/* * Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "JSONPrinter.h" #include "../Framework.h" #include "../instruments/Measurement.h" #include namespace arm_compute { namespace test { namespace framework { void JSONPrinter::print_separator(bool &flag) { if(flag) { flag = false; } else { *_stream << ","; } } template void JSONPrinter::print_strings(T &&first, T &&last) { bool first_entry = true; std::stringstream log; while(first != last) { print_separator(first_entry); *_stream << R"(")"; log.str(*first); for(std::string line; !std::getline(log, line).fail();) { *_stream << line << "; "; } *_stream << R"(")"; ++first; } } void JSONPrinter::print_entry(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) { print_separator(_first_entry); *_stream << R"(")" << name << R"(" : ")" << value << R"(")"; } void JSONPrinter::print_global_header() { *_stream << "{"; } void JSONPrinter::print_global_footer() { *_stream << "}\n"; } void JSONPrinter::print_run_header() { print_separator(_first_entry); *_stream << R"("tests" : {)"; } void JSONPrinter::print_run_footer() { *_stream << "}"; } void JSONPrinter::print_test_header(const TestInfo &info) { print_separator(_first_test); _first_test_entry = true; *_stream << R"(")" << info.name << R"(" : {)"; } void JSONPrinter::print_test_footer() { *_stream << "}"; } void JSONPrinter::print_errors_header() { _errors.clear(); _expected_errors.clear(); _infos.clear(); } void JSONPrinter::print_errors_footer() { print_separator(_first_test_entry); *_stream << R"("errors" : [)"; print_strings(_errors.begin(), _errors.end()); *_stream << "]"; *_stream << R"(, "expected_errors" : [)"; print_strings(_expected_errors.begin(), _expected_errors.end()); *_stream << "]"; *_stream << R"(, "infos" : [)"; print_strings(_infos.begin(), _infos.end()); *_stream << "]"; } void JSONPrinter::print_error(const std::exception &error, bool expected) { if(expected) { _expected_errors.emplace_back(error.what()); } else { _errors.emplace_back(error.what()); } } void JSONPrinter::print_info(const std::string &info) { _infos.push_back(info); } void JSONPrinter::print_measurements(const Profiler::MeasurementsMap &measurements) { print_separator(_first_test_entry); *_stream << R"("measurements" : {)"; for(auto i_it = measurements.cbegin(), i_end = measurements.cend(); i_it != i_end;) { *_stream << R"(")" << i_it->first << R"(" : {)"; auto add_measurements = [](Measurement::Value a, const Measurement & b) { return a + b.value(); }; auto cmp_measurements = [](const Measurement & a, const Measurement & b) { return a.value() < b.value(); }; int num_values = i_it->second.size(); const auto minmax_values = std::minmax_element(i_it->second.begin(), i_it->second.end(), cmp_measurements); Measurement::Value sum_values = std::accumulate(i_it->second.cbegin(), i_it->second.cend(), Measurement::Value(minmax_values.first->value().is_floating_point), add_measurements); if(num_values > 2) { sum_values -= minmax_values.first->value() + minmax_values.second->value(); num_values -= 2; } auto measurement_to_string = [](const Measurement & measurement) { if(measurement.raw_data().size() == 1) { return measurement.raw_data().front(); } else { std::stringstream str; str << R"([")"; str << join(measurement.raw_data().begin(), measurement.raw_data().end(), R"(",")"); str << R"("])"; return str.str(); } }; *_stream << R"("avg" : )" << (sum_values / num_values) << ","; if(num_values > 1) { *_stream << R"("min" : )" << minmax_values.first->value() << ","; *_stream << R"("max" : )" << minmax_values.second->value() << ","; } *_stream << R"("raw" : [)" << join(i_it->second.begin(), i_it->second.end(), ",", measurement_to_string) << "],"; *_stream << R"("unit" : ")" << minmax_values.first->unit() << R"(")"; *_stream << "}"; if(++i_it != i_end) { *_stream << ","; } } *_stream << "}"; } } // namespace framework } // namespace test } // namespace arm_compute