/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "arm_compute/core/Helpers.h" #include "src/core/NEON/wrapper/intrinsics/intrinsics.h" #include "src/core/helpers/PoolingHelpers.h" #include "src/core/helpers/WindowHelpers.h" #include "src/cpu/kernels/pool3d/neon/quantized.h" #include "src/cpu/kernels/pool3d/neon/impl.h" namespace arm_compute { namespace cpu { namespace { template void max_poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window_out, const int window_start_x, const int window_end_x, const int window_step_x) { using vtype = wrapper::traits::neon_bitvector; using vector_type = typename vtype::type; using tag_type = typename vtype::tag_type; int pool_stride_x = static_cast(pool_info.stride.width); int pool_stride_y = static_cast(pool_info.stride.height); int pool_stride_z = static_cast(pool_info.stride.depth); const int pool_size_x = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape().y() : pool_info.pool_size.width; const int pool_size_y = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape().z() : pool_info.pool_size.height; const int pool_size_z = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape()[3] : pool_info.pool_size.depth; const int pool_pad_top = static_cast(pool_info.padding.top); const int pool_pad_left = static_cast(pool_info.padding.left); const int pool_pad_front = static_cast(pool_info.padding.front); const int input_dim_w = src->info()->dimension(1); const int input_dim_h = src->info()->dimension(2); const int input_dim_d = src->info()->dimension(3); const int y_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y()); const int z_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z()); const int w_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3]); const int n_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes()[4]); const uint8_t *in_ptr_start = src->buffer() + src->info()->offset_first_element_in_bytes(); Iterator out(dst0, window_out); vector_type vres; execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id) { // Computing the theoretical input starting/ending points const int in_idx_width = static_cast(id.y()) * pool_stride_x - pool_pad_left; const int in_idx_height = static_cast(id.z()) * pool_stride_y - pool_pad_top; const int in_idx_depth = static_cast(id[3]) * pool_stride_z - pool_pad_front; const int pool_start_x = std::max(0, -in_idx_width); const int pool_end_x_t = std::min(input_dim_w + pool_pad_left - in_idx_width, pool_size_x); const int pool_start_y = std::max(0, -in_idx_height); const int pool_end_y_t = std::min(input_dim_h + pool_pad_top - in_idx_height, pool_size_y); const int pool_start_z = std::max(0, -in_idx_depth); const int pool_end_z_t = std::min(input_dim_d + pool_pad_front - in_idx_depth, pool_size_z); // The end of width to consider in calculation should exclude PAD_X, PAD_Y and PAD_Z const int pool_end_x = std::min(pool_end_x_t, input_dim_w - in_idx_width); const int pool_end_y = std::min(pool_end_y_t, input_dim_h - in_idx_height); const int pool_end_z = std::min(pool_end_z_t, input_dim_d - in_idx_depth); const uint8_t *in_ptr_n = in_ptr_start + id[4] * n_stride; int x_off = window_start_x; for(; x_off <= (window_end_x - window_step_x); x_off += window_step_x) // C { vres = wrapper::vdup_n(static_cast(-std::numeric_limits::infinity()), tag_type()); for(int z = pool_start_z; z < pool_end_z; ++z) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_z = in_ptr_n + (z + in_idx_depth) * w_stride; for(int y = pool_start_y; y < pool_end_y; ++y) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_y = in_ptr_z + (y + in_idx_height) * z_stride; for(int x = pool_start_x; x < pool_end_x; ++x) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_x = in_ptr_y + (x + in_idx_width) * y_stride; const vector_type data = wrapper::vloadq(reinterpret_cast(in_ptr_x) + x_off); vres = wrapper::vmax(vres, data); } } } // Store result wrapper::vstore(reinterpret_cast(out.ptr()) + x_off, vres); } // Left-overs loop for(; x_off < window_end_x; ++x_off) { T res(0); res = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); for(int z = pool_start_z; z < pool_end_z; ++z) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_z = in_ptr_n + (z + in_idx_depth) * w_stride; for(int y = pool_start_y; y < pool_end_y; ++y) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_y = in_ptr_z + (y + in_idx_height) * z_stride; for(int x = pool_start_x; x < pool_end_x; ++x) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_x = in_ptr_y + (x + in_idx_width) * y_stride; const T data = *(reinterpret_cast(in_ptr_x) + x_off); res = std::max(res, data); } } } // Store result *(reinterpret_cast(out.ptr()) + x_off) = res; } }, out); } template void avg_poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window_out, const int window_start_x, const int window_end_x, const int window_step_x) { using vtype = wrapper::traits::neon_bitvector; using vector_type = typename vtype::type; using tag_type = typename vtype::tag_type; int pool_stride_x = static_cast(pool_info.stride.width); int pool_stride_y = static_cast(pool_info.stride.height); int pool_stride_z = static_cast(pool_info.stride.depth); const int pool_size_x = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape().y() : pool_info.pool_size.width; const int pool_size_y = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape().z() : pool_info.pool_size.height; const int pool_size_z = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape()[3] : pool_info.pool_size.depth; const int pool_pad_top = static_cast(pool_info.padding.top); const int pool_pad_bottom = static_cast(pool_info.padding.bottom); const int pool_pad_left = static_cast(pool_info.padding.left); const int pool_pad_right = static_cast(pool_info.padding.right); const int pool_pad_front = static_cast(pool_info.padding.front); const int pool_pad_back = static_cast(pool_info.padding.back); const int upper_bound_w = src->info()->dimension(1) + (pool_info.exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_right); const int upper_bound_h = src->info()->dimension(2) + (pool_info.exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_bottom); const int upper_bound_d = src->info()->dimension(3) + (pool_info.exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_back); const int input_dim_w = src->info()->dimension(1); const int input_dim_h = src->info()->dimension(2); const int input_dim_d = src->info()->dimension(3); const int y_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y()); const int z_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z()); const int w_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3]); const int n_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes()[4]); const uint8_t *in_ptr_start = src->buffer() + src->info()->offset_first_element_in_bytes(); Iterator out(dst0, window_out); vector_type vres; execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id) { // Computing the theoretical input starting/ending points const int in_idx_width = static_cast(id.y()) * pool_stride_x - pool_pad_left; const int in_idx_height = static_cast(id.z()) * pool_stride_y - pool_pad_top; const int in_idx_depth = static_cast(id[3]) * pool_stride_z - pool_pad_front; const int pool_start_x = std::max(0, -in_idx_width); const int pool_end_x_t = std::min(input_dim_w + pool_pad_left - in_idx_width, pool_size_x); const int pool_start_y = std::max(0, -in_idx_height); const int pool_end_y_t = std::min(input_dim_h + pool_pad_top - in_idx_height, pool_size_y); const int pool_start_z = std::max(0, -in_idx_depth); const int pool_end_z_t = std::min(input_dim_d + pool_pad_front - in_idx_depth, pool_size_z); // The end of width to consider in calculation should exclude PAD_X, PAD_Y and PAD_Z const int pool_end_x = std::min(pool_end_x_t, input_dim_w - in_idx_width); const int pool_end_y = std::min(pool_end_y_t, input_dim_h - in_idx_height); const int pool_end_z = std::min(pool_end_z_t, input_dim_d - in_idx_depth); const uint8_t *in_ptr_n = in_ptr_start + id[4] * n_stride; // Calculate scale const float scale = calculate_avg_scale_pool3d(pool_info.exclude_padding, id, pool_size_x, pool_size_y, pool_size_z, upper_bound_w, upper_bound_h, upper_bound_d, pool_pad_left, pool_pad_top, pool_pad_front, pool_stride_x, pool_stride_y, pool_stride_z); const vector_type scale_v = wrapper::vdup_n(static_cast(scale), tag_type()); int x_off = window_start_x; for(; x_off <= (window_end_x - window_step_x); x_off += window_step_x) // C { // Perform pooling vres = wrapper::vdup_n(static_cast(0.0f), tag_type()); for(int z = pool_start_z; z < pool_end_z; ++z) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_z = in_ptr_n + (z + in_idx_depth) * w_stride; for(int y = pool_start_y; y < pool_end_y; ++y) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_y = in_ptr_z + (y + in_idx_height) * z_stride; for(int x = pool_start_x; x < pool_end_x; ++x) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_x = in_ptr_y + (x + in_idx_width) * y_stride; const vector_type data = wrapper::vloadq(reinterpret_cast(in_ptr_x) + x_off); vres = wrapper::vadd(vres, data); } } } // Divide by scale vres = wrapper::vmul(vres, scale_v); // Store result wrapper::vstore(reinterpret_cast(out.ptr()) + x_off, vres); } // Left-overs loop for(; x_off < window_end_x; ++x_off) { T res(0); for(int z = pool_start_z; z < pool_end_z; ++z) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_z = in_ptr_n + (z + in_idx_depth) * w_stride; for(int y = pool_start_y; y < pool_end_y; ++y) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_y = in_ptr_z + (y + in_idx_height) * z_stride; for(int x = pool_start_x; x < pool_end_x; ++x) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_x = in_ptr_y + (x + in_idx_width) * y_stride; const T data = *(reinterpret_cast(in_ptr_x) + x_off); res += data; } } } // Divide by scale res *= scale; // Store result *(reinterpret_cast(out.ptr()) + x_off) = res; } }, out); } template void l2_poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window_out, const int window_start_x, const int window_end_x, const int window_step_x) { using vtype = wrapper::traits::neon_bitvector; using vector_type = typename vtype::type; using tag_type = typename vtype::tag_type; int pool_stride_x = static_cast(pool_info.stride.width); int pool_stride_y = static_cast(pool_info.stride.height); int pool_stride_z = static_cast(pool_info.stride.depth); const int pool_size_x = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape().y() : pool_info.pool_size.width; const int pool_size_y = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape().z() : pool_info.pool_size.height; const int pool_size_z = pool_info.is_global_pooling ? src->info()->tensor_shape()[3] : pool_info.pool_size.depth; const int pool_pad_top = static_cast(pool_info.padding.top); const int pool_pad_bottom = static_cast(pool_info.padding.bottom); const int pool_pad_left = static_cast(pool_info.padding.left); const int pool_pad_right = static_cast(pool_info.padding.right); const int pool_pad_front = static_cast(pool_info.padding.front); const int pool_pad_back = static_cast(pool_info.padding.back); const int upper_bound_w = src->info()->dimension(1) + (pool_info.exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_right); const int upper_bound_h = src->info()->dimension(2) + (pool_info.exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_bottom); const int upper_bound_d = src->info()->dimension(3) + (pool_info.exclude_padding ? 0 : pool_pad_back); const int input_dim_w = src->info()->dimension(1); const int input_dim_h = src->info()->dimension(2); const int input_dim_d = src->info()->dimension(3); const int y_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y()); const int z_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z()); const int w_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3]); const int n_stride = static_cast(src->info()->strides_in_bytes()[4]); const uint8_t *in_ptr_start = src->buffer() + src->info()->offset_first_element_in_bytes(); Iterator out(dst0, window_out); vector_type vres; execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id) { // Computing the theoretical input starting/ending points const int in_idx_width = static_cast(id.y()) * pool_stride_x - pool_pad_left; const int in_idx_height = static_cast(id.z()) * pool_stride_y - pool_pad_top; const int in_idx_depth = static_cast(id[3]) * pool_stride_z - pool_pad_front; const int pool_start_x = std::max(0, -in_idx_width); const int pool_end_x_t = std::min(input_dim_w + pool_pad_left - in_idx_width, pool_size_x); const int pool_start_y = std::max(0, -in_idx_height); const int pool_end_y_t = std::min(input_dim_h + pool_pad_top - in_idx_height, pool_size_y); const int pool_start_z = std::max(0, -in_idx_depth); const int pool_end_z_t = std::min(input_dim_d + pool_pad_front - in_idx_depth, pool_size_z); // The end of width to consider in calculation should exclude PAD_X, PAD_Y and PAD_Z const int pool_end_x = std::min(pool_end_x_t, input_dim_w - in_idx_width); const int pool_end_y = std::min(pool_end_y_t, input_dim_h - in_idx_height); const int pool_end_z = std::min(pool_end_z_t, input_dim_d - in_idx_depth); const uint8_t *in_ptr_n = in_ptr_start + id[4] * n_stride; // Calculate scale const float scale = calculate_avg_scale_pool3d(pool_info.exclude_padding, id, pool_size_x, pool_size_y, pool_size_z, upper_bound_w, upper_bound_h, upper_bound_d, pool_pad_left, pool_pad_top, pool_pad_front, pool_stride_x, pool_stride_y, pool_stride_z); int x_off = window_start_x; for(; x_off <= (window_end_x - window_step_x); x_off += window_step_x) // C { // Perform pooling vres = wrapper::vdup_n(static_cast(0.0f), tag_type()); for(int z = pool_start_z; z < pool_end_z; ++z) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_z = in_ptr_n + (z + in_idx_depth) * w_stride; for(int y = pool_start_y; y < pool_end_y; ++y) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_y = in_ptr_z + (y + in_idx_height) * z_stride; for(int x = pool_start_x; x < pool_end_x; ++x) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_x = in_ptr_y + (x + in_idx_width) * y_stride; const vector_type data = wrapper::vloadq(reinterpret_cast(in_ptr_x) + x_off); vres = wrapper::vmla(vres, data, data); } } } const vector_type scale_v = wrapper::vdup_n(static_cast(scale), tag_type()); // Divide by scale vres = wrapper::vmul(vres, scale_v); // Calculate square-root vres = wrapper::vinv(wrapper::vinvsqrt(vres)); // Store result wrapper::vstore(reinterpret_cast(out.ptr()) + x_off, vres); } // Left-overs loop for(; x_off < window_end_x; ++x_off) { T res(0); for(int z = pool_start_z; z < pool_end_z; ++z) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_z = in_ptr_n + (z + in_idx_depth) * w_stride; for(int y = pool_start_y; y < pool_end_y; ++y) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_y = in_ptr_z + (y + in_idx_height) * z_stride; for(int x = pool_start_x; x < pool_end_x; ++x) { const uint8_t *in_ptr_x = in_ptr_y + (x + in_idx_width) * y_stride; const T data = *(reinterpret_cast(in_ptr_x) + x_off); res += data * data; } } } // Divide by scale res *= scale; // Square root res = std::sqrt(res); // Store result *(reinterpret_cast(out.ptr()) + x_off) = res; } }, out); } } // namespace template void poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window) { const int window_start_x = window.x().start(); const int window_end_x = window.x().end(); constexpr int window_step_x = 16 / sizeof(T); Window window_out = window; // Needed to handle loop left-over window_out.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1)); switch(pool_info.pool_type) { case PoolingType::MAX: max_poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(src, dst0, pool_info, window_out, window_start_x, window_end_x, window_step_x); break; case PoolingType::AVG: avg_poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(src, dst0, pool_info, window_out, window_start_x, window_end_x, window_step_x); break; case PoolingType::L2: l2_poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(src, dst0, pool_info, window_out, window_start_x, window_end_x, window_step_x); break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Pool operation not supported"); } } template void poolingMxNxD_q8_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window) { constexpr int window_step_x = 16; Window window_out = window; // Needed to handle loop left-over window_out.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1)); switch(pool_info.pool_type) { case PoolingType::MAX: max_poolingMxNxD_q8_neon_ndhwc(src, dst0, pool_info, window_out, window_step_x); break; case PoolingType::AVG: avg_poolingMxNxD_q8_neon_ndhwc(src, dst0, pool_info, window_out, window_step_x); break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Pool operation not supported"); } } template void poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window); #if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC) && defined(ENABLE_FP16_KERNELS) template void poolingMxNxD_fp_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window); #endif /* defined(__ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC) && defined(ENABLE_FP16_KERNELS) */ template void poolingMxNxD_q8_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window); template void poolingMxNxD_q8_neon_ndhwc(const ITensor *src, ITensor *dst0, Pooling3dLayerInfo &pool_info, const Window &window); } // namespace cpu } // namespace arm_compute