Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
4 //
6 #include "PermuteLayer.hpp"
8 #include "LayerCloneBase.hpp"
10 #include <armnn/TypesUtils.hpp>
12 #include <armnnUtils/Permute.hpp>
17 namespace armnn
18 {
20 PermuteLayer::PermuteLayer(const PermuteDescriptor& param, const char* name)
21  : LayerWithParameters(1, 1, LayerType::Permute, param, name)
22 {
23 }
25 std::unique_ptr<IWorkload> PermuteLayer::CreateWorkload(const IWorkloadFactory& factory) const
26 {
27  PermuteQueueDescriptor descriptor;
28  SetAdditionalInfo(descriptor);
30  return factory.CreatePermute(descriptor, PrepInfoAndDesc(descriptor));
31 }
34 {
35  return CloneBase<PermuteLayer>(graph, m_Param, GetName());
36 }
38 std::vector<TensorShape> PermuteLayer::InferOutputShapes(const std::vector<TensorShape>& inputShapes) const
39 {
40  ARMNN_ASSERT(inputShapes.size() == 1);
41  const TensorShape& inShape = inputShapes[0];
42  return std::vector<TensorShape> ({armnnUtils::Permuted(inShape, m_Param.m_DimMappings)});
43 }
46 {
49  const TensorShape& outputShape = GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo().GetShape();
53  auto inferredShapes = InferOutputShapes({ GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo().GetShape() });
55  ARMNN_ASSERT(inferredShapes.size() == 1);
57  ValidateAndCopyShape(outputShape, inferredShapes[0], m_ShapeInferenceMethod, "PermuteLayer");
58 }
60 void PermuteLayer::Accept(ILayerVisitor& visitor) const
61 {
62  visitor.VisitPermuteLayer(this, GetParameters(), GetName());
63 }
65 } // namespace armnn
void Accept(ILayerVisitor &visitor) const override
Apply a visitor to this layer.
virtual std::unique_ptr< IWorkload > CreateWorkload(const IWorkloadFactory &factory) const override
Makes a workload for the Permute type.
PermuteDescriptor m_Param
The parameters for the layer (not including tensor-valued weights etc.).
const PermuteDescriptor & GetParameters() const
const TensorShape & GetShape() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:187
PermuteLayer(const PermuteDescriptor &param, const char *name)
Constructor to create a PermuteLayer.
void VerifyShapeInferenceType(const TensorShape &outputShape, ShapeInferenceMethod shapeInferenceMethod)
Definition: Layer.cpp:432
Copyright (c) 2020 ARM Limited.
const IOutputSlot * GetConnection() const override
Definition: Layer.hpp:199
This layer represents a permutation operation.
std::vector< TensorShape > InferOutputShapes(const std::vector< TensorShape > &inputShapes) const override
By default returns inputShapes if the number of inputs are equal to number of outputs, otherwise infers the output shapes from given input shapes and layer properties.
virtual void VisitPermuteLayer(const IConnectableLayer *layer, const PermuteDescriptor &permuteDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
Function that a permute layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked...
void ValidateAndCopyShape(const TensorShape &outputShape, const TensorShape &inferredShape, const ShapeInferenceMethod shapeInferenceMethod, const std::string &layerName, const unsigned int outputSlotIndex=0)
Definition: Layer.cpp:392
PermutationVector m_DimMappings
Indicates how to translate tensor elements from a given source into the target destination, when source and target potentially have different memory layouts e.g.
void ValidateTensorShapesFromInputs() override
Check if the input tensor shape(s) will lead to a valid configuration of PermuteLayer.
void VerifyLayerConnections(unsigned int expectedConnections, const CheckLocation &location) const
Definition: Layer.cpp:348
void Permute(const armnn::TensorShape &dstShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings, const void *src, void *dst, size_t dataTypeSize)
Definition: Permute.cpp:131
const InputSlot & GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) const override
Get a const input slot handle by slot index.
Definition: Layer.hpp:313
PermuteLayer * Clone(Graph &graph) const override
Creates a dynamically-allocated copy of this layer.
Definition: Assert.hpp:14
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:197
virtual std::unique_ptr< IWorkload > CreatePermute(const PermuteQueueDescriptor &descriptor, const WorkloadInfo &info) const
void SetAdditionalInfo(QueueDescriptor &descriptor) const
Definition: Layer.cpp:245
WorkloadInfo PrepInfoAndDesc(QueueDescriptor &descriptor) const
Helper function to reduce duplication in *LayerCreateWorkload.
const OutputSlot & GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index=0) const override
Get the const output slot handle by slot index.
Definition: Layer.hpp:315
virtual const TensorInfo & GetTensorInfo() const =0
const char * GetName() const override
Returns the name of the layer.
Definition: Layer.hpp:308
const TensorInfo & GetTensorInfo() const override
Definition: Layer.cpp:63
armnn::TensorShape Permuted(const armnn::TensorShape &srcShape, const armnn::PermutationVector &mappings)
Definition: Permute.cpp:98
ShapeInferenceMethod m_ShapeInferenceMethod
Definition: Layer.hpp:405
A PermuteDescriptor for the PermuteLayer.