Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "BasePipeServer.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace armnnUtils; namespace armnnProfiling { bool BasePipeServer::ReadFromSocket(uint8_t* packetData, uint32_t expectedLength) { // This is a blocking read until either expectedLength has been received or an error is detected. long totalBytesRead = 0; while (boost::numeric_cast(totalBytesRead) < expectedLength) { long bytesRead = Sockets::Read(m_ClientConnection, packetData, expectedLength); if (bytesRead < 0) { std::cerr << ": Failure when reading from client socket: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; return false; } if (bytesRead == 0) { std::cerr << ": EOF while reading from client socket." << std::endl; return false; } totalBytesRead += bytesRead; } return true; }; bool BasePipeServer::WaitForStreamMetaData() { if (m_EchoPackets) { std::cout << "Waiting for stream meta data..." << std::endl; } // The start of the stream metadata is 2x32bit words, 0 and packet length. uint8_t header[8]; if (!ReadFromSocket(header, 8)) { return false; } EchoPacket(PacketDirection::ReceivedHeader, header, 8); // The first word, stream_metadata_identifer, should always be 0. if (ToUint32(&header[0], TargetEndianness::BeWire) != 0) { std::cerr << ": Protocol error. The stream_metadata_identifer was not 0." << std::endl; return false; } uint8_t pipeMagic[4]; if (!ReadFromSocket(pipeMagic, 4)) { return false; } EchoPacket(PacketDirection::ReceivedData, pipeMagic, 4); // Before we interpret the length we need to read the pipe_magic word to determine endianness. if (ToUint32(&pipeMagic[0], TargetEndianness::BeWire) == PIPE_MAGIC) { m_Endianness = TargetEndianness::BeWire; } else if (ToUint32(&pipeMagic[0], TargetEndianness::LeWire) == PIPE_MAGIC) { m_Endianness = TargetEndianness::LeWire; } else { std::cerr << ": Protocol read error. Unable to read PIPE_MAGIC value." << std::endl; return false; } // Now we know the endianness we can get the length from the header. // Remember we already read the pipe magic 4 bytes. uint32_t metaDataLength = ToUint32(&header[4], m_Endianness) - 4; // Read the entire packet. std::vector packetData(metaDataLength); if (metaDataLength != boost::numeric_cast(Sockets::Read(m_ClientConnection, packetData.data(), metaDataLength))) { std::cerr << ": Protocol read error. Data length mismatch." << std::endl; return false; } EchoPacket(PacketDirection::ReceivedData, packetData.data(), metaDataLength); m_StreamMetaDataVersion = ToUint32(&packetData[0], m_Endianness); m_StreamMetaDataMaxDataLen = ToUint32(&packetData[4], m_Endianness); m_StreamMetaDataPid = ToUint32(&packetData[8], m_Endianness); return true; } armnn::profiling::Packet BasePipeServer::WaitForPacket(uint32_t timeoutMs) { // Is there currently more than a headers worth of data waiting to be read? int bytes_available; Sockets::Ioctl(m_ClientConnection, FIONREAD, &bytes_available); if (bytes_available > 8) { // Yes there is. Read it: return ReceivePacket(); } else { // No there's not. Poll for more data. struct pollfd pollingFd[1]{}; pollingFd[0].fd = m_ClientConnection; int pollResult = Sockets::Poll(pollingFd, 1, static_cast(timeoutMs)); switch (pollResult) { // Error case -1: throw armnn::RuntimeException(std::string("File descriptor reported an error during polling: ") + strerror(errno)); // Timeout case 0: throw armnn::TimeoutException("Timeout while waiting to receive packet."); // Normal poll return. It could still contain an error signal default: // Check if the socket reported an error if (pollingFd[0].revents & (POLLNVAL | POLLERR | POLLHUP)) { if (pollingFd[0].revents == POLLNVAL) { throw armnn::RuntimeException(std::string("Error while polling receiving socket: POLLNVAL")); } if (pollingFd[0].revents == POLLERR) { throw armnn::RuntimeException(std::string("Error while polling receiving socket: POLLERR: ") + strerror(errno)); } if (pollingFd[0].revents == POLLHUP) { throw armnn::RuntimeException(std::string("Connection closed by remote client: POLLHUP")); } } // Check if there is data to read if (!(pollingFd[0].revents & (POLLIN))) { // This is a corner case. The socket as been woken up but not with any data. // We'll throw a timeout exception to loop around again. throw armnn::TimeoutException("File descriptor was polled but no data was available to receive."); } return ReceivePacket(); } } } armnn::profiling::Packet BasePipeServer::ReceivePacket() { uint32_t header[2]; if (!ReadHeader(header)) { return armnn::profiling::Packet(); } // Read data_length bytes from the socket. std::unique_ptr uniquePacketData = std::make_unique(header[1]); unsigned char* packetData = reinterpret_cast(uniquePacketData.get()); if (!ReadFromSocket(packetData, header[1])) { return armnn::profiling::Packet(); } EchoPacket(PacketDirection::ReceivedData, packetData, header[1]); // Construct received packet armnn::profiling::Packet packetRx = armnn::profiling::Packet(header[0], header[1], uniquePacketData); if (m_EchoPackets) { std::cout << "Processing packet ID= " << packetRx.GetPacketId() << " Length=" << packetRx.GetLength() << std::endl; } return packetRx; } bool BasePipeServer::SendPacket(uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetId, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t dataLength) { // Construct a packet from the id and data given and send it to the client. // Encode the header. uint32_t header[2]; header[0] = packetFamily << 26 | packetId << 16; header[1] = dataLength; // Add the header to the packet. std::vector packet(8 + dataLength); InsertU32(header[0], packet.data(), m_Endianness); InsertU32(header[1], packet.data() + 4, m_Endianness); // And the rest of the data if there is any. if (dataLength > 0) { memcpy((packet.data() + 8), data, dataLength); } EchoPacket(PacketDirection::Sending, packet.data(), packet.size()); if (-1 == armnnUtils::Sockets::Write(m_ClientConnection, packet.data(), packet.size())) { std::cerr << ": Failure when writing to client socket: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool BasePipeServer::ReadHeader(uint32_t headerAsWords[2]) { // The header will always be 2x32bit words. uint8_t header[8]; if (!ReadFromSocket(header, 8)) { return false; } EchoPacket(PacketDirection::ReceivedHeader, header, 8); headerAsWords[0] = ToUint32(&header[0], m_Endianness); headerAsWords[1] = ToUint32(&header[4], m_Endianness); return true; } void BasePipeServer::EchoPacket(PacketDirection direction, uint8_t* packet, size_t lengthInBytes) { // If enabled print the contents of the data packet to the console. if (m_EchoPackets) { if (direction == PacketDirection::Sending) { std::cout << "TX " << std::dec << lengthInBytes << " bytes : "; } else if (direction == PacketDirection::ReceivedHeader) { std::cout << "RX Header " << std::dec << lengthInBytes << " bytes : "; } else { std::cout << "RX Data " << std::dec << lengthInBytes << " bytes : "; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lengthInBytes; i++) { if ((i % 10) == 0) { std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << static_cast(packet[i]) << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } } uint32_t BasePipeServer::ToUint32(uint8_t* data, TargetEndianness endianness) { // Extract the first 4 bytes starting at data and push them into a 32bit integer based on the // specified endianness. if (endianness == TargetEndianness::BeWire) { return static_cast(data[0]) << 24 | static_cast(data[1]) << 16 | static_cast(data[2]) << 8 | static_cast(data[3]); } else { return static_cast(data[3]) << 24 | static_cast(data[2]) << 16 | static_cast(data[1]) << 8 | static_cast(data[0]); } } void BasePipeServer::InsertU32(uint32_t value, uint8_t* data, TargetEndianness endianness) { // Take the bytes of a 32bit integer and copy them into char array starting at data considering // the endianness value. if (endianness == TargetEndianness::BeWire) { *data = static_cast((value >> 24) & 0xFF); *(data + 1) = static_cast((value >> 16) & 0xFF); *(data + 2) = static_cast((value >> 8) & 0xFF); *(data + 3) = static_cast(value & 0xFF); } else { *(data + 3) = static_cast((value >> 24) & 0xFF); *(data + 2) = static_cast((value >> 16) & 0xFF); *(data + 1) = static_cast((value >> 8) & 0xFF); *data = static_cast(value & 0xFF); } } } // namespace armnnProfiling