ResizeOperator.hpp File Reference
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TosaSerializationBasicBlock * ConvertResizeToTosaOperator (const Layer *inputSize, const std::vector< const TensorInfo * > &outputSize, const std::vector< const TensorInfo * > &scale_n, const ResizeDescriptor *scale_d)

Function Documentation

◆ ConvertResizeToTosaOperator()

TosaSerializationBasicBlock* ConvertResizeToTosaOperator ( const Layer inputSize,
const std::vector< const TensorInfo * > &  outputSize,
const std::vector< const TensorInfo * > &  scale_n,
const ResizeDescriptor scale_d 

Definition at line 15 of file ResizeOperator.cpp.

19 {
20  ARMNN_THROW_INVALIDARG_MSG_IF_FALSE( inputs.size() == 1,
21  "ConvertResizeToTosaOperator: Resize must have only one input." );
22  ARMNN_THROW_INVALIDARG_MSG_IF_FALSE( resizeDescriptor->m_DataLayout == DataLayout::NHWC,
23  "ConvertResizeToTosaOperator: NCHW not supported.");
25  ResizeMode mode;
26  if (resizeDescriptor->m_Method == ResizeMethod::NearestNeighbor)
27  {
28  mode = tosa::ResizeMode_NEAREST;
29  }
30  else if (resizeDescriptor->m_Method == ResizeMethod::Bilinear)
31  {
32  mode = tosa::ResizeMode_BILINEAR;
33  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException("ConvertResizeToTosaOperator: Unimplemented Resize method.");
34  }
35  else
36  {
37  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException("ConvertResizeToTosaOperator: Unsupported Resize method.");
38  }
40  std::string inputName = std::string("input_");
41  std::string outputName = std::string("output0_");
42  std::string blockName = std::string("Op_RESIZE_block_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID();
44  // If a layer is present then the block will be used for execution, so input and output names need to be determined
45  // using the previous and following layers so the graph is connected correctly. For validation this doesn't matter.
46  if(layer != nullptr)
47  {
48  inputName = GenerateUniqueInputName(layer->GetInputSlot(0));
49  outputName = GenerateUniqueOutputName(*layer);
50  }
52  int32_t inputHeight = static_cast<int32_t>(inputs[0]->GetShape()[1]);
53  int32_t inputWidth = static_cast<int32_t>(inputs[0]->GetShape()[2]);
55  int32_t outputHeight = static_cast<int32_t>(resizeDescriptor->m_TargetHeight);
56  int32_t outputWidth = static_cast<int32_t>(resizeDescriptor->m_TargetWidth);
57  bool alignCorners = resizeDescriptor->m_AlignCorners;
58  bool halfPixel = resizeDescriptor->m_HalfPixelCenters;
60  // Go from ArmNN parameters (outputShape, halfPixel and alignedCorners)
61  // to TOSA parameters (scale, offset and border)
62  // Align corners sets the scaling ratio to (O - 1)/(I - 1) rather than O / I.
63  auto preprocessResizeParameters = [&](int inputSize, int outputSize, int& scale_n, int& scale_d, int& offset)
64  {
65  // Dimension is length 1, we are just sampling from one value.
66  if (inputSize == 1)
67  {
68  scale_n = outputSize;
69  scale_d = 1;
70  offset = 0;
71  return;
72  }
74  // Apply if aligned and capable to be aligned.
75  // Align corners sets the scaling ratio to (OH - 1)/(IH - 1) rather than OH / IH. Same for width.
76  bool applyAligned = alignCorners && (outputSize > 1);
77  scale_n = applyAligned ? (outputSize - 1) : outputSize;
78  scale_d = applyAligned ? (inputSize - 1) : inputSize;
80  // Simplify the scales, make sure they are even values.
81  int gcd = std::gcd(scale_n, scale_d);
82  scale_n = 2 * scale_n / gcd;
83  scale_d = 2 * scale_d / gcd;
85  // If half pixel centers then input and output sampling positions are offset by 1/2 pixel.
86  offset = halfPixel ? (scale_d / 2 - scale_n / 2) : 0;
88  // Reduce the scaling ratio if possible, we know scale_n and scale_d are even
89  if ((offset & 1) == 0)
90  {
91  scale_n /= 2;
92  scale_d /= 2;
93  offset /= 2;
94  }
95  };
97  int scale_y_n, scale_y_d, offset_y;
98  int scale_x_n, scale_x_d, offset_x;
99  preprocessResizeParameters(inputHeight, outputHeight, scale_y_n, scale_y_d, offset_y);
100  preprocessResizeParameters(inputWidth, outputWidth, scale_x_n, scale_x_d, offset_x);
102  int border_y = scale_y_d * (outputHeight - 1) - scale_y_n * (inputHeight - 1) + offset_y;
103  int border_x = scale_x_d * (outputWidth - 1) - scale_x_n * (inputWidth - 1) + offset_x;
105  // [scale_y_n, scale_y_d, scale_x_n, scale_x_d]
106  std::vector<int16_t> scale = { static_cast<int16_t>(scale_y_n),
107  static_cast<int16_t>(scale_y_d),
108  static_cast<int16_t>(scale_x_n),
109  static_cast<int16_t>(scale_x_d) };
111  // [offset_y, offset_x]
112  std::vector<int16_t> offset = { static_cast<int16_t>(offset_y),
113  static_cast<int16_t>(offset_x) };
114  // [border_y, border_x]
115  std::vector<int16_t> border = { static_cast<int16_t>(border_y),
116  static_cast<int16_t>(border_x) };
118  auto isInt16Range = [](int x)
119  {
120  return (x <= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()) && (x >= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min());
121  };
123  if (inputs[0]->IsQuantized())
124  {
125  // It isn't commonly seen these numbers aren't fit within 16 bits, and won't match TFLite reference.
126  if (!isInt16Range(scale_y_n) || !isInt16Range(scale_y_d) ||
127  !isInt16Range(scale_x_n) || !isInt16Range(scale_x_d) ||
128  !isInt16Range(offset_y) || !isInt16Range(offset_x) ||
129  !isInt16Range(border_y) || !isInt16Range(border_x))
130  {
131  throw armnn::Exception("ConvertResizeToTosaOperator: stride or offset out of 16 bit range");
132  }
133  }
135  TosaResizeAttribute resizeAttribute(scale, offset, border, mode);
137  auto* op = new TosaSerializationOperator(Op_RESIZE,
138  Attribute_ResizeAttribute,
139  &resizeAttribute,
140  {inputName},
141  {outputName});
143  std::vector<TosaSerializationTensor*> tensors;
145  // Only add input tensors if connected layer is an input layer.
146  // As intermediate or constant tensors will be created separately.
147  // There also can't be duplicate tensor.
148  if(inputName.find("input_") != std::string::npos)
149  {
150  std::vector<int32_t> inputShape = GetTosaTensorShape(inputs[0]->GetShape());
151  DType inputDType = ArmNNToDType(inputs[0]->GetDataType());
153  tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(inputName, inputShape, inputDType, {}));
154  }
156  std::vector<int32_t> outputShape = GetTosaTensorShape(outputs[0]->GetShape());
157  DType outputDType = ArmNNToDType(outputs[0]->GetDataType());
159  tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(outputName, outputShape, outputDType, {}));
161  // operatorInputNames/operatorOutputNames ends up being the same as
162  // blockInputNames/blockOutputNames for one-to-one ArmNN to TOSA mappings
163  return new TosaSerializationBasicBlock(blockName, // name
164  mainName, // region name
165  {op}, // operators
166  tensors, // tensors
167  {inputName}, // inputs
168  {outputName}); // outputs
169 }

References ARMNN_THROW_INVALIDARG_MSG_IF_FALSE, GenerateUniqueInputName(), GenerateUniqueOutputName(), Layer::GetInputSlot(), GetTosaTensorShape(), GetUniqueTosaMappingID(), ResizeDescriptor::m_AlignCorners, ResizeDescriptor::m_DataLayout, ResizeDescriptor::m_HalfPixelCenters, ResizeDescriptor::m_Method, ResizeDescriptor::m_TargetHeight, and ResizeDescriptor::m_TargetWidth.

Referenced by GetTosaMapping().

std::string GenerateUniqueOutputName(const Layer &layer, uint32_t layerSlot=0)
Definition: TosaOperatorUtils.hpp:120
const std::string mainName
Definition: TosaOperatorUtils.hpp:19
DType ArmNNToDType(const DataType &type)
Definition: TosaOperatorUtils.hpp:22
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:80
Base class for all ArmNN exceptions so that users can filter to just those.
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:46
std::vector< int32_t > GetTosaTensorShape(const TensorShape &shape)
Definition: TosaOperatorUtils.hpp:79
std::string GenerateUniqueInputName(const armnn::InputSlot &slot)
Definition: TosaOperatorUtils.hpp:109
std::string GetUniqueTosaMappingID()
Definition: TosaOperatorUtils.hpp:138
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:210