// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace armnn { class TensorInfo; class ILayerSupport { protected: ILayerSupport() {} virtual ~ILayerSupport() {} public: ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use IsElementwiseUnarySupported instead") virtual bool IsAbsSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsActivationSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const ActivationDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsAdditionSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsArgMinMaxSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const ArgMinMaxDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsBatchNormalizationSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const TensorInfo& mean, const TensorInfo& var, const TensorInfo& beta, const TensorInfo& gamma, const BatchNormalizationDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsBatchToSpaceNdSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsComparisonSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, const ComparisonDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsConcatSupported(const std::vector inputs, const TensorInfo& output, const OriginsDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsConstantSupported(const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsConvertBf16ToFp32Supported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsConvertFp32ToBf16Supported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsConvertFp16ToFp32Supported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsConvertFp32ToFp16Supported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsConvolution2dSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const Convolution2dDescriptor& descriptor, const TensorInfo& weights, const Optional& biases, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsDebugSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsDepthToSpaceSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const DepthToSpaceDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsDepthwiseConvolutionSupported( const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor, const TensorInfo& weights, const Optional& biases, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsDequantizeSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsDetectionPostProcessSupported(const TensorInfo& boxEncodings, const TensorInfo& scores, const TensorInfo& anchors, const TensorInfo& detectionBoxes, const TensorInfo& detectionClasses, const TensorInfo& detectionScores, const TensorInfo& numDetections, const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const =0; virtual bool IsDilatedDepthwiseConvolutionSupported( const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor, const TensorInfo& weights, const Optional& biases, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsDivisionSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsElementwiseUnarySupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use IsComparisonSupported instead") virtual bool IsEqualSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsFakeQuantizationSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const FakeQuantizationDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsFillSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const FillDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsFloorSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsFullyConnectedSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const TensorInfo& weights, const TensorInfo& biases, const FullyConnectedDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use IsGatherSupported with descriptor instead") virtual bool IsGatherSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsGatherSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, const GatherDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use IsComparisonSupported instead") virtual bool IsGreaterSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& ouput, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsInputSupported(const TensorInfo& input, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsInstanceNormalizationSupported( const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsL2NormalizationSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const L2NormalizationDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsLogSoftmaxSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const LogSoftmaxDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsLstmSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& outputStateIn, const TensorInfo& cellStateIn, const TensorInfo& scratchBuffer, const TensorInfo& outputStateOut, const TensorInfo& cellStateOut, const TensorInfo& output, const LstmDescriptor& descriptor, const LstmInputParamsInfo& paramsInfo, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsMaximumSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsMeanSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const MeanDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsMemCopySupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsMemImportSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsMergeSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use IsConcatSupported instead") virtual bool IsMergerSupported(const std::vector inputs, const TensorInfo& output, const OriginsDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsMinimumSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& ouput, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsMultiplicationSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsNormalizationSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const NormalizationDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsOutputSupported(const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsPadSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const PadDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsPermuteSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const PermuteDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsPooling2dSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const Pooling2dDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsPreCompiledSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const PreCompiledDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsPreluSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& alpha, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsQuantizeSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsQLstmSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& previousOutputIn, const TensorInfo& previousCellStateIn, const TensorInfo& outputStateOut, const TensorInfo& cellStateOut, const TensorInfo& output, const QLstmDescriptor& descriptor, const LstmInputParamsInfo& paramsInfo, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsQuantizedLstmSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& previousCellStateIn, const TensorInfo& previousOutputIn, const TensorInfo& cellStateOut, const TensorInfo& output, const QuantizedLstmInputParamsInfo& paramsInfo, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsReshapeSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const ReshapeDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use IsResizeSupported instead") virtual bool IsResizeBilinearSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsResizeSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const ResizeDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use IsElementwiseUnarySupported instead") virtual bool IsRsqrtSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsSliceSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const SliceDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsSoftmaxSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const SoftmaxDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsSpaceToBatchNdSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsSpaceToDepthSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const SpaceToDepthDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use IsSplitterSupported with outputs instead") virtual bool IsSplitterSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const ViewsDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsSplitterSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const std::vector>& outputs, const ViewsDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsStackSupported(const std::vector& inputs, const TensorInfo& output, const StackDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsStandInSupported(const std::vector& inputs, const std::vector& outputs, const StandInDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsStridedSliceSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const StridedSliceDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsSubtractionSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsSwitchSupported(const TensorInfo& input0, const TensorInfo& input1, const TensorInfo& output0, const TensorInfo& output1, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsTransposeConvolution2dSupported( const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor, const TensorInfo& weights, const Optional& biases, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; virtual bool IsTransposeSupported(const TensorInfo& input, const TensorInfo& output, const TransposeDescriptor& descriptor, Optional reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional()) const = 0; }; // class ILayerSupport using ILayerSupportSharedPtr = std::shared_ptr; } // namespace armnn