/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "arm_compute/core/CL/CLHelpers.h" #include "arm_compute/core/CL/CLKernelLibrary.h" #include "arm_compute/core/CL/CLTypes.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Error.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Log.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Types.h" #include "src/gpu/cl/ClCompileContext.h" #include "src/gpu/cl/ClKernelLibrary.h" #include #include namespace arm_compute { std::string get_cl_type_from_data_type(const DataType &dt) { switch(dt) { case DataType::U8: case DataType::QASYMM8: return "uchar"; case DataType::S8: case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: case DataType::QSYMM8: case DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL: return "char"; case DataType::U16: case DataType::QASYMM16: return "ushort"; case DataType::S16: case DataType::QSYMM16: return "short"; case DataType::U32: return "uint"; case DataType::S32: return "int"; case DataType::U64: return "ulong"; case DataType::S64: return "long"; case DataType::F16: return "half"; case DataType::F32: return "float"; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported input data type."); return ""; } } std::string get_cl_promoted_type_from_data_type(const DataType &dt) { switch(dt) { case DataType::U8: case DataType::QASYMM8: return "ushort"; case DataType::S8: case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: case DataType::QSYMM8: case DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL: return "short"; case DataType::U16: case DataType::QASYMM16: return "uint"; case DataType::S16: case DataType::QSYMM16: return "int"; case DataType::U32: return "ulong"; case DataType::S32: return "long"; case DataType::F16: return "float"; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Cannot get promoted OpenCL type for the input data type."); return ""; } } std::string get_cl_unsigned_type_from_element_size(size_t element_size) { switch(element_size) { case 1: return "uchar"; case 2: return "ushort"; case 4: return "uint"; case 8: return "ulong"; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported"); return ""; } } std::string get_cl_signed_type_from_element_size(size_t element_size) { switch(element_size) { case 1: return "char"; case 2: return "short"; case 4: return "int"; case 8: return "long"; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported"); return ""; } } std::string get_cl_select_type_from_data_type(const DataType &dt) { switch(dt) { case DataType::U8: case DataType::QASYMM8: return "uchar"; case DataType::S8: case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: case DataType::QSYMM8: case DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL: return "char"; case DataType::U16: case DataType::QASYMM16: return "ushort"; case DataType::F16: case DataType::S16: case DataType::QSYMM16: return "short"; case DataType::U32: return "uint"; case DataType::F32: case DataType::S32: return "int"; case DataType::U64: return "ulong"; case DataType::S64: return "long"; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported input data type."); return ""; } } std::string get_cl_dot8_acc_type_from_data_type(const DataType &dt) { switch(dt) { case DataType::U8: case DataType::QASYMM8: return "uint"; case DataType::S8: case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: case DataType::QSYMM8: case DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL: return "int"; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type."); return ""; } } std::string get_data_size_from_data_type(const DataType &dt) { switch(dt) { case DataType::U8: case DataType::S8: case DataType::QSYMM8: case DataType::QASYMM8: case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: case DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL: return "8"; case DataType::U16: case DataType::S16: case DataType::QSYMM16: case DataType::QASYMM16: case DataType::F16: return "16"; case DataType::U32: case DataType::S32: case DataType::F32: return "32"; case DataType::U64: case DataType::S64: return "64"; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported input data type."); return "0"; } } GPUTarget get_target_from_device(const cl::Device &device) { // Query device name size std::string device_name = device.getInfo(); return get_target_from_name(device_name); } bool arm_non_uniform_workgroup_supported(const cl::Device &device) { return device_supports_extension(device, "cl_arm_non_uniform_work_group_size"); } bool fp16_supported(const cl::Device &device) { return device_supports_extension(device, "cl_khr_fp16"); } bool dot8_supported(const cl::Device &device) { std::string device_name = device.getInfo(); const GPUTarget gpu_target = get_target_from_name(device_name); // SW_WORKAROUND: Workaround for DDK revision r14p0.to enable cl_arm_integer_dot_product_int8 std::set sw_workaround_issue = { GPUTarget::G76 }; return (device_supports_extension(device, "cl_arm_integer_dot_product_int8") || sw_workaround_issue.count(gpu_target) != 0); } bool dot8_acc_supported(const cl::Device &device) { return device_supports_extension(device, "cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int8"); } CLVersion get_cl_version(const cl::Device &device) { std::string version_str = device.getInfo(); if(version_str.find("OpenCL 3") != std::string::npos) { return CLVersion::CL30; } else if(version_str.find("OpenCL 2") != std::string::npos) { return CLVersion::CL20; } else if(version_str.find("OpenCL 1.2") != std::string::npos) { return CLVersion::CL12; } else if(version_str.find("OpenCL 1.1") != std::string::npos) { return CLVersion::CL11; } else if(version_str.find("OpenCL 1.0") != std::string::npos) { return CLVersion::CL10; } return CLVersion::UNKNOWN; } bool device_supports_extension(const cl::Device &device, const char *extension_name) { std::string extensions = device.getInfo(); auto pos = extensions.find(extension_name); return (pos != std::string::npos); } bool cl_winograd_convolution_layer_supported(const Size2D &output_tile, const Size2D &kernel_size, DataLayout data_layout) { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(data_layout == DataLayout::UNKNOWN); using WinogradConfiguration = std::pair, std::pair>; std::vector winograd_configs_nchw = { WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(1, 2), std::pair(1, 3)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(1, 4), std::pair(1, 3)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(2, 1), std::pair(3, 1)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(4, 1), std::pair(3, 1)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(2, 2), std::pair(3, 3)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(4, 4), std::pair(3, 3)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(4, 4), std::pair(5, 5)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(4, 1), std::pair(5, 1)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(1, 4), std::pair(1, 5)) }; std::vector winograd_configs_nhwc = { WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(2, 2), std::pair(3, 3)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(1, 4), std::pair(1, 3)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(4, 1), std::pair(3, 1)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(4, 4), std::pair(3, 3)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(4, 4), std::pair(5, 5)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(4, 1), std::pair(5, 1)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(1, 4), std::pair(1, 5)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(1, 2), std::pair(1, 7)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(2, 1), std::pair(7, 1)), WinogradConfiguration(std::pair(2, 2), std::pair(7, 7)), }; auto p = std::make_pair(std::pair(output_tile.width, output_tile.height), std::pair(kernel_size.width, kernel_size.height)); // Return true if supported if(data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW) { return (std::find(winograd_configs_nchw.begin(), winograd_configs_nchw.end(), p) != winograd_configs_nchw.end()); } else { return (std::find(winograd_configs_nhwc.begin(), winograd_configs_nhwc.end(), p) != winograd_configs_nhwc.end()); } } size_t preferred_vector_width(const cl::Device &device, const DataType dt) { switch(dt) { case DataType::U8: case DataType::S8: case DataType::QASYMM8: case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: case DataType::QSYMM8: case DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL: return device.getInfo(); case DataType::U16: case DataType::S16: case DataType::QSYMM16: case DataType::QASYMM16: return device.getInfo(); case DataType::U32: case DataType::S32: return device.getInfo(); case DataType::F16: case DataType::F32: return device.getInfo(); case DataType::U64: case DataType::S64: return device.getInfo(); default: return 1; } } bool preferred_dummy_work_items_support(const cl::Device &device) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(device); // TODO (COMPMID-2044) return true; } bool image2d_from_buffer_supported(const cl::Device &device) { return device_supports_extension(device, "cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer"); } size_t get_cl_image_pitch_alignment(const cl::Device &device) { cl_uint pixel_aligment = 0; cl_int err = clGetDeviceInfo(device(), CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_PITCH_ALIGNMENT, sizeof(cl_uint), &pixel_aligment, nullptr); if(err == CL_SUCCESS) { return pixel_aligment; } else { return 0; } } bool get_cl_non_uniform_work_group_supported(const cl::Device &device) { cl_bool supported = CL_FALSE; cl_int err = clGetDeviceInfo(device(), CL_DEVICE_NON_UNIFORM_WORK_GROUP_SUPPORT, sizeof(cl_bool), &supported, nullptr); return (err == CL_SUCCESS && supported == CL_TRUE); } cl::Kernel create_kernel(const CLCompileContext &ctx, const std::string &kernel_name, const std::set &build_opts) { opencl::ClKernelLibrary &klib = opencl::ClKernelLibrary::get(); const std::string program_name = klib.program_name(kernel_name); auto kernel_src = klib.program(program_name); const std::string kernel_path = klib.kernel_path(); return static_cast(ctx.create_kernel(kernel_name, program_name, kernel_src.program, kernel_path, build_opts, kernel_src.is_binary)); } cl::NDRange create_lws_hint_parallel_implementations(unsigned int input_dimension, unsigned int vector_size) { const unsigned int width_leftover = input_dimension % vector_size; const unsigned int border_width = (width_leftover != 0) ? vector_size - width_leftover : 0; const unsigned int num_of_threads = ((input_dimension + border_width) / 16); return cl::NDRange(std::min(8U, num_of_threads)); } bool get_wbsm_support_info(const cl::Device &device) { cl_bitfield capabilities = 0; cl_int err = clGetDeviceInfo(device.get(), CL_DEVICE_SCHEDULING_CONTROLS_CAPABILITIES_ARM, sizeof(cl_bitfield), &capabilities, nullptr); if((err == CL_SUCCESS) && (capabilities & CL_KERNEL_EXEC_INFO_WORKGROUP_BATCH_SIZE_MODIFIER_ARM)) { return true; } return false; } void set_wbsm(cl::Kernel &kernel, cl_int wbsm_hint) { cl_int err = clSetKernelExecInfo(kernel.get(), CL_KERNEL_EXEC_INFO_WORKGROUP_BATCH_SIZE_MODIFIER_ARM, sizeof(cl_int), &wbsm_hint); ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(err); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(err != CL_SUCCESS); } bool export_weights_to_cl_image(const ITensorInfo *tensor) { if(tensor->tensor_shape()[0] % 4) { return false; } // If not floating point if(!is_data_type_float(tensor->data_type())) { return false; } // Check if the cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer extension is supported on the target platform if(!image2d_from_buffer_supported(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device())) { return false; } // Check cl image pitch alignment if(get_cl_image_pitch_alignment(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device()) == 0) { return false; } const size_t image_w = tensor->tensor_shape()[0] / 4; const size_t image_h = tensor->tensor_shape()[1] * tensor->tensor_shape()[2] * tensor->tensor_shape()[3]; const size_t max_image_w = CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device().getInfo(); const size_t max_image_h = CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device().getInfo(); if(image_w > max_image_w || image_h > max_image_h) { return false; } return true; } void set_unroll_with_pragma(CLBuildOptions &built_opts, std::initializer_list values) { for(const int value : values) { if(value > max_manual_loop_unrolling) { built_opts.add_option("-DUNROLL_WITH_PRAGMA"); return; } } } bool arm_matrix_multiply_supported(const cl::Device &device) { return device_supports_extension(device, "cl_arm_matrix_multiply"); } } // namespace arm_compute