/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2021,2023 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #pragma once #include "convolution_parameters.hpp" #include "ndrange.hpp" #include namespace arm_gemm { // Avoid circular dependency with arm_gemm.hpp struct GemmConfig; // Abstract class for the GEMM/GEMV functions. // // GEMM implementations may be "native" (never require any input // permutation), "pretransposed" (require permutation up-front) or require // working space (permute as they go along). This interface should support // all of them. // The real GemmCommon class is templated based on the operand and return // type. This is an interface class which is independent of those types. class IGemmCommon { public: /* Pass in the pointers to the arrays to be operated on and their * strides. This "generic" version uses void *s, the preferred version * is the one provided by templated GemmCommon (below) which takes * appropriately typed pointers. If B is pretransposed (see below) then * the settings for B here are ignored. */ virtual void set_arrays_generic(const void *A, const int lda, const int A_batch_stride, const int A_multi_stride, const void *B, const int ldb, /* batches share B */ const int B_multi_stride, void *C, const int ldc, const int C_batch_stride, const int C_multi_stride, const void *bias, /* no row or batch stride needed */ const int bias_multi_stride) = 0; /** @returns an ndrange containing ranges of the compute space which can be * broken up and parallelised over */ virtual ndrange_t get_window_size() const = 0; /* The maximum thread count is specified when the GEMM is created. Some * implementations need to know how many threads will actually run in * order to work properly. * * In some cases, after creating the GEMM the number of threads needs to * be reduced (e.g. not enough work to split across threads). This * method allows the number of actual threads to be run to be set (must * be equal or lower). * * This has an empty default implementation, as GEMMs which don't care * about thread count can safely ignore this. */ virtual void set_nthreads(int) {}; /* Whether this GEMM can be dynamically scheduled or not. */ virtual bool supports_dynamic_scheduling() const { return false; } /** Main execute member fucntion * @param [in] work_range specifies the range of work we want to be computed, total range defined by get_window_size() * @param [in] thread_locator where are we inside of the thread space * @param [in] threadid a unique threadid */ virtual void execute(const ndcoord_t &work_range, const ndcoord_t &thread_locator, int threadid) = 0; /*** Working space interface (optional) ***/ /* Total number of bytes of temporary working space needed. If zero, it's not necessary to call set_working_space(). */ virtual size_t get_working_size() const { return 0; } /* Provide working space buffer - the void * passed in must remain allocated for the duration of any execute calls. */ virtual void set_working_space(void *) {}; /*** "Pretransposed" interface (optional) ***/ /* Is this object set up for pretranspose? If so, pretranspose_array() needs to be called before execute(); */ virtual bool B_is_pretransposed() const { return false; } /* Does pretranspose still need to be done? */ virtual bool B_pretranspose_required() const { return false; } /* Total number of bytes of space needed for pretransposed arrays. */ virtual size_t get_B_pretransposed_array_size() const { return 0; } /* Amount of work for the threaded cases */ virtual size_t get_B_pretranspose_window_size() const { return 1; } /* Perform pretranspose - arguments are output, input, input row stride and input multi stride. */ /* The "real" version of this depends on the templated operand type (see below). */ virtual void pretranspose_B_array_generic(void *, const void *, const int, const int) = 0; /* Threaded version with window start/end parameters */ virtual void pretranspose_B_array_part_generic(void *, const void *, const int, const int, const size_t, const size_t) = 0; /* Set pretransposed data - the void * passed in must previously have been passed to pretranspose_B_array() for the same or a similar GEMM. */ virtual void set_pretransposed_B_data(void *) { } /*** "Quantized bias" interface (optional) ***/ /* Set the bias vector for quantized GEMMs */ virtual void set_quantized_bias(const int32_t *, size_t) { } /*** Indirect interface (optional) ***/ /* Set the indirect table. This comprises a number of values per kernel point, and a densely packed array of pointers, * multis * batches * kernel_points */ virtual void set_indirect_parameters_generic(size_t, const void *const *const *) { } /*** Convolution interface (optional) ***/ /* Set the convolution parameters. */ virtual void set_convolution_parameters(ConvolutionParameters) { } /*** Introspection interface ***/ /* Get the configuration of this GEMM */ virtual GemmConfig get_config() = 0; // Destructor virtual ~IGemmCommon() { } }; /* "Real" GemmCommon class which is templated on the operand and return types. * * In addition to correctly typed versions of the functions that operate on * operand and return data, this class provides a default implementation of * 'set_arrays' to capture the provided arguments in protected class * members, as essentially any implementation will need these. */ template class GemmCommon : public IGemmCommon { protected: const To *_Aptr = nullptr; int _lda = 0; int _A_batch_stride = 0; int _A_multi_stride = 0; const To *_Bptr = nullptr; int _ldb = 0; int _B_multi_stride = 0; Tr *_Cptr = nullptr; int _ldc = 0; int _C_batch_stride = 0; int _C_multi_stride = 0; const Tr *_bias = nullptr; int _bias_multi_stride = 0; public: /* Pass in the pointers to the arrays to be operated on and their * strides (templated version with appropriate types). */ virtual void set_arrays(const To *A, const int lda, const int A_batch_stride, const int A_multi_stride, const To *B, const int ldb, /* batches share B */ const int B_multi_stride, Tr *C, const int ldc, const int C_batch_stride, const int C_multi_stride, const Tr *bias, /* no row or batch stride needed */ const int bias_multi_stride) { _Aptr = A; _lda = lda; _A_batch_stride = A_batch_stride; _A_multi_stride = A_multi_stride; _Bptr = B; _ldb = ldb; _B_multi_stride = B_multi_stride; _Cptr = C; _ldc = ldc; _C_batch_stride = C_batch_stride; _C_multi_stride = C_multi_stride; _bias = bias; _bias_multi_stride = bias_multi_stride; } /* Implementation of the void * overload which casts its arguments to the appropriate type. */ void set_arrays_generic(const void *A, const int lda, const int A_batch_stride, const int A_multi_stride, const void *B, const int ldb, /* batches share B */ const int B_multi_stride, void *C, const int ldc, const int C_batch_stride, const int C_multi_stride, const void *bias, /* no row or batch stride needed */ const int bias_multi_stride) override { set_arrays(static_cast(A), lda, A_batch_stride, A_multi_stride, static_cast(B), ldb, B_multi_stride, static_cast(C), ldc, C_batch_stride, C_multi_stride, static_cast(bias), bias_multi_stride); } /*** "Pretransposed" interface ***/ /* Compute col sums over all columns */ virtual void requantize_bias(void *, const To *, const int, const int) {}; /* Perform pretranspose - the void * passed in must remain allocated for the duration of any execute calls. */ /* Arguments are: output buffer pointer, source pointer, source row stride, source multi stride */ virtual void pretranspose_B_array(void *, const To *, const int, const int) {}; /* Implementation of the void * overload which casts its arguments to the appropriate type. */ void pretranspose_B_array_generic(void *out, const void *in, const int row_stride, const int multi_stride) override { pretranspose_B_array(out, static_cast(in), row_stride, multi_stride); } /* Threaded versions of the above. * The fallback/backwards compatible version of the threaded interface exposes a window size of 1 and * just calls the non-threaded functions to do the work. This is valid as with window size of 1 the only * legal values for start and end are 0 and 1 respectively. */ virtual void pretranspose_B_array_part(void *out, const To *in, const int row_stride, const int multi_stride, size_t, size_t) { pretranspose_B_array(out, in, row_stride, multi_stride); }; void pretranspose_B_array_part_generic(void *out, const void *in, const int row_stride, const int multi_stride, size_t start, size_t end) override { pretranspose_B_array_part(out, static_cast(in), row_stride, multi_stride, start, end); } /*** Indirect interface ***/ virtual void set_indirect_parameters(size_t, const To *const *const *) { } void set_indirect_parameters_generic(size_t sz, const void *const *const *ptr) override { set_indirect_parameters(sz, reinterpret_cast(ptr)); } }; } // namespace arm_gemm