AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-15IVGCVSW-4241 Reenabling support for NCHW.v19.08.1branches/android-nn-driver_19_08Mike Kelly
2020-01-15IVGCVSW-4315 Fix Fully Connected infer output shape bugFinnWilliamsArm
2020-01-07IVGCVSW-4321 Re-enable NCHW on SpacetoDepthTeresa Charlin
2019-12-20Revert "IVGCVSW-4305 - Re-enable NCHW on Pooling2D"Kevin May
2019-12-19IVGCVSW-4305 - Re-enable NCHW on Pooling2DKevin May
2019-12-19IVGCVSW-4301 Correctly validate reshape for broadcastable inputsDerek Lamberti
2019-12-19IVGCVSW-4303 Re-enable NCHW on Depthwise ConvolutionKevin May
2019-12-17IVGCVSW-4241 Enable L2_POOL_2D in Hal 1.2Pablo Tello
2019-12-17MLCE-144 Resolve CTS failuresMike Kelly
2019-12-16IVGCVSW-4271 Add getSupportedOperations marker fileJim Flynn
2019-12-13IVGCVSW-4270 Change .dot file name to start with netIdJim Flynn
2019-12-13IVGCVSW-4241 Resolve CTS test failuresMike Kelly
2019-12-13MLCE-144 Disabling NCHW and Float16Mike Kelly
2019-12-12IVGCVSW-4262 Add Calls to IsReshapeSupported and IsPermuteSupportedKevin May
2019-12-12IVGCVSW-4266 Dump float16 input/output tensorsJim Flynn
2019-12-11Catch std::exception instead of armnn::ExceptionMike Kelly
2019-08-30IVGCVSW-3507 Remove unsupported operation sectionsv19.08Mike Kelly
2019-08-29IVGCVSW-3656 Undo wrong rename of the backend control macrosMatteo Martincigh
2019-08-28IVGCVSW-3656 Rename ARMCOMPUTEREF to ARMNNREFMatteo Martincigh
2019-08-22IVGCVSW-3613 Add Quantized LSTM test to Android NN DriverEllen Norris-Thompson
2019-08-22IVGCVSW-3613 Refactoring Android NN driver for QuantisedLstm testEllen Norris-Thompson
2019-08-21IVGCVSW-3512 Update NNAPISupport.txt for 19.08Sadik Armagan
2019-08-20IVGCVSW-3656 Make the reference backend optionalMatteo Martincigh
2019-08-19IVGCVSW-3618 Fix VTS/Neural Netwok Test FailuresSadik Armagan
2019-08-15IVGCVSW-3643 Fix Ref Normalization failuresMike Kelly
2019-08-14IVGCVSW-3633 Refactor HalPolicy to fully support V1.2 modelsMike Kelly
2019-08-13IVGCVSW-3619 Fix GpuAcc NN Test FailuresSadik Armagan
2019-08-07IVGCVSW-3595 Implement the LoadDynamicBackends function in the Runtime classMatteo Martincigh
2019-08-07IVGCVSW-3540 Fixed PReLU Being SkippedMike Kelly
2019-08-06IVGCVSW-3614 Limit support of Softmax to 2D with axis 1 in HAL 1.2Narumol Prangnawarat
2019-08-05IVGCVSW-3340 Add support for Quantized_LSTM to HAL1.2 DriverEllen Norris-Thompson
2019-08-05IVGCVSW-3340 Add Neon and Cl LSTMLayerQuantized to Android.bpNarumol Prangnawarat
2019-08-02IVGCVSW-3604 Fix TransposeConv2d padding calculationNarumol Prangnawarat
2019-08-02IVGCVSW-3577 Update ACL pin to include NEON convolution output multiplier fixAron Virginas-Tar
2019-08-01Fix explanatory comment around SanitizeBiasQuantizationScale()Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-31IVGCVSW-3601 Fix skipped VTS Concatenate TestsMike Kelly
2019-07-31IVGCVSW-3586 Fix Skipped Space_To_Batch Hal 1.2 VTS FailuresFinn Williams
2019-07-31IVGCVSW-3166 Rename ConvertTransposeConvolution2d() to ConvertTransposeConv2d()Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-31IVGCVSW-3583 Correct data layout index for ConvertBatchToSpaceNdFinn Williams
2019-07-30IVGCVSW-3583 Fix Skipped Batch_To_Space Hal 1.2 TestsFinn Williams
2019-07-30IVGCVSW-3594 Add LSTM Dynamic output tensors checkFerran Balaguer
2019-07-30IVGCVSW-3166 Add support for TransposeConv2D to 1.2 HalPolicyDavid Monahan
2019-07-30IVGCVSW-3592 Add Support for Quantize to HAL 1.2 DriverSadik Armagan
2019-07-30IVGCVSW-3591 Fixed unexpectedly skipped SUB testsMike Kelly
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3593 Remove HAL1.2-specific code from HAL1.0 ConvertConv2d() and Conv...Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3540 Fixed PReLU Being SkippedMike Kelly
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3398 Add LSTM normalization parameters to HAL 1.2Ferran Balaguer
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3578 Report dynamic output unsupported for further operations in hal_...Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3582 Fix Skipped Pooling Hal 1.2 TestsSadik Armagan
2019-07-26IVGCVSW-3578 Do not attempt to infer dynamic output shapesAron Virginas-Tar