------ ArmNN for Android 18.02 Release Notes ------ This release of ArmNN for Android supports use as a driver for the Android Neural Networks API. It implements the android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0 interface. For more information on the Android Neural Networks API, see https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/neuralnetworks/index.html For integration and usage documentation, please see README.md. --- Support for Android Neural Networks HAL operations --- The following AndroidNN operations are currently supported. AndroidNN operator Tensor type supported ADD (FLOAT32) AVERAGE_POOL_2D (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) CONCATENATION (FLOAT32) CONV_2D (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM**) DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D*** (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) FLOOR (FLOAT32) FULLY_CONNECTED (FLOAT32) L2_NORMALIZATION (FLOAT32) L2_POOL_2D (FLOAT32) LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION (FLOAT32) LOGISTIC (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) MAX_POOL_2D (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) MUL* (FLOAT32) RELU (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) RELU1 (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) RELU6 (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) RESHAPE (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) RESIZE_BILINEAR (FLOAT32) SOFTMAX (FLOAT32,QUANT8_ASYMM) TANH (FLOAT32) * MUL currently does not support mixing of different tensor sizes. ** QUANT8_ASYMM version does not support asymmetric padding. In addition, only the following configurations are supported: 1) 1x1 convolution with strides of 1 or 2 or 3 2) 3x3 convolution with strides of 1 or 2 3) 5x5 convolution with strides of 1 or 2 *** Depthwise convolution only supports a value of 1 for the depth multiplier. In addition, the QUANT8_ASYMM version only supports 3x3 kernels. --- Unsupported operators --- The following AndroidNN operations are currently not supported. DEPTH_TO_SPACE DEQUANTIZE EMBEDDING_LOOKUP HASHTABLE_LOOKUP LSH_PROJECTION LSTM RNN SPACE_TO_DEPTH SVDF Where operations are not supported by the ArmNN Android NN Driver, the driver indicates this to the framework appropriately and the framework implements those operations using a CPU implementation.