ArmNN  NotReleased
ILayerSupport Class Referenceabstract

#include <ILayerSupport.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ILayerSupport:
LayerSupportBase ClLayerSupport MockLayerSupport NeonLayerSupport RefLayerSupport SampleDynamicLayerSupport

Public Member Functions

virtual bool IsAbsSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsActivationSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const ActivationDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsAdditionSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsArgMinMaxSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const ArgMinMaxDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsBatchNormalizationSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const TensorInfo &mean, const TensorInfo &var, const TensorInfo &beta, const TensorInfo &gamma, const BatchNormalizationDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsBatchToSpaceNdSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsComparisonSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, const ComparisonDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsConcatSupported (const std::vector< const TensorInfo *> inputs, const TensorInfo &output, const OriginsDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsConstantSupported (const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsConvertFp16ToFp32Supported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsConvertFp32ToFp16Supported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsConvolution2dSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const Convolution2dDescriptor &descriptor, const TensorInfo &weights, const Optional< TensorInfo > &biases, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsDebugSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsDepthToSpaceSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const DepthToSpaceDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsDepthwiseConvolutionSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &descriptor, const TensorInfo &weights, const Optional< TensorInfo > &biases, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsDequantizeSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsDetectionPostProcessSupported (const TensorInfo &boxEncodings, const TensorInfo &scores, const TensorInfo &anchors, const TensorInfo &detectionBoxes, const TensorInfo &detectionClasses, const TensorInfo &detectionScores, const TensorInfo &numDetections, const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsDilatedDepthwiseConvolutionSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &descriptor, const TensorInfo &weights, const Optional< TensorInfo > &biases, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsDivisionSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsElementwiseUnarySupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsEqualSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsFakeQuantizationSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const FakeQuantizationDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsFloorSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsFullyConnectedSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const TensorInfo &weights, const TensorInfo &biases, const FullyConnectedDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsGatherSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsGreaterSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &ouput, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsInputSupported (const TensorInfo &input, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsInstanceNormalizationSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsL2NormalizationSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const L2NormalizationDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsLogSoftmaxSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const LogSoftmaxDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsLstmSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &outputStateIn, const TensorInfo &cellStateIn, const TensorInfo &scratchBuffer, const TensorInfo &outputStateOut, const TensorInfo &cellStateOut, const TensorInfo &output, const LstmDescriptor &descriptor, const LstmInputParamsInfo &paramsInfo, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsMaximumSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsMeanSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const MeanDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsMemCopySupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsMemImportSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsMergeSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsMergerSupported (const std::vector< const TensorInfo *> inputs, const TensorInfo &output, const OriginsDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsMinimumSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &ouput, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsMultiplicationSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsNormalizationSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const NormalizationDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsOutputSupported (const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsPadSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const PadDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsPermuteSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const PermuteDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsPooling2dSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const Pooling2dDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsPreCompiledSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const PreCompiledDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsPreluSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &alpha, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsQuantizeSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsQuantizedLstmSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &previousCellStateIn, const TensorInfo &previousOutputIn, const TensorInfo &cellStateOut, const TensorInfo &output, const QuantizedLstmInputParamsInfo &paramsInfo, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsReshapeSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const ReshapeDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsResizeBilinearSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsResizeSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const ResizeDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsRsqrtSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsSliceSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const SliceDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsSoftmaxSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const SoftmaxDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsSpaceToBatchNdSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsSpaceToDepthSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const SpaceToDepthDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsSplitterSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const ViewsDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsSplitterSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< TensorInfo >> &outputs, const ViewsDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsStackSupported (const std::vector< const TensorInfo *> &inputs, const TensorInfo &output, const StackDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsStandInSupported (const std::vector< const TensorInfo *> &inputs, const std::vector< const TensorInfo *> &outputs, const StandInDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsStridedSliceSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const StridedSliceDescriptor &descriptor, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsSubtractionSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsSwitchSupported (const TensorInfo &input0, const TensorInfo &input1, const TensorInfo &output0, const TensorInfo &output1, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0
virtual bool IsTransposeConvolution2dSupported (const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor &descriptor, const TensorInfo &weights, const Optional< TensorInfo > &biases, Optional< std::string &> reasonIfUnsupported=EmptyOptional()) const =0

Protected Member Functions

 ILayerSupport ()
virtual ~ILayerSupport ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file ILayerSupport.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ILayerSupport()

ILayerSupport ( )

Definition at line 26 of file ILayerSupport.hpp.

26 {}

◆ ~ILayerSupport()

virtual ~ILayerSupport ( )

Definition at line 27 of file ILayerSupport.hpp.

References anchors(), ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG, boxEncodings(), ILayerSupport::IsAbsSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsActivationSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsAdditionSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsArgMinMaxSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsBatchNormalizationSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsBatchToSpaceNdSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsComparisonSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsConcatSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsConstantSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsConvertFp16ToFp32Supported(), ILayerSupport::IsConvertFp32ToFp16Supported(), ILayerSupport::IsConvolution2dSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsDebugSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsDepthToSpaceSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsDepthwiseConvolutionSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsDequantizeSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsDetectionPostProcessSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsDilatedDepthwiseConvolutionSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsDivisionSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsElementwiseUnarySupported(), ILayerSupport::IsEqualSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsFakeQuantizationSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsFloorSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsFullyConnectedSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsGatherSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsGreaterSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsInputSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsInstanceNormalizationSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsL2NormalizationSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsLogSoftmaxSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsLstmSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsMaximumSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsMeanSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsMemCopySupported(), ILayerSupport::IsMemImportSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsMergerSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsMergeSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsMinimumSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsMultiplicationSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsNormalizationSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsOutputSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsPadSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsPermuteSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsPooling2dSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsPreCompiledSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsPreluSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsQuantizedLstmSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsQuantizeSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsReshapeSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsResizeBilinearSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsResizeSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsRsqrtSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsSliceSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsSoftmaxSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsSpaceToBatchNdSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsSpaceToDepthSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsSplitterSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsStackSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsStandInSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsStridedSliceSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsSubtractionSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsSwitchSupported(), ILayerSupport::IsTransposeConvolution2dSupported(), and scores().

27 {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ IsAbsSupported()

virtual bool IsAbsSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsActivationSupported()

virtual bool IsActivationSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const ActivationDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsAdditionSupported()

virtual bool IsAdditionSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsArgMinMaxSupported()

virtual bool IsArgMinMaxSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const ArgMinMaxDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsBatchNormalizationSupported()

virtual bool IsBatchNormalizationSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const TensorInfo mean,
const TensorInfo var,
const TensorInfo beta,
const TensorInfo gamma,
const BatchNormalizationDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsBatchToSpaceNdSupported()

virtual bool IsBatchToSpaceNdSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsComparisonSupported()

virtual bool IsComparisonSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
const ComparisonDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsConcatSupported()

virtual bool IsConcatSupported ( const std::vector< const TensorInfo *>  inputs,
const TensorInfo output,
const OriginsDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsConstantSupported()

virtual bool IsConstantSupported ( const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsConvertFp16ToFp32Supported()

virtual bool IsConvertFp16ToFp32Supported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsConvertFp32ToFp16Supported()

virtual bool IsConvertFp32ToFp16Supported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsConvolution2dSupported()

virtual bool IsConvolution2dSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const Convolution2dDescriptor descriptor,
const TensorInfo weights,
const Optional< TensorInfo > &  biases,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsDebugSupported()

virtual bool IsDebugSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsDepthToSpaceSupported()

virtual bool IsDepthToSpaceSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const DepthToSpaceDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsDepthwiseConvolutionSupported()

virtual bool IsDepthwiseConvolutionSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor descriptor,
const TensorInfo weights,
const Optional< TensorInfo > &  biases,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsDequantizeSupported()

virtual bool IsDequantizeSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsDetectionPostProcessSupported()

virtual bool IsDetectionPostProcessSupported ( const TensorInfo boxEncodings,
const TensorInfo scores,
const TensorInfo anchors,
const TensorInfo detectionBoxes,
const TensorInfo detectionClasses,
const TensorInfo detectionScores,
const TensorInfo numDetections,
const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsDilatedDepthwiseConvolutionSupported()

virtual bool IsDilatedDepthwiseConvolutionSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor descriptor,
const TensorInfo weights,
const Optional< TensorInfo > &  biases,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsDivisionSupported()

virtual bool IsDivisionSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsElementwiseUnarySupported()

virtual bool IsElementwiseUnarySupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsEqualSupported()

virtual bool IsEqualSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsFakeQuantizationSupported()

virtual bool IsFakeQuantizationSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const FakeQuantizationDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsFloorSupported()

virtual bool IsFloorSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsFullyConnectedSupported()

virtual bool IsFullyConnectedSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const TensorInfo weights,
const TensorInfo biases,
const FullyConnectedDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsGatherSupported()

virtual bool IsGatherSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsGreaterSupported()

virtual bool IsGreaterSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo ouput,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsInputSupported()

virtual bool IsInputSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsInstanceNormalizationSupported()

virtual bool IsInstanceNormalizationSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsL2NormalizationSupported()

virtual bool IsL2NormalizationSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const L2NormalizationDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsLogSoftmaxSupported()

virtual bool IsLogSoftmaxSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const LogSoftmaxDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsLstmSupported()

virtual bool IsLstmSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo outputStateIn,
const TensorInfo cellStateIn,
const TensorInfo scratchBuffer,
const TensorInfo outputStateOut,
const TensorInfo cellStateOut,
const TensorInfo output,
const LstmDescriptor descriptor,
const LstmInputParamsInfo paramsInfo,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsMaximumSupported()

virtual bool IsMaximumSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsMeanSupported()

virtual bool IsMeanSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const MeanDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsMemCopySupported()

virtual bool IsMemCopySupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsMemImportSupported()

virtual bool IsMemImportSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

Implemented in LayerSupportBase.

Referenced by ILayerSupport::~ILayerSupport().

◆ IsMergerSupported()

virtual bool IsMergerSupported ( const std::vector< const TensorInfo *>  inputs,
const TensorInfo output,
const OriginsDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsMergeSupported()

virtual bool IsMergeSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

Implemented in LayerSupportBase.

Referenced by ILayerSupport::~ILayerSupport().

◆ IsMinimumSupported()

virtual bool IsMinimumSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo ouput,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsMultiplicationSupported()

virtual bool IsMultiplicationSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsNormalizationSupported()

virtual bool IsNormalizationSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const NormalizationDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsOutputSupported()

virtual bool IsOutputSupported ( const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsPadSupported()

virtual bool IsPadSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const PadDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsPermuteSupported()

virtual bool IsPermuteSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const PermuteDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsPooling2dSupported()

virtual bool IsPooling2dSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const Pooling2dDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsPreCompiledSupported()

virtual bool IsPreCompiledSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const PreCompiledDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

Implemented in LayerSupportBase.

Referenced by ILayerSupport::~ILayerSupport().

◆ IsPreluSupported()

virtual bool IsPreluSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo alpha,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsQuantizedLstmSupported()

virtual bool IsQuantizedLstmSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo previousCellStateIn,
const TensorInfo previousOutputIn,
const TensorInfo cellStateOut,
const TensorInfo output,
const QuantizedLstmInputParamsInfo paramsInfo,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsQuantizeSupported()

virtual bool IsQuantizeSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsReshapeSupported()

virtual bool IsReshapeSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const ReshapeDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsResizeBilinearSupported()

virtual bool IsResizeBilinearSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsResizeSupported()

virtual bool IsResizeSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const ResizeDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsRsqrtSupported()

virtual bool IsRsqrtSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsSliceSupported()

virtual bool IsSliceSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const SliceDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsSoftmaxSupported()

virtual bool IsSoftmaxSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const SoftmaxDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsSpaceToBatchNdSupported()

virtual bool IsSpaceToBatchNdSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsSpaceToDepthSupported()

virtual bool IsSpaceToDepthSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const SpaceToDepthDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsSplitterSupported() [1/2]

virtual bool IsSplitterSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const ViewsDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsSplitterSupported() [2/2]

virtual bool IsSplitterSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< TensorInfo >> &  outputs,
const ViewsDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsStackSupported()

virtual bool IsStackSupported ( const std::vector< const TensorInfo *> &  inputs,
const TensorInfo output,
const StackDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsStandInSupported()

virtual bool IsStandInSupported ( const std::vector< const TensorInfo *> &  inputs,
const std::vector< const TensorInfo *> &  outputs,
const StandInDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

Implemented in LayerSupportBase.

Referenced by ILayerSupport::~ILayerSupport().

◆ IsStridedSliceSupported()

virtual bool IsStridedSliceSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const StridedSliceDescriptor descriptor,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsSubtractionSupported()

virtual bool IsSubtractionSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

◆ IsSwitchSupported()

virtual bool IsSwitchSupported ( const TensorInfo input0,
const TensorInfo input1,
const TensorInfo output0,
const TensorInfo output1,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

Implemented in LayerSupportBase.

Referenced by ILayerSupport::~ILayerSupport().

◆ IsTransposeConvolution2dSupported()

virtual bool IsTransposeConvolution2dSupported ( const TensorInfo input,
const TensorInfo output,
const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor descriptor,
const TensorInfo weights,
const Optional< TensorInfo > &  biases,
Optional< std::string &>  reasonIfUnsupported = EmptyOptional() 
) const
pure virtual

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