#!/usr/bin/env python #FIXME: Remove this file before the release import os import re import sys def get_list_includes(): return "opengles-3.1/include opengles-3.1/mali_include include . 3rdparty/include kernels computer_vision".split() def get_list_flags( filename, arch): assert arch in ["armv7", "aarch64"] flags = ["-std=c++11"] flags.append("-DARM_COMPUTE_CPP_SCHEDULER=1") flags.append("-DARM_COMPUTE_CL") flags.append("-DARM_COMPUTE_GC") if arch == "aarch64": flags.append("-DARM_COMPUTE_AARCH64_V8_2") return flags def filter_files( list_files ): to_check = [] for f in list_files: if os.path.splitext(f)[1] != ".cpp": continue if "computer_vision" in f: continue if "openvx-arm_compute" in f: continue # Skip OMPScheduler as it causes problems in clang if "OMPScheduler.cpp" in f: continue to_check.append(f) return to_check def filter_clang_tidy_lines( lines ): out = [] print_context=False for i in range(0, len(lines)): line = lines[i] if "/assembly/" in line: continue if "/winograd/" in line: continue if "error:" in line: if (("Utils.cpp" in line and "'arm_compute_version.embed' file not found" in line) or ("cl2.hpp" in line and "cast from pointer to smaller type 'cl_context_properties' (aka 'int') loses information" in line) or ("arm_fp16.h" in line) or ("omp.h" in line) or ("cast from pointer to smaller type 'uintptr_t' (aka 'unsigned int') loses information" in line) or ("cast from pointer to smaller type 'std::uintptr_t' (aka 'unsigned int') loses information" in line) or ("NEMath.inl" in line and "statement expression not allowed at file scope" in line) or ("Utils.h" in line and "no member named 'unmap' in 'arm_compute::Tensor'" in line) or ("Utils.h" in line and "no member named 'map' in 'arm_compute::Tensor'" in line) or "3rdparty" in line): print_context=False continue out.append(line) print_context=True elif "warning:" in line: if ("uninitialized record type: '__ret'" in line or "local variable '__bound_functor' is still referred to by the global variable '__once_callable'" in line or (any(f in line for f in ["Error.cpp","Error.h"]) and "thrown exception type is not nothrow copy constructible" in line) or (any(f in line for f in ["Error.cpp","Error.h"]) and "uninitialized record type: 'args'" in line) or (any(f in line for f in ["Error.cpp","Error.h"]) and "do not call c-style vararg functions" in line) or (any(f in line for f in ["Error.cpp","Error.h"]) and "do not define a C-style variadic function" in line) or ("TensorAllocator.cpp" in line and "warning: pointer parameter 'ptr' can be pointer to const" in line) or ("NEMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "move constructors should be marked noexcept" in line) or ("NEMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "move assignment operators should be marked noexcept" in line) or ("CLMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "Forming reference to null pointer" in line) or ("PMUCounter.cpp" in line and "consider replacing 'long long' with 'int64'" in line) or ("Validation.cpp" in line and "parameter 'classified_labels' is unused" in line) or ("Validation.cpp" in line and "parameter 'expected_labels' is unused" in line) or ("Reference.cpp" in line and "parameter 'rois' is unused" in line) or ("Reference.cpp" in line and "parameter 'shapes' is unused" in line) or ("Reference.cpp" in line and re.search(r"parameter '[^']+' is unused", line)) or ("ReferenceCPP.cpp" in line and "parameter 'rois' is unused" in line) or ("ReferenceCPP.cpp" in line and "parameter 'srcs' is unused" in line) or ("ReferenceCPP.cpp" in line and re.search(r"parameter '[^']+' is unused", line)) or ("NEGEMMMatrixMultiplyKernel.cpp" in line and "do not use C-style cast to convert between unrelated types" in line) or ("NEPoolingLayerKernel.cpp" in line and "do not use C-style cast to convert between unrelated types" in line) or ("NESoftmaxLayerKernel.cpp" in line and "do not use C-style cast to convert between unrelated types" in line) or ("GraphUtils.cpp" in line and "consider replacing 'unsigned long' with 'uint32'" in line) or ("GraphUtils.cpp" in line and "consider replacing 'unsigned long' with 'uint64'" in line) or ("ConvolutionLayer.cpp" in line and "move assignment operators should be marked noexcept" in line) or ("ConvolutionLayer.cpp" in line and "move constructors should be marked noexcept" in line) or ("parameter 'memory_manager' is unused" in line) or ("parameter 'memory_manager' is copied for each invocation but only used as a const reference" in line) or ("DeconvolutionLayer.cpp" in line and "casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround" in line) or ("NEWinogradLayerKernel.cpp" in line and "use '= default' to define a trivial destructor" in line) or "3rdparty" in line): print_context=False continue if "do not use C-style cast to convert between unrelated types" in line: if i + 1 < len(lines) and "vgetq_lane_f16" in lines[i + 1]: print_context=False continue if "use 'using' instead of 'typedef'" in line: if i + 1 < len(lines) and "BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE" in lines[i + 1]: print_context=False continue if "do not call c-style vararg functions" in line: if (i + 1 < len(lines) and ("BOOST_TEST" in lines[i + 1] or "BOOST_FAIL" in lines[i + 1] or "BOOST_CHECK_THROW" in lines[i + 1] or "ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ON" in lines[i + 1] or "syscall" in lines[i + 1])): print_context=False continue out.append(line) print_context=True elif (("CLMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "'?' condition is false" in line) or ("CLMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "Assuming the condition is false" in line) or ("CLMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "Assuming pointer value is null" in line) or ("CLMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "Forming reference to null pointer" in line)): print_context=False continue elif print_context: out.append(line) return out if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("usage: {} CLANG-TIDY_OUTPUT_FILE".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) errors = [] with open(sys.argv[1], mode="r") as clang_tidy_file: lines = clang_tidy_file.readlines() errors = filter_clang_tidy_lines(lines) print "\n".join(errors) sys.exit(0 if len(errors) == 0 else 1)