#!/bin/bash set -e ALL_DIRECTORIES="./arm_compute ./src ./examples ./tests ./utils ./support" #If no arguments were passed: default to check all the folders: if [ ! -n "$1" ] then FILES=$ALL_DIRECTORIES else #else only check the files that were passed on the command line: FILES=$@ fi grep -HrnP --exclude-dir=assembly --exclude-dir=convolution --exclude-dir=arm_gemm "/\*\*$" $FILES | tee bad_style.log if (( `cat bad_style.log | wc -l` > 0 )) then echo "" echo "ERROR: Doxygen comments should start on the first line: \"/** My comment\"" exit -1 fi grep -Hnr --exclude-dir=assembly --exclude-dir=convolution --exclude-dir=arm_gemm --exclude=Doxyfile "@brief" $FILES | tee bad_style.log if (( `cat bad_style.log | wc -l` > 0 )) then echo "" echo "ERROR: Doxygen comments shouldn't use '@brief'" exit -1 fi grep -HnRE --exclude-dir=assembly --exclude-dir=convolution --exclude-dir=arm_gemm "\buint " --exclude-dir=cl_kernels --exclude-dir=cs_shaders $FILES | tee bad_style.log if [[ $(cat bad_style.log | wc -l) > 0 ]] then echo "" echo "ERROR: C/C++ don't define 'uint'. Use 'unsigned int' instead." exit -1 fi grep -HnR --exclude-dir=assembly --exclude-dir=convolution --exclude-dir=arm_gemm "/^float32_t/" $FILES | tee bad_style.log if [[ $(cat bad_style.log | wc -l) > 0 ]] then echo "" echo "ERROR: C/C++ don't define 'float32_t'. Use 'float' instead." exit -1 fi grep -Hnir --exclude-dir=assembly --exclude-dir=convolution --exclude-dir=arm_gemm "arm[_ ]\?cv" $FILES | tee bad_style.log if [[ $(cat bad_style.log | wc -l) > 0 ]] then echo "" echo "ERROR: Reference to arm_cv detected in the files above (Replace with arm_compute)" exit -1 fi grep -Hnir --exclude-dir=assembly --exclude-dir=convolution --exclude-dir=arm_gemm "#.*if.*defined[^(]" $FILES | tee bad_style.log if [[ $(cat bad_style.log | wc -l) > 0 ]] then echo "" echo "ERROR: use parenthesis after #if defined(MY_PREPROCESSOR)" exit -1 fi grep -Hnir --exclude-dir=assembly --exclude-dir=convolution --exclude-dir=arm_gemm "#else$\|#endif$" $FILES | tee bad_style.log if [[ $(cat bad_style.log | wc -l) > 0 ]] then echo "" echo "ERROR: #else and #endif should be followed by a comment of the guard they refer to (e.g /* ARM_COMPUTE_AARCH64_V8_2 */ )" exit -1 fi grep -Hnir --exclude-dir=assembly --exclude-dir=convolution --exclude-dir=arm_gemm "ARM_COMPUTE_AARCH64_V8_2" ./tests/validation/CL | tee bad_style.log if [[ $(cat bad_style.log | wc -l) > 0 ]] then echo "" echo "ERROR: Found ARM_COMPUTE_AARCH64_V8_2 in CL tests though armv8.2 features (FP16) are always supported for OpenCL" exit -1 fi spdx_missing=0 for f in $(find $FILES -type f) do if [[ $(grep SPDX $f | wc -l) == 0 ]] then # List of exceptions: case `basename $f` in "arm_compute_version.embed");; ".clang-format");; ".clang-tidy");; "README.md");; #It's an error for other files to not contain the MIT header: *) spdx_missing=1 echo $f; ;; esac fi; done if [[ $spdx_missing > 0 ]] then echo "" echo "ERROR: MIT Copyright header missing from the file(s) above." exit -1 fi