/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "ClComponentDirectConv2d.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Validate.h" #include "arm_compute/core/utils/misc/ShapeCalculator.h" #include "arm_compute/dynamic_fusion/sketch/OperatorAttributes.h" #include "src/core/CL/CLValidate.h" #include "src/dynamic_fusion/sketch/gpu/template_writer/cl/ClTemplateDirectConv2d.h" namespace arm_compute { namespace experimental { namespace dynamic_fusion { ClComponentDirectConv2dSettings &ClComponentDirectConv2dSettings::export_to_cl_image(bool cl_image) { _export_to_cl_image = cl_image; return *this; } bool ClComponentDirectConv2dSettings::export_to_cl_image() const { return _export_to_cl_image; } ClComponentDirectConv2dSettings &ClComponentDirectConv2dSettings::fast_relaxed_math(bool fast_relaxed_math) { _fast_relaxed_math = fast_relaxed_math; return *this; } bool ClComponentDirectConv2dSettings::fast_relaxed_math() const { return _fast_relaxed_math; } Status ClComponentDirectConv2d::validate( const Properties &properties, const ArgumentPack &tensors, const Attributes &attributes, const Settings &settings) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(properties, settings); const auto src = tensors.get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_SRC_0); const auto wei = tensors.get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_SRC_1); const auto bia = tensors.get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_SRC_2); const auto dst = tensors.get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_DST_0); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(src, wei, dst); // 1. Check validity // Matching data type ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MISMATCHING_DATA_TYPES(src, wei); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MISMATCHING_DATA_TYPES(src, dst); if(bia != nullptr) { ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MISMATCHING_DATA_TYPES(src, bia); } // Matching data layout ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MISMATCHING_DATA_LAYOUT(src, wei); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MISMATCHING_DATA_LAYOUT(src, dst); if(bia != nullptr) { ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MISMATCHING_DATA_LAYOUT(src, bia); } // All tensor infos are initialized ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(src->tensor_shape().total_size() == 0); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(wei->tensor_shape().total_size() == 0); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(dst->tensor_shape().total_size() == 0); if(bia != nullptr) { ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(bia->tensor_shape().total_size() == 0); } // Device requirements are met ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_F16_UNSUPPORTED(src); // wei shape is correct const DataLayout data_layout = src->data_layout(); const int channel_idx = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::CHANNEL); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(wei->dimension(channel_idx) != src->dimension(channel_idx), "Weights feature map dimension should match the respective src's one"); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(wei->num_dimensions() > 4, "Weights can be at most 4 dimensional"); // dst shape is correct PadStrideInfo legacy_pad_stride(attributes.stride().x(), attributes.stride().y(), attributes.pad().left, attributes.pad().right, attributes.pad().top, attributes.pad().bottom, DimensionRoundingType{}); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MISMATCHING_DIMENSIONS(dst->tensor_shape(), misc::shape_calculator::compute_deep_convolution_shape(*src, *wei, legacy_pad_stride)); // bia shape is correct if(bia != nullptr) { ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(bia->dimension(0) != wei->dimension(3), "Biases size and number of dst feature maps should match"); ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(bia->num_dimensions() > 1, "Biases should be one dimensional"); } // 2. Check support level // Data type ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_DATA_TYPE_CHANNEL_NOT_IN(src, 1, DataType::F16, DataType::F32); // Data layout ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_DATA_LAYOUT_NOT_IN(src, DataLayout::NHWC); return Status{}; } ClComponentDirectConv2d::ClComponentDirectConv2d( ComponentId id, const Properties &properties, const ArgumentPack &tensors, const Attributes &attributes, const Settings &settings) : IGpuKernelComponent{ id, properties, tensors }, _component_writer{ std::make_unique(id, tensors, attributes, settings) } { } ClComponentDirectConv2d::~ClComponentDirectConv2d() { } const IGpuTemplateComponentWriter *ClComponentDirectConv2d::template_writer() const { return _component_writer.get(); } } // namespace dynamic_fusion } // namespace experimental } // namespace arm_compute