#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("usage: {} CLANG-TIDY_OUTPUT_FILE".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) failed = False with open(sys.argv[1], mode="r") as clang_tidy_file: lines = clang_tidy_file.readlines() for i in range(0, len(lines)): line = lines[i] if "error:" in line: if (("Utils.cpp" in line and "'arm_compute_version.embed' file not found" in line) or ("cl2.hpp" in line and "cast from pointer to smaller type 'cl_context_properties' (aka 'int') loses information" in line) or ("arm_fp16.h" in line) or ("memory" in line and "cast from pointer to smaller type 'uintptr_t' (aka 'unsigned int') loses information" in line) or "3rdparty" in line): continue failed = True print(line) elif "warning:" in line: if ("uninitialized record type: '__ret'" in line or "local variable '__bound_functor' is still referred to by the global variable '__once_callable'" in line or ("Error.cpp" in line and "thrown exception type is not nothrow copy constructible" in line) or ("Error.cpp" in line and "uninitialized record type: 'args'" in line) or ("Error.cpp" in line and "do not call c-style vararg functions" in line) or ("Error.cpp" in line and "do not define a C-style variadic function" in line) or ("NEMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "move constructors should be marked noexcept" in line) or ("NEMinMaxLocationKernel.cpp" in line and "move assignment operators should be marked noexcept" in line) or ("PMUCounter.cpp" in line and "consider replacing 'long long' with 'int64'" in line) or ("Validation.cpp" in line and "parameter 'classified_labels' is unused" in line) or ("Validation.cpp" in line and "parameter 'expected_labels' is unused" in line) or ("Reference.cpp" in line and "parameter 'rois' is unused" in line) or ("ReferenceCPP.cpp" in line and "parameter 'rois' is unused" in line) or "3rdparty" in line): continue if "do not use C-style cast to convert between unrelated types" in line: if i + 1 < len(lines) and "vgetq_lane_f16" in lines[i + 1]: continue if "use 'using' instead of 'typedef'" in line: if i + 1 < len(lines) and "BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE" in lines[i + 1]: continue if "do not call c-style vararg functions" in line: if (i + 1 < len(lines) and ("BOOST_TEST" in lines[i + 1] or "BOOST_FAIL" in lines[i + 1] or "BOOST_CHECK_THROW" in lines[i + 1] or "syscall" in lines[i + 1])): continue failed = True print(line) sys.exit(0 if not failed else 1)