/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 ARM Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "CannyEdgeDetector.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "support/ToolchainSupport.h" #include "tests/validation/Helpers.h" #include "tests/validation/reference/Magnitude.h" #include "tests/validation/reference/NonMaximaSuppression.h" #include "tests/validation/reference/Phase.h" #include "tests/validation/reference/Sobel.h" #include "tests/SimpleTensorPrinter.h" #include namespace arm_compute { namespace test { namespace validation { namespace reference { namespace { const auto MARK_ZERO = 0u; const auto MARK_MAYBE = 127u; const auto MARK_EDGE = 255u; template void trace_edge(SimpleTensor &dst, SimpleTensor &grad_mag, const ValidRegion &valid_region, std::vector &visited, uint32_t upper_thresh, const F &pixel_at_offset) { for(auto i = 0; i < dst.num_elements(); ++i) { Coordinates coord; if(visited[i] || dst[i] != MARK_MAYBE || !is_in_valid_region(valid_region, coord = index2coord(dst.shape(), i))) { continue; // Skip visited or confirmed ZERO/EDGE pixels } visited[i] = true; // Mark as visited // Check if connected to a strong edge pixel std::array neighbours = { { pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, -1, 0), pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, 1, 0), pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, -1, -1), pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, +1, +1), pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, 0, -1), pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, 0, +1), pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, +1, -1), pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, -1, +1) } }; const auto is_edge_connected = std::any_of(neighbours.begin(), neighbours.end(), [&](const U & pixel) { return pixel >= upper_thresh; }); dst[i] = is_edge_connected ? MARK_EDGE : MARK_ZERO; } } template SimpleTensor canny_edge_detector_impl(const SimpleTensor &src, int32_t upper, int32_t lower, int gradient_size, MagnitudeType norm_type, BorderMode border_mode, T constant_border_value) { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(gradient_size != 3 && gradient_size != 5 && gradient_size != 7); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(lower < 0 || lower >= upper); // Output: T == uint8_t SimpleTensor dst{ src.shape(), src.data_type() }; ValidRegion valid_region = shape_to_valid_region(src.shape(), border_mode == BorderMode::UNDEFINED, BorderSize(gradient_size / 2 + 1)); // Sobel computation: U == int16_t or int32_t SimpleTensor gx, gy; std::tie(gx, gy) = sobel(src, gradient_size, border_mode, constant_border_value, GradientDimension::GRAD_XY); using unsigned_U = typename traits::make_unsigned_conditional_t::type; using promoted_U = typename common_promoted_signed_type::intermediate_type; // Gradient magnitude and phase (edge direction) const DataType mag_data_type = gx.data_type() == DataType::S16 ? DataType::U16 : DataType::U32; SimpleTensor grad_mag{ gx.shape(), mag_data_type }; SimpleTensor grad_dir{ gy.shape(), DataType::U8 }; for(auto i = 0; i < grad_mag.num_elements(); ++i) { double mag = 0.f; if(norm_type == MagnitudeType::L2NORM) { mag = support::cpp11::round(std::sqrt(static_cast(gx[i]) * gx[i] + static_cast(gy[i]) * gy[i])); } else // MagnitudeType::L1NORM { mag = static_cast(std::abs(gx[i])) + static_cast(std::abs(gy[i])); } float angle = 180.f * std::atan2(static_cast(gy[i]), static_cast(gx[i])) / M_PI; grad_dir[i] = support::cpp11::round(angle < 0.f ? 180 + angle : angle); grad_mag[i] = saturate_cast(mag); } /* Quantise the phase into 4 directions 0° dir=0 0.0 <= p < 22.5 or 157.5 <= p < 180 45° dir=1 22.5 <= p < 67.5 90° dir=2 67.5 <= p < 112.5 135° dir=3 112.5 <= p < 157.5 */ for(auto i = 0; i < grad_dir.num_elements(); ++i) { const auto direction = std::fabs(grad_dir[i]); grad_dir[i] = (direction < 22.5 || direction >= 157.5) ? 0 : (direction < 67.5) ? 1 : (direction < 112.5) ? 2 : 3; } // Non-maximum suppression std::vector strong_edges; const auto upper_thresh = static_cast(upper); const auto lower_thresh = static_cast(lower); const auto pixel_at_offset = [&](const SimpleTensor &tensor, const Coordinates & coord, int xoffset, int yoffset) { return tensor_elem_at(tensor, Coordinates{ coord.x() + xoffset, coord.y() + yoffset }, border_mode, static_cast(constant_border_value)); }; for(auto i = 0; i < dst.num_elements(); ++i) { const auto coord = index2coord(dst.shape(), i); if(!is_in_valid_region(valid_region, coord) || grad_mag[i] <= lower_thresh) { dst[i] = MARK_ZERO; continue; } unsigned_U mag_90, mag90; switch(grad_dir[i]) { case 0: // North/South edge direction, compare against East/West pixels (left & right) mag_90 = pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, -1, 0); mag90 = pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, 1, 0); break; case 1: // NE/SW edge direction, compare against NW/SE pixels (top-left & bottom-right) mag_90 = pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, -1, -1); mag90 = pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, +1, +1); break; case 2: // East/West edge direction, compare against North/South pixels (top & bottom) mag_90 = pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, 0, -1); mag90 = pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, 0, +1); break; case 3: // NW/SE edge direction, compare against NE/SW pixels (top-right & bottom-left) mag_90 = pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, +1, -1); mag90 = pixel_at_offset(grad_mag, coord, -1, +1); break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Invalid gradient phase provided"); break; } // Potential edge if greater than both pixels at +/-90° on either side if(grad_mag[i] > mag_90 && grad_mag[i] > mag90) { // Double thresholding and edge tracing if(grad_mag[i] > upper_thresh) { dst[i] = MARK_EDGE; // Definite edge pixel strong_edges.emplace_back(i); } else { dst[i] = MARK_MAYBE; } } else { dst[i] = MARK_ZERO; // Since not greater than neighbours } } // Final edge tracing std::vector visited(dst.num_elements(), false); trace_edge(dst, grad_mag, valid_region, visited, upper_thresh, pixel_at_offset); return dst; } } // namespace template SimpleTensor canny_edge_detector(const SimpleTensor &src, int32_t upper_thresh, int32_t lower_thresh, int gradient_size, MagnitudeType norm_type, BorderMode border_mode, T constant_border_value) { if(gradient_size < 7) { return canny_edge_detector_impl(src, upper_thresh, lower_thresh, gradient_size, norm_type, border_mode, constant_border_value); } else { return canny_edge_detector_impl(src, upper_thresh, lower_thresh, gradient_size, norm_type, border_mode, constant_border_value); } } template SimpleTensor canny_edge_detector(const SimpleTensor &src, int32_t upper_thresh, int32_t lower_thresh, int gradient_size, MagnitudeType norm_type, BorderMode border_mode, uint8_t constant_border_value); } // namespace reference } // namespace validation } // namespace test } // namespace arm_compute