/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #pragma once #include "arm_gemm.hpp" #include "barrier.hpp" #include "gemm_implementation.hpp" #include "quantized.hpp" namespace arm_gemm { /* Quantized wrapper - do an integer GEMM and wrap around the quantization. */ template class QuantizeWrapper : public GemmCommon { private: UniqueGemmCommon _subgemm = nullptr; int32_t *_row_sums = nullptr; int32_t *_col_sums = nullptr; Requantize32 _params; GemmArgs _args; barrier _barrier; void *working_space = nullptr; bool arrays_set = false; /* We need a subgemm which outputs the 32-bit intermediates - how much space is needed for that? */ size_t subgemm_output_size() const { return (_args._Msize * _args._Nsize * _args._nbatches * _args._nmulti * sizeof(int32_t)); } size_t col_sum_size() const { return (_args._Nsize * _args._nmulti * sizeof(int32_t)); } size_t row_sum_size() const { return (_args._Msize * _args._nbatches * _args._nmulti * sizeof(int32_t)); } /* Local working space: We need space for the subgemm output (above) and * the row sums. */ size_t local_working_size() const { return subgemm_output_size() + row_sum_size(); } void set_child_arrays() { if (working_space == nullptr || arrays_set == false) return; /* Use the first part of our working space for the subgemm result, pass the operand details straight through. */ _subgemm->set_arrays(this->_Aptr, this->_lda, this->_A_batch_stride, this->_A_multi_stride, this->_Bptr, this->_ldb, this->_B_multi_stride, reinterpret_cast(working_space), _args._Nsize, (_args._Nsize * _args._Msize), (_args._Nsize * _args._Msize * _args._nbatches), nullptr, 0); } void col_sums_pretransposed(const To *B, const int ldb, const int B_multi_stride) { for (unsigned int multi=0; multi<_args._nmulti; multi++) { compute_col_sums(_params, _args._Nsize, _args._Ksize, B + (multi * B_multi_stride), ldb, _col_sums + (multi * _args._Nsize), _args._Ksize, multi, 0); } } void requantize_runtime(unsigned int threadid) { unsigned int first_row = (threadid * _args._Msize) / _args._maxthreads; unsigned int last_row = ((threadid+1) * _args._Msize) / _args._maxthreads; for (unsigned int multi=0; multi<_args._nmulti; multi++) { for (unsigned int batch=0; batch<_args._nbatches; batch++) { /* Compute row sums now */ compute_row_sums(_params, _args._Ksize, (last_row - first_row), this->_Aptr + (multi * this->_A_multi_stride) + (batch * this->_A_batch_stride) + (first_row * this->_lda), this->_lda, _row_sums + (multi * _args._nbatches * _args._Msize) + (batch * _args._Msize) + first_row); // If we don't care about negative values, call the version of this function that doesn't correct before shifting. // 'c_offset' represents zero, so if the lowest possible quantized output value is the same or more than that we will not output negative numbers. requantize_block_32(_params, _args._Nsize, (last_row - first_row), reinterpret_cast(working_space) + (multi * (_args._Msize * _args._Nsize * _args._nbatches)) + (batch * (_args._Msize * _args._Nsize)) + (first_row * _args._Nsize), _args._Nsize, this->_Cptr + (multi * this->_C_multi_stride) + (batch * this->_C_batch_stride) + (first_row * this->_ldc), this->_ldc, _row_sums + (multi * _args._nbatches * _args._Msize) + (batch * _args._Msize) + first_row, _col_sums + (multi * _args._Nsize), 0); } } } public: QuantizeWrapper(const QuantizeWrapper &) = delete; QuantizeWrapper operator=(const QuantizeWrapper &) = delete; QuantizeWrapper(const GemmArgs &args, const Requantize32 &qp) : _params(qp), _args(args), _barrier(args._maxthreads) { GemmArgs newargs = GemmArgs(args._ci, args._Msize, args._Nsize, args._Ksize, args._Ksections, args._nbatches, args._nmulti, args._indirect_input, Activation(), args._maxthreads); _subgemm = gemm(newargs); if (_subgemm == nullptr) { return; } } void set_arrays(const To *A, const int lda, const int A_batch_stride, const int A_multi_stride, const To *B, const int ldb, const int B_multi_stride, Tr *C, const int ldc, const int C_batch_stride, const int C_multi_stride, const Tr *bias, const int bias_multi_stride) override { GemmCommon::set_arrays(A, lda, A_batch_stride, A_multi_stride, B, ldb, B_multi_stride, C, ldc, C_batch_stride, C_multi_stride, bias, bias_multi_stride); arrays_set = true; set_child_arrays(); } ndrange_t get_window_size() const override { return { _subgemm->get_window_size() }; } void set_nthreads(int nthreads) override { _subgemm->set_nthreads(nthreads); _barrier.set_nthreads(nthreads); _args._maxthreads = nthreads; } void execute(const ndcoord_t &work_range, const ndcoord_t &thread_locator, int threadid) override { _subgemm->execute(work_range, thread_locator, threadid); _barrier.arrive_and_wait(); requantize_runtime(threadid); } size_t get_working_size() const override { return _subgemm->get_working_size() + local_working_size(); } // Space arrangement: // ptr // V // | subgemm output | row_sums | subgemm working space | void set_working_space(void *space) override { uintptr_t space_int = reinterpret_cast(space); working_space = space; _subgemm->set_working_space(reinterpret_cast(space_int + local_working_size())); _row_sums = reinterpret_cast(space_int + subgemm_output_size()); set_child_arrays(); } bool B_is_pretransposed() const override { /* We clear this flag if the subgemm isn't pretransposed, so just return its value */ return _subgemm->B_is_pretransposed(); } bool B_pretranspose_required() const override { return _subgemm->B_pretranspose_required(); } size_t get_B_pretransposed_array_size() const override { return _subgemm->get_B_pretransposed_array_size() + col_sum_size(); } void pretranspose_B_array(void *buffer, const To *B, const int ldb, const int B_multi_stride) override { uintptr_t buffer_int = reinterpret_cast(buffer); _subgemm->pretranspose_B_array(reinterpret_cast(buffer_int + col_sum_size()), B, ldb, B_multi_stride); _col_sums = reinterpret_cast(buffer); col_sums_pretransposed(B, ldb, B_multi_stride); } void set_pretransposed_B_data(void *buffer) override { uintptr_t buffer_int = reinterpret_cast(buffer); _subgemm->set_pretransposed_B_data(reinterpret_cast(buffer_int + col_sum_size())); _col_sums = reinterpret_cast(buffer); } void set_quantized_bias(const int32_t *bias, size_t bias_multi_stride) override { _params.bias = bias; _params.bias_multi_stride = bias_multi_stride; } GemmConfig get_config() override { GemmConfig c = _subgemm->get_config(); std::string n = "quantize_wrapper["; n.append(c.filter); n.append("]"); c.method = GemmMethod::QUANTIZE_WRAPPER; c.filter = n; return c; } }; } // namespace arm_gemm