ArmNN  NotReleased
ModelAccuracyTool-Armnn.cpp File Reference
#include "../ImageTensorGenerator/ImageTensorGenerator.hpp"
#include "../InferenceTest.hpp"
#include "ModelAccuracyChecker.hpp"
#include "armnnDeserializer/IDeserializer.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <map>

Go to the source code of this file.


map< std::string, std::string > LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels (const string &validationLabelPath, const string &imageDirectoryPath, size_t begIndex=0, size_t endIndex=0, const string &blacklistPath="")
std::vector< armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNamesLoadModelOutputLabels (const std::string &modelOutputLabelsPath)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Function Documentation

◆ LoadModelOutputLabels()

std::vector< armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames > LoadModelOutputLabels ( const std::string &  modelOutputLabelsPath)

Load model output labels from file

modelOutputLabelsPath exists and is a regular file
[in]modelOutputLabelsPathpath to model output labels file
A vector of labels, which in turn is described by a list of category names

Definition at line 466 of file ModelAccuracyTool-Armnn.cpp.

References armnnUtils::SplitBy(), and armnnUtils::Strip().

Referenced by main().

467 {
468  std::vector<armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames> modelOutputLabels;
469  ifstream modelOutputLablesFile(modelOutputLabelsPath);
470  std::string line;
471  while (std::getline(modelOutputLablesFile, line))
472  {
474  armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames predictionCategoryNames = armnnUtils::SplitBy(tokens.back(), ",");
475  std::transform(predictionCategoryNames.begin(), predictionCategoryNames.end(), predictionCategoryNames.begin(),
476  [](const std::string& category) { return armnnUtils::Strip(category); });
477  modelOutputLabels.push_back(predictionCategoryNames);
478  }
479  return modelOutputLabels;
480 }
std::vector< std::string > SplitBy(const std::string &originalString, const std::string &delimiter, bool includeEmptyToken)
std::vector< std::string > LabelCategoryNames
std::string Strip(const std::string &originalString, const std::string &characterSet)

◆ LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels()

map< std::string, std::string > LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels ( const string &  validationLabelPath,
const string &  imageDirectoryPath,
size_t  begIndex = 0,
size_t  endIndex = 0,
const string &  blacklistPath = "" 

Load image names and ground-truth labels from the image directory and the ground truth label file

validationLabelPath exists and is valid regular file
imageDirectoryPath exists and is valid directory
labels in validation file correspond to images which are in lexicographical order with the image name
image index starts at 1
begIndex and endIndex are end-inclusive
[in]validationLabelPathPath to validation label file
[in]imageDirectoryPathPath to directory containing validation images
[in]begIndexBegin index of images to be loaded. Inclusive
[in]endIndexEnd index of images to be loaded. Inclusive
[in]blacklistPathPath to blacklist file
A map mapping image file names to their corresponding ground-truth labels

Definition at line 388 of file ModelAccuracyTool-Armnn.cpp.

Referenced by main().

393 {
394  // Populate imageFilenames with names of all .JPEG, .PNG images
395  std::vector<std::string> imageFilenames;
396  for (const auto& imageEntry :
397  boost::make_iterator_range(boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(boost::filesystem::path(imageDirectoryPath))))
398  {
399  boost::filesystem::path imagePath = imageEntry.path();
400  std::string imageExtension = boost::to_upper_copy<std::string>(imagePath.extension().string());
401  if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(imagePath) && (imageExtension == ".JPEG" || imageExtension == ".PNG"))
402  {
403  imageFilenames.push_back(imagePath.filename().string());
404  }
405  }
406  if (imageFilenames.empty())
407  {
408  throw armnn::Exception("No image file (JPEG, PNG) found at " + imageDirectoryPath);
409  }
411  // Sort the image filenames lexicographically
412  std::sort(imageFilenames.begin(), imageFilenames.end());
414  std::cout << imageFilenames.size() << " images found at " << imageDirectoryPath << std::endl;
416  // Get default end index
417  if (begIndex < 1 || endIndex > imageFilenames.size())
418  {
419  throw armnn::Exception("Invalid image index range");
420  }
421  endIndex = endIndex == 0 ? imageFilenames.size() : endIndex;
422  if (begIndex > endIndex)
423  {
424  throw armnn::Exception("Invalid image index range");
425  }
427  // Load blacklist if there is one
428  std::vector<unsigned int> blacklist;
429  if (!blacklistPath.empty())
430  {
431  std::ifstream blacklistFile(blacklistPath);
432  unsigned int index;
433  while (blacklistFile >> index)
434  {
435  blacklist.push_back(index);
436  }
437  }
439  // Load ground truth labels and pair them with corresponding image names
440  std::string classification;
441  map<std::string, std::string> imageNameToLabel;
442  ifstream infile(validationLabelPath);
443  size_t imageIndex = begIndex;
444  size_t blacklistIndexCount = 0;
445  while (std::getline(infile, classification))
446  {
447  if (imageIndex > endIndex)
448  {
449  break;
450  }
451  // If current imageIndex is included in blacklist, skip the current image
452  if (blacklistIndexCount < blacklist.size() && imageIndex == blacklist[blacklistIndexCount])
453  {
454  ++imageIndex;
455  ++blacklistIndexCount;
456  continue;
457  }
458  imageNameToLabel.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(imageFilenames[imageIndex - 1], classification));
459  ++imageIndex;
460  }
461  std::cout << blacklistIndexCount << " images blacklisted" << std::endl;
462  std::cout << imageIndex - begIndex - blacklistIndexCount << " images to be loaded" << std::endl;
463  return imageNameToLabel;
464 }
Base class for all ArmNN exceptions so that users can filter to just those.
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:46

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 49 of file ModelAccuracyTool-Armnn.cpp.

References ARMNN_LOG, armnn::BackendRegistryInstance(), Caffe, armnn::ConfigureLogging(), armnn::CpuAcc, armnn::CpuRef, IRuntime::Create(), armnn::Debug, defaultBackends, armnn::error, armnn::Failure, armnn::Float32, BackendRegistry::GetBackendIdsAsString(), TensorInfo::GetDataType(), InferenceModel< IParser, TDataType >::GetInputBindingInfo(), GetNormalizationParameters(), InferenceModel< IParser, TDataType >::GetOutputSize(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), LoadModelOutputLabels(), LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels(), BindingPointInfo::m_BindingId, Params::m_ComputeDevices, Params::m_InputBindings, Params::m_IsModelBinary, Params::m_ModelPath, Params::m_OutputBindings, BindingPointInfo::m_TensorInfo, armnnUtils::MakeInputTensors(), armnnUtils::MakeOutputTensors(), armnn::NCHW, armnn::NHWC, armnn::Optimize(), options, PrepareImageTensor< float >(), PrepareImageTensor< int >(), PrepareImageTensor< uint8_t >(), armnn::QAsymmU8, armnn::Signed32, armnnUtils::SplitBy(), TensorFlow, TFLite, armnn::test::ValidateDirectory(), and Exception::what().

50 {
51  try
52  {
53  using namespace boost::filesystem;
55  armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, true, level);
57  // Set-up program Options
58  namespace po = boost::program_options;
60  std::vector<armnn::BackendId> computeDevice;
61  std::vector<armnn::BackendId> defaultBackends = {armnn::Compute::CpuAcc, armnn::Compute::CpuRef};
62  std::string modelPath;
63  std::string modelFormat;
64  std::string dataDir;
65  std::string inputName;
66  std::string inputLayout;
67  std::string outputName;
68  std::string modelOutputLabelsPath;
69  std::string validationLabelPath;
70  std::string validationRange;
71  std::string blacklistPath;
73  const std::string backendsMessage = "Which device to run layers on by default. Possible choices: "
76  po::options_description desc("Options");
77  try
78  {
79  // Adds generic options needed to run Accuracy Tool.
80  desc.add_options()
81  ("help,h", "Display help messages")
82  ("model-path,m", po::value<std::string>(&modelPath)->required(), "Path to armnn format model file")
83  ("model-format,f", po::value<std::string>(&modelFormat)->required(),
84  "The model format. Supported values: caffe, tensorflow, tflite")
85  ("input-name,i", po::value<std::string>(&inputName)->required(),
86  "Identifier of the input tensors in the network separated by comma.")
87  ("output-name,o", po::value<std::string>(&outputName)->required(),
88  "Identifier of the output tensors in the network separated by comma.")
89  ("data-dir,d", po::value<std::string>(&dataDir)->required(),
90  "Path to directory containing the ImageNet test data")
91  ("model-output-labels,p", po::value<std::string>(&modelOutputLabelsPath)->required(),
92  "Path to model output labels file.")
93  ("validation-labels-path,v", po::value<std::string>(&validationLabelPath)->required(),
94  "Path to ImageNet Validation Label file")
95  ("data-layout,l", po::value<std::string>(&inputLayout)->default_value("NHWC"),
96  "Data layout. Supported value: NHWC, NCHW. Default: NHWC")
97  ("compute,c", po::value<std::vector<armnn::BackendId>>(&computeDevice)->default_value(defaultBackends),
98  backendsMessage.c_str())
99  ("validation-range,r", po::value<std::string>(&validationRange)->default_value("1:0"),
100  "The range of the images to be evaluated. Specified in the form <begin index>:<end index>."
101  "The index starts at 1 and the range is inclusive."
102  "By default the evaluation will be performed on all images.")
103  ("blacklist-path,b", po::value<std::string>(&blacklistPath)->default_value(""),
104  "Path to a blacklist file where each line denotes the index of an image to be "
105  "excluded from evaluation.");
106  }
107  catch (const std::exception& e)
108  {
109  // Coverity points out that default_value(...) can throw a bad_lexical_cast,
110  // and that desc.add_options() can throw boost::io::too_few_args.
111  // They really won't in any of these cases.
112  BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Caught unexpected exception");
113  std::cerr << "Fatal internal error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
114  return 1;
115  }
117  po::variables_map vm;
118  try
119  {
120  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
122  if (vm.count("help"))
123  {
124  std::cout << desc << std::endl;
125  return 1;
126  }
127  po::notify(vm);
128  }
129  catch (po::error& e)
130  {
131  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl;
132  std::cerr << desc << std::endl;
133  return 1;
134  }
136  // Check if the requested backend are all valid
137  std::string invalidBackends;
138  if (!CheckRequestedBackendsAreValid(computeDevice, armnn::Optional<std::string&>(invalidBackends)))
139  {
140  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "The list of preferred devices contains invalid backend IDs: "
141  << invalidBackends;
142  return EXIT_FAILURE;
143  }
144  armnn::Status status;
146  // Create runtime
149  std::ifstream file(modelPath);
151  // Create Parser
152  using IParser = armnnDeserializer::IDeserializer;
153  auto armnnparser(IParser::Create());
155  // Create a network
156  armnn::INetworkPtr network = armnnparser->CreateNetworkFromBinary(file);
158  // Optimizes the network.
159  armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optimizedNet(nullptr, nullptr);
160  try
161  {
162  optimizedNet = armnn::Optimize(*network, computeDevice, runtime->GetDeviceSpec());
163  }
164  catch (armnn::Exception& e)
165  {
166  std::stringstream message;
167  message << "armnn::Exception (" << e.what() << ") caught from optimize.";
168  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << message.str();
169  return 1;
170  }
172  // Loads the network into the runtime.
173  armnn::NetworkId networkId;
174  status = runtime->LoadNetwork(networkId, std::move(optimizedNet));
175  if (status == armnn::Status::Failure)
176  {
177  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "armnn::IRuntime: Failed to load network";
178  return 1;
179  }
181  // Set up Network
185  inputBindingInfo = armnnparser->GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(0, inputName);
187  std::pair<armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo>
188  m_InputBindingInfo(inputBindingInfo.m_BindingId, inputBindingInfo.m_TensorInfo);
189  std::vector<BindingPointInfo> inputBindings = { m_InputBindingInfo };
192  outputBindingInfo = armnnparser->GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(0, outputName);
194  std::pair<armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo>
195  m_OutputBindingInfo(outputBindingInfo.m_BindingId, outputBindingInfo.m_TensorInfo);
196  std::vector<BindingPointInfo> outputBindings = { m_OutputBindingInfo };
198  // Load model output labels
199  if (modelOutputLabelsPath.empty() || !boost::filesystem::exists(modelOutputLabelsPath) ||
200  !boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(modelOutputLabelsPath))
201  {
202  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid model output labels path at " << modelOutputLabelsPath;
203  }
204  const std::vector<armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames> modelOutputLabels =
205  LoadModelOutputLabels(modelOutputLabelsPath);
207  // Parse begin and end image indices
208  std::vector<std::string> imageIndexStrs = armnnUtils::SplitBy(validationRange, ":");
209  size_t imageBegIndex;
210  size_t imageEndIndex;
211  if (imageIndexStrs.size() != 2)
212  {
213  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid validation range specification: Invalid format " << validationRange;
214  return 1;
215  }
216  try
217  {
218  imageBegIndex = std::stoul(imageIndexStrs[0]);
219  imageEndIndex = std::stoul(imageIndexStrs[1]);
220  }
221  catch (const std::exception& e)
222  {
223  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid validation range specification: " << validationRange;
224  return 1;
225  }
227  // Validate blacklist file if it's specified
228  if (!blacklistPath.empty() &&
229  !(boost::filesystem::exists(blacklistPath) && boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(blacklistPath)))
230  {
231  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid path to blacklist file at " << blacklistPath;
232  return 1;
233  }
235  path pathToDataDir(dataDir);
236  const map<std::string, std::string> imageNameToLabel = LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels(
237  validationLabelPath, pathToDataDir.string(), imageBegIndex, imageEndIndex, blacklistPath);
238  armnnUtils::ModelAccuracyChecker checker(imageNameToLabel, modelOutputLabels);
239  using TContainer = boost::variant<std::vector<float>, std::vector<int>, std::vector<uint8_t>>;
241  if (ValidateDirectory(dataDir))
242  {
244  params.m_ModelPath = modelPath;
245  params.m_IsModelBinary = true;
246  params.m_ComputeDevices = computeDevice;
247  params.m_InputBindings.push_back(inputName);
248  params.m_OutputBindings.push_back(outputName);
250  using TParser = armnnDeserializer::IDeserializer;
251  InferenceModel<TParser, float> model(params, false);
252  // Get input tensor information
253  const armnn::TensorInfo& inputTensorInfo = model.GetInputBindingInfo().second;
254  const armnn::TensorShape& inputTensorShape = inputTensorInfo.GetShape();
255  const armnn::DataType& inputTensorDataType = inputTensorInfo.GetDataType();
256  armnn::DataLayout inputTensorDataLayout;
257  if (inputLayout == "NCHW")
258  {
259  inputTensorDataLayout = armnn::DataLayout::NCHW;
260  }
261  else if (inputLayout == "NHWC")
262  {
263  inputTensorDataLayout = armnn::DataLayout::NHWC;
264  }
265  else
266  {
267  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid Data layout: " << inputLayout;
268  return 1;
269  }
270  const unsigned int inputTensorWidth =
271  inputTensorDataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NCHW ? inputTensorShape[3] : inputTensorShape[2];
272  const unsigned int inputTensorHeight =
273  inputTensorDataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NCHW ? inputTensorShape[2] : inputTensorShape[1];
274  // Get output tensor info
275  const unsigned int outputNumElements = model.GetOutputSize();
276  // Check output tensor shape is valid
277  if (modelOutputLabels.size() != outputNumElements)
278  {
279  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Number of output elements: " << outputNumElements
280  << " , mismatches the number of output labels: " << modelOutputLabels.size();
281  return 1;
282  }
284  const unsigned int batchSize = 1;
285  // Get normalisation parameters
286  SupportedFrontend modelFrontend;
287  if (modelFormat == "caffe")
288  {
289  modelFrontend = SupportedFrontend::Caffe;
290  }
291  else if (modelFormat == "tensorflow")
292  {
293  modelFrontend = SupportedFrontend::TensorFlow;
294  }
295  else if (modelFormat == "tflite")
296  {
297  modelFrontend = SupportedFrontend::TFLite;
298  }
299  else
300  {
301  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Unsupported frontend: " << modelFormat;
302  return 1;
303  }
304  const NormalizationParameters& normParams = GetNormalizationParameters(modelFrontend, inputTensorDataType);
305  for (const auto& imageEntry : imageNameToLabel)
306  {
307  const std::string imageName = imageEntry.first;
308  std::cout << "Processing image: " << imageName << "\n";
310  vector<TContainer> inputDataContainers;
311  vector<TContainer> outputDataContainers;
313  auto imagePath = pathToDataDir / boost::filesystem::path(imageName);
314  switch (inputTensorDataType)
315  {
317  inputDataContainers.push_back(
318  PrepareImageTensor<int>(imagePath.string(),
319  inputTensorWidth, inputTensorHeight,
320  normParams,
321  batchSize,
322  inputTensorDataLayout));
323  outputDataContainers = { vector<int>(outputNumElements) };
324  break;
326  inputDataContainers.push_back(
327  PrepareImageTensor<uint8_t>(imagePath.string(),
328  inputTensorWidth, inputTensorHeight,
329  normParams,
330  batchSize,
331  inputTensorDataLayout));
332  outputDataContainers = { vector<uint8_t>(outputNumElements) };
333  break;
335  default:
336  inputDataContainers.push_back(
337  PrepareImageTensor<float>(imagePath.string(),
338  inputTensorWidth, inputTensorHeight,
339  normParams,
340  batchSize,
341  inputTensorDataLayout));
342  outputDataContainers = { vector<float>(outputNumElements) };
343  break;
344  }
346  status = runtime->EnqueueWorkload(networkId,
347  armnnUtils::MakeInputTensors(inputBindings, inputDataContainers),
348  armnnUtils::MakeOutputTensors(outputBindings, outputDataContainers));
350  if (status == armnn::Status::Failure)
351  {
352  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "armnn::IRuntime: Failed to enqueue workload for image: " << imageName;
353  }
355  checker.AddImageResult<TContainer>(imageName, outputDataContainers);
356  }
357  }
358  else
359  {
360  return 1;
361  }
363  for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i)
364  {
365  std::cout << "Top " << i << " Accuracy: " << checker.GetAccuracy(i) << "%" << "\n";
366  }
368  ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Accuracy Tool ran successfully!";
369  return 0;
370  }
371  catch (armnn::Exception const & e)
372  {
373  // Coverity fix: BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL (typically used to report errors) may throw an
374  // exception of type std::length_error.
375  // Using stderr instead in this context as there is no point in nesting try-catch blocks here.
376  std::cerr << "Armnn Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
377  return 1;
378  }
379  catch (const std::exception & e)
380  {
381  // Coverity fix: various boost exceptions can be thrown by methods called by this test.
382  std::cerr << "WARNING: ModelAccuracyTool-Armnn: An error has occurred when running the "
383  "Accuracy Tool: " << e.what() << std::endl;
384  return 1;
385  }
386 }
armnn::OutputTensors MakeOutputTensors(const std::vector< armnn::BindingPointInfo > &outputBindings, std::vector< TContainer > &outputDataContainers)
std::vector< std::string > SplitBy(const std::string &originalString, const std::string &delimiter, bool includeEmptyToken)
Definition: Types.hpp:26
std::string GetBackendIdsAsString() const
IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork &network, const std::vector< BackendId > &backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec &deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions &options=OptimizerOptions(), Optional< std::vector< std::string > &> messages=EmptyOptional())
Definition: Network.cpp:807
armnn::BindingPointInfo BindingPointInfo
std::vector< uint8_t > PrepareImageTensor< uint8_t >(const std::string &imagePath, unsigned int newWidth, unsigned int newHeight, const NormalizationParameters &normParams, unsigned int batchSize, const armnn::DataLayout &outputLayout)
void ConfigureLogging(bool printToStandardOutput, bool printToDebugOutput, LogSeverity severity)
Definition: Utils.cpp:10
std::pair< armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo > BindingPointInfo
Definition: Tensor.hpp:146
armnn::InputTensors MakeInputTensors(const std::vector< armnn::BindingPointInfo > &inputBindings, const std::vector< TContainer > &inputDataContainers)
#define ARMNN_LOG(severity)
Definition: Logging.hpp:163
std::vector< std::string > m_InputBindings
virtual const char * what() const noexcept override
Definition: Exceptions.cpp:32
BackendRegistry & BackendRegistryInstance()
std::vector< armnn::BackendId > m_ComputeDevices
std::vector< float > PrepareImageTensor< float >(const std::string &imagePath, unsigned int newWidth, unsigned int newHeight, const NormalizationParameters &normParams, unsigned int batchSize, const armnn::DataLayout &outputLayout)
Definition: Utils.hpp:12
Base class for all ArmNN exceptions so that users can filter to just those.
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:46
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:85
CPU Execution: Reference C++ kernels.
static IRuntimePtr Create(const CreationOptions &options)
Definition: Runtime.cpp:32
std::vector< int > PrepareImageTensor< int >(const std::string &imagePath, unsigned int newWidth, unsigned int newHeight, const NormalizationParameters &normParams, unsigned int batchSize, const armnn::DataLayout &outputLayout)
boost::variant< std::vector< float >, std::vector< int >, std::vector< unsigned char > > TContainer
CPU Execution: NEON: ArmCompute.
Definition: Types.hpp:48
std::vector< armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames > LoadModelOutputLabels(const std::string &modelOutputLabelsPath)
Definition: Types.hpp:32
DataType GetDataType() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:95
std::unique_ptr< IOptimizedNetwork, void(*)(IOptimizedNetwork *network)> IOptimizedNetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:544
map< std::string, std::string > LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels(const string &validationLabelPath, const string &imageDirectoryPath, size_t begIndex=0, size_t endIndex=0, const string &blacklistPath="")
std::vector< std::string > m_OutputBindings
armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options
NormalizationParameters GetNormalizationParameters(const SupportedFrontend &modelFormat, const armnn::DataType &outputType)
int NetworkId
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:19
std::unique_ptr< IRuntime, void(*)(IRuntime *runtime)> IRuntimePtr
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:24
const TensorShape & GetShape() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:88
std::vector< armnn::BackendId > defaultBackends
bool ValidateDirectory(std::string &dir)