/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 ARM Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "arm_compute/core/WindowIterator.h" #include "tests/Utils.h" #include "tests/framework/Asserts.h" #include "tests/framework/Macros.h" #include "tests/framework/datasets/Datasets.h" #include "tests/validation/Validation.h" #include "utils/TypePrinter.h" #include using namespace arm_compute; using namespace arm_compute::test; using namespace arm_compute::test::validation; TEST_SUITE(UNIT) TEST_SUITE(WindowIterator) template Window create_window(Dim &&dim0, Dims &&... dims) { Window win; const std::array < Dim, 1 + sizeof...(Dims) > dimensions{ { dim0, std::forward(dims)... } }; for(size_t i = 0; i < dimensions.size(); i++) { win.set(i, dimensions[i]); } return win; } template std::vector create_vector(std::initializer_list list_objs) { std::vector vec_objs; for(auto it : list_objs) { vec_objs.push_back(it); } return vec_objs; } DATA_TEST_CASE(WholeWindow, framework::DatasetMode::ALL, zip(framework::dataset::make("Window", { create_window(Window::Dimension(0, 1)), create_window(Window::Dimension(1, 5, 2), Window::Dimension(3, 5)), create_window(Window::Dimension(4, 16, 4), Window::Dimension(3, 13, 5), Window::Dimension(1, 3, 2)) }), framework::dataset::make("Expected", { create_vector({ Coordinates(0, 0) }), create_vector({ Coordinates(1, 3), Coordinates(3, 3), Coordinates(1, 4), Coordinates(3, 4) }), create_vector({ Coordinates(4, 3, 1), Coordinates(8, 3, 1), Coordinates(12, 3, 1), Coordinates(4, 8, 1), Coordinates(8, 8, 1), Coordinates(12, 8, 1) }) })), window, expected) { unsigned int i = 0; int row_size = 0; TensorShape window_shape = window.shape(); Coordinates start_offset = index2coords(window_shape, 0); Coordinates end_offset = index2coords(window_shape, window.num_iterations_total() - 1); auto window_iterator = create_window_iterator(window, start_offset, end_offset, [&](const Coordinates & id) { ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT_EQUAL(row_size, (window[0].end() - window[0].start()), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(i < expected.size()); Coordinates expected_coords = expected[i++]; //Set number of dimensions to the maximum (To match the number of dimensions used by the id passed to the lambda function) expected_coords.set_num_dimensions(Coordinates::num_max_dimensions); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT_EQUAL(id, expected_coords, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); }); window_iterator.iterate_3D([&](int start, int end) { ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT_EQUAL(window[0].start(), start, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT_EQUAL(window[0].end(), end, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(end > start, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); row_size = end - start; }); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT_EQUAL(i, expected.size(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); } DATA_TEST_CASE(PartialWindow2D, framework::DatasetMode::ALL, zip(zip(zip(combine(framework::dataset::make("Window", create_window(Window::Dimension(4, 20, 4), Window::Dimension(3, 18, 5), Window::Dimension(1, 2, 1))), framework::dataset::make("Start", { 0, 1, 3, 2, 4 })), framework::dataset::make("End", { 0, 2, 5, 8, 7 })), framework::dataset::make("RowSize", { create_vector({ 4 }), create_vector({ 8, 8 }), create_vector({ 4, 8, 8 }), create_vector({ 8, 8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 4 }), create_vector({ 16, 16, 16, 16 }), })), framework::dataset::make("Expected", { create_vector({ Coordinates(4, 3, 1) }), create_vector({ Coordinates(8, 3, 1), Coordinates(12, 3, 1) }), create_vector({ Coordinates(16, 3, 1), Coordinates(4, 8, 1), Coordinates(8, 8, 1) }), create_vector({ Coordinates(12, 3, 1), Coordinates(16, 3, 1), Coordinates(4, 8, 1), Coordinates(8, 8, 1), Coordinates(12, 8, 1), Coordinates(16, 8, 1), Coordinates(4, 13, 1) }), create_vector({ Coordinates(4, 8, 1), Coordinates(8, 8, 1), Coordinates(12, 8, 1), Coordinates(16, 8, 1) }) })), window, start, end, expected_row_size, expected) { unsigned int i = 0; int row_size = 0; TensorShape window_shape = window.shape(); Coordinates start_offset = index2coords(window_shape, start); Coordinates end_offset = index2coords(window_shape, end); auto window_iterator = create_window_iterator(window, start_offset, end_offset, [&](const Coordinates & id) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(i < expected.size()); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT_EQUAL(expected_row_size[i], row_size, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); Coordinates expected_coords = expected[i++]; //Set number of dimensions to the maximum (To match the number of dimensions used by the id passed to the lambda function) expected_coords.set_num_dimensions(Coordinates::num_max_dimensions); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT_EQUAL(id, expected_coords, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); }); window_iterator.iterate_3D([&](int start, int end) { ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(start >= window[0].start(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(end <= window[0].end(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(end > start, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); row_size = end - start; }); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT_EQUAL(i, expected.size(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); } TEST_SUITE_END() TEST_SUITE_END()