/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLTensor.h" #include "src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClMatMulNativeMMULKernel.h" #include "tests/datasets/LargeMatMulMMULDataset.h" #include "tests/datasets/SmallMatMulMMULDataset.h" #include "tests/framework/Macros.h" #include "tests/framework/datasets/Datasets.h" #include "tests/validation/Validation.h" #include "tests/validation/fixtures/MatMulKernelFixture.h" #include "tests/validation/reference/Permute.h" #include namespace arm_compute { namespace test { namespace validation { namespace { RelativeTolerance tolerance_f32(0.001f); /**< Tolerance value for comparing reference's output against implementation's output for floating point data types */ constexpr float abs_tolerance_f32( 0.0001f); /**< Absolute tolerance value for comparing reference's output against implementation's output for floating point data types in case using relative tolerance fails because of small values */ constexpr float abs_tolerance_f16( 0.001f); /**< Absolute tolerance value for comparing reference's output against implementation's output for fp16 data types in case using relative tolerance fails because of small values */ RelativeTolerance tolerance_f16(half(0.01)); /**< Tolerance value for comparing reference's output against implementation's output for floating point data types */ } // namespace /** M0 values to test --precommit*/ const auto m0_values_precommit = framework::dataset::make("M0", { 1, 3 }); /** N0 values to test --precommit*/ const auto n0_values_precommit = framework::dataset::make("N0", { 2, 4 }); /** M0 values to test --nightly*/ const auto m0_values_nightly_lhs_nt = framework::dataset::make("M0", { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }); /** N0 values to test --nightly*/ const auto n0_values_nightly_rhs_nt = framework::dataset::make("N0", { 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 }); /** K0 value -- Fixed to 1 */ const auto k0_value = framework::dataset::make("K0", { 1 }); template using CLMatMulNativeMMULKernelFixture = MatMulKernelValidationFixture; TEST_SUITE(CL) TEST_SUITE(MatMulNativeMMULKernel) TEST_SUITE(Validate) TEST_CASE(SupportedBlockSizes, framework::DatasetMode::ALL) { if(arm_matrix_multiply_supported(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device())) { using MatMulConfigurationPair = std::pair; const std::vector supported_block_sizes = { // MatMulKernelInfo(adj_lhs, adj_rhs, M0, N0, K0, export_rhs_to_cl_image = false) // Lhs not-transposed, Rhs-not-transposed { MatMulKernelInfo(false, false, 0, 1, 1), false }, // M0 should be > 0 { MatMulKernelInfo(false, false, 3, 5, 1), false }, // N0 not in {1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16} { MatMulKernelInfo(false, false, 3, 6, 1), false }, // N0 not in {1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16} { MatMulKernelInfo(false, false, 3, 3, 4), false }, // K0 not 1 { MatMulKernelInfo(false, false, 9, 1, 2), true }, { MatMulKernelInfo(false, false, 3, 16, 3), true }, { MatMulKernelInfo(false, false, 7, 3, 4), true }, // Lhs not-transposed, Rhs transposed // TODO: COMPMID-6195 // Lhs transposed, Rhs-not-transposed // TODO: COMPMID-6196 // Lhs transposed, Rhs-transposed // TODO: COMPMID-6197 }; // Set big enough shapes so that block sizes are not truncated. Also, set all dimensions equal // so that it doesn't fail for different NT/T configurations. We aim to test the block sizes here, // not the shapes themselves. const TensorInfo lhs_info = TensorInfo(TensorShape(100U, 100U), 1, DataType::F32); const TensorInfo rhs_info = TensorInfo(TensorShape(100U, 100U), 1, DataType::F32); for(auto &pair : supported_block_sizes) { TensorInfo output_info; Status status = ClMatMulNativeMMULKernel::validate(&lhs_info, &rhs_info, &output_info, pair.first); } } else { ARM_COMPUTE_TEST_INFO("cl_arm_matrix_multiply not supported. TEST skipped"); framework::ARM_COMPUTE_PRINT_INFO(); } } TEST_CASE(ValidateInputShapes, framework::DatasetMode::ALL) { if(arm_matrix_multiply_supported(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device())) { // Configurations are assumed to be Nt/Nt, but will be transposed inside the test to test other configurations using ShapeConfigurationTuple = std::tuple; const std::vector shape_configurations = { { TensorShape(4U, 1U), TensorShape(3U, 4U), true }, { TensorShape(12U, 12U), TensorShape(3U, 12U), true }, { TensorShape(8U, 4U), TensorShape(2U, 8U), true }, { TensorShape(8U, 4U), TensorShape(2U, 4U), false }, // Mismatch in the K dimension { TensorShape(5U, 0U), TensorShape(2U, 5U), false }, // Invalid dimension { TensorShape(5U, 7U), TensorShape(2U, 5U), false }, // K not a multiple of 4 (MMUL_K0) { TensorShape(8U, 4U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U), TensorShape(2U, 8U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U), true }, { TensorShape(5U, 4U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 1U), TensorShape(2U, 5U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U), false }, // No batch broadcasting { TensorShape(5U, 4U, 3U, 4U, 9U, 6U), TensorShape(2U, 5U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U), false }, // Mismatch in batch dimension }; for(auto &tuple : shape_configurations) { const bool expected = std::get<2>(tuple); for(bool adj_lhs : { false // TODO: COMPMID-6195, COMPMID-6196, COMPMID-6197 }) { for(bool adj_rhs : { false // TODO: COMPMID-6195, COMPMID-6196, COMPMID-6197 }) { TensorShape lhs_shape = std::get<0>(tuple); TensorShape rhs_shape = std::get<1>(tuple); if(adj_lhs) { permute(lhs_shape, PermutationVector(1U, 0U)); } if(adj_rhs) { permute(rhs_shape, PermutationVector(1U, 0U)); } const TensorInfo lhs_info = TensorInfo(lhs_shape, 1, DataType::F32); const TensorInfo rhs_info = TensorInfo(rhs_shape, 1, DataType::F32); TensorInfo output_info; MatMulKernelInfo matmul_kernel_info{ adj_lhs, adj_rhs, 1, 1, 1, false /* export_rhs_to_cl_image */ }; Status status = ClMatMulNativeMMULKernel::validate(&lhs_info, &rhs_info, &output_info, matmul_kernel_info); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(bool(status) == expected, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); } } } } else { ARM_COMPUTE_TEST_INFO("cl_arm_matrix_multiply not supported. TEST skipped"); framework::ARM_COMPUTE_PRINT_INFO(); } } TEST_CASE(ValidateDataTypes, framework::DatasetMode::ALL) { if(arm_matrix_multiply_supported(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device())) { // Configurations are assumed to be Nt/Nt, but will be transposed inside the test to test other configurations using DataTypeConfigurationTuple = std::tuple; const std::vector data_type_configurations = { { DataType::F32, DataType::F32, DataType::F32, true }, { DataType::F16, DataType::F16, DataType::F16, true }, { DataType::F16, DataType::F32, DataType::F32, false }, // no mixed precision { DataType::F64, DataType::F64, DataType::F64, false }, // no double precision { DataType::QASYMM8, DataType::QASYMM8, DataType::QASYMM8, false }, // no quantized types { DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED, DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED, DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED, false }, // no quantized types { DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL, DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL, DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL, false }, // no quantized types { DataType::QASYMM16, DataType::QASYMM16, DataType::QASYMM16, false }, // no quantized types { DataType::QSYMM16, DataType::QSYMM16, DataType::QSYMM16, false }, // no quantized types { DataType::QSYMM8, DataType::QSYMM8, DataType::QSYMM8, false }, // no quantized types { DataType::S64, DataType::S64, DataType::S64, false }, // no integral types { DataType::S32, DataType::S32, DataType::S32, false }, // no integral types { DataType::S16, DataType::S16, DataType::S16, false }, // no integral types { DataType::S8, DataType::S8, DataType::S8, false }, // no integral types { DataType::U64, DataType::U64, DataType::U64, false }, // no integral types { DataType::U32, DataType::U32, DataType::U32, false }, // no integral types { DataType::U16, DataType::U16, DataType::U16, false }, // no integral types { DataType::U8, DataType::U8, DataType::U8, false }, // no integral types }; const TensorShape shape = TensorShape(8U, 8U); const MatMulKernelInfo matmul_kernel_info{ false, false, 1, 1, 1, false }; for(auto &tuple : data_type_configurations) { const bool expected = std::get<3>(tuple); const TensorInfo lhs_info(shape, 1, std::get<0>(tuple)); const TensorInfo rhs_info(shape, 1, std::get<1>(tuple)); TensorInfo output_info(shape, 1, std::get<2>(tuple)); Status status = ClMatMulNativeMMULKernel::validate(&lhs_info, &rhs_info, &output_info, matmul_kernel_info); ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(bool(status) == expected, framework::LogLevel::ERRORS); } } else { ARM_COMPUTE_TEST_INFO("cl_arm_matrix_multiply not supported. TEST skipped"); framework::ARM_COMPUTE_PRINT_INFO(); } } TEST_SUITE_END() // Validate TEST_SUITE(Float) TEST_SUITE(FP32) TEST_SUITE(Buffer) FIXTURE_DATA_TEST_CASE(RunTiny, CLMatMulNativeMMULKernelFixture, framework::DatasetMode::ALL, combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(datasets::TinyMatMulMMULDataset(), framework::dataset::make("TransposeA", { false })), framework::dataset::make("TransposeB", { false })), m0_values_precommit), n0_values_precommit), k0_value), framework::dataset::make("ExportRhsToCLImage", { false })), framework::dataset::make("DataType", DataType::F32))) { // Validate output if(_device_supports_mmul) { validate(CLAccessor(_target), _reference, tolerance_f32, 0.f, abs_tolerance_f32); } } FIXTURE_DATA_TEST_CASE(RunSmall, CLMatMulNativeMMULKernelFixture, framework::DatasetMode::ALL, combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(datasets::SmallMatMulMMULDataset(), framework::dataset::make("TransposeA", { false })), framework::dataset::make("TransposeB", { false })), m0_values_precommit), n0_values_precommit), k0_value), framework::dataset::make("ExportRhsToCLImage", { false })), framework::dataset::make("DataType", DataType::F32))) { // Validate output if(_device_supports_mmul) { validate(CLAccessor(_target), _reference, tolerance_f32, 0.f, abs_tolerance_f32); } } FIXTURE_DATA_TEST_CASE(RunLarge, CLMatMulNativeMMULKernelFixture, framework::DatasetMode::NIGHTLY, combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(datasets::LargeMatMulMMULDataset(), framework::dataset::make("TransposeA", { false })), framework::dataset::make("TransposeB", { false })), m0_values_nightly_lhs_nt), n0_values_nightly_rhs_nt), k0_value), framework::dataset::make("ExportRhsToCLImage", { false })), framework::dataset::make("DataType", DataType::F32))) { // Validate output if(_device_supports_mmul) { validate(CLAccessor(_target), _reference, tolerance_f32, 0.f, abs_tolerance_f32); } } // Running High Dimensional test is enough for FP32, because we're stressing the number of dimensions, not data type or M0/N0/K0 // It's a good idea to test for each Lhs/Rhs T/NT combinations because they're different CL kernels FIXTURE_DATA_TEST_CASE(RunHighDimensional, CLMatMulNativeMMULKernelFixture, framework::DatasetMode::ALL, combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(datasets::HighDimensionalMatMulMMULDataset(), framework::dataset::make("TransposeA", { false })), framework::dataset::make("TransposeB", { false })), framework::dataset::make("M0", { 2 })), framework::dataset::make("N0", { 2 })), framework::dataset::make("K0", { 1 })), framework::dataset::make("ExportRhsToCLImage", { false })), framework::dataset::make("DataType", DataType::F32))) { // Validate output if(_device_supports_mmul) { validate(CLAccessor(_target), _reference, tolerance_f32, 0.f, abs_tolerance_f32); } } TEST_SUITE_END() // Buffer TEST_SUITE_END() // FP32 TEST_SUITE(FP16) TEST_SUITE(Buffer) FIXTURE_DATA_TEST_CASE(RunSmall, CLMatMulNativeMMULKernelFixture, framework::DatasetMode::ALL, combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(datasets::SmallMatMulMMULDataset(), framework::dataset::make("TransposeA", { false })), framework::dataset::make("TransposeB", { false })), m0_values_precommit), n0_values_precommit), k0_value), framework::dataset::make("ExportRhsToCLImage", { false })), framework::dataset::make("DataType", DataType::F16))) { // Validate output if(_device_supports_mmul) { validate(CLAccessor(_target), _reference, tolerance_f16, 0.f, abs_tolerance_f16); } } FIXTURE_DATA_TEST_CASE(RunLarge, CLMatMulNativeMMULKernelFixture, framework::DatasetMode::NIGHTLY, combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(combine(datasets::LargeMatMulMMULDataset(), framework::dataset::make("TransposeA", { false })), framework::dataset::make("TransposeB", { false })), m0_values_nightly_lhs_nt), n0_values_nightly_rhs_nt), k0_value), framework::dataset::make("ExportRhsToCLImage", { false })), framework::dataset::make("DataType", DataType::F16))) { // Validate output if(_device_supports_mmul) { validate(CLAccessor(_target), _reference, tolerance_f16, 0.f, abs_tolerance_f16); } } TEST_SUITE_END() // Buffer TEST_SUITE_END() // FP16 TEST_SUITE_END() // Float TEST_SUITE_END() // MatMulNativeMMULKernel TEST_SUITE_END() // CL } // namespace validation } // namespace test } // namespace arm_compute