path: root/android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.3-service-armnn.rc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-03-26IVGCVSW-4447 Add Hal 1_3 SupportKevin May
* Add new 1.3 files HalPolicy, ArmnnDriver, ArmnnDriverImpl * Add new .rc file for 1.3 service * Add ArmnnPreparedModel_1_3 and implement new functions * Update Android.mk with 1.3 driver and service * Refactor ifdef to include ARMNN_ANDROID_NN_V1_3 * Create Utils getMainModel for new 1.3 Model Main Subgraph * Use android Utils to convertToV1_X in ArmnnPrepapredModel_1_3 * Refactor HAL 1.2 convert functions into ConversionUtils_1_2.hpp * Replace ArmnnBurstExecutorWithCache with call to ExecutionBurstServer Signed-off-by: Kevin May <kevin.may@arm.com> Change-Id: I514069e9e1b16bcd1c4abfb5d563d25ac22d02e3