ArmNN  NotReleased
TensorUtils.cpp File Reference
#include <armnnUtils/TensorUtils.hpp>
#include <armnn/backends/ITensorHandle.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>

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armnn::TensorShape GetTensorShape (unsigned int numberOfBatches, unsigned int numberOfChannels, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, const armnn::DataLayout dataLayout)
armnn::TensorInfo GetTensorInfo (unsigned int numberOfBatches, unsigned int numberOfChannels, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, const armnn::DataLayout dataLayout, const armnn::DataType dataType)
std::pair< float, float > FindMinMax (armnn::ITensorHandle *tensorHandle)
armnn::TensorShape ExpandDims (const armnn::TensorShape &tensorShape, int axis)
unsigned int GetNumElementsBetween (const armnn::TensorShape &shape, unsigned int firstAxisInclusive, unsigned int lastAxisExclusive)
unsigned int GetUnsignedAxis (const unsigned int inputDimension, const int axis)
unsigned int GetNumElementsAfter (const armnn::TensorShape &shape, unsigned int axis)
std::pair< unsigned int, std::vector< float > > GetPerAxisParams (const armnn::TensorInfo &info)