#!/usr/bin/env python3 # FIXME: Remove before the release import os.path import re import sys def process_comment(fd, comment, first_param, last_param): if first_param < 0: # Nothing to do: just copy the comment fd.write("".join(comment)) else: params = list() # Measure the indentation of the first param and use that to create an empty comment line string: m = re.match(r" */", comment[0]) if not m: raise Exception("{}: Not a comment ? '{}'".format(path,comment[first_param])) line_prefix = " " * len(m.group(0)) + "*" empty_line = line_prefix +"\n" fd.write(comment[0]) # Copy the non param lines with the correct indentation: for comment_line in range(1,first_param): line = comment[comment_line] m = re.match(" *\*(.*)", line) if not m: raise Exception("{}:{}: Not a comment line ? ".format(path, n_line - len(comment) + comment_line + 1)) fd.write(line_prefix+ m.group(1)+"\n") # For each param split the line into 3 columns: param, param_name, description for param in range(first_param, last_param): m = re.match(r"[^@]+(@param\[[^\]]+\]) +(\S+) +(.+)", comment[param]) if m: params.append( (" "+m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)) ) else: # If it's not a match then it must be a multi-line param description: m = re.match(" *\* +(.*)", comment[param]) if not m: raise Exception("{}:{}: Not a comment line ? ".format(path, n_line - len(comment) + param + 1)) params.append( ("", "", m.group(1)) ) # Now that we've got a list of params, find what is the longest string for each column: max_len = [0, 0] for p in params: for l in range(len(max_len)): max_len[l] = max(max_len[l], len(p[l])) # Insert an empty line if needed before the first param to make it easier to read: m = re.match(r" *\* *$", comment[first_param - 1]) if not m: # insert empty line fd.write(empty_line) # Write out the formatted list of params: for p in params: fd.write("{}{}{} {}{} {}\n".format( line_prefix, p[0], " " * (max_len[0] - len(p[0])), p[1], " " * (max_len[1] - len(p[1])), p[2])) # If the next line after the list of params is a command (@return, @note, @warning, etc), insert an empty line to separate it from the list of params if last_param < len(comment) - 1: if re.match(r" *\* *@\w+", comment[last_param]): # insert empty line fd.write(empty_line) # Copy the remaining of the comment with the correct indentation: for comment_line in range(last_param,len(comment)): line = comment[comment_line] m = re.match(" *\*(.*)", line) if not m: raise Exception("{}:{}: Not a comment line ? ".format(path, n_line - len(comment) + comment_line + 1)) fd.write(line_prefix+ m.group(1)+"\n") if __name__ == "__main__": n_file=0 if len(sys.argv) == 1: paths = [] for top_level in ["./arm_compute", "./src", "./examples", "./tests", "./utils", "./framework", "./support"]: for root, _, files in os.walk(top_level): paths.extend([os.path.join(root, f) for f in files]) else: paths = sys.argv[1:] for path in paths: if (path[-3:] not in ("cpp", "inl") and path[-2:] not in ("cl") and path[-2:] not in ("cs") and path[-1] not in ("h")): continue print("[{}] {}".format(n_file, path)) n_file += 1 with open(path,'r+', encoding="utf-8") as fd: comment = list() first_param = -1 last_param = -1 n_line = 0 lines = fd.readlines() fd.seek(0) fd.truncate() for line in lines: n_line += 1 # Start comment # Match C-style comment /* anywhere in the line if re.search(r"/\*", line): #print("Start comment {}".format(n_line)) if len(comment) > 0: raise Exception("{}:{}: Already in a comment!".format(path,n_line)) comment.append(line) # Comment already started elif len(comment) > 0: #print("Add line to comment {}".format(n_line)) comment.append(line) # Non-comment line else: #print("Normal line {}".format(n_line)) fd.write(line) # Match param declaration in Doxygen comment # @param[in] name description if re.search(r"@param\[[^\]]+\] +\S+ +\S", line): #print("Param {}".format(n_line)) if first_param < 0: first_param = len(comment) - 1 last_param = len(comment) # Match end of C-style comment */ if re.search(r"\*/", line): if re.search('"[^"]*\*/[^"]*"', line): #print("End of comment inside a string: ignoring") pass else: #print("End comment {}".format(n_line)) if len(comment) < 1: raise Exception("{}:{}: Was not in a comment! ".format(path, n_line)) #print("Process comment {} {}".format(first_param, last_param)) process_comment(fd, comment, first_param, last_param) comment = list() first_param = -1 last_param = -1