ArmNN  NotReleased
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1 //
2 // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
4 //
6 #include "InternalTypes.hpp"
8 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
10 namespace armnn
11 {
14 {
15  switch (type)
16  {
17  case LayerType::Activation: return "Activation";
18  case LayerType::Addition: return "Addition";
19  case LayerType::ArgMinMax: return "ArgMinMax";
20  case LayerType::BatchNormalization: return "BatchNormalization";
21  case LayerType::BatchToSpaceNd: return "BatchToSpaceNd";
22  case LayerType::Comparison: return "Comparison";
23  case LayerType::Concat: return "Concat";
24  case LayerType::Constant: return "Constant";
25  case LayerType::ConvertFp16ToFp32: return "ConvertFp16ToFp32";
26  case LayerType::ConvertFp32ToFp16: return "ConvertFp32ToFp16";
27  case LayerType::Convolution2d: return "Convolution2d";
28  case LayerType::Debug: return "Debug";
29  case LayerType::DepthToSpace: return "DepthToSpace";
30  case LayerType::DepthwiseConvolution2d: return "DepthwiseConvolution2d";
31  case LayerType::Dequantize: return "Dequantize";
32  case LayerType::DetectionPostProcess: return "DetectionPostProcess";
33  case LayerType::Division: return "Division";
34  case LayerType::ElementwiseUnary: return "ElementwiseUnary";
35  case LayerType::FakeQuantization: return "FakeQuantization";
36  case LayerType::Floor: return "Floor";
37  case LayerType::FullyConnected: return "FullyConnected";
38  case LayerType::Gather: return "Gather";
39  case LayerType::Input: return "Input";
40  case LayerType::InstanceNormalization: return "InstanceNormalization";
41  case LayerType::L2Normalization: return "L2Normalization";
42  case LayerType::LogSoftmax: return "LogSoftmax";
43  case LayerType::Lstm: return "Lstm";
44  case LayerType::Maximum: return "Maximum";
45  case LayerType::Mean: return "Mean";
46  case LayerType::MemCopy: return "MemCopy";
47  case LayerType::MemImport: return "MemImport";
48  case LayerType::Merge: return "Merge";
49  case LayerType::Minimum: return "Minimum";
50  case LayerType::Multiplication: return "Multiplication";
51  case LayerType::Normalization: return "Normalization";
52  case LayerType::Output: return "Output";
53  case LayerType::Pad: return "Pad";
54  case LayerType::Permute: return "Permute";
55  case LayerType::Pooling2d: return "Pooling2d";
56  case LayerType::PreCompiled: return "PreCompiled";
57  case LayerType::Prelu: return "Prelu";
58  case LayerType::Quantize: return "Quantize";
59  case LayerType::QuantizedLstm: return "QuantizedLstm";
60  case LayerType::Reshape: return "Reshape";
61  case LayerType::Resize: return "Resize";
62  case LayerType::Slice: return "Slice";
63  case LayerType::Softmax: return "Softmax";
64  case LayerType::SpaceToBatchNd: return "SpaceToBatchNd";
65  case LayerType::SpaceToDepth: return "SpaceToDepth";
66  case LayerType::Splitter: return "Splitter";
67  case LayerType::Stack: return "Stack";
68  case LayerType::StandIn: return "StandIn";
69  case LayerType::StridedSlice: return "StridedSlice";
70  case LayerType::Subtraction: return "Subtraction";
71  case LayerType::Switch: return "Switch";
72  case LayerType::TransposeConvolution2d: return "TransposeConvolution2d";
73  default:
74  BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unknown layer type");
75  return "Unknown";
76  }
77 }
79 }
char const * GetLayerTypeAsCString(LayerType type)