armnn_driver Namespace Reference

Helper classes. More...


class  ArmnnDevice
class  ArmnnDriver
class  ArmnnDriverImpl
class  ArmnnPreparedModel
struct  CanonicalExecutionContext
class  ConstTensorPin
struct  ConversionData
class  Converter
class  DriverOptions
class  LayerInputHandle
class  ModelToINetworkTransformer
class  UnsupportedOperand


template<typename TensorType >
using DumpElementFunction = void(*)(const TensorType &tensor, unsigned int elementIndex, std::ofstream &fileStream)
using Model = ::android::nn::Model
 Helper classes. More...
using Operand = ::android::nn::Operand
using OperandLifeTime = ::android::nn::Operand::LifeTime
using OperandType = ::android::nn::OperandType
using Operation = ::android::nn::Operation
using OperationType = ::android::nn::OperationType
using ErrorStatus = ::android::nn::ErrorStatus
using DequantizeResult = std::tuple< std::unique_ptr< float[]>, size_t, armnn::TensorInfo, DequantizeStatus >
using Half = half_float::half


enum  ConversionResult { Success, ErrorMappingPools, UnsupportedFeature }


void SwizzleAndroidNn4dTensorToArmNn (armnn::TensorInfo &tensor, const void *input, void *output, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
 Swizzles tensor data in input according to the dimension mappings. More...
void * GetMemoryFromPool (DataLocation location, const std::vector< android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo > &memPools)
 Returns a pointer to a specific location in a pool`. More...
void * GetMemoryFromPointer (const Request::Argument &requestArg)
armnn::TensorInfo GetTensorInfoForOperand (const Operand &operand)
std::string GetOperandSummary (const Operand &operand)
template<typename TensorType >
void DumpTensor (const std::string &dumpDir, const std::string &requestName, const std::string &tensorName, const TensorType &tensor)
template void DumpTensor< armnn::ConstTensor > (const std::string &dumpDir, const std::string &requestName, const std::string &tensorName, const armnn::ConstTensor &tensor)
template void DumpTensor< armnn::Tensor > (const std::string &dumpDir, const std::string &requestName, const std::string &tensorName, const armnn::Tensor &tensor)
void DumpJsonProfilingIfRequired (bool gpuProfilingEnabled, const std::string &dumpDir, armnn::NetworkId networkId, const armnn::IProfiler *profiler)
std::string ExportNetworkGraphToDotFile (const armnn::IOptimizedNetwork &optimizedNetwork, const std::string &dumpDir)
std::string SerializeNetwork (const armnn::INetwork &network, const std::string &dumpDir, std::vector< uint8_t > &dataCacheData, bool dataCachingActive)
bool IsDynamicTensor (const armnn::TensorInfo &outputInfo)
 Checks if a tensor info represents a dynamic tensor. More...
bool AreDynamicTensorsSupported (void)
 Checks for ArmNN support of dynamic tensors. More...
bool isQuantizedOperand (const OperandType &operandType)
std::string GetModelSummary (const Model &model)
std::string GetFileTimestamp ()
void RenameExportedFiles (const std::string &existingSerializedFileName, const std::string &existingDotFileName, const std::string &dumpDir, const armnn::NetworkId networkId)
void RenameFile (const std::string &existingName, const std::string &extension, const std::string &dumpDir, const armnn::NetworkId networkId)
void CommitPools (std::vector<::android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo > &memPools)
OutputShape ComputeShape (const armnn::TensorInfo &info)
bool IsWeightsValid (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model)
 Utility functions. More...
ConstTensorPin ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin (const Operand &operand, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, const armnn::PermutationVector &dimensionMappings, const armnn::TensorShape *overrideTensorShape, bool optional, const armnn::DataType *overrideDataType)
LayerInputHandle ConvertToLayerInputHandle (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, ConversionData &data, const armnn::PermutationVector &dimensionMappings, const LayerInputHandle *inputHandle)
bool ConvertPaddings (const Operation &operation, const Model &model, ConversionData &data, unsigned int rank, armnn::PadDescriptor &padDescriptor)
bool ConvertPooling2d (const Operation &operation, const char *operationName, armnn::PoolingAlgorithm poolType, const Model &model, ConversionData &data)
bool ConvertReduce (const Operation &operation, const Model &model, ConversionData &data, armnn::ReduceOperation reduceOperation)
bool ConvertToActivation (const Operation &operation, const char *operationName, const armnn::ActivationDescriptor &activationDesc, const Model &model, ConversionData &data)
DequantizeResult DequantizeIfRequired (size_t operand_index, const Operation &operation, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
ConstTensorPin DequantizeAndMakeConstTensorPin (const Operation &operation, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, size_t operandIndex, bool optional)
bool GetInputPaddingScheme (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, PaddingScheme &outPaddingScheme, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
const void * GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress (const Operand &operand, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, bool optional)
bool GetTensorInt32Values (const Operand &operand, std::vector< int32_t > &outValues, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
armnn::DataLayout OptionalDataLayout (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, ConversionData &data)
armnn::IConnectableLayerProcessActivation (const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo, ActivationFn activation, armnn::IConnectableLayer *prevLayer, ConversionData &data)
bool SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot (const Operation &operation, uint32_t operationOutputIndex, armnn::IConnectableLayer &layer, uint32_t layerOutputIndex, const Model &model, ConversionData &data, const armnn::TensorInfo *overrideOutputInfo, const std::function< void(const armnn::TensorInfo &, bool &)> &validateFunc, const ActivationFn &activationFunction, bool inferOutputShapes)
bool IsConnectedToDequantize (armnn::IOutputSlot *ioutputSlot)
const OperandGetInputOperand (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, bool failOnIndexOutOfBounds=true)
const OperandGetOutputOperand (const Operation &operation, uint32_t outputIndex, const Model &model)
bool GetOperandType (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, OperandType &type)
bool IsOperandConstant (const Operand &operand)
ConstTensorPin ConvertOperationInputToConstTensorPin (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, const armnn::PermutationVector &dimensionMappings=g_DontPermute, const armnn::TensorShape *overrideTensorShape=nullptr, bool optional=false)
template<typename OutputType >
bool GetInputScalar (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, OperandType type, OutputType &outValue, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, bool optional=false)
bool GetInputInt32 (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, int32_t &outValue, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
bool GetInputFloat32 (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, float &outValue, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
bool GetInputActivationFunctionImpl (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, OperandType type, ActivationFn &outActivationFunction, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
bool GetInputActivationFunction (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, ActivationFn &outActivationFunction, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
bool GetInputActivationFunctionFromTensor (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, ActivationFn &outActivationFunction, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
bool GetOptionalInputActivation (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, ActivationFn &activationFunction, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
template<typename ConvolutionDescriptor >
bool GetOptionalConvolutionDilationParams (const Operation &operation, uint32_t dilationXIndex, ConvolutionDescriptor &descriptor, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
bool GetOptionalBool (const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
bool SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot (const Operation &operation, uint32_t outputIndex, armnn::IConnectableLayer &layer, const Model &model, ConversionData &data, const armnn::TensorInfo *overrideOutputInfo=nullptr, const std::function< void(const armnn::TensorInfo &, bool &)> &validateFunc=nullptr, const ActivationFn &activationFunction=ActivationFn::kActivationNone)
bool IsQSymm8 (const Operand &operand)


const armnn::PermutationVector g_DontPermute {}

Detailed Description

Helper classes.

Typedef Documentation

◆ DequantizeResult

using DequantizeResult = std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<float[]>, size_t, armnn::TensorInfo, DequantizeStatus>

Definition at line 1014 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

◆ DumpElementFunction

using DumpElementFunction = void (*)(const TensorType& tensor, unsigned int elementIndex, std::ofstream& fileStream)

Definition at line 204 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

◆ ErrorStatus

using ErrorStatus = ::android::nn::ErrorStatus

Definition at line 49 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

◆ Half

using Half = half_float::half

Definition at line 14 of file Converter.cpp.

◆ Model

using Model = ::android::nn::Model

Helper classes.

Definition at line 43 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

◆ Operand

using Operand = ::android::nn::Operand

Definition at line 44 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

◆ OperandLifeTime

using OperandLifeTime = ::android::nn::Operand::LifeTime

Definition at line 45 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

◆ OperandType

using OperandType = ::android::nn::OperandType

Definition at line 46 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

◆ Operation

using Operation = ::android::nn::Operation

Definition at line 47 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

◆ OperationType

using OperationType = ::android::nn::OperationType

Definition at line 48 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ConversionResult

enum ConversionResult

Definition at line 125 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

126 {
127  Success,
130 };

◆ DequantizeStatus

enum DequantizeStatus

Definition at line 1007 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

1008 {
1009  SUCCESS,
1012 };

Function Documentation

◆ AreDynamicTensorsSupported()

bool AreDynamicTensorsSupported ( )

Checks for ArmNN support of dynamic tensors.

Definition at line 500 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

501 {
502  return true;
503 }

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d(), ConvertReduce(), and ConvertToActivation().

◆ CommitPools()

void CommitPools ( std::vector<::android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo > &  memPools)

Definition at line 610 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

611 {
612  // Commit output buffers.
613  // Note that we update *all* pools, even if they aren't actually used as outputs -
614  // this is simpler and is what the CpuExecutor does.
615  for (auto& pool : memPools)
616  {
617  // Type android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo has changed between Android P & Q and Android R, where
618  // update() has been removed and flush() added.
619  pool.flush();
620  }
621 }

Referenced by ArmnnPreparedModel::ExecuteGraph().

◆ ComputeShape()

OutputShape armnn_driver::ComputeShape ( const armnn::TensorInfo info)

Definition at line 95 of file CanonicalUtils.hpp.

96 {
97  OutputShape shape;
99  armnn::TensorShape tensorShape = info.GetShape();
100  // Android will expect scalars as a zero dimensional tensor
102  {
103  shape.dimensions = std::vector<uint32_t>{};
104  }
105  else
106  {
107  std::vector<uint32_t> dimensions;
108  const unsigned int numDims = tensorShape.GetNumDimensions();
109  dimensions.resize(numDims);
110  for (unsigned int outputIdx = 0u; outputIdx < numDims; ++outputIdx)
111  {
112  dimensions[outputIdx] = tensorShape[outputIdx];
113  }
114  shape.dimensions = dimensions;
115  }
117  shape.isSufficient = true;
119  return shape;
120 }

References TensorShape::GetDimensionality(), TensorShape::GetNumDimensions(), and armnn::Scalar.

Referenced by ArmnnPreparedModel::execute().

◆ ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin()

ConstTensorPin ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin ( const Operand operand,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data,
const armnn::PermutationVector dimensionMappings,
const armnn::TensorShape overrideTensorShape,
bool  optional,
const armnn::DataType overrideDataType 

Definition at line 154 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

161 {
162  if (!IsOperandTypeSupportedForTensors(operand.type))
163  {
164  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": unsupported operand type for tensor" << operand.type;
165  return ConstTensorPin();
166  }
168  if (!optional && !IsOperandConstant(operand))
169  {
170  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": lifetime for input tensor: r" << operand.lifetime;
171  return ConstTensorPin();
172  }
174  const void* const valueStart = GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(operand, model, data, optional);
175  if (!valueStart)
176  {
177  if (optional)
178  {
179  // optional tensor with no values is not really an error; return it as invalid, but marked as optional
180  return ConstTensorPin(true);
181  }
182  // mandatory tensor with no values
183  Fail("%s: failed to get operand address", __func__);
184  return ConstTensorPin();
185  }
187  armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo = GetTensorInfoForOperand(operand);
189  if (overrideTensorShape)
190  {
191  tensorInfo.SetShape(*overrideTensorShape);
192  }
194  if (overrideDataType)
195  {
196  tensorInfo.SetDataType(*overrideDataType);
197  }
199  // Make sure isConstant flag is set.
200  tensorInfo.SetConstant();
201  return ConstTensorPin(tensorInfo, valueStart, operand.location.length, dimensionMappings);
202 }

References GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(), GetTensorInfoForOperand(), IsOperandConstant(), TensorInfo::SetConstant(), TensorInfo::SetDataType(), and TensorInfo::SetShape().

Referenced by ConvertOperationInputToConstTensorPin(), and ConvertToLayerInputHandle().

◆ ConvertOperationInputToConstTensorPin()

ConstTensorPin armnn_driver::ConvertOperationInputToConstTensorPin ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data,
const armnn::PermutationVector dimensionMappings = g_DontPermute,
const armnn::TensorShape overrideTensorShape = nullptr,
bool  optional = false 

Definition at line 718 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

726 {
727  const Operand* operand = GetInputOperand(operation, inputIndex, model);
728  if (!operand)
729  {
730  Fail("%s: failed to get input operand: index=%u", __func__, inputIndex);
731  return ConstTensorPin();
732  }
733  return ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin(*operand,
734  model,
735  data,
736  dimensionMappings,
737  overrideTensorShape,
738  optional);
739 }

References ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin(), and GetInputOperand().

Referenced by DequantizeAndMakeConstTensorPin().

◆ ConvertPaddings()

bool ConvertPaddings ( const Operation operation,
const Model model,
ConversionData data,
unsigned int  rank,
armnn::PadDescriptor padDescriptor 

Definition at line 338 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

343 {
344  const Operand* paddingsOperand = GetInputOperand(operation, 1, model);
345  if (!paddingsOperand)
346  {
347  return Fail("%s: Could not read paddings operand", __func__);
348  }
350  armnn::TensorShape paddingsOperandShape = GetTensorShapeForOperand(*paddingsOperand);
351  if (paddingsOperandShape.GetNumDimensions() != 2 || paddingsOperandShape.GetNumElements() != rank * 2)
352  {
353  return Fail("%s: Operation has invalid paddings operand: expected shape [%d, 2]", __func__, rank);
354  }
356  std::vector<int32_t> paddings;
357  if (!GetTensorInt32Values(*paddingsOperand, paddings, model, data))
358  {
359  return Fail("%s: Operation has invalid or unsupported paddings operand", __func__);
360  }
362  // add padding for each dimension of input tensor.
363  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paddings.size() - 1; i += 2)
364  {
365  int paddingBeforeInput = paddings[i];
366  int paddingAfterInput = paddings[i + 1];
368  if (paddingBeforeInput < 0 || paddingAfterInput < 0)
369  {
370  return Fail("%s: Operation has invalid paddings operand, invalid padding values.", __func__);
371  }
373  padDescriptor.m_PadList.emplace_back((unsigned int) paddingBeforeInput, (unsigned int) paddingAfterInput);
374  }
376  return true;
377 }

References GetInputOperand(), TensorShape::GetNumDimensions(), TensorShape::GetNumElements(), GetTensorInt32Values(), and PadDescriptor::m_PadList.

◆ ConvertPooling2d()

bool ConvertPooling2d ( const Operation operation,
const char *  operationName,
armnn::PoolingAlgorithm  poolType,
const Model model,
ConversionData data 

Definition at line 380 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

385 {
387  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Converter::ConvertL2Pool2d()";
389  LayerInputHandle input = ConvertToLayerInputHandle(operation, 0, model, data);
390  if (!input.IsValid())
391  {
392  return Fail("%s: Operation Could not read input 0", operationName);
393  }
395  const Operand* output = GetOutputOperand(operation, 0, model);
396  if (!output)
397  {
398  return Fail("%s: Could not read output 0", __func__);
399  }
401  const armnn::TensorInfo& inputInfo = input.GetTensorInfo();
402  const armnn::TensorInfo& outputInfo = GetTensorInfoForOperand(*output);
405  desc.m_PoolType = poolType;
409  ActivationFn activation;
411  auto inputSize = operation.inputs.size();
413  if (inputSize >= 10)
414  {
415  // one input, 9 parameters (padding l r t b, stridex, stridey, width, height, activation type)
416  if (!GetInputScalar(operation, 1, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_PadLeft, model, data) ||
417  !GetInputScalar(operation, 2, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_PadRight, model, data) ||
418  !GetInputScalar(operation, 3, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_PadTop, model, data) ||
419  !GetInputScalar(operation, 4, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_PadBottom, model, data) ||
420  !GetInputScalar(operation, 5, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_StrideX, model, data) ||
421  !GetInputScalar(operation, 6, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_StrideY, model, data) ||
422  !GetInputScalar(operation, 7, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_PoolWidth, model, data) ||
423  !GetInputScalar(operation, 8, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_PoolHeight, model, data) ||
424  !GetInputActivationFunction(operation, 9, activation, model, data))
425  {
426  return Fail("%s: Operation has invalid inputs", operationName);
427  }
429  if (Is12OrLaterOperand(*output))
430  {
431  desc.m_DataLayout = OptionalDataLayout(operation, 10, model, data);
432  }
433  }
434  else
435  {
436  // one input, 6 parameters (padding, stridex, stridey, width, height, activation type)
437  ::android::nn::PaddingScheme scheme;
438  if (!GetInputPaddingScheme(operation, 1, scheme, model, data) ||
439  !GetInputScalar(operation, 2, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_StrideX, model, data) ||
440  !GetInputScalar(operation, 3, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_StrideY, model, data) ||
441  !GetInputScalar(operation, 4, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_PoolWidth, model, data) ||
442  !GetInputScalar(operation, 5, OperandType::INT32, desc.m_PoolHeight, model, data) ||
443  !GetInputActivationFunction(operation, 6, activation, model, data))
444  {
445  return Fail("%s: Operation has invalid inputs", operationName);
446  }
448  if (Is12OrLaterOperand(*output))
449  {
450  desc.m_DataLayout = OptionalDataLayout(operation, 7, model, data);
451  }
453  const armnnUtils::DataLayoutIndexed dataLayout(desc.m_DataLayout);
454  const unsigned int inputWidth = inputInfo.GetShape()[dataLayout.GetWidthIndex()];
455  const unsigned int inputHeight = inputInfo.GetShape()[dataLayout.GetHeightIndex()];
457  CalcPadding(inputWidth, desc.m_PoolWidth, desc.m_StrideX, desc.m_PadLeft, desc.m_PadRight, scheme);
458  CalcPadding(inputHeight, desc.m_PoolHeight, desc.m_StrideY, desc.m_PadTop, desc.m_PadBottom, scheme);
459  }
461  bool isSupported = false;
462  armnn::BackendId setBackend;
463  auto validateFunc = [&](const armnn::TensorInfo& outputInfo, bool& isSupported)
464  {
467  data.m_Backends,
468  isSupported,
469  setBackend,
470  inputInfo,
471  outputInfo,
472  desc);
474  };
476  if(IsDynamicTensor(outputInfo))
477  {
478  isSupported = AreDynamicTensorsSupported();
479  }
480  else
481  {
482  validateFunc(outputInfo, isSupported);
483  }
485  if (!isSupported)
486  {
487  return false;
488  }
490  armnn::IConnectableLayer* pooling2dLayer = data.m_Network->AddPooling2dLayer(desc);
491  pooling2dLayer->SetBackendId(setBackend);
492  if (!pooling2dLayer)
493  {
494  return Fail("%s: AddPooling2dLayer failed", __func__);
495  }
497  input.Connect(pooling2dLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
499  if (!isSupported)
500  {
501  return false;
502  }
504  return SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot(operation, 0, *pooling2dLayer, model,
505  data, nullptr, validateFunc, activation);
506 }

References AreDynamicTensorsSupported(), LayerInputHandle::Connect(), ConvertToLayerInputHandle(), armnn::Floor, FORWARD_LAYER_SUPPORT_FUNC, DataLayoutIndexed::GetHeightIndex(), GetInputActivationFunction(), GetInputPaddingScheme(), GetInputScalar(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), GetOutputOperand(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), LayerInputHandle::GetTensorInfo(), GetTensorInfoForOperand(), DataLayoutIndexed::GetWidthIndex(), IsDynamicTensor(), armnn::IsPooling2dSupported(), LayerInputHandle::IsValid(), ConversionData::m_Backends, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_DataLayout, ConversionData::m_Network, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_OutputShapeRounding, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PadBottom, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PadLeft, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PadRight, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PadTop, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PoolHeight, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PoolType, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PoolWidth, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_StrideX, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_StrideY, armnn::NHWC, OptionalDataLayout(), IConnectableLayer::SetBackendId(), and SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

◆ ConvertReduce()

bool ConvertReduce ( const Operation operation,
const Model model,
ConversionData data,
armnn::ReduceOperation  reduceOperation 

Definition at line 508 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

512 {
513  armnn::ReduceDescriptor descriptor;
514  descriptor.m_ReduceOperation = reduceOperation;
516  LayerInputHandle input = ConvertToLayerInputHandle(operation, 0, model, data);
517  if (!input.IsValid())
518  {
519  return Fail("%s: Operation has invalid inputs", __func__);
520  }
521  const armnn::TensorInfo& inputInfo = input.GetTensorInfo();
523  const Operand* output = GetOutputOperand(operation, 0, model);
524  if (!output)
525  {
526  return Fail("%s: Could not read output 0", __func__);
527  }
528  const armnn::TensorInfo& outputInfo = GetTensorInfoForOperand(*output);
530  const Operand* axisOperand = GetInputOperand(operation, 1, model);
531  if (!axisOperand)
532  {
533  return Fail("%s: Could not read input 1", __func__);
534  }
535  std::vector<int32_t> axis;
536  if (!GetTensorInt32Values(*axisOperand, axis, model, data))
537  {
538  return Fail("%s: Input 1 has invalid values", __func__);
539  }
541  // Convert the axis to unsigned int and remove duplicates.
542  unsigned int rank = inputInfo.GetNumDimensions();
543  std::set<unsigned int> uniqueAxis;
544  std::transform(axis.begin(), axis.end(),
545  std::inserter(uniqueAxis, uniqueAxis.begin()),
546  [rank](int i) -> unsigned int { return (i + rank) % rank; });
547  descriptor.m_vAxis.assign(uniqueAxis.begin(), uniqueAxis.end());
549  // Get the "keep dims" flag.
550  if (!GetInputScalar(operation, 2, OperandType::BOOL, descriptor.m_KeepDims, model, data))
551  {
552  return Fail("%s: Could not read input 2", __func__);
553  }
555  bool isSupported = false;
556  armnn::BackendId setBackend;
557  auto validateFunc = [&](const armnn::TensorInfo& outputInfo, bool& isSupported)
558  {
561  data.m_Backends,
562  isSupported,
563  setBackend,
564  inputInfo,
565  outputInfo,
566  descriptor);
567  };
569  if(!IsDynamicTensor(outputInfo))
570  {
571  validateFunc(outputInfo, isSupported);
572  }
573  else
574  {
575  isSupported = AreDynamicTensorsSupported();
576  }
578  if (!isSupported)
579  {
580  return false;
581  }
583  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const layer = data.m_Network->AddReduceLayer(descriptor);
584  layer->SetBackendId(setBackend);
585  assert(layer != nullptr);
586  input.Connect(layer->GetInputSlot(0));
588  return SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot(operation, 0, *layer, model, data, nullptr, validateFunc);
589 }

References AreDynamicTensorsSupported(), LayerInputHandle::Connect(), ConvertToLayerInputHandle(), FORWARD_LAYER_SUPPORT_FUNC, GetInputOperand(), GetInputScalar(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), TensorInfo::GetNumDimensions(), GetOutputOperand(), LayerInputHandle::GetTensorInfo(), GetTensorInfoForOperand(), GetTensorInt32Values(), IsDynamicTensor(), armnn::IsReduceSupported(), LayerInputHandle::IsValid(), ConversionData::m_Backends, ReduceDescriptor::m_KeepDims, ConversionData::m_Network, ReduceDescriptor::m_ReduceOperation, ReduceDescriptor::m_vAxis, IConnectableLayer::SetBackendId(), and SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

Referenced by Converter::ConvertOperation().

◆ ConvertToActivation()

bool ConvertToActivation ( const Operation operation,
const char *  operationName,
const armnn::ActivationDescriptor activationDesc,
const Model model,
ConversionData data 

Definition at line 592 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

597 {
598  LayerInputHandle input = ConvertToLayerInputHandle(operation, 0, model, data);
599  if (!input.IsValid())
600  {
601  return Fail("%s: Input 0 is invalid", operationName);
602  }
604  const Operand* outputOperand = GetOutputOperand(operation, 0, model);
605  if (!outputOperand)
606  {
607  return false;
608  }
610  const armnn::TensorInfo& outInfo = GetTensorInfoForOperand(*outputOperand);
612  bool isSupported = false;
613  armnn::BackendId setBackend;
614  auto validateFunc = [&](const armnn::TensorInfo& outInfo, bool& isSupported)
615  {
618  data.m_Backends,
619  isSupported,
620  setBackend,
621  input.GetTensorInfo(),
622  outInfo,
623  activationDesc);
624  };
626  if(IsDynamicTensor(outInfo))
627  {
628  isSupported = AreDynamicTensorsSupported();
629  }
630  else
631  {
632  validateFunc(outInfo, isSupported);
633  }
635  if (!isSupported)
636  {
637  return false;
638  }
640  armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer = data.m_Network->AddActivationLayer(activationDesc);
641  layer->SetBackendId(setBackend);
642  ARMNN_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
643  input.Connect(layer->GetInputSlot(0));
645  return SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot(operation, 0, *layer, model, data, nullptr, validateFunc);
646 }

References AreDynamicTensorsSupported(), ARMNN_ASSERT, LayerInputHandle::Connect(), ConvertToLayerInputHandle(), FORWARD_LAYER_SUPPORT_FUNC, IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), GetOutputOperand(), LayerInputHandle::GetTensorInfo(), GetTensorInfoForOperand(), armnn::IsActivationSupported(), IsDynamicTensor(), LayerInputHandle::IsValid(), ConversionData::m_Backends, ConversionData::m_Network, IConnectableLayer::SetBackendId(), and SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

◆ ConvertToLayerInputHandle()

LayerInputHandle ConvertToLayerInputHandle ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
const Model model,
ConversionData data,
const armnn::PermutationVector dimensionMappings,
const LayerInputHandle inputHandle 

Definition at line 204 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

210 {
212  const Operand* operand = GetInputOperand(operation, inputIndex, model);
213  if (!operand)
214  {
215  Fail("%s: failed to get input operand %i", __func__, inputIndex);
216  return LayerInputHandle();
217  }
219  if (!IsOperandTypeSupportedForTensors(operand->type))
220  {
221  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": unsupported operand type for tensor: " << operand->type;
222  return LayerInputHandle();
223  }
225  try
226  {
227  armnn::TensorInfo operandTensorInfo = GetTensorInfoForOperand(*operand);
229  if (IsDynamicTensor(operandTensorInfo))
230  {
231  data.m_DynamicInputsEncountered = true;
233  const uint32_t operandIndex = operation.inputs[inputIndex];
235  // Check if the dynamic input tensors have been inferred by one of the previous layers
236  // If not we can't support them
237  if (data.m_OutputSlotForOperand.size() >= operandIndex && data.m_OutputSlotForOperand[operandIndex])
238  {
239  operandTensorInfo = data.m_OutputSlotForOperand[operandIndex]->GetTensorInfo();
240  }
241  else
242  {
243  Fail("%s: Type 2 dynamic input tensors are not supported", __func__);
244  return LayerInputHandle();
245  }
246  }
248  switch (operand->lifetime)
249  {
250  case OperandLifeTime::SUBGRAPH_INPUT:
251  {
252  // NOTE: We must check whether we can support the input tensor on at least one
253  // of the provided backends; otherwise we cannot convert the operation
254  bool isInputSupported = false;
257  data.m_Backends,
258  isInputSupported,
260  operandTensorInfo);
262  if (!isInputSupported)
263  {
264  Fail("%s: unsupported input tensor", __func__);
265  return LayerInputHandle();
266  }
268  [[clang::fallthrough]]; // intentional fallthrough
269  }
270  case OperandLifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE: // intentional fallthrough
271  case OperandLifeTime::SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT:
272  {
273  // The tensor is either an operand internal to the model, or a model input.
274  // It can be associated with an ArmNN output slot for an existing layer.
276  // m_OutputSlotForOperand[...] can be nullptr if the previous layer could not be converted
277  const uint32_t operandIndex = operation.inputs[inputIndex];
278  return LayerInputHandle(true, data.m_OutputSlotForOperand[operandIndex], operandTensorInfo);
279  }
280  case OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY: // intentional fallthrough
281  case OperandLifeTime::POINTER:
282  case OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE:
283  {
284  auto constantTensorDataType = operandTensorInfo.GetDataType();
285  // The tensor has an already known constant value, and can be converted into an ArmNN Constant layer.
286  ConstTensorPin tensorPin = ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin(*operand,
287  model,
288  data,
289  dimensionMappings,
290  nullptr,
291  false,
292  &constantTensorDataType);
293  if (tensorPin.IsValid())
294  {
295  bool isSupported = false;
296  armnn::BackendId setBackend;
299  data.m_Backends,
300  isSupported,
301  setBackend,
302  tensorPin.GetConstTensor().GetInfo());
303  if (!isSupported)
304  {
305  return LayerInputHandle();
306  }
308  armnn::IConnectableLayer* constantLayer =
309  data.m_Network->AddConstantLayer(tensorPin.GetConstTensor());
310  constantLayer->SetBackendId(setBackend);
311  armnn::IOutputSlot& outputSlot = constantLayer->GetOutputSlot(0);
312  armnn::TensorInfo constantTensorInfo = tensorPin.GetConstTensor().GetInfo();
313  outputSlot.SetTensorInfo(constantTensorInfo);
315  return LayerInputHandle(true, &outputSlot, constantTensorInfo);
316  }
317  else
318  {
319  Fail("%s: invalid operand tensor", __func__);
320  return LayerInputHandle();
321  }
322  break;
323  }
324  default:
325  {
326  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": unsupported lifetime for input tensor: " << operand->lifetime;
327  return LayerInputHandle();
328  }
329  }
330  }
332  {
333  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": Operand type: " << e.m_type << " not supported in ArmnnDriver";
334  return LayerInputHandle();
335  }
336 }

References ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin(), FORWARD_LAYER_SUPPORT_FUNC, ConstTensorPin::GetConstTensor(), TensorInfo::GetDataType(), BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetInfo(), GetInputOperand(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), GetTensorInfoForOperand(), armnn::IsConstantSupported(), IsDynamicTensor(), armnn::IsInputSupported(), ConstTensorPin::IsValid(), ConversionData::m_Backends, ConversionData::m_DynamicInputsEncountered, ConversionData::m_Network, ConversionData::m_OutputSlotForOperand, UnsupportedOperand< OperandType >::m_type, IConnectableLayer::SetBackendId(), and IOutputSlot::SetTensorInfo().

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d(), ConvertReduce(), and ConvertToActivation().

◆ DequantizeAndMakeConstTensorPin()

ConstTensorPin DequantizeAndMakeConstTensorPin ( const Operation operation,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data,
size_t  operandIndex,
bool  optional 

Definition at line 731 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

736 {
737  DequantizeResult dequantized = DequantizeIfRequired(operandIndex,operation, model, data);
739  DequantizeStatus status = std::get<3>(dequantized);
740  switch (status)
741  {
742  case DequantizeStatus::INVALID_OPERAND:
743  {
744  // return invalid const tensor pin
745  return ConstTensorPin();
746  }
747  case DequantizeStatus::NOT_REQUIRED:
748  {
750  operation, operandIndex, model, data, g_DontPermute, nullptr, optional);
751  }
752  case DequantizeStatus::SUCCESS:
753  default:
754  {
755  return ConstTensorPin(
756  std::get<2>(dequantized), std::get<0>(dequantized).get(), std::get<1>(dequantized), g_DontPermute);
757  }
758  }
759 }

References ConvertOperationInputToConstTensorPin(), DequantizeIfRequired(), g_DontPermute, INVALID_OPERAND, NOT_REQUIRED, and SUCCESS.

◆ DequantizeIfRequired()

DequantizeResult DequantizeIfRequired ( size_t  operand_index,
const Operation operation,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 648 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

652 {
653  const Operand* weightsOperand = GetInputOperand(operation, operand_index, model);
654  if (!weightsOperand)
655  {
656  return { nullptr, 0, armnn::TensorInfo(), DequantizeStatus::INVALID_OPERAND };
657  }
659  if (IsOperandConstant(*weightsOperand))
660  {
661  // Weights are already constant
662  return { nullptr, 0, armnn::TensorInfo(), DequantizeStatus::NOT_REQUIRED };
663  }
665  const size_t weightsInputIndex = operation.inputs[operand_index];
667  // The weights are a non const tensor, this indicates they might be the output of a dequantize op.
668  // Iterate over the nodes and find the previous operation which should be DEQUANTIZE
669  for (uint32_t operationIdx = 0; operationIdx < getMainModel(model).operations.size(); ++operationIdx)
670  {
671  // Search for the DEQUANTIZE op which has the operand with index equal to operandIndex
672  const auto& operationIt = getMainModel(model).operations[operationIdx];
673  if (operationIt.type != OperationType::DEQUANTIZE)
674  {
675  continue;
676  }
678  size_t outOpIndex = weightsInputIndex + 1;
679  for (size_t i = 0; outOpIndex != weightsInputIndex && i < operationIt.outputs.size(); ++i)
680  {
681  outOpIndex = operationIt.outputs[i];
682  }
684  if (outOpIndex != weightsInputIndex)
685  {
686  continue;
687  }
689  const Operand* operand = GetInputOperand(operationIt, 0, model);
690  ARMNN_ASSERT(operand);
692  if (!IsQSymm8(*operand))
693  {
694  // Only supporting dequantize from QSYMM8 to FLOAT
695  break;
696  }
698  // Allocate a new buffer for the dequantized data and manually dequantize
699  const void* startValue = GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(*operand, model, data);
700  if (!startValue)
701  {
702  // Failed to get the operand address
703  break;
704  }
706  const uint8_t* quantizedBuffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(startValue);
707  size_t dequantizedBufferLength = operand->location.length;
708  const float quantizationScale = operand->scale;
710  auto dequantizedBuffer = std::make_unique<float[]>(dequantizedBufferLength + 1);
711  for (size_t i = 0; i < dequantizedBufferLength; ++i)
712  {
713  float* dstPtr = dequantizedBuffer.get();
714  ARMNN_ASSERT(dstPtr);
715  *dstPtr++ = quantizedBuffer[i] * quantizationScale;
716  }
718  // Construct tensor info for dequantized ConstTensor
719  armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo(operand->dimensions.size(),
720  operand->,
723  return { std::move(dequantizedBuffer), dequantizedBufferLength * sizeof(float),
724  std::move(tensorInfo),
725  DequantizeStatus::SUCCESS };
726  }
728  return { nullptr, 0, armnn::TensorInfo() , DequantizeStatus::NOT_REQUIRED};
729 }

References ARMNN_ASSERT, armnn::Float32, GetInputOperand(), getMainModel(), GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(), INVALID_OPERAND, IsOperandConstant(), IsQSymm8(), NOT_REQUIRED, and SUCCESS.

Referenced by DequantizeAndMakeConstTensorPin().

◆ DumpJsonProfilingIfRequired()

void DumpJsonProfilingIfRequired ( bool  gpuProfilingEnabled,
const std::string &  dumpDir,
armnn::NetworkId  networkId,
const armnn::IProfiler profiler 

Definition at line 350 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

354 {
355  // Check if profiling is required.
356  if (!gpuProfilingEnabled)
357  {
358  return;
359  }
361  // The dump directory must exist in advance.
362  if (dumpDir.empty())
363  {
364  return;
365  }
367  ARMNN_ASSERT(profiler);
369  // Set the name of the output profiling file.
370  fs::path dumpPath = dumpDir;
371  const fs::path fileName = dumpPath / (std::to_string(networkId) + "_profiling.json");
373  // Open the ouput file for writing.
374  std::ofstream fileStream;
375, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
377  if (!fileStream.good())
378  {
379  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Could not open file %s for writing" << fileName.c_str();
380  return;
381  }
383  // Write the profiling info to a JSON file.
384  profiler->Print(fileStream);
385 }

References ARMNN_ASSERT, and IProfiler::Print().

Referenced by ArmnnPreparedModel::~ArmnnPreparedModel().

◆ DumpTensor()

void DumpTensor ( const std::string &  dumpDir,
const std::string &  requestName,
const std::string &  tensorName,
const TensorType &  tensor 

Definition at line 217 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

221 {
222  // The dump directory must exist in advance.
223  fs::path dumpPath = dumpDir;
224  const fs::path fileName = dumpPath / (requestName + "_" + tensorName + ".dump");
226  std::ofstream fileStream;
227, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
229  if (!fileStream.good())
230  {
231  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Could not open file %s for writing" << fileName.c_str();
232  return;
233  }
235  DumpElementFunction<TensorType> dumpElementFunction = nullptr;
237  switch (tensor.GetDataType())
238  {
240  {
241  dumpElementFunction = &DumpTensorElement<TensorType, float>;
242  break;
243  }
245  {
246  dumpElementFunction = &DumpTensorElement<TensorType, uint8_t, uint32_t>;
247  break;
248  }
250  {
251  dumpElementFunction = &DumpTensorElement<TensorType, int32_t>;
252  break;
253  }
255  {
256  dumpElementFunction = &DumpTensorElement<TensorType, armnn::Half>;
257  break;
258  }
260  {
261  dumpElementFunction = &DumpTensorElement<TensorType, int8_t, int32_t>;
262  break;
263  }
265  {
266  dumpElementFunction = &DumpTensorElement<TensorType, bool>;
267  break;
268  }
269  default:
270  {
271  dumpElementFunction = nullptr;
272  }
273  }
275  if (dumpElementFunction != nullptr)
276  {
277  const unsigned int numDimensions = tensor.GetNumDimensions();
278  const armnn::TensorShape shape = tensor.GetShape();
280  if (!shape.AreAllDimensionsSpecified())
281  {
282  fileStream << "Cannot dump tensor elements: not all dimensions are specified" << std::endl;
283  return;
284  }
285  fileStream << "# Number of elements " << tensor.GetNumElements() << std::endl;
287  if (numDimensions == 0)
288  {
289  fileStream << "# Shape []" << std::endl;
290  return;
291  }
292  fileStream << "# Shape [" << shape[0];
293  for (unsigned int d = 1; d < numDimensions; ++d)
294  {
295  fileStream << "," << shape[d];
296  }
297  fileStream << "]" << std::endl;
298  fileStream << "Each line contains the data of each of the elements of dimension0. In NCHW and NHWC, each line"
299  " will be a batch" << std::endl << std::endl;
301  // Split will create a new line after all elements of the first dimension
302  // (in a 4, 3, 2, 3 tensor, there will be 4 lines of 18 elements)
303  unsigned int split = 1;
304  if (numDimensions == 1)
305  {
306  split = shape[0];
307  }
308  else
309  {
310  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < numDimensions; ++i)
311  {
312  split *= shape[i];
313  }
314  }
316  // Print all elements in the tensor
317  for (unsigned int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < tensor.GetNumElements(); ++elementIndex)
318  {
319  (*dumpElementFunction)(tensor, elementIndex, fileStream);
321  if ( (elementIndex + 1) % split == 0 )
322  {
323  fileStream << std::endl;
324  }
325  }
326  fileStream << std::endl;
327  }
328  else
329  {
330  fileStream << "Cannot dump tensor elements: Unsupported data type "
331  << static_cast<unsigned int>(tensor.GetDataType()) << std::endl;
332  }
334  if (!fileStream.good())
335  {
336  VLOG(DRIVER) << "An error occurred when writing to file %s" << fileName.c_str();
337  }
338 }

References TensorShape::AreAllDimensionsSpecified(), armnn::Boolean, armnn::Float16, armnn::Float32, TensorShape::GetNumElements(), armnn::QAsymmS8, armnn::QAsymmU8, and armnn::Signed32.

◆ DumpTensor< armnn::ConstTensor >()

template void armnn_driver::DumpTensor< armnn::ConstTensor > ( const std::string &  dumpDir,
const std::string &  requestName,
const std::string &  tensorName,
const armnn::ConstTensor tensor 

◆ DumpTensor< armnn::Tensor >()

template void armnn_driver::DumpTensor< armnn::Tensor > ( const std::string &  dumpDir,
const std::string &  requestName,
const std::string &  tensorName,
const armnn::Tensor tensor 

◆ ExportNetworkGraphToDotFile()

std::string ExportNetworkGraphToDotFile ( const armnn::IOptimizedNetwork optimizedNetwork,
const std::string &  dumpDir 

Definition at line 387 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

389 {
390  std::string fileName;
391  // The dump directory must exist in advance.
392  if (dumpDir.empty())
393  {
394  return fileName;
395  }
397  std::string timestamp = GetFileTimestamp();
398  if (timestamp.empty())
399  {
400  return fileName;
401  }
403  // Set the name of the output .dot file.
404  fs::path dumpPath = dumpDir;
405  fs::path tempFilePath = dumpPath / (timestamp + "");
406  fileName = tempFilePath.string();
408  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Exporting the optimized network graph to file: %s" << fileName.c_str();
410  // Write the network graph to a dot file.
411  std::ofstream fileStream;
412, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
414  if (!fileStream.good())
415  {
416  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Could not open file %s for writing" << fileName.c_str();
417  return fileName;
418  }
420  if (optimizedNetwork.SerializeToDot(fileStream) != armnn::Status::Success)
421  {
422  VLOG(DRIVER) << "An error occurred when writing to file %s" << fileName.c_str();
423  }
424  return fileName;
425 }

References GetFileTimestamp(), IOptimizedNetwork::SerializeToDot(), and armnn::Success.

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel(), and ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModelFromCache().

◆ GetFileTimestamp()

std::string GetFileTimestamp ( )

Definition at line 555 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

556 {
557  // used to get a timestamp to name diagnostic files (the ArmNN serialized graph
558  // and getSupportedOperations.txt files)
559  timespec ts;
560  int iRet = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &ts);
561  std::stringstream ss;
562  if (iRet == 0)
563  {
564  ss << std::to_string(ts.tv_sec) << "_" << std::to_string(ts.tv_nsec);
565  }
566  else
567  {
568  VLOG(DRIVER) << "clock_gettime failed with errno " <<
569  std::to_string(errno).c_str() << " : " <<
570  std::strerror(errno);
571  }
572  return ss.str();
573 }

Referenced by ExportNetworkGraphToDotFile(), and SerializeNetwork().

◆ GetInputActivationFunction()

bool armnn_driver::GetInputActivationFunction ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
ActivationFn &  outActivationFunction,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 823 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

828 {
829  return GetInputActivationFunctionImpl(operation,
830  inputIndex,
831  OperandType::INT32,
832  outActivationFunction,
833  model,
834  data);
835 }

References GetInputActivationFunctionImpl().

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d(), and GetOptionalInputActivation().

◆ GetInputActivationFunctionFromTensor()

bool armnn_driver::GetInputActivationFunctionFromTensor ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
ActivationFn &  outActivationFunction,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 837 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

842 {
843  // This only accepts a 1-D tensor of size 1
844  return GetInputActivationFunctionImpl(operation,
845  inputIndex,
846  OperandType::INT32,
847  outActivationFunction,
848  model,
849  data);
850 }

References GetInputActivationFunctionImpl().

◆ GetInputActivationFunctionImpl()

bool armnn_driver::GetInputActivationFunctionImpl ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
OperandType  type,
ActivationFn &  outActivationFunction,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 800 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

806 {
807  if (type != OperandType::INT32 && type != OperandType::TENSOR_INT32)
808  {
809  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": unexpected operand type: " << type
810  << " should be OperandType::INT32 or OperandType::TENSOR_INT32";
811  return false;
812  }
814  int32_t activationFunctionAsInt;
815  if (!GetInputScalar(operation, inputIndex, type, activationFunctionAsInt, model, data))
816  {
817  return Fail("%s: failed to get activation input value", __func__);
818  }
819  outActivationFunction = static_cast<ActivationFn>(activationFunctionAsInt);
820  return true;
821 }

References GetInputScalar().

Referenced by GetInputActivationFunction(), and GetInputActivationFunctionFromTensor().

◆ GetInputFloat32()

bool armnn_driver::GetInputFloat32 ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
float &  outValue,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 791 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

796 {
797  return GetInputScalar(operation, inputIndex, OperandType::FLOAT32, outValue, model, data);
798 }

References GetInputScalar().

◆ GetInputInt32()

bool armnn_driver::GetInputInt32 ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
int32_t &  outValue,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 782 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

787 {
788  return GetInputScalar(operation, inputIndex, OperandType::INT32, outValue, model, data);
789 }

References GetInputScalar().

Referenced by GetInputPaddingScheme().

◆ GetInputOperand()

const Operand* armnn_driver::GetInputOperand ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
const Model model,
bool  failOnIndexOutOfBounds = true 

Definition at line 643 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

647 {
648  if (inputIndex >= operation.inputs.size())
649  {
650  if (failOnIndexOutOfBounds)
651  {
652  Fail("%s: invalid input index: %i out of %i", __func__, inputIndex, operation.inputs.size());
653  }
654  return nullptr;
655  }
657  // Model should have been validated beforehand
658  ARMNN_ASSERT(operation.inputs[inputIndex] < getMainModel(model).operands.size());
659  return &getMainModel(model).operands[operation.inputs[inputIndex]];
660 }

References ARMNN_ASSERT, and getMainModel().

Referenced by ConvertOperationInputToConstTensorPin(), ConvertPaddings(), ConvertReduce(), ConvertToLayerInputHandle(), DequantizeIfRequired(), GetInputScalar(), GetOperandType(), GetOptionalBool(), IsWeightsValid(), and OptionalDataLayout().

◆ GetInputPaddingScheme()

bool GetInputPaddingScheme ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
PaddingScheme &  outPaddingScheme,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 761 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

766 {
767  int32_t paddingSchemeAsInt;
768  if (!GetInputInt32(operation, inputIndex, paddingSchemeAsInt, model, data))
769  {
770  return Fail("%s: failed to get padding scheme input value", __func__);
771  }
773  outPaddingScheme = static_cast<::android::nn::PaddingScheme>(paddingSchemeAsInt);
774  return true;
775 }

References GetInputInt32().

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d().

◆ GetInputScalar()

bool armnn_driver::GetInputScalar ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
OperandType  type,
OutputType &  outValue,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data,
bool  optional = false 

Definition at line 742 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

749 {
750  const Operand* operand = GetInputOperand(operation, inputIndex, model);
751  if (!optional && !operand)
752  {
753  return Fail("%s: invalid input operand at index %i", __func__, inputIndex);
754  }
756  if (!optional && operand->type != type)
757  {
758  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": unexpected operand type: " << operand->type << " should be: " << type;
759  return false;
760  }
762  if (!optional && operand->location.length != sizeof(OutputType))
763  {
764  return Fail("%s: incorrect operand location length: %i (should be %i)",
765  __func__, operand->location.length, sizeof(OutputType));
766  }
768  const void* valueAddress = GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(*operand, model, data);
769  if (!optional && !valueAddress)
770  {
771  return Fail("%s: failed to get address for operand", __func__);
772  }
774  if(!optional)
775  {
776  outValue = *(static_cast<const OutputType*>(valueAddress));
777  }
779  return true;
780 }

References GetInputOperand(), and GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress().

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d(), ConvertReduce(), GetInputActivationFunctionImpl(), GetInputFloat32(), GetInputInt32(), and GetOptionalConvolutionDilationParams().

◆ GetMemoryFromPointer()

void * GetMemoryFromPointer ( const Request::Argument &  requestArg)

Definition at line 77 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

78 {
79  // get the pointer memory
80  auto ptrMemory = std::visit([](std::variant<const void*, void*>&& memory)
81  {
82  if (std::holds_alternative<const void*>(memory))
83  {
84  auto ptr = std::get<const void*>(memory);
85  auto ptrMemory = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr);
86  return const_cast<uint8_t*>(ptrMemory);
87  }
88  else
89  {
90  auto ptr = std::get<void*>(memory);
91  return static_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
92  }
93  }, requestArg.location.pointer);
94  return ptrMemory;
95 }

◆ GetMemoryFromPool()

void * GetMemoryFromPool ( DataLocation  location,
const std::vector< android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo > &  memPools 

Returns a pointer to a specific location in a pool`.

Definition at line 66 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

67 {
68  // find the location within the pool
69  assert(location.poolIndex < memPools.size());
71  const android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo& memPool = memPools[location.poolIndex];
72  uint8_t* memPoolBuffer = memPool.getBuffer();
73  uint8_t* memory = memPoolBuffer + location.offset;
74  return memory;
75 }

Referenced by GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress().

◆ GetModelSummary()

std::string GetModelSummary ( const Model model)

Definition at line 521 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

522 {
523  std::stringstream result;
525  result << model.main.inputIndexes.size() << " input(s), "
526  << model.main.operations.size() << " operation(s), "
527  << model.main.outputIndexes.size() << " output(s), "
528  << model.main.operands.size() << " operand(s) "
529  << std::endl;
531  result << "Inputs: ";
532  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < model.main.inputIndexes.size(); i++)
533  {
534  result << GetOperandSummary(model.main.operands[model.main.inputIndexes[i]]) << ", ";
535  }
536  result << std::endl;
538  result << "Operations: ";
539  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < model.main.operations.size(); i++)
540  {
541  result << model.main.operations[i].type << ", ";
542  }
543  result << std::endl;
545  result << "Outputs: ";
546  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < model.main.outputIndexes.size(); i++)
547  {
548  result << GetOperandSummary(model.main.operands[model.main.outputIndexes[i]]) << ", ";
549  }
550  result << std::endl;
552  return result.str();
553 }

References GetOperandSummary().

Referenced by ArmnnPreparedModel::execute(), and ArmnnPreparedModel::executeFenced().

◆ GetOperandSummary()

std::string GetOperandSummary ( const Operand operand)

Definition at line 189 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

190 {
191  std::stringstream ss;
192  ss << "operand dimensions: [ ";
193  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < operand.dimensions.size(); ++i)
194  {
195  ss << operand.dimensions[i] << " ";
196  }
197  ss << "] operand type: " << operand.type;
198  return ss.str();
199 }

Referenced by GetModelSummary().

◆ GetOperandType()

bool armnn_driver::GetOperandType ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
const Model model,
OperandType type 

Definition at line 683 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

687 {
688  const Operand* operand = GetInputOperand(operation, inputIndex, model);
689  if (!operand)
690  {
691  return Fail("%s: invalid input operand at index %i", __func__, inputIndex);
692  }
694  type = operand->type;
695  return true;
696 }

References GetInputOperand().

◆ GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress()

const void * GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress ( const Operand operand,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data,
bool  optional 

Definition at line 777 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

781 {
782  const void* valueStart = nullptr;
783  switch (operand.lifetime)
784  {
785  case OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY:
786  {
787  valueStart = + operand.location.offset;
788  break;
789  }
790  case OperandLifeTime::POINTER:
791  {
792  // Pointer specified in the model
793  valueStart = std::get<const void*>(operand.location.pointer);
794  break;
795  }
796  case OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE:
797  {
798  // Constant specified via a Memory object
799  valueStart = GetMemoryFromPool(operand.location, data.m_MemPools);
800  break;
801  }
802  case OperandLifeTime::NO_VALUE:
803  {
804  // An optional input tensor with no values is not an error so should not register as a fail
805  if (optional)
806  {
807  valueStart = nullptr;
808  break;
809  }
810  [[fallthrough]];
811  }
812  default:
813  {
814  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": unsupported/invalid operand lifetime:: " << operand.lifetime;
815  valueStart = nullptr;
816  }
817  }
819  return valueStart;
820 }

References GetMemoryFromPool(), and ConversionData::m_MemPools.

Referenced by ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin(), DequantizeIfRequired(), GetInputScalar(), GetOptionalBool(), GetTensorInt32Values(), and OptionalDataLayout().

◆ GetOptionalBool()

bool armnn_driver::GetOptionalBool ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 900 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

904 {
905  const Operand* operand = GetInputOperand(operation, inputIndex, model);
906  if (!operand)
907  {
908  return false;
909  }
911  if (!IsBool(*operand))
912  {
913  return false;
914  }
916  const void* valueAddress = GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(*operand, model, data);
917  if (!valueAddress)
918  {
919  return false;
920  }
922  return *(static_cast<const bool*>(valueAddress));
923 }

References GetInputOperand(), and GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress().

◆ GetOptionalConvolutionDilationParams()

bool armnn_driver::GetOptionalConvolutionDilationParams ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  dilationXIndex,
ConvolutionDescriptor &  descriptor,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 874 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

879 {
880  bool success = true;
881  if (operation.inputs.size() >= dilationXIndex + 2)
882  {
883  success &= GetInputScalar(operation,
884  dilationXIndex,
885  OperandType::INT32,
886  descriptor.m_DilationX,
887  model,
888  data);
889  success &= GetInputScalar(operation,
890  dilationXIndex + 1,
891  OperandType::INT32,
892  descriptor.m_DilationY,
893  model,
894  data);
895  }
897  return success;
898 }

References GetInputScalar().

◆ GetOptionalInputActivation()

bool armnn_driver::GetOptionalInputActivation ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
ActivationFn &  activationFunction,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 853 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

858 {
859  if (operation.inputs.size() <= inputIndex)
860  {
861  activationFunction = ActivationFn::kActivationNone;
862  }
863  else
864  {
865  if (!GetInputActivationFunction(operation, inputIndex, activationFunction, model, data))
866  {
867  return Fail("%s: Operation has invalid inputs", __func__);
868  }
869  }
870  return true;
871 }

References GetInputActivationFunction().

◆ GetOutputOperand()

const Operand* armnn_driver::GetOutputOperand ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  outputIndex,
const Model model 

Definition at line 662 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

665 {
666  if (outputIndex >= operation.outputs.size())
667  {
668  Fail("%s: invalid output index: %i out of %i", __func__, outputIndex, operation.outputs.size());
669  return nullptr;
670  }
672  // Model should have been validated beforehand
673  ARMNN_ASSERT(operation.outputs[outputIndex] < getMainModel(model).operands.size());
675  return &getMainModel(model).operands[operation.outputs[outputIndex]];
676 }

References ARMNN_ASSERT, and getMainModel().

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d(), ConvertReduce(), ConvertToActivation(), and SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

◆ GetTensorInfoForOperand()

armnn::TensorInfo GetTensorInfoForOperand ( const Operand operand)

Definition at line 97 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

98 {
99  using namespace armnn;
100  bool perChannel = false;
101  bool isScalar = false;
103  DataType type;
104  switch (operand.type)
105  {
106  case OperandType::TENSOR_BOOL8:
108  break;
109  case OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32:
111  break;
112  case OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT16:
114  break;
115  case OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM:
117  break;
118  case OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL:
119  perChannel=true;
121  case OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM:
123  break;
124  case OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM:
126  break;
127  case OperandType::TENSOR_INT32:
129  break;
130  case OperandType::INT32:
132  isScalar = true;
133  break;
134  case OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED:
136  break;
137  default:
138  throw UnsupportedOperand<OperandType>(operand.type);
139  }
141  TensorInfo ret;
142  if (isScalar)
143  {
145  }
146  else
147  {
148  if (operand.dimensions.size() == 0)
149  {
151  ret = TensorInfo(tensorShape, type);
152  }
153  else
154  {
155  bool dimensionsSpecificity[5] = { true, true, true, true, true };
156  int count = 0;
157  std::for_each(,
158 + operand.dimensions.size(),
159  [&](const unsigned int val)
160  {
161  if (val == 0)
162  {
163  dimensionsSpecificity[count] = false;
164  }
165  count++;
166  });
168  TensorShape tensorShape(operand.dimensions.size(),, dimensionsSpecificity);
169  ret = TensorInfo(tensorShape, type);
170  }
171  }
173  if (perChannel)
174  {
175  // ExtraParams is expected to be of type channelQuant
176  const auto& perAxisQuantParams = std::get<Operand::SymmPerChannelQuantParams>(operand.extraParams);
178  ret.SetQuantizationScales(perAxisQuantParams.scales);
179  ret.SetQuantizationDim(MakeOptional<unsigned int>(perAxisQuantParams.channelDim));
180  }
181  else
182  {
183  ret.SetQuantizationScale(operand.scale);
184  ret.SetQuantizationOffset(operand.zeroPoint);
185  }
186  return ret;
187 }

References ARMNN_FALLTHROUGH, armnn::Boolean, armnn::Float16, armnn::Float32, armnn::QAsymmS8, armnn::QAsymmU8, armnn::QSymmS16, armnn::QSymmS8, armnn::Scalar, and armnn::Signed32.

Referenced by ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin(), ConvertPooling2d(), ConvertReduce(), ConvertToActivation(), ConvertToLayerInputHandle(), and SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

◆ GetTensorInt32Values()

bool GetTensorInt32Values ( const Operand operand,
std::vector< int32_t > &  outValues,
const Model model,
const ConversionData data 

Definition at line 822 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

826 {
827  if (operand.type != OperandType::TENSOR_INT32)
828  {
829  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": invalid operand type: " << operand.type;
830  return false;
831  }
833  const void* startAddress = GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(operand, model, data);
834  if (!startAddress)
835  {
836  VLOG(DRIVER) << __func__ << ": failed to get operand address " << operand.type;
837  return false;
838  }
840  // Check number of bytes is sensible
841  const uint32_t numBytes = operand.location.length;
842  if (numBytes % sizeof(int32_t) != 0)
843  {
844  return Fail("%s: invalid number of bytes: %i, expected to be a multiple of %i",
845  __func__, numBytes, sizeof(int32_t));
846  }
848  outValues.resize(numBytes / sizeof(int32_t));
849  memcpy(, startAddress, numBytes);
850  return true;
851 }

References GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress().

Referenced by ConvertPaddings(), and ConvertReduce().

◆ IsConnectedToDequantize()

bool IsConnectedToDequantize ( armnn::IOutputSlot ioutputSlot)

Definition at line 1040 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

1041 {
1042  VLOG(DRIVER) << "ConversionUtils::IsConnectedToDequantize()";
1043  if (!ioutputSlot)
1044  {
1045  return false;
1046  }
1047  VLOG(DRIVER) << "ConversionUtils::IsConnectedToDequantize() ioutputSlot is valid.";
1048  // Find the connections and layers..
1049  armnn::IConnectableLayer& owningLayer = ioutputSlot->GetOwningIConnectableLayer();
1050  if (owningLayer.GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Dequantize)
1051  {
1052  VLOG(DRIVER) << "ConversionUtils::IsConnectedToDequantize() connected to Dequantize Layer.";
1053  armnn::IInputSlot& inputSlot = owningLayer.GetInputSlot(0);
1054  armnn::IOutputSlot* connection = inputSlot.GetConnection();
1055  if (connection)
1056  {
1057  VLOG(DRIVER) << "ConversionUtils::IsConnectedToDequantize() Dequantize Layer has a connection.";
1058  armnn::IConnectableLayer& connectedLayer =
1059  connection->GetOwningIConnectableLayer();
1060  if (connectedLayer.GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Constant)
1061  {
1062  VLOG(DRIVER) << "ConversionUtils::IsConnectedToDequantize() Dequantize Layer connected to Constant";
1063  return true;
1064  }
1065  }
1066  }
1067  return false;
1068 }

References armnn::Constant, armnn::Dequantize, IInputSlot::GetConnection(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), IOutputSlot::GetOwningIConnectableLayer(), and IConnectableLayer::GetType().

◆ IsDynamicTensor()

bool IsDynamicTensor ( const armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo)

Checks if a tensor info represents a dynamic tensor.

Definition at line 486 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

487 {
489  {
490  return true;
491  }
492  // Account for the usage of the TensorShape empty constructor
493  if (tensorInfo.GetNumDimensions() == 0)
494  {
495  return true;
496  }
497  return !tensorInfo.GetShape().AreAllDimensionsSpecified();
498 }

References TensorShape::AreAllDimensionsSpecified(), TensorShape::GetDimensionality(), TensorInfo::GetNumDimensions(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), and armnn::NotSpecified.

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d(), ConvertReduce(), ConvertToActivation(), ConvertToLayerInputHandle(), and SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

◆ IsOperandConstant()

bool armnn_driver::IsOperandConstant ( const Operand operand)

Definition at line 698 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

699 {
700  OperandLifeTime lifetime = operand.lifetime;
702  return lifetime == OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY ||
703  lifetime == OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE ||
704  lifetime == OperandLifeTime::POINTER ||
705  lifetime == OperandLifeTime::NO_VALUE;
706 }

Referenced by ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin(), and DequantizeIfRequired().

◆ IsQSymm8()

bool armnn_driver::IsQSymm8 ( const Operand operand)

Definition at line 1002 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

1003 {
1004  return operand.type == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM;
1005 }

Referenced by DequantizeIfRequired().

◆ isQuantizedOperand()

bool isQuantizedOperand ( const OperandType operandType)

Definition at line 505 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

506 {
507  if (operandType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM ||
508  operandType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL ||
509  operandType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM ||
510  operandType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM ||
511  operandType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED)
512  {
513  return true;
514  }
515  else
516  {
517  return false;
518  }
519 }

◆ IsWeightsValid()

bool IsWeightsValid ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
const Model model 

Utility functions.

Definition at line 134 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

137 {
138  const Operand* operand = GetInputOperand(operation, inputIndex, model);
139  if (!operand)
140  {
141  Fail("%s: failed to get input operand %i", __func__, inputIndex);
142  return false;
143  }
145  if (operand->lifetime != OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY
146  && operand->lifetime != OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE
147  && operand->lifetime != OperandLifeTime::NO_VALUE)
148  {
149  return false;
150  }
151  return true;
152 }

References GetInputOperand().

◆ OptionalDataLayout()

armnn::DataLayout OptionalDataLayout ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  inputIndex,
const Model model,
ConversionData data 

Definition at line 853 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

857 {
858  const Operand* operand = GetInputOperand(operation, inputIndex, model);
859  if (!operand)
860  {
862  }
864  if (!IsBool(*operand))
865  {
867  }
869  const void* valueAddress = GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(*operand, model, data);
870  if (!valueAddress)
871  {
873  }
875  if (*(static_cast<const bool*>(valueAddress)))
876  {
878  }
879  else
880  {
882  }
883 }

References GetInputOperand(), GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(), armnn::NCHW, and armnn::NHWC.

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d().

◆ ProcessActivation()

armnn::IConnectableLayer * ProcessActivation ( const armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo,
ActivationFn  activation,
armnn::IConnectableLayer prevLayer,
ConversionData data 

Definition at line 885 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

889 {
890  ARMNN_ASSERT(prevLayer->GetNumOutputSlots() == 1);
892  prevLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(tensorInfo);
894  armnn::IConnectableLayer* activationLayer = prevLayer;
896  if (activation != ActivationFn::kActivationNone)
897  {
898  armnn::ActivationDescriptor activationDesc;
899  switch (activation)
900  {
901  case ActivationFn::kActivationRelu:
902  {
904  break;
905  }
906  case ActivationFn::kActivationRelu1:
907  {
909  activationDesc.m_A = 1.0f;
910  activationDesc.m_B = -1.0f;
911  break;
912  }
913  case ActivationFn::kActivationRelu6:
914  {
916  activationDesc.m_A = 6.0f;
917  break;
918  }
919  case ActivationFn::kActivationSigmoid:
920  {
922  break;
923  }
924  case ActivationFn::kActivationTanh:
925  {
927  activationDesc.m_A = 1.0f;
928  activationDesc.m_B = 1.0f;
929  break;
930  }
931  default:
932  {
933  Fail("%s: Invalid activation enum value %i", __func__, activation);
934  return nullptr;
935  }
936  }
938  bool isSupported = false;
939  armnn::BackendId setBackend;
942  data.m_Backends,
943  isSupported,
944  setBackend,
945  prevLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo(),
946  tensorInfo,
947  activationDesc);
948  if (!isSupported)
949  {
950  return nullptr;
951  }
953  activationLayer = data.m_Network->AddActivationLayer(activationDesc);
954  activationLayer->SetBackendId(setBackend);
956  prevLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(activationLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
957  activationLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(tensorInfo);
958  }
960  return activationLayer;
961 }

References ARMNN_ASSERT, armnn::BoundedReLu, IOutputSlot::Connect(), FORWARD_LAYER_SUPPORT_FUNC, IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), IConnectableLayer::GetNumOutputSlots(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), IOutputSlot::GetTensorInfo(), armnn::IsActivationSupported(), ActivationDescriptor::m_A, ActivationDescriptor::m_B, ConversionData::m_Backends, ActivationDescriptor::m_Function, ConversionData::m_Network, armnn::ReLu, IConnectableLayer::SetBackendId(), IOutputSlot::SetTensorInfo(), armnn::Sigmoid, and armnn::TanH.

Referenced by SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

◆ RenameExportedFiles()

void RenameExportedFiles ( const std::string &  existingSerializedFileName,
const std::string &  existingDotFileName,
const std::string &  dumpDir,
const armnn::NetworkId  networkId 

Definition at line 575 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

579 {
580  if (dumpDir.empty())
581  {
582  return;
583  }
584  RenameFile(existingSerializedFileName, std::string("_network.armnn"), dumpDir, networkId);
585  RenameFile(existingDotFileName, std::string(""), dumpDir, networkId);
586 }

References RenameFile().

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel().

◆ RenameFile()

void RenameFile ( const std::string &  existingName,
const std::string &  extension,
const std::string &  dumpDir,
const armnn::NetworkId  networkId 

Definition at line 588 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

592 {
593  if (existingName.empty() || dumpDir.empty())
594  {
595  return;
596  }
598  fs::path dumpPath = dumpDir;
599  const fs::path newFileName = dumpPath / (std::to_string(networkId) + extension);
600  int iRet = rename(existingName.c_str(), newFileName.c_str());
601  if (iRet != 0)
602  {
603  std::stringstream ss;
604  ss << "rename of [" << existingName << "] to [" << newFileName << "] failed with errno "
605  << std::to_string(errno) << " : " << std::strerror(errno);
606  VLOG(DRIVER) << ss.str().c_str();
607  }
608 }

Referenced by RenameExportedFiles().

◆ SerializeNetwork()

std::string SerializeNetwork ( const armnn::INetwork network,
const std::string &  dumpDir,
std::vector< uint8_t > &  dataCacheData,
bool  dataCachingActive 

Definition at line 427 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

431 {
432  std::string fileName;
433  bool bSerializeToFile = true;
434  if (dumpDir.empty())
435  {
436  bSerializeToFile = false;
437  }
438  else
439  {
440  std::string timestamp = GetFileTimestamp();
441  if (timestamp.empty())
442  {
443  bSerializeToFile = false;
444  }
445  }
446  if (!bSerializeToFile && !dataCachingActive)
447  {
448  return fileName;
449  }
452  // Serialize the Network
453  serializer->Serialize(network);
454  if (dataCachingActive)
455  {
456  std::stringstream stream;
457  auto serialized = serializer->SaveSerializedToStream(stream);
458  if (serialized)
459  {
460  std::string const serializedString{stream.str()};
461  std::copy(serializedString.begin(),
462  serializedString.end(),
463  std::back_inserter(dataCacheData));
464  }
465  }
467  if (bSerializeToFile)
468  {
469  // Set the name of the output .armnn file.
470  fs::path dumpPath = dumpDir;
471  std::string timestamp = GetFileTimestamp();
472  fs::path tempFilePath = dumpPath / (timestamp + "_network.armnn");
473  fileName = tempFilePath.string();
475  // Save serialized network to a file
476  std::ofstream serializedFile(fileName, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
477  auto serialized = serializer->SaveSerializedToStream(serializedFile);
478  if (!serialized)
479  {
480  VLOG(DRIVER) << "An error occurred when serializing to file %s" << fileName.c_str();
481  }
482  }
483  return fileName;
484 }

References ISerializer::Create(), and GetFileTimestamp().

Referenced by ArmnnDriverImpl::PrepareArmnnModel().

◆ SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot() [1/2]

bool SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  operationOutputIndex,
armnn::IConnectableLayer layer,
uint32_t  layerOutputIndex,
const Model model,
ConversionData data,
const armnn::TensorInfo overrideOutputInfo,
const std::function< void(const armnn::TensorInfo &, bool &)> &  validateFunc,
const ActivationFn &  activationFunction,
bool  inferOutputShapes 

Definition at line 963 of file ConversionUtils.cpp.

973 {
974  const Operand* outputOperand = GetOutputOperand(operation, operationOutputIndex, model);
975  if ((outputOperand == nullptr) || (operationOutputIndex >= layer.GetNumOutputSlots()))
976  {
977  return false;
978  }
980  armnn::IOutputSlot& outputSlot = layer.GetOutputSlot(layerOutputIndex);
981  if (overrideOutputInfo == nullptr)
982  {
983  outputSlot.SetTensorInfo(GetTensorInfoForOperand(*outputOperand));
984  }
985  else
986  {
987  outputSlot.SetTensorInfo(*overrideOutputInfo);
988  }
990  bool isSupported = false;
991  if (validateFunc && (IsDynamicTensor(outputSlot.GetTensorInfo()) || inferOutputShapes))
992  {
993  // Type one dynamic tensors require the previous layer's output shape for inference
994  for (unsigned int inputSlotIndex = 0; inputSlotIndex < layer.GetNumInputSlots(); ++inputSlotIndex)
995  {
996  if(!layer.GetInputSlot(inputSlotIndex).GetConnection())
997  {
998  return false;
999  }
1000  }
1001  // IsTensorInfoSet will infer the dynamic output shape
1002  outputSlot.IsTensorInfoSet();
1003  // Once the shape is inferred we can validate it
1004  validateFunc(outputSlot.GetTensorInfo(), isSupported);
1006  if(!isSupported)
1007  {
1008  for (unsigned int inputSlotIndex = 0; inputSlotIndex < layer.GetNumInputSlots(); ++inputSlotIndex)
1009  {
1010  layer.GetInputSlot(inputSlotIndex).GetConnection()->Disconnect(layer.GetInputSlot(inputSlotIndex));
1011  }
1012  return false;
1013  }
1014  }
1016  const uint32_t operandIndex = operation.outputs[operationOutputIndex];
1018  if (activationFunction != ActivationFn::kActivationNone)
1019  {
1020  const armnn::TensorInfo& activationOutputInfo = outputSlot.GetTensorInfo();
1021  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const endLayer = ProcessActivation(activationOutputInfo, activationFunction,
1022  &layer, data);
1024  if (!endLayer)
1025  {
1026  return Fail("%s: ProcessActivation failed", __func__);
1027  }
1029  armnn::IOutputSlot& activationOutputSlot = endLayer->GetOutputSlot(layerOutputIndex);
1030  data.m_OutputSlotForOperand[operandIndex] = &activationOutputSlot;
1031  }
1032  else
1033  {
1034  data.m_OutputSlotForOperand[operandIndex] = &outputSlot;
1035  }
1037  return true;
1038 }

References IOutputSlot::Disconnect(), IInputSlot::GetConnection(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), IConnectableLayer::GetNumInputSlots(), IConnectableLayer::GetNumOutputSlots(), GetOutputOperand(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), IOutputSlot::GetTensorInfo(), GetTensorInfoForOperand(), IsDynamicTensor(), IOutputSlot::IsTensorInfoSet(), ConversionData::m_OutputSlotForOperand, ProcessActivation(), and IOutputSlot::SetTensorInfo().

Referenced by ConvertPooling2d(), ConvertReduce(), ConvertToActivation(), and SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

◆ SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot() [2/2]

bool armnn_driver::SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot ( const Operation operation,
uint32_t  outputIndex,
armnn::IConnectableLayer layer,
const Model model,
ConversionData data,
const armnn::TensorInfo overrideOutputInfo = nullptr,
const std::function< void(const armnn::TensorInfo &, bool &)> &  validateFunc = nullptr,
const ActivationFn &  activationFunction = ActivationFn::kActivationNone 

Definition at line 959 of file ConversionUtils.hpp.

968 {
969  return SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot(operation,
970  outputIndex,
971  layer,
972  outputIndex,
973  model,
974  data,
975  overrideOutputInfo,
976  validateFunc,
977  activationFunction);
978 }

References SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot().

◆ SwizzleAndroidNn4dTensorToArmNn()

void SwizzleAndroidNn4dTensorToArmNn ( armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo,
const void *  input,
void *  output,
const armnn::PermutationVector mappings 

Swizzles tensor data in input according to the dimension mappings.

Definition at line 40 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

44 {
45  assert(tensorInfo.GetNumDimensions() == 4U);
47  armnn::DataType dataType = tensorInfo.GetDataType();
48  switch (dataType)
49  {
55  // First swizzle tensor info
56  tensorInfo = armnnUtils::Permuted(tensorInfo, mappings);
57  // Then swizzle tensor data
58  armnnUtils::Permute(tensorInfo.GetShape(), mappings, input, output, armnn::GetDataTypeSize(dataType));
59  break;
60  default:
61  VLOG(DRIVER) << "Unknown armnn::DataType for swizzling";
62  assert(0);
63  }
64 }

References armnn::Float16, armnn::Float32, TensorInfo::GetDataType(), armnn::GetDataTypeSize(), TensorInfo::GetNumDimensions(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), armnnUtils::Permute(), armnnUtils::Permuted(), armnn::QAsymmS8, armnn::QAsymmU8, and armnn::QSymmS8.

Referenced by ConstTensorPin::ConstTensorPin().

Variable Documentation

◆ g_DontPermute

const armnn::PermutationVector g_DontPermute {}

Definition at line 38 of file CanonicalUtils.cpp.

Referenced by DequantizeAndMakeConstTensorPin().

const Operand * GetOutputOperand(const Operation &operation, uint32_t outputIndex, const Model &model)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:662
bool IsQSymm8(const Operand &operand)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:1002
uint32_t m_StrideY
Stride value when proceeding through input for the height dimension.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:409
bool GetInputActivationFunctionImpl(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, OperandType type, ActivationFn &outActivationFunction, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:800
Definition: BackendId.hpp:75
virtual const IConnectableLayer & GetOwningIConnectableLayer() const =0
@ NotSpecified
@ QAsymmU8
Definition: ISerializer.hpp:11
void SetDataType(DataType type)
Definition: Tensor.hpp:199
Definition: CanonicalUtils.hpp:27
Dimensionality GetDimensionality() const
Function that returns the tensor type.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:92
void SetQuantizationScale(float scale)
Definition: Tensor.cpp:473
Status SerializeToDot(std::ostream &stream) const
Definition: Network.cpp:686
Definition: Utils.hpp:35
std::vector< armnn::IOutputSlot * > m_OutputSlotForOperand
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:61
@ Float16
@ Floor
An ActivationDescriptor for the ActivationLayer.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:36
ReduceOperation m_ReduceOperation
Specifies the reduction operation to execute.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:1525
Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:68
unsigned int GetNumElements() const
Function that calculates the tensor elements by multiplying all dimension size which are Specified.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:181
LayerInputHandle ConvertToLayerInputHandle(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, ConversionData &data, const armnn::PermutationVector &dimensionMappings, const LayerInputHandle *inputHandle)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:204
const void * GetOperandValueReadOnlyAddress(const Operand &operand, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, bool optional)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:777
@ Scalar
uint32_t m_PoolHeight
Pooling height value.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:405
bool m_DynamicInputsEncountered
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:63
std::vector< uint32_t > m_vAxis
The indices of the dimensions to reduce.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:1523
A ReduceDescriptor for the REDUCE operators.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:1505
void SetQuantizationDim(const Optional< unsigned int > &quantizationDim)
Definition: Tensor.cpp:499
bool GetTensorInt32Values(const Operand &operand, std::vector< int32_t > &outValues, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:822
bool AreDynamicTensorsSupported()
Checks for ArmNN support of dynamic tensors.
Definition: CanonicalUtils.cpp:500
@ Signed32
PoolingAlgorithm m_PoolType
The pooling algorithm to use (Max. Average, L2).
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:393
std::string GetOperandSummary(const Operand &operand)
Definition: CanonicalUtils.cpp:189
DataLayout m_DataLayout
The data layout to be used (NCHW, NHWC).
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:415
virtual const IOutputSlot & GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get the const output slot handle by slot index.
@ QAsymmS8
uint32_t m_StrideX
Stride value when proceeding through input for the width dimension.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:407
virtual bool IsTensorInfoSet() const =0
virtual int Connect(IInputSlot &destination)=0
void SetConstant(const bool IsConstant=true)
Marks the data corresponding to this tensor info as constant.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:514
constexpr unsigned int GetDataTypeSize(DataType dataType)
Definition: TypesUtils.hpp:169
Copyright (c) 2021 ARM Limited and Contributors.
Definition: 01_00_quick_start.dox:6
An input connection slot for a layer.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:25
virtual void Disconnect(IInputSlot &slot)=0
void SetQuantizationScales(const std::vector< float > &scales)
Definition: Tensor.cpp:456
::android::nn::Operand Operand
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:44
virtual const IInputSlot & GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get a const input slot handle by slot index.
void SetQuantizationOffset(int32_t offset)
Definition: Tensor.cpp:489
armnn::TensorShape Permuted(const armnn::TensorShape &srcShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
Definition: Permute.cpp:98
armnn::INetworkPtr m_Network
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:60
std::tuple< std::unique_ptr< float[]>, size_t, armnn::TensorInfo, DequantizeStatus > DequantizeResult
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:1014
Definition: Tensor.hpp:20
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:90
@ ErrorMappingPools
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:66
virtual const TensorInfo & GetTensorInfo() const =0
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > m_PadList
Specifies the padding for input dimension.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:1185
@ Sigmoid
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:195
virtual unsigned int GetNumOutputSlots() const =0
Returns the number of connectable output slots.
bool GetInputInt32(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, int32_t &outValue, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:782
uint32_t m_PadBottom
Padding bottom value in the height dimension.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:401
@ Float32
std::string GetFileTimestamp()
Definition: CanonicalUtils.cpp:555
An output connection slot for a layer.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:41
Definition: Tensor.hpp:152
@ Constant
uint32_t m_PoolWidth
Pooling width value.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:403
void Connect(armnn::IInputSlot &inputSlot)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:32
float m_A
Alpha upper bound value used by the activation functions. (BoundedReLu, Linear, TanH,...
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:61
@ Success
void Print(std::ostream &outStream) const
Print stats for events in JSON Format to the given output stream.
Definition: Profiling.cpp:630
const Operand * GetInputOperand(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, bool failOnIndexOutOfBounds=true)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:643
bool IsInputSupported(const BackendId &backend, const TensorInfo &input, char *reasonIfUnsupported=nullptr, size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength=1024)
Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces.
uint32_t m_PadLeft
Padding left value in the width dimension.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:395
bool GetInputPaddingScheme(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, PaddingScheme &outPaddingScheme, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:761
const TensorShape & GetShape() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:191
bool IsDynamicTensor(const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo)
Checks if a tensor info represents a dynamic tensor.
Definition: CanonicalUtils.cpp:486
uint32_t m_PadTop
Padding top value in the height dimension.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:399
ActivationFunction m_Function
The activation function to use (Sigmoid, TanH, Linear, ReLu, BoundedReLu, SoftReLu,...
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:59
virtual const IOutputSlot * GetConnection() const =0
@ UnsupportedFeature
DequantizeResult DequantizeIfRequired(size_t operand_index, const Operation &operation, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:648
bool IsValid() const
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:27
bool IsReduceSupported(const BackendId &backend, const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const ReduceDescriptor &descriptor, char *reasonIfUnsupported=nullptr, size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength=1024)
Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces.
OperandType m_type
Definition: CanonicalUtils.hpp:35
virtual void SetBackendId(const BackendId &id)=0
Set the backend of the IConnectableLayer.
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const
Function that returns the tensor rank.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:174
Definition: Types.hpp:48
std::vector<::android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo > m_MemPools
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:62
bool IsPooling2dSupported(const BackendId &backend, const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const Pooling2dDescriptor &descriptor, char *reasonIfUnsupported=nullptr, size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength=1024)
Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces.
Definition: Assert.hpp:14
virtual void SetTensorInfo(const TensorInfo &tensorInfo)=0
bool IsConstantSupported(const BackendId &backend, const TensorInfo &output, char *reasonIfUnsupported=nullptr, size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength=1024)
Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces.
Provides access to the appropriate indexes for Channels, Height and Width based on DataLayout.
Definition: DataLayoutIndexed.hpp:17
@ TanH
const armnn::TensorInfo & GetTensorInfo() const
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:50
A Pooling2dDescriptor for the Pooling2dLayer.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:359
armnn::IConnectableLayer * ProcessActivation(const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo, ActivationFn activation, armnn::IConnectableLayer *prevLayer, ConversionData &data)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:885
ConstTensorPin ConvertOperationInputToConstTensorPin(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, const armnn::PermutationVector &dimensionMappings=g_DontPermute, const armnn::TensorShape *overrideTensorShape=nullptr, bool optional=false)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:718
void * GetMemoryFromPool(DataLocation location, const std::vector< android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo > &memPools)
Returns a pointer to a specific location in a pool`.
Definition: CanonicalUtils.cpp:66
const armnn::PermutationVector g_DontPermute
Definition: CanonicalUtils.cpp:38
::android::nn::Operand::LifeTime OperandLifeTime
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:45
uint32_t m_PadRight
Padding right value in the width dimension.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:397
armnn::DataLayout OptionalDataLayout(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, const Model &model, ConversionData &data)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:853
@ QSymmS8
bool GetInputActivationFunction(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, ActivationFn &outActivationFunction, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:823
const android::nn::Model::Subgraph & getMainModel(const android::nn::Model &model)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:28
const armnn::ConstTensor & GetConstTensor() const
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:115
bool SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot(const Operation &operation, uint32_t outputIndex, armnn::IConnectableLayer &layer, const Model &model, ConversionData &data, const armnn::TensorInfo *overrideOutputInfo=nullptr, const std::function< void(const armnn::TensorInfo &, bool &)> &validateFunc=nullptr, const ActivationFn &activationFunction=ActivationFn::kActivationNone)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:959
ConstTensorPin ConvertOperandToConstTensorPin(const Operand &operand, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, const armnn::PermutationVector &dimensionMappings, const armnn::TensorShape *overrideTensorShape, bool optional, const armnn::DataType *overrideDataType)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:154
bool IsValid() const
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:105
@ QSymmS16
void SetShape(const TensorShape &newShape)
Definition: Tensor.hpp:193
float m_B
Beta lower bound value used by the activation functions. (BoundedReLu, Linear, TanH).
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:63
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:1007
virtual LayerType GetType() const =0
Returns the armnn::LayerType of this layer.
@ ReLu
bool m_KeepDims
if true then output shape has no change.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:1521
static ISerializerPtr Create()
Definition: Serializer.cpp:35
bool IsActivationSupported(const BackendId &backend, const TensorInfo &input, const TensorInfo &output, const ActivationDescriptor &descriptor, char *reasonIfUnsupported=nullptr, size_t reasonIfUnsupportedMaxLength=1024)
Deprecated in favor of IBackend and ILayerSupport interfaces.
bool SetupAndTrackLayerOutputSlot(const Operation &operation, uint32_t operationOutputIndex, armnn::IConnectableLayer &layer, uint32_t layerOutputIndex, const Model &model, ConversionData &data, const armnn::TensorInfo *overrideOutputInfo, const std::function< void(const armnn::TensorInfo &, bool &)> &validateFunc, const ActivationFn &activationFunction, bool inferOutputShapes)
Definition: ConversionUtils.cpp:963
virtual unsigned int GetNumInputSlots() const =0
Returns the number of connectable input slots.
@ Boolean
armnn::TensorInfo GetTensorInfoForOperand(const Operand &operand)
Definition: CanonicalUtils.cpp:97
bool IsOperandConstant(const Operand &operand)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:698
@ BoundedReLu
min(a, max(b, input)) ReLu1 & ReLu6.
bool GetInputScalar(const Operation &operation, uint32_t inputIndex, OperandType type, OutputType &outValue, const Model &model, const ConversionData &data, bool optional=false)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:742
void RenameFile(const std::string &existingName, const std::string &extension, const std::string &dumpDir, const armnn::NetworkId networkId)
Definition: CanonicalUtils.cpp:588
@ Dequantize
#define FORWARD_LAYER_SUPPORT_FUNC(funcName, func, backends, supported, setBackend,...)
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:153
DataType GetDataType() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:198
bool AreAllDimensionsSpecified() const
Checks if there is at least one dimension not specified.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:241
const std::vector< armnn::BackendId > m_Backends
Definition: ConversionUtils.hpp:59
const TensorInfo & GetInfo() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:295
@ info
void Permute(const armnn::TensorShape &dstShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings, const void *src, void *dst, size_t dataTypeSize)
Definition: Permute.cpp:131
OutputShapeRounding m_OutputShapeRounding
The rounding method for the output shape. (Floor, Ceiling).
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:411