/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "src/cpu/operators/CpuConv2d.h" #include "arm_compute/runtime/NEON/NEScheduler.h" #include "arm_compute/runtime/NEON/functions/NEFFTConvolutionLayer.h" #include "src/cpu/operators/CpuDirectConv2d.h" #include "src/cpu/operators/CpuGemm.h" #include "src/cpu/operators/CpuGemmConv2d.h" #include "src/cpu/operators/CpuGemmDirectConv2d.h" #include "src/cpu/operators/CpuWinogradConv2d.h" namespace arm_compute { namespace cpu { CpuConv2d::CpuConv2d() : _function() { } CpuConv2d::~CpuConv2d() = default; void CpuConv2d::configure(ITensorInfo *input, ITensorInfo *weights, const ITensorInfo *biases, ITensorInfo *output, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info, const WeightsInfo &weights_info, const Size2D &dilation, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, bool enable_fast_math, unsigned int num_groups) { // Perform validate step ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, weights, output); ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(num_groups); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(CpuConv2d::validate(input, weights, biases, output, conv_info, weights_info, dilation, act_info, enable_fast_math, num_groups)); const Conv2dInfo info(conv_info, dilation, act_info, enable_fast_math, num_groups); switch(CpuConv2d::get_convolution_method(input, weights, output, conv_info, weights_info, dilation, act_info, enable_fast_math)) { case ConvolutionMethod::WINOGRAD: { auto f = std::make_unique(); f->configure(input, weights, biases, output, conv_info, act_info, enable_fast_math); _function = std::move(f); break; } case ConvolutionMethod::GEMM: { auto f = std::make_unique(); f->configure(input, weights, biases, output, conv_info, weights_info, dilation, act_info, enable_fast_math); _function = std::move(f); break; } case ConvolutionMethod::GEMM_CONV2D: { auto f = std::make_unique(); f->configure(input, weights, biases, output, info); _function = std::move(f); break; } case ConvolutionMethod::DIRECT: { auto f = std::make_unique(); f->configure(input, weights, biases, output, conv_info, act_info); _function = std::move(f); break; } default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not supported."); break; } _aux_mem = _function->workspace(); } Status CpuConv2d::validate(const ITensorInfo *input, const ITensorInfo *weights, const ITensorInfo *biases, const ITensorInfo *output, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info, const WeightsInfo &weights_info, const Size2D &dilation, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, bool enable_fast_math, unsigned int num_groups) { ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG((num_groups != 1), "Grouping (num_groups != 1) is not supported on Neon"); const Conv2dInfo info(conv_info, dilation, act_info, enable_fast_math, num_groups); switch(CpuConv2d::get_convolution_method(input, weights, output, conv_info, weights_info, dilation, act_info, enable_fast_math)) { case ConvolutionMethod::WINOGRAD: ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ON_ERROR(CpuWinogradConv2d::validate(input, weights, biases, output, conv_info, act_info, enable_fast_math)); break; case ConvolutionMethod::GEMM: ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ON_ERROR(CpuGemmConv2d::validate(input, weights, biases, output, conv_info, weights_info, dilation, act_info, enable_fast_math)); break; case ConvolutionMethod::GEMM_CONV2D: ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ON_ERROR(CpuGemmDirectConv2d::validate(input, weights, biases, output, info)); break; case ConvolutionMethod::DIRECT: ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ON_ERROR(CpuDirectConv2d::validate(input, weights, biases, output, conv_info, act_info)); break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not supported."); break; } return Status{}; } ConvolutionMethod CpuConv2d::get_convolution_method(const ITensorInfo *input, const ITensorInfo *weights, const ITensorInfo *output, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info, const WeightsInfo &weights_info, const Size2D &dilation, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, bool enable_fast_math) { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, output, weights); ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(weights_info); const size_t idx_w = get_data_layout_dimension_index(input->data_layout(), DataLayoutDimension::WIDTH); const size_t idx_h = get_data_layout_dimension_index(input->data_layout(), DataLayoutDimension::HEIGHT); const size_t idx_c = get_data_layout_dimension_index(input->data_layout(), DataLayoutDimension::CHANNEL); const Conv2dInfo info(conv_info, dilation, act_info, enable_fast_math, 1); /* Input spatial dims, kernel size, IFM/OFM, conv info*/ using ConvolutionConfiguration = std::tuple; using ConfigurationMethod = std::pair; const std::vector known_configs = { // Alexnet ConfigurationMethod(ConvolutionConfiguration(Size2D(27U, 27U), Size2D(5U, 5U), Size2D(48U, 128U), PadStrideInfo(1U, 1U, 2U, 2U)), ConvolutionMethod::GEMM), // VGG16 / VGG19 ConfigurationMethod(ConvolutionConfiguration(Size2D(224U, 224U), Size2D(3U, 3U), Size2D(3U, 64U), PadStrideInfo(1U, 1U, 1U, 1U)), ConvolutionMethod::GEMM), // Mobilenet 224 ConfigurationMethod(ConvolutionConfiguration(Size2D(224U, 224U), Size2D(3U, 3U), Size2D(3U, 32U), PadStrideInfo(2U, 2U, 0U, 1U, 0U, 1U, DimensionRoundingType::FLOOR)), ConvolutionMethod::GEMM), // Mobilenet 160 ConfigurationMethod(ConvolutionConfiguration(Size2D(160U, 160U), Size2D(3U, 3U), Size2D(3U, 24U), PadStrideInfo(2U, 2U, 0U, 1U, 0U, 1U, DimensionRoundingType::FLOOR)), ConvolutionMethod::GEMM) }; const auto find_config = [&](ConfigurationMethod c) { const ConvolutionConfiguration config = c.first; const PadStrideInfo info = std::get<3>(config); return std::get<0>(config) == Size2D(input->dimension(idx_w), input->dimension(idx_h)) && std::get<1>(config) == Size2D(weights->dimension(idx_w), weights->dimension(idx_h)) && std::get<2>(config) == Size2D(weights->dimension(idx_c), weights->dimension(3)) && info.pad_top() == conv_info.pad_top() && info.pad_right() == conv_info.pad_right() && info.pad_bottom() == conv_info.pad_bottom() && info.pad_left() == conv_info.pad_left() && info.stride() == conv_info.stride(); }; std::vector::const_iterator found; if((found = std::find_if(known_configs.begin(), known_configs.end(), find_config)) != known_configs.end()) { return (*found).second; } if(dilation != Size2D(1U, 1U)) { return ConvolutionMethod::GEMM; } else { // SRGAN // Output might not be initialized when it is an internal tensor of the layer using the convolution if(input->total_size() > 1e7 && (weights->dimension(idx_h) > 7) && (CpuDirectConv2d::validate(input, weights, nullptr, output, conv_info, act_info))) { return ConvolutionMethod::DIRECT; } if((weights->dimension(idx_h) > 7) && (input->dimension(idx_c) > output->dimension(idx_c)) && (NEFFTConvolutionLayer::validate(input, weights, nullptr, output, conv_info, act_info))) { return ConvolutionMethod::FFT; } if(input->dimension(idx_c) < 16) { return ConvolutionMethod::GEMM; } #ifdef __ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC // This heuristics only applies to F16 data type on A55r1 if(NEScheduler::get().cpu_info().get_cpu_model() == CPUModel::A55r1 && enable_fast_math && input->data_type() == DataType::F16) { // Exclude known bad winograd configs (and defaults to GEMM) const std::vector known_bad_winograd_f16_with_fastmath_configs = { // Squeezenet_V1_1 fire2 and fire3 ConvolutionConfiguration(Size2D(56U, 56U), Size2D(3U, 3U), Size2D(16U, 64U), PadStrideInfo(1U, 1U, 1U, 1U)), // Squeezenet_V1_1 fire6 and fire7 ConvolutionConfiguration(Size2D(14U, 14U), Size2D(3U, 3U), Size2D(48U, 192U), PadStrideInfo(1U, 1U, 1U, 1U)), // Squeezenet_V1_1 fire8 and fire9 ConvolutionConfiguration(Size2D(14U, 14U), Size2D(3U, 3U), Size2D(64U, 256U), PadStrideInfo(1U, 1U, 1U, 1U)), }; const auto find_conv_config = [&](ConvolutionConfiguration c) { const PadStrideInfo info = std::get<3>(c); return std::get<0>(c) == Size2D(input->dimension(idx_w), input->dimension(idx_h)) && std::get<1>(c) == Size2D(weights->dimension(idx_w), weights->dimension(idx_h)) && std::get<2>(c) == Size2D(weights->dimension(idx_c), weights->dimension(3)) && info.pad_top() == conv_info.pad_top() && info.pad_right() == conv_info.pad_right() && info.pad_bottom() == conv_info.pad_bottom() && info.pad_left() == conv_info.pad_left() && info.stride() == conv_info.stride(); }; bool found_bad = std::find_if(known_bad_winograd_f16_with_fastmath_configs.begin(), known_bad_winograd_f16_with_fastmath_configs.end(), find_conv_config) != known_bad_winograd_f16_with_fastmath_configs.end(); if(found_bad) { return ConvolutionMethod::GEMM; } } #endif // __ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC // For 1x1 convolutions run the default GEMM if(weights->dimension(idx_w) == 1 && weights->dimension(idx_h) == 1) { return ConvolutionMethod::GEMM; } if(bool(CpuWinogradConv2d::validate(input, weights, nullptr, output, conv_info, act_info, enable_fast_math))) { return ConvolutionMethod::WINOGRAD; } if(bool(CpuGemmDirectConv2d::validate(input, weights, nullptr, output, info))) { return ConvolutionMethod::GEMM_CONV2D; } return ConvolutionMethod::GEMM; } } void CpuConv2d::run(ITensorPack &tensors) { prepare(tensors); _function->run(tensors); } void CpuConv2d::prepare(ITensorPack &tensors) { _function->prepare(tensors); } experimental::MemoryRequirements CpuConv2d::workspace() const { return _aux_mem; } } // namespace cpu } // namespace arm_compute