/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "src/cpu/CpuContext.h" #include "arm_compute/core/CPP/CPPTypes.h" #include "src/cpu/CpuQueue.h" #include "src/cpu/CpuTensor.h" #include #include namespace arm_compute { namespace cpu { namespace { void *default_allocate(void *user_data, size_t size) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(user_data); return ::operator new(size); } void default_free(void *user_data, void *ptr) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(user_data); ::operator delete(ptr); } void *default_aligned_allocate(void *user_data, size_t size, size_t alignment) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(user_data); void *ptr = nullptr; #if defined(BARE_METAL) || defined(__APPLE__) size_t rem = size % alignment; size_t real_size = (rem) ? (size + alignment - rem) : size; ptr = memalign(alignment, real_size); #else /* defined(BARE_METAL) || defined(__APPLE__) */ if(posix_memalign(&ptr, alignment, size) != 0) { // posix_memalign returns non-zero on failures, the return values will be // - EINVAL: wrong alignment // - ENOMEM: insufficient memory ARM_COMPUTE_LOG_ERROR_ACL("posix_memalign failed, the returned pointer will be invalid"); } #endif /* defined(BARE_METAL) || defined(__APPLE__) */ return ptr; } void default_aligned_free(void *user_data, void *ptr) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(user_data); free(ptr); } static AclAllocator default_allocator = { &default_allocate, &default_free, &default_aligned_allocate, &default_aligned_free, nullptr }; AllocatorWrapper populate_allocator(AclAllocator *external_allocator) { bool is_valid = (external_allocator != nullptr); if(is_valid) { is_valid = is_valid && (external_allocator->alloc != nullptr); is_valid = is_valid && (external_allocator->free != nullptr); is_valid = is_valid && (external_allocator->aligned_alloc != nullptr); is_valid = is_valid && (external_allocator->aligned_free != nullptr); } return is_valid ? AllocatorWrapper(*external_allocator) : AllocatorWrapper(default_allocator); } cpuinfo::CpuIsaInfo populate_capabilities_legacy(const CPUInfo &cpu_info) { cpuinfo::CpuIsaInfo isa_caps; // Extract SIMD extension isa_caps.neon = true; isa_caps.sve = cpu_info.has_sve(); isa_caps.sve2 = cpu_info.has_sve2(); // Extract data-type support isa_caps.fp16 = cpu_info.has_fp16(); isa_caps.bf16 = cpu_info.has_bf16(); isa_caps.svebf16 = cpu_info.has_svebf16(); // Extract ISA extensions isa_caps.dot = cpu_info.has_dotprod(); isa_caps.i8mm = cpu_info.has_i8mm(); isa_caps.svei8mm = cpu_info.has_svei8mm(); isa_caps.svef32mm = cpu_info.has_svef32mm(); return isa_caps; } cpuinfo::CpuIsaInfo populate_capabilities_flags(AclTargetCapabilities external_caps) { cpuinfo::CpuIsaInfo isa_caps; // Extract SIMD extension isa_caps.neon = external_caps & AclCpuCapabilitiesNeon; isa_caps.sve = external_caps & AclCpuCapabilitiesSve; isa_caps.sve2 = external_caps & AclCpuCapabilitiesSve2; // Extract data-type support isa_caps.fp16 = external_caps & AclCpuCapabilitiesFp16; isa_caps.bf16 = external_caps & AclCpuCapabilitiesBf16; // Extract ISA extensions isa_caps.dot = external_caps & AclCpuCapabilitiesDot; isa_caps.i8mm = external_caps & AclCpuCapabilitiesMmlaInt8; isa_caps.svef32mm = external_caps & AclCpuCapabilitiesMmlaFp; return isa_caps; } CpuCapabilities populate_capabilities(AclTargetCapabilities external_caps, int32_t max_threads) { CpuCapabilities caps; // Extract legacy structure cpuinfo::CpuIsaInfo isa_caps; if(external_caps != AclCpuCapabilitiesAuto) { isa_caps = populate_capabilities_flags(external_caps); } else { isa_caps = populate_capabilities_legacy(CPUInfo::get()); } caps.cpu_info = cpuinfo::CpuInfo(isa_caps, {}); // Set max number of threads #if defined(BARE_METAL) ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(max_threads); caps.max_threads = 1; #else /* defined(BARE_METAL) */ caps.max_threads = (max_threads > 0) ? max_threads : std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); #endif /* defined(BARE_METAL) */ return caps; } } // namespace CpuContext::CpuContext(const AclContextOptions *options) : IContext(Target::Cpu), _allocator(default_allocator), _caps(populate_capabilities(AclCpuCapabilitiesAuto, -1)) { if(options != nullptr) { _allocator = populate_allocator(options->allocator); _caps = populate_capabilities(options->capabilities, options->max_compute_units); } } const CpuCapabilities &CpuContext::capabilities() const { return _caps; } AllocatorWrapper &CpuContext::allocator() { return _allocator; } ITensorV2 *CpuContext::create_tensor(const AclTensorDescriptor &desc, bool allocate) { CpuTensor *tensor = new CpuTensor(this, desc); if(tensor != nullptr && allocate) { tensor->allocate(); } return tensor; } IQueue *CpuContext::create_queue(const AclQueueOptions *options) { return new CpuQueue(this, options); } } // namespace cpu } // namespace arm_compute