DeserializeSlice.cpp File Reference

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 TEST_SUITE ("Deserializer_Slice")

Function Documentation


TEST_SUITE ( "Deserializer_Slice"  )

Definition at line 12 of file DeserializeSlice.cpp.

References ParserFlatbuffersSerializeFixture::SetupSingleInputSingleOutput(), and TEST_CASE_FIXTURE().

13 {
14 struct SliceFixture : public ParserFlatbuffersSerializeFixture
15 {
16  explicit SliceFixture(const std::string& inputShape,
17  const std::string& outputShape,
18  const std::string& begin,
19  const std::string& size,
20  const std::string& dataType)
21  {
22  m_JsonString = R"(
23  {
24  inputIds: [0],
25  outputIds: [2],
26  layers: [
27  {
28  layer_type: "InputLayer",
29  layer: {
30  base: {
31  layerBindingId: 0,
32  base: {
33  index: 0,
34  layerName: "InputLayer",
35  layerType: "Input",
36  inputSlots: [{
37  index: 0,
38  connection: {sourceLayerIndex:0, outputSlotIndex:0 },
39  }],
40  outputSlots: [{
41  index: 0,
42  tensorInfo: {
43  dimensions: )" + inputShape + R"(,
44  dataType: )" + dataType + R"(
45  }
46  }]
47  }
48  }
49  }
50  },
51  {
52  layer_type: "SliceLayer",
53  layer: {
54  base: {
55  index: 1,
56  layerName: "SliceLayer",
57  layerType: "Slice",
58  inputSlots: [{
59  index: 0,
60  connection: {sourceLayerIndex:0, outputSlotIndex:0 },
61  }],
62  outputSlots: [{
63  index: 0,
64  tensorInfo: {
65  dimensions: )" + outputShape + R"(,
66  dataType: )" + dataType + R"(
67  }
68  }]
69  },
70  descriptor: {
71  begin: )" + begin + R"(,
72  size: )" + size + R"(,
73  }
74  }
75  },
76  {
77  layer_type: "OutputLayer",
78  layer: {
79  base:{
80  layerBindingId: 2,
81  base: {
82  index: 2,
83  layerName: "OutputLayer",
84  layerType: "Output",
85  inputSlots: [{
86  index: 0,
87  connection: {sourceLayerIndex:1, outputSlotIndex:0 },
88  }],
89  outputSlots: [{
90  index: 0,
91  tensorInfo: {
92  dimensions: )" + outputShape + R"(,
93  dataType: )" + dataType + R"(
94  },
95  }],
96  }
97  }
98  },
99  }
100  ]
101  }
102  )";
103  SetupSingleInputSingleOutput("InputLayer", "OutputLayer");
104  }
105 };
107 struct SimpleSliceFixture : SliceFixture
108 {
109  SimpleSliceFixture() : SliceFixture("[ 3, 2, 3, 5 ]", // input shape
110  "[ 2, 1, 2, 3 ]", // output shape
111  "[ 1, 0, 1, 2 ]", // begin
112  "[ 2, 1, 2, 3 ]", // size
113  "Float32") {} // data type
114 };
116 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(SimpleSliceFixture, "SimpleSliceFloat32")
117 {
118  RunTest<4, armnn::DataType::Float32>(
119  0,
120  {
121  0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f,
122  5.f, 6.f, 7.f, 8.f, 9.f,
123  10.f, 11.f, 12.f, 13.f, 14.f,
125  15.f, 16.f, 17.f, 18.f, 19.f,
126  20.f, 21.f, 22.f, 23.f, 24.f,
127  25.f, 26.f, 27.f, 28.f, 29.f,
130  30.f, 31.f, 32.f, 33.f, 34.f,
131  35.f, 36.f, 37.f, 38.f, 39.f,
132  40.f, 41.f, 42.f, 43.f, 44.f,
134  45.f, 46.f, 47.f, 48.f, 49.f,
135  50.f, 51.f, 52.f, 53.f, 54.f,
136  55.f, 56.f, 57.f, 58.f, 59.f,
139  60.f, 61.f, 62.f, 63.f, 64.f,
140  65.f, 66.f, 67.f, 68.f, 69.f,
141  70.f, 71.f, 72.f, 73.f, 74.f,
143  75.f, 76.f, 77.f, 78.f, 79.f,
144  80.f, 81.f, 82.f, 83.f, 84.f,
145  85.f, 86.f, 87.f, 88.f, 89.f
146  },
147  {
148  37.f, 38.f, 39.f,
149  42.f, 43.f, 44.f,
151  67.f, 68.f, 69.f,
152  72.f, 73.f, 74.f
153  });
154 }
156 }
void SetupSingleInputSingleOutput(const std::string &inputName, const std::string &outputName)
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClContextControlFixture, "CopyBetweenNeonAndGpu")