#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2023 Arm Limited. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import argparse import datetime import difflib import filecmp import logging import os import re import subprocess import sys from modules.Shell import Shell logger = logging.getLogger("format_code") # List of directories to exclude exceptions = [ "src/core/NEON/kernels/assembly/gemm", "src/core/NEON/kernels/assembly/arm", "/winograd/", "/convolution/", "/arm_gemm/", "/arm_conv/", "SConscript", "SConstruct" ] def adjust_copyright_year(copyright_years, curr_year): ret_copyright_year = str() # Read last year in the Copyright last_year = int(copyright_years[-4:]) if last_year == curr_year: ret_copyright_year = copyright_years elif last_year == (curr_year - 1): # Create range if latest year on the copyright is the previous if len(copyright_years) > 4 and copyright_years[-5] == "-": # Range already exists, update year to current ret_copyright_year = copyright_years[:-5] + "-" + str(curr_year) else: # Create a new range ret_copyright_year = copyright_years + "-" + str(curr_year) else: ret_copyright_year = copyright_years + ", " + str(curr_year) return ret_copyright_year def check_copyright( filename ): f = open(filename, "r") content = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(filename, "w") year = datetime.datetime.now().year ref = open("scripts/copyright_mit.txt","r").readlines() # Need to handle python files separately if("SConstruct" in filename or "SConscript" in filename): start = 2 if("SConscript" in filename): start = 3 m = re.match("(# Copyright \(c\) )(.*\d{4})( [Arm|ARM].*)", content[start]) line = m.group(1) if m.group(2): # Is there a year already? # Yes: adjust accordingly line += adjust_copyright_year(m.group(2), year) else: # No: add current year line += str(year) line += m.group(3).replace("ARM", "Arm") if("SConscript" in filename): f.write('#!/usr/bin/python\n') f.write('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n') f.write(line+"\n") # Copy the rest of the file's content: f.write("".join(content[start + 1:])) f.close() return # This only works until year 9999 m = re.match("(.*Copyright \(c\) )(.*\d{4})( [Arm|ARM].*)", content[1]) start =len(ref)+2 if content[0] != "/*\n" or not m: start = 0 f.write("/*\n * Copyright (c) %d Arm Limited.\n" % year) else: logger.debug("Found Copyright start") logger.debug("\n\t".join([ g or "" for g in m.groups()])) line = m.group(1) if m.group(2): # Is there a year already? # Yes: adjust accordingly line += adjust_copyright_year(m.group(2), year) else: # No: add current year line += str(year) line += m.group(3).replace("ARM", "Arm") f.write("/*\n"+line+"\n") logger.debug(line) # Write out the rest of the Copyright header: for i in range(1, len(ref)): line = ref[i] f.write(" *") if line.rstrip() != "": f.write(" %s" % line) else: f.write("\n") f.write(" */\n") # Copy the rest of the file's content: f.write("".join(content[start:])) f.close() def check_license(filename): """ Check that the license file is up-to-date """ f = open(filename, "r") content = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(filename, "w") f.write("".join(content[:2])) year = datetime.datetime.now().year # This only works until year 9999 m = re.match("(.*Copyright \(c\) )(.*\d{4})( [Arm|ARM].*)", content[2]) if not m: f.write("Copyright (c) {} Arm Limited\n".format(year)) else: updated_year = adjust_copyright_year(m.group(2), year) f.write("Copyright (c) {} Arm Limited\n".format(updated_year)) # Copy the rest of the file's content: f.write("".join(content[3:])) f.close() class OtherChecksRun: def __init__(self, folder, error_diff=False, strategy="all"): self.folder = folder self.error_diff=error_diff self.strategy = strategy def error_on_diff(self, msg): retval = 0 if self.error_diff: diff = self.shell.run_single_to_str("git diff") if len(diff) > 0: retval = -1 logger.error(diff) logger.error("\n"+msg) return retval def run(self): retval = 0 self.shell = Shell() self.shell.save_cwd() this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.shell.cd(self.folder) self.shell.prepend_env("PATH","%s/../bin" % this_dir) to_check = "" if self.strategy != "all": to_check, skip_copyright = FormatCodeRun.get_files(self.folder, self.strategy) #FIXME: Exclude shaders! logger.info("Running ./scripts/format_doxygen.py") logger.debug(self.shell.run_single_to_str("./scripts/format_doxygen.py %s" % " ".join(to_check))) retval = self.error_on_diff("Doxygen comments badly formatted (check above diff output for more details) try to run ./scripts/format_doxygen.py on your patch and resubmit") if retval == 0: logger.info("Running ./scripts/include_functions_kernels.py") logger.debug(self.shell.run_single_to_str("python ./scripts/include_functions_kernels.py")) retval = self.error_on_diff("Some kernels or functions are not included in their corresponding master header (check above diff output to see which includes are missing)") if retval == 0: try: logger.info("Running ./scripts/check_bad_style.sh") logger.debug(self.shell.run_single_to_str("./scripts/check_bad_style.sh")) #logger.debug(self.shell.run_single_to_str("./scripts/check_bad_style.sh %s" % " ".join(to_check))) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error("Command %s returned:\n%s" % (e.cmd, e.output)) retval -= 1 if retval != 0: raise Exception("format-code failed with error code %d" % retval) class FormatCodeRun: @staticmethod def get_files(folder, strategy="git-head"): shell = Shell() shell.cd(folder) skip_copyright = False if strategy == "git-head": cmd = "git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-status -r HEAD | grep \"^[AMRT]\" | cut -f 2" elif strategy == "git-diff": cmd = "git diff --name-status --cached -r HEAD | grep \"^[AMRT]\" | cut -f 2" else: cmd = "git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only" # Skip copyright checks when running on all files because we don't know when they were last modified # Therefore we can't tell if their copyright dates are correct skip_copyright = True grep_folder = "grep -e \"^\\(arm_compute\\|src\\|examples\\|tests\\|utils\\|support\\)/\"" grep_extension = "grep -e \"\\.\\(cpp\\|h\\|hh\\|inl\\|cl\\|cs\\|hpp\\)$\"" list_files = shell.run_single_to_str(cmd+" | { "+ grep_folder+" | "+grep_extension + " || true; }") to_check = [ f for f in list_files.split("\n") if len(f) > 0] # Check for scons files as they are excluded from the above list list_files = shell.run_single_to_str(cmd+" | { grep -e \"SC\" || true; }") to_check += [ f for f in list_files.split("\n") if len(f) > 0] return (to_check, skip_copyright) def __init__(self, files, folder, error_diff=False, skip_copyright=False): self.files = files self.folder = folder self.skip_copyright = skip_copyright self.error_diff=error_diff def error_on_diff(self, msg): retval = 0 if self.error_diff: diff = self.shell.run_single_to_str("git diff") if len(diff) > 0: retval = -1 logger.error(diff) logger.error("\n"+msg) return retval def run(self): if len(self.files) < 1: logger.debug("No file: early exit") retval = 0 self.shell = Shell() self.shell.save_cwd() this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) try: self.shell.cd(self.folder) self.shell.prepend_env("PATH","%s/../bin" % this_dir) for f in self.files: skip_this_file = False for e in exceptions: if e in f: logger.warning("Skipping '%s' file: %s" % (e,f)) skip_this_file = True break if skip_this_file: continue logger.info("Formatting %s" % f) if not self.skip_copyright: check_copyright(f) check_license("LICENSE") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: retval = -1 logger.error(e) logger.error("OUTPUT= %s" % e.output) retval += self.error_on_diff("See above for clang-tidy errors") if retval != 0: raise Exception("format-code failed with error code %d" % retval) class GenerateAndroidBP: def __init__(self, folder): self.folder = folder self.bp_output_file = "Generated_Android.bp" def run(self): retval = 0 self.shell = Shell() self.shell.save_cwd() this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) logger.debug("Running Android.bp check") try: self.shell.cd(self.folder) cmd = "%s/generate_android_bp.py --folder %s --output_file %s" % (this_dir, self.folder, self.bp_output_file) output = self.shell.run_single_to_str(cmd) if len(output) > 0: logger.info(output) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: retval = -1 logger.error(e) logger.error("OUTPUT= %s" % e.output) # Compare the genereated file with the one in the review if not filecmp.cmp(self.bp_output_file, self.folder + "/Android.bp"): is_mismatched = True with open(self.bp_output_file, 'r') as generated_file: with open(self.folder + "/Android.bp", 'r') as review_file: diff = list(difflib.unified_diff(generated_file.readlines(), review_file.readlines(), fromfile='Generated_Android.bp', tofile='Android.bp')) # If the only mismatch in Android.bp file is the copyright year, # the content of the file is considered unchanged and we don't need to update # the copyright year. This will resolve the issue that emerges every new year. num_added_lines = 0 num_removed_lines = 0 last_added_line = "" last_removed_line = "" expect_add_line = False for line in diff: if line.startswith("-") and not line.startswith("---"): num_removed_lines += 1 if num_removed_lines > 1: break last_removed_line = line expect_add_line = True elif line.startswith("+") and not line.startswith("+++"): num_added_lines += 1 if num_added_lines > 1: break if expect_add_line: last_added_line = line else: expect_add_line = False if num_added_lines == 1 and num_removed_lines == 1: re_copyright = re.compile("^(?:\+|\-)// Copyright © ([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+) Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.\n$") generated_matches = re_copyright.search(last_removed_line) review_matches = re_copyright.search(last_added_line) if generated_matches is not None and review_matches is not None: if generated_matches.group(1) == review_matches.group(1) and \ int(generated_matches.group(2)) > int(review_matches.group(2)): is_mismatched = False if is_mismatched: logger.error("Lines with '-' need to be added to Android.bp") logger.error("Lines with '+' need to be removed from Android.bp") for line in diff: logger.error(line.rstrip()) if is_mismatched: raise Exception("Android bp file is not updated") if retval != 0: raise Exception("generate Android bp file failed with error code %d" % retval) def run_fix_code_formatting( files="git-head", folder=".", num_threads=1, error_on_diff=True): try: retval = 0 # Genereate Android.bp file and test it gen_android_bp = GenerateAndroidBP(folder) gen_android_bp.run() to_check, skip_copyright = FormatCodeRun.get_files(folder, files) other_checks = OtherChecksRun(folder,error_on_diff, files) other_checks.run() logger.debug(to_check) num_files = len(to_check) per_thread = max( num_files / num_threads,1) start=0 logger.info("Files to format:\n\t%s" % "\n\t".join(to_check)) for i in range(num_threads): if i == num_threads -1: end = num_files else: end= min(start+per_thread, num_files) sub = to_check[start:end] logger.debug("[%d] [%d,%d] %s" % (i, start, end, sub)) start = end format_code_run = FormatCodeRun(sub, folder, skip_copyright=skip_copyright) format_code_run.run() return retval except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception caught in run_fix_code_formatting: %s" % e) return -1 if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="Build & run pre-commit tests", ) file_sources=["git-diff","git-head","all"] parser.add_argument("-D", "--debug", action='store_true', help="Enable script debugging output") parser.add_argument("--error_on_diff", action='store_true', help="Show diff on error and stop") parser.add_argument("--files", nargs='?', metavar="source", choices=file_sources, help="Which files to run fix_code_formatting on, choices=%s" % file_sources, default="git-head") parser.add_argument("--folder", metavar="path", help="Folder in which to run fix_code_formatting", default=".") args = parser.parse_args() logging_level = logging.INFO if args.debug: logging_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level) logger.debug("Arguments passed: %s" % str(args.__dict__)) exit(run_fix_code_formatting(args.files, args.folder, 1, error_on_diff=args.error_on_diff))