/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 ARM Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "arm_compute/runtime/NEON/functions/assembly/NEGEMMInterleavedWrapper.h" #include "arm_compute/core/ITensor.h" #include "arm_compute/core/NEON/kernels/assembly/Helpers.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Utils.h" #include "arm_compute/runtime/NEON/NEScheduler.h" #include "src/core/NEON/kernels/assembly/NEGEMMInterleavedStrategies.h" #include #include #include namespace arm_compute { #ifndef NO_MULTI_THREADING class BufferManagerMultipleThreads final : public IBufferManager { public: /** Number of buffers to ping pong between */ static constexpr unsigned int NUM_BUFFERS = 3; explicit BufferManagerMultipleThreads(unsigned int max_num_users) : _buffers(), _max_num_users(max_num_users) { } unsigned int num_buffers() const override { return NUM_BUFFERS; } /* - Lock the requested index if it's free and return true if it needs reshaping. * - Return false without acquiring the lock if the buffer at the index is already reshaped / being reshaped. * - Block if the corresponding buffer for the given index is still being used by a different index. */ bool lock_to_reshape_if_needed(unsigned int index) override { Buffer &buf = get_buffer_from_index(index); while(true) { if(buf.index == index && buf.state != State::FREE) { //Another thread already is reshaping / has reshaped this block: nothing to do return false; } else { std::unique_lock lock(buf.mutex); //If the buffer is free then lock it for reshaping: if(buf.state == State::FREE) { buf.index = index; buf.state = State::BEING_RESHAPED; return true; } // Check again just in case it changed while we were acquiring the lock: if(buf.index == index) { //Another thread is reshaping this block already, nothing to do return false; } // buf.index != index: Buffer still being used by another block, need to wait buf.sem.wait(lock); } } } /* Mark the buffer at the given index as reshaped and release the lock acquired via lock_to_reshape_if_needed() */ void mark_as_reshaped(unsigned int index) override { Buffer &buf = get_buffer_from_index(index); { std::lock_guard lock(buf.mutex); buf.users = _max_num_users; buf.state = State::IN_USE; } buf.sem.notify_all(); } /* Block until the buffer at the given index is reshaped */ void wait_for_reshaping(unsigned int index) override { Buffer &buf = get_buffer_from_index(index); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(buf.index != index); // Should have blocked in lock_to_reshape_if_needed() // Check if it's already ready to use: if(buf.state == State::IN_USE) { return; } std::unique_lock lock(buf.mutex); //Double check it didn't change while we were acquiring the lock: if(buf.state == State::IN_USE) { return; } buf.sem.wait(lock); } /* Mark the buffer at the given index as not used by this thread anymore. * Once all the threads have called this method then the buffer is marked as free again. */ void mark_as_unused(unsigned int index) override { Buffer &buf = get_buffer_from_index(index); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(buf.index != index); // Should have blocked in lock_to_reshape_if_needed() if(--buf.users == 0) { std::unique_lock lock(buf.mutex); buf.state = State::FREE; lock.unlock(); buf.sem.notify_all(); } } private: enum class State { FREE, BEING_RESHAPED, IN_USE }; struct Buffer { unsigned int index{}; std::atomic_uint users{}; State state{ State::FREE }; std::mutex mutex{}; std::condition_variable sem{}; }; std::array _buffers; Buffer &get_buffer_from_index(unsigned int index) { return _buffers[index % NUM_BUFFERS]; } unsigned int _max_num_users; }; #endif /* NO_MULTI_THREADING */ class BufferManagerSingleThread : public IBufferManager { public: unsigned int num_buffers() const override { return 1; } bool lock_to_reshape_if_needed(unsigned int index) override { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(index); return true; } void mark_as_reshaped(unsigned int index) override { } void wait_for_reshaping(unsigned int index) override { } void mark_as_unused(unsigned int index) override { } }; NEGEMMInterleavedWrapper::NEGEMMInterleavedWrapper(std::shared_ptr memory_manager, IWeightsManager *weights_manager) : _memory_group(std::move(memory_manager)) { } void NEGEMMInterleavedWrapper::run() { prepare(); MemoryGroupResourceScope scope_mg(_memory_group); NEScheduler::get().run_tagged_workloads(_workloads, _tag.c_str()); } void NEGEMMInterleavedWrapper::prepare() { if(!_is_prepared) { if(_pretranspose_b) { _transformed_b.allocator()->allocate(); NEScheduler::get().schedule(_prepare_b.get(), Window::DimX); _b->mark_as_unused(); } else { _prepare_b->create_workloads(_b_workloads); } _transform_a->create_workloads(_a_workloads); _matrix_multiply->create_workloads(_mm_workloads); //Maximum number of workloads to create: const unsigned int num_threads = NEScheduler::get().num_threads(); const unsigned int max_iterations = std::max(num_threads, _num_windows); //Maximum number of iterations the parameters allow: const unsigned int num_iterations = _batch_window.num_iterations_total(); // Keep the smallest of the two: const unsigned int num_windows = std::min(num_iterations, max_iterations); const TensorShape window_shape = _batch_window.shape(); const unsigned int num_x_blocks = _block_walker.num_iterations(Window::DimX); // Create a 1D window to dynamically split the batch window: Window win_1D; win_1D.set(0, Window::Dimension(0, num_iterations)); // Create one workload for each sub-window: for(unsigned int w = 0; w < num_windows; w++) { Window win = win_1D.split_window(0, w, num_windows); const Coordinates start_offset = index2coords(window_shape, win.x().start()); const Coordinates end_offset = index2coords(window_shape, win.x().end() - 1); if(_pretranspose_b) { auto workload = [start_offset, end_offset, num_x_blocks, this](const ThreadInfo & info) { //For each block of rows in "M" auto workload_mm = this->_mm_workloads.begin(); for(auto &workload_a : this->_a_workloads) { // Transform one k_block from A: this->_transform_a->transform(workload_a, info, this->_batch_window, start_offset, end_offset); // Then perform the matrix multiplication for each x block along N: for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_x_blocks; i++) { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(workload_mm == this->_mm_workloads.end()); this->_matrix_multiply->transform(*workload_mm++, info, this->_batch_window, start_offset, end_offset); } } }; _workloads.emplace_back(workload); } else { auto workload = [num_threads, start_offset, end_offset, num_x_blocks, this](const ThreadInfo & info) { //For each block of rows in "M" auto workload_mm = this->_mm_workloads.begin(); unsigned int workload_b = 0; //If there is only one thread then only reshape the B blocks as you need them: unsigned int workload_b_next = num_threads == 1 ? this->_b_workloads.size() : 1; for(auto &workload_a : this->_a_workloads) { // Transform one k_block from A: this->_transform_a->transform(workload_a, info, this->_batch_window, start_offset, end_offset); // Then perform the matrix multiplication for each x block along N: for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_x_blocks; i++) { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(workload_mm == this->_mm_workloads.end()); if(workload_b_next < this->_b_workloads.size()) { //Lock on BufferManager: need to run it ? if(this->_buffer_manager->lock_to_reshape_if_needed(workload_b_next)) { this->_prepare_b->transform(this->_b_workloads[workload_b_next], info); this->_buffer_manager->mark_as_reshaped(workload_b_next); } workload_b_next++; } ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(workload_b >= this->_b_workloads.size()); // Run if needed or wait if(this->_buffer_manager->lock_to_reshape_if_needed(workload_b)) { this->_prepare_b->transform(this->_b_workloads[workload_b], info); this->_buffer_manager->mark_as_reshaped(workload_b); } this->_buffer_manager->wait_for_reshaping(workload_b); this->_matrix_multiply->transform(*workload_mm++, info, this->_batch_window, start_offset, end_offset); this->_buffer_manager->mark_as_unused(workload_b); workload_b++; } } }; _workloads.emplace_back(workload); } } if(!_pretranspose_b && num_windows > 1 && num_windows % num_threads != 0) { //Make sure the number of workloads is a multiple of the number of threads to avoid dead locks: for(unsigned int leftover = num_windows % num_threads; leftover != num_threads; leftover++) { auto workload = [this](const ThreadInfo & info) { unsigned int workload_b = 0; //If there is only one thread then only reshape the B blocks as you need them: unsigned int workload_b_next = 1; for(unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < this->_mm_workloads.size(); iteration++) { if(workload_b_next < this->_b_workloads.size()) { //Lock on BufferManager: need to run it ? if(this->_buffer_manager->lock_to_reshape_if_needed(workload_b_next)) { this->_prepare_b->transform(this->_b_workloads[workload_b_next], info); this->_buffer_manager->mark_as_reshaped(workload_b_next); } workload_b_next++; } ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(workload_b >= this->_b_workloads.size()); // Run if needed or wait if(this->_buffer_manager->lock_to_reshape_if_needed(workload_b)) { this->_prepare_b->transform(this->_b_workloads[workload_b], info); this->_buffer_manager->mark_as_reshaped(workload_b); } this->_buffer_manager->wait_for_reshaping(workload_b); this->_buffer_manager->mark_as_unused(workload_b); workload_b++; } }; _workloads.emplace_back(workload); } } _is_prepared = true; } } void NEGEMMInterleavedWrapper::configure(const ITensor *a, const ITensor *b, ITensor *c, float alpha, float beta, const GEMMInfo &gemm_info) { _params = INEGEMMWrapperKernel::extract_parameters(a, b, c, gemm_info); _a = a; _b = b; _c = c; _pretranspose_b = gemm_info.pretranpose_B(); const DataType input_type = a->info()->data_type(); const CPUInfo &ci = NEScheduler::get().cpu_info(); const unsigned int num_threads = NEScheduler::get().num_threads(); const arm_gemm::KernelDescription gemm_kernel_info = get_gemm_info(input_type, ci, num_threads, _params, alpha, beta, _pretranspose_b); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(gemm_kernel_info.method != arm_gemm::GemmMethod::GEMM_INTERLEAVED); // Forcing 128-byte alignment (required by 32-bit kernels) const unsigned int alignment = 128; _transformed_b.allocator()->init(TensorInfo{}, alignment); _tmp_c.allocator()->init(TensorInfo{}, alignment); _tag = "NEGEMMInterleaved_" + gemm_kernel_info.name; // Get strategy std::unique_ptr strategy = detail::create_strategy(gemm_kernel_info.name); _num_windows = iceildiv(_params.M, strategy->out_height()) * _params.batches; ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(strategy == nullptr); if(!_pretranspose_b) { _block_sizes = strategy->calculate_block_sizes_for_strategy(ci, _params); _batch_window.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, ceil_to_multiple(_block_sizes.m_round, _block_sizes.strategy_out_height), _block_sizes.strategy_out_height)); _batch_window.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, _params.batches)); // If the execution is single threaded or has only one window then the buffer manager only needs 1 buffer else we will use NUM_BUFFERS buffers and ping pong between them: const unsigned int num_iterations = _batch_window.num_iterations_total(); if(NEScheduler::get().num_threads() == 1 || num_iterations == 1) { _buffer_manager = support::cpp14::make_unique(); } else { #ifdef NO_MULTI_THREADING ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Can't have more than 1 buffer without multiple threads"); #else /* NO_MULTI_THREADING */ _buffer_manager = support::cpp14::make_unique(NEScheduler::get().num_threads()); #endif /* NO_MULTI_THREADING */ } // If B is transposed at every iteration then transformed_B can be managed: _memory_group.manage(&_transformed_b); auto_init_if_empty(*_transformed_b.info(), _b->info()->clone()->set_tensor_shape(TensorShape(_block_sizes.x_block * _block_sizes.k_block, _buffer_manager->num_buffers()))); } else { _tag += "_preB"; } _prepare_b = strategy->instantiate_prepareB(b, &_transformed_b, _params, ci); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(_prepare_b == nullptr); if(_pretranspose_b) { _block_sizes = _prepare_b->block_sizes(); _batch_window.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, ceil_to_multiple(_block_sizes.m_round, _block_sizes.strategy_out_height), _block_sizes.strategy_out_height)); _batch_window.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, _params.batches)); } _block_walker.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, ceil_to_multiple(_params.N, _block_sizes.x_block), _block_sizes.x_block)); _block_walker.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, ceil_to_multiple(_params.K, _block_sizes.k_block), _block_sizes.k_block)); _block_walker.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(0, _params.multis)); _transformed_a.allocator()->init(TensorInfo(TensorShape{ _block_sizes.k_block, _block_sizes.m_round, _params.batches }, 1, input_type), alignment); _memory_group.manage(&_transformed_a); _memory_group.manage(&_tmp_c); _transform_a = strategy->instantiate_transformA(_a, &_transformed_a, _block_walker, _params, gemm_info); _matrix_multiply = strategy->instantiate_matrix_multiply(&_transformed_a, &_transformed_b, &_tmp_c, c, _block_walker, _block_sizes, _params, alpha, beta, gemm_info, num_threads); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(_transform_a == nullptr); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(_matrix_multiply == nullptr); _transformed_a.allocator()->allocate(); _tmp_c.allocator()->allocate(); if(!_pretranspose_b) { _transformed_b.allocator()->allocate(); } } } // namespace arm_compute