ArmNN  NotReleased
TestProfilingConnectionBadAckPacket Class Reference

#include <ProfilingTests.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for TestProfilingConnectionBadAckPacket:
TestProfilingConnectionBase IProfilingConnection

Public Member Functions

Packet ReadPacket (uint32_t timeout) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TestProfilingConnectionBase
 TestProfilingConnectionBase ()=default
 ~TestProfilingConnectionBase ()=default
bool IsOpen () const override
void Close () override
bool WritePacket (const unsigned char *buffer, uint32_t length) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from IProfilingConnection
virtual ~IProfilingConnection ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from TestProfilingConnectionBase
bool m_FirstCall = true

Detailed Description

Definition at line 156 of file ProfilingTests.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ReadPacket()

Packet ReadPacket ( uint32_t  timeout)

Reimplemented from TestProfilingConnectionBase.

Definition at line 159 of file ProfilingTests.hpp.

160  {
161  boost::ignore_unused(timeout);
162  // Connection Acknowledged Packet header (word 0, word 1 is always zero):
163  // 26:31 [6] packet_family: Control Packet Family, value 0b000000
164  // 16:25 [10] packet_id: Packet identifier, value 0b0000000001
165  // 8:15 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
166  // 0:7 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
167  uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
168  uint32_t packetId = 37; // Wrong packet id!!!
169  uint32_t header = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x000003FF) << 16);
171  return Packet(header);
172  }

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