/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #if defined(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMIC_FUSION) #ifndef ARM_COMPUTE_EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMICFUSION_IMPL_COMMON_H #define ARM_COMPUTE_EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMICFUSION_IMPL_COMMON_H #include "arm_compute/core/CL/CLCompileContext.h" #include "arm_compute/core/CL/CLKernelLibrary.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Error.h" #include "arm_compute/core/GPUTarget.h" #include "src/core/common/Macros.h" #include "support/StringSupport.h" #include "src/core/experimental/dynamic_fusion/ClKernelBuildingAPI.h" #include #include #include #include namespace arm_compute { namespace experimental { namespace dynamic_fusion { /** We introduce the concept of *Shared Variables* in the context of kernel building. * They are variables that can be accessed / shared among all the kernel components within a single kernel. * For now we consider 2 groups of shared variables: * Argument: The argument variables (parameters) of a kernel * Automatic: The automatic variables declared inside a kernel * All Shared Variables have the same kernel scope, and are thus visible to all kernel components */ enum class SharedVarIO { Input, Output }; enum class SharedVarGroup { Argument, // Parameters to a kernel function Automatic // Automatic variables declared within the kernel body }; /** Specifies a shared variable link for a component. * It describes all the information that's available when a component is constructed / added: * e.g. its linkage (via ArgumentID and io) and its group * This is not shared variable on its own, but is used for instantiating a SharedVar when building the code */ struct SharedVarLink { ArgumentID arg_id{ g_arg_placeholder }; SharedVarIO io{ SharedVarIO::Input }; SharedVarGroup group{ SharedVarGroup::Argument }; bool is_empty() const { return arg_id == g_arg_placeholder; } }; /** A table of all the variables used in the kernel / blueprint * NOTE: the order they appear in the table is the order of their "declaration" in the component code, and is also their ID * NOTE: the variables all have the scope of the full kernel function */ class SharedVarTable { public: struct SharedVar { SharedVarGroup group; std::string uniq_name; // Unique name, also the final variable name used in the built code ClKernelArgRuntimeDescriptor desc; // Automatic variables can and should still be described using this struct }; using Arguments = std::vector; /** @note: The order of insertion is important. There is one precondition: * PRECOND: The components have been sorted topologically / is being traversed in topological order * This ensures that all the consumer var links (Output, Automatic Links) can consume (return) the producer var links when they're referred */ SharedVar add(SharedVarLink var_link, ClKernelArgRuntimeDescriptor runtime_desc, const std::string &name = "unnamed") { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(var_link.is_empty(), "Non-empty SharedVarLink expected"); auto var_id = _num_var; std::stringstream ss; ss << name << "_" << var_id; const auto uniq_name = ss.str(); SharedVar var{ var_link.group, uniq_name, runtime_desc }; if(var_link.group == SharedVarGroup::Argument) { _arguments.emplace(var_id, var); _num_var++; _var_id_lut[var_link.arg_id] = var_id; } else if(var_link.group == SharedVarGroup::Automatic) { if(var_link.io == SharedVarIO::Output) { _global_vars.emplace(var_id, var); _num_var++; _var_id_lut[var_link.arg_id] = var_id; } else { // For the input link, the var (and thus its arg_id) will always have been added by the time we get here if we traverse components in topological order var = get_var(var_link.arg_id); } } else { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unrecognised SharedVarGroup"); } return var; } SharedVar get_var(ArgumentID arg_id) const { const auto var_id = _var_id_lut.at(arg_id); // arg_id has to exist in lut to begin with auto it = _global_vars.find(var_id); if(it != _global_vars.end()) { return it->second; } it = _arguments.find(var_id); if(it != _arguments.end()) { return it->second; } ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Cannot find component variable"); } /** @note The arguments are returned in the order they are added */ Arguments get_kernel_arguments() const { Arguments args{}; for(const auto &a : _arguments) { args.push_back(a.second); } return args; } private: using VarID = int32_t; private: std::map _global_vars{}; std::map _arguments{}; std::unordered_map _var_id_lut{}; VarID _num_var{ 0 }; }; enum class ComponentType { Simple, Complex, Store }; using ComponentID = int32_t; using ComponentList = std::vector; class IClKernelComponent { public: using Link = SharedVarLink; using Tag = std::string; struct TagVal { TagVal() = default; TagVal(const SharedVarTable::SharedVar &var) : value{ var.uniq_name } { } TagVal(ComponentID id) : value{ std::to_string(id) } { } TagVal(const std::string &val) : value{ val } { } std::string value{}; }; using TagLUT = std::unordered_map; // Used to instantiating a code template / replacing tags public: IClKernelComponent(const ClKernelBlueprint *blueprint) : _blueprint(blueprint) { } ARM_COMPUTE_DISALLOW_COPY_ALLOW_MOVE(IClKernelComponent); virtual ~IClKernelComponent() = default; virtual ComponentType get_component_type() const = 0; virtual std::vector get_links() const = 0; virtual std::string name() const = 0; // @note: some tags can be unused since they could be used only for the macros, or only for the component code static std::string replace_tags(const std::string &code_template, const TagLUT &tags) { std::string replaced_code = ""; bool scanning_pattern = false; std::string pattern_found = ""; for(size_t i = 0; i < code_template.size() - 1; ++i) { if(!scanning_pattern) { if(code_template[i] == '{' && code_template[i + 1] == '{') { i += 1; scanning_pattern = true; pattern_found = ""; } else { replaced_code += code_template[i]; } } else { if(code_template[i] == '}' && code_template[i + 1] == '}') { i += 1; scanning_pattern = false; std::string err = "Pattern " + pattern_found + " not found in tags"; ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(tags.find(pattern_found) == tags.end(), err.c_str()); replaced_code += tags.find(pattern_found)->second.value; } else { pattern_found += code_template[i]; } } } return replaced_code; } ComponentID id() const { return _id; } void set_id(ComponentID id) { _id = id; } virtual std::set get_headers_list() const { return std::set {}; } virtual std::string get_additional_macros() const { return ""; } virtual std::string get_component_code() const { return ""; } virtual Window get_window() const { return Window{}; } /** "Allocate" all shared variables used in a component to the @p vtable, and generate a TagLUT used to instantiate the component code * * @param vtable * @return TagLUT */ virtual TagLUT allocate_vars(SharedVarTable &vtable) const = 0; virtual std::string get_dst_addr_calculation() const { return ""; } virtual CLBuildOptions generate_build_options() const { return CLBuildOptions{}; } protected: const ClKernelBlueprint *_blueprint; private: ComponentID _id{}; }; using ComponentUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr; /** Intermediate representation of the final, complete kernel source. */ struct ClKernelBlueprint::Implementation { public: Implementation() = default; ~Implementation() = default; public: ArgumentID add_kernel_argument(const ClTensorDescriptor &tensor_desc) { _kernel_arguments.insert(std::make_pair(_num_args, tensor_desc)); _shared_var_group_lut[_num_args] = SharedVarGroup::Argument; return _num_args++; } ArgumentID add_intermediate_tensor() { _intermediate_tensors.insert(_num_args); _shared_var_group_lut[_num_args] = SharedVarGroup::Automatic; return _num_args++; } void set_tile_info(const TileDescriptor &tile_info) { _tile_info = tile_info; } SharedVarGroup group(ArgumentID arg_id) const { if(arg_id == g_arg_placeholder) { // In case of placeholder, don't care what we return; return SharedVarGroup::Argument; } return _shared_var_group_lut.at(arg_id); } void validate_arg_ids(std::initializer_list args) const { for(const auto arg_id : args) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(arg_id); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(_kernel_arguments.find(arg_id) == _kernel_arguments.end() && _intermediate_tensors.find(arg_id) == _intermediate_tensors.end() && arg_id != g_arg_placeholder, "Trying to use an argument that hasn't been added to the blueprint"); } } void add_component(ComponentUniquePtr component) { if(component->get_component_type() == ComponentType::Complex) { ++_num_complex_components; ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(_num_complex_components > 1, "Only one complex component per blueprint is supported."); } // This flag specifies if the current component is the root of the component graph // If the root is set to -1, it means that a root hasn't been added yet bool is_graph_root = true; // Get an unique ID for the component that's being added const ComponentID component_id = _num_components++; component->set_id(component_id); // Add this component to the component graph. Don't connect it to anything yet _component_graph.emplace(component_id, ComponentList{}); int32_t positional_arg = 0; // For every { arg_id, arg_io } passed along with this component... for(const auto &link : component->get_links()) { const ArgumentID &arg_id = link.arg_id; const SharedVarIO &arg_io = link.io; // A component is considered root only if all its input arguments are kernel arguments (or placeholders, which means nullptr) // This performs a check on every argument, and if one of them doesn't respect the condition, the component is not considered root is_graph_root &= (_kernel_arguments.find(arg_id) != _kernel_arguments.end()) || (arg_io == SharedVarIO::Output) || (arg_id == g_arg_placeholder); // Add the arg_id to the map describing the input/output relationship between an argument and the components that use it, if it doesn't yet exist there if(_outgoing_components.find(arg_id) == _outgoing_components.end()) { _outgoing_components.emplace(arg_id, ComponentList{}); _incoming_components.emplace(arg_id, ComponentList{}); } // If it's an input argument, connect any other component that has it as output with this component // Additionally, set this component as one that treats this argument as "Input" (append to index 0) // This is used so that we keep track of whether two components use the same argument, one as input and one as output if(arg_io == SharedVarIO::Input) { for(const auto &prev_component : _incoming_components[arg_id]) { _component_graph[prev_component].push_back(component_id); } _outgoing_components[arg_id].push_back(component_id); } // If it's an output argument, connect this component with any other component that has it as input // Additionally, set this component as one that treats this argument as "Output" (append to index 1) else { if(component->get_component_type() == ComponentType::Store) { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(_dst_id >= 0, "Trying to add more than one dst argument to the graph"); _dst_id = arg_id; } for(const auto &subseq_component : _outgoing_components[arg_id]) { _component_graph[component_id].push_back(subseq_component); } _incoming_components[arg_id].push_back(component_id); } ++positional_arg; } if(is_graph_root) { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(_graph_root >= 0, "Trying to add more than one root to the graph"); _graph_root = component_id; } // Finally, add this component to the dictionary of components _components.insert(std::make_pair(component_id, std::move(component))); } std::string build_kernel_name() const { std::string name = ""; traverse([&](std::stack stack) { name += _components.find(stack.top())->second->name() + (stack.size() > 2 ? "___" : ""); }); return name; } std::string build_code() { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(_graph_root < 0, "No root found in the component graph"); // These data structures will hold the data from all the components in the blueprint std::set headers_list{}; std::set additional_macros{}; std::vector component_codes{}; // vector because order matters // Go through the components graph (topological sort) and fill the data structures above auto stack = topological_sort(); while(!stack.empty()) { auto curr_component_id = stack.top(); auto &curr_component = _components.find(curr_component_id)->second; auto curr_headers_list = curr_component->get_headers_list(); auto curr_additional_macros = curr_component->get_additional_macros(); auto curr_component_code = curr_component->get_component_code(); const auto var_lut = curr_component->allocate_vars(_vtable); // Ideally can be merged with get_component_code once we have finer-grained code generation technique component_codes.push_back(IClKernelComponent::replace_tags(curr_component_code, var_lut)); headers_list.insert(curr_headers_list.begin(), curr_headers_list.end()); if(!curr_additional_macros.empty()) // Some components might not have any { additional_macros.insert(IClKernelComponent::replace_tags(curr_additional_macros, var_lut)); } stack.pop(); } // This section assembles the data gathered by traversing the graph into the string "code" std::string code = ""; for(auto &header : headers_list) { #if defined(EMBEDDED_KERNELS) code += CLKernelLibrary::get().get_program(header).first; #else // defined(EMBEDDED_KERNELS) code += "#include \"" + header + "\"\n"; #endif // defined(EMBEDDED_KERNELS) } for(auto ¯os : additional_macros) { code += macros; } code += generate_kernel_signature(_vtable.get_kernel_arguments()); code += "\n{\n\n"; code += " //------------------ START KERNEL_BUILDER_COORDINATE ---------------------\n\n"; code += generate_global_section(); code += " //------------------ END KERNEL_BUILDER_COORDINATE ---------------------\n"; for(auto &component_code : component_codes) { code += component_code; } code += "}\n"; return code; } std::string build_config_id() const { return ""; } CLBuildOptions build_options() const { CLBuildOptions build_opts{}; traverse([&](std::stack stack) { build_opts.add_options(_components.find(stack.top())->second->generate_build_options().options()); }); return build_opts; } TileDescriptor get_tile_info() const { return _tile_info; } Window get_execution_window() const { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(_graph_root < 0, "No root found in the component graph"); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(_dst_id == -1, "Destination Tensor Id should be ready before calling get_execution_window()"); return _components.find(_graph_root)->second->get_window(); } ArgumentID get_dst_id() const { return _dst_id; } ClKernelArgList get_arguments() const { ClKernelArgList arg_list{}; for(const auto &arg_var : _vtable.get_kernel_arguments()) { arg_list.push_back(arg_var.desc); } return arg_list; } const ClTensorDescriptor *get_kernel_argument(const ArgumentID id) const { auto it = _kernel_arguments.find(id); if(it != _kernel_arguments.end()) { return &_kernel_arguments.find(id)->second; } return nullptr; } ITensorInfo *get_kernel_argument_info(const ArgumentID id) const { const ClTensorDescriptor *arg_desc = get_kernel_argument(id); if(arg_desc != nullptr) { return arg_desc->tensor_info; } return nullptr; } private: void topological_sort_utility(ComponentID component_id, std::unordered_set &visited, std::stack &stack) const { visited.insert(component_id); for(auto connected_component : _component_graph.find(component_id)->second) { if(visited.find(connected_component) == visited.end()) { topological_sort_utility(connected_component, visited, stack); } } stack.push(component_id); } std::stack topological_sort() const { std::stack stack{}; std::unordered_set visited{}; topological_sort_utility(_graph_root, visited, stack); return stack; } void traverse(const std::function)> &func) const { std::stack stack = topological_sort(); while(!stack.empty()) { func(stack); stack.pop(); } } std::string generate_argument_declaration(const SharedVarTable::SharedVar &var) const { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(var.group != SharedVarGroup::Argument, "An argument declaration can only be generated from a kernel argument"); std::string code; switch(var.desc.tensor_arg_type) { case TensorArgType::Image: { code += "IMAGE_DECLARATION(" + var.uniq_name + ")"; break; } case TensorArgType::Image_3D: { code += "IMAGE_DECLARATION(" + var.uniq_name + "),\n"; code += "uint " + var.uniq_name + "_stride_z"; break; } case TensorArgType::Image_3D_Export_To_ClImage2D: { code += "__read_only image2d_t " + var.uniq_name + "_img,\n"; code += "uint " + var.uniq_name + "_stride_z,\n"; break; } default: { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported declaration generation for TensorArgType"); } } return code; } std::string generate_kernel_signature(const SharedVarTable::Arguments &argument_list) const { std::string code = "\n__kernel void " + build_kernel_name() + "("; for(const auto &arg : argument_list) { code += "\n " + generate_argument_declaration(arg) + ","; } code[code.length() - 1] = ')'; return code; } std::string generate_global_section() const { std::string code = " uint g_x = get_global_id(0);\n"; code += " uint g_y = get_global_id(1);\n"; code += " uint g_z = get_global_id(2);\n\n"; size_t tile_dim_x = _tile_info.empty() ? 1 : _tile_info.tile_dims.x(); size_t tile_dim_y = _tile_info.empty() ? 1 : _tile_info.tile_dims.y(); switch(_tile_info.clipping) { case ClippingStrategy::TOP_LEFT: code += " const bool g_cond_x = (g_x == 0);\n"; code += " const bool g_cond_y = (g_y == 0);\n"; break; case ClippingStrategy::TOP_RIGHT: code += " const bool g_cond_x = ((g_x + 1) * " + std::to_string(tile_dim_x) + " >= " + std::to_string(_tile_info.boundaries.x()) + ");\n"; code += " const bool g_cond_y = (g_y == 0);\n"; break; case ClippingStrategy::BOTTOM_LEFT: code += " const bool g_cond_x = (g_x == 0);\n"; code += " const bool g_cond_y = ((g_y + 1) * " + std::to_string(tile_dim_y) + " >= " + std::to_string(_tile_info.boundaries.y()) + ");\n"; break; case ClippingStrategy::BOTTOM_RIGHT: code += " const bool g_cond_x = ((g_x + 1) * " + std::to_string(tile_dim_x) + " >= " + std::to_string(_tile_info.boundaries.x()) + ");\n"; code += " const bool g_cond_y = ((g_y + 1) * " + std::to_string(tile_dim_y) + " >= " + std::to_string(_tile_info.boundaries.y()) + ");\n"; break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported clipping strategy"); } code += "\n REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(" + std::to_string(tile_dim_y) + ", uint, g_zout, 0);\n"; code += " REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(16, uint, g_zero, 0);\n\n"; return code; } TileDescriptor _tile_info{}; int32_t _num_args{}; int32_t _num_components{}; int32_t _num_complex_components{}; ArgumentID _dst_id{ -1 }; // Initially set to -1, which means the graph has no dst yet, since node IDs are positive numbers // Argument, components and intermediate tensors IDs with corresponding ptrs (except intermediate) std::unordered_map _components{}; std::unordered_map _kernel_arguments{}; std::unordered_set _intermediate_tensors{}; // Argument group lookup. Can be replaced by extending the ArgumentID type to include group info std::unordered_map _shared_var_group_lut{}; // Tracks all variables (e.g.: kernel arguments, kernel "global variables") SharedVarTable _vtable{}; // Component directed graph (represented by an adjecency list of Component IDs) // This is used to understand the ordering and bindings between components when generating the kernel // It's initially set to -1 which means the graph has no root yet, since node IDs are positive numbers ComponentID _graph_root{ -1 }; std::unordered_map _component_graph{}; // Additional data structures used to define the relationships between components and arguments // For each argument, it contains the list of components that consider it as an incoming or an outgoing argument // E.g. tensor0 -> component0 -> tensor1 // _outgoing_components[tensor0] == {component0} (component0 is the outgoing component of tensor0. Component0 treats tensor0 as an input tensor) // _incoming_components[tensor1] == {component0} (component0 is the incoming component of tensor1. Component1 treats tensor1 as an output tensor) std::unordered_map _outgoing_components{}; std::unordered_map _incoming_components{}; }; } // namespace dynamic_fusion } // namespace experimental } // namespace arm_compute #endif //ARM_COMPUTE_EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMICFUSION_IMPL_COMMON_H #endif // defined(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMIC_FUSION)