# Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. _TFLITE_TYPECODE2NAME = { 0: "Float32", 1: "Float16", 2: "Int32", 3: "Uint8", 4: "Int64", 5: "String", 6: "Bool", 7: "Int16", 8: "Complex64", 9: "Int8", } _TFLITE_TO_ACL = { "ADD": "Add", # 0 "AVERAGE_POOL_2D": "Pool2d", # 1 "CONCATENATION": "Concatenate", # 2 "CONV_2D": "Conv2d", # 3 "DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D": "DepthwiseConv2d", # 4 "DEPTH_TO_SPACE": "DepthToSpace", # 5 "DEQUANTIZE": "Dequantize", # 6 # "EMBEDDING_LOOKUP" : "Unsupported", #7 "FLOOR": "Floor", # 8 "FULLY_CONNECTED": "FullyConnected", # 9 # "HASHTABLE_LOOKUP" : "Unsupported", #10 "L2_NORMALIZATION": "L2Normalize", # 11 "L2_POOL_2D": "Pool2d", # 12 "LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION": "Normalize", # 13 "LOGISTIC": "Activation", # 14 # "LSH_PROJECTION" : "Unsupported", #15 "LSTM": "LSTM", # 16 "MAX_POOL_2D": "Pool2d", # 17 "MUL": "Mul", # 18 "RELU": "Activation", # 19 "RELU_N1_TO_1": "Activation", # 20 "RELU6": "Activation", # 21 "RESHAPE": "Reshape", # 22 "RESIZE_BILINEAR": "Scale", # 23 "RNN": "RNN", # 24 "SOFTMAX": "Softmax", # 25 "SPACE_TO_DEPTH": "SpaceToDepth", # 26 # "SVDF" : "Unsupported", #27 "TANH": "Activation", # 28 # "CONCAT_EMBEDDINGS" : "Unsupported", #29 # "SKIP_GRAM" : "Unsupported", #30 # "CALL" : "Unsupported", #31 # "CUSTOM" : "Unsupported", #32 # "EMBEDDING_LOOKUP_SPARSE" : "Unsupported", #33 "PAD": "Pad", # 34 # "UNIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_RNN" : "Unsupported", #35 "GATHER": "Gather", # 36 "BATCH_TO_SPACE_ND": "BatchToSpace", # 37 "SPACE_TO_BATCH_ND": "SpaceToBatch", # 38 "TRANSPOSE": "Permute", # 39 "MEAN": "Reduction", # 40 "SUB": "Sub", # 41 "DIV": "Div", # 42 "SQUEEZE": "Reshape", # 43 # "UNIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_LSTM" : "Unsupported", #44 "STRIDED_SLICE": "StridedSlice", # 45 # "BIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_RNN" : "Unsupported", #46 "EXP": "ElementwiseUnary", # 47 # "TOPK_V2" : "Unsupported", #48 "SPLIT": "Split", # 49 "LOG_SOFTMAX": "Softmax", # 50 # "DELEGATE" : "Unuspported", #51 # "BIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_LSTM" : "Unsupported", #52 "CAST": "Cast", # 53 "PRELU": "PRelu", # 54 "MAXIMUM": "ElementwiseBinary", # 55 "ARG_MAX": "Reduction", # 56 "MINIMUM": "ElementwiseBinary", # 57 "LESS": "ElementwiseBinary", # 58 "NEG": "ElementwiseUnary", # 59 "PADV2": "Pad", # 60 "GREATER": "ElementwiseBinary", # 61 "GREATER_EQUAL": "ElementwiseBinary", # 62 "LESS_EQUAL": "ElementwiseBinary", # 63 "SELECT": "Select", # 64 "SLICE": "Slice", # 65 "SIN": "ElementwiseUnary", # 66 "TRANSPOSE_CONV": "TransposeConv2d", # 67 # "SPARSE_TO_DENSE" : "Unsupported", #68 "TILE": "Tile", # 69 "EXPAND_DIMS": "Reshape", # 70 "EQUAL": "ElementwiseBinary", # 71 "NOT_EQUAL": "ElementwiseBinary", # 72 "LOG": "ElementwiseUnary", # 73 "SUM": "Reduction", # 74 "SQRT": "Activation", # 75 "RSQRT": "ElementwiseUnary", # 76 "SHAPE": "", # 77 "POW": "ElementwiseBinary", # 78 "ARG_MIN": "Reduction", # 79 # "FAKE_QUANT" : "Unsupported", #80 "REDUCE_PROD": "Reduction", # 81 "REDUCE_MAX": "Reduction", # 82 "PACK": "Stack", # 83 "LOGICAL_OR": "ElementwiseBinary", # 84 "ONE_HOT": "Unsupported", # 85 "LOGICAL_AND": "ElementwiseBinary", # 86 "LOGICAL_NOT": "ElementwiseUnary", # 87 "UNPACK": "Unstack", # 88 "REDUCE_MIN": "Reduction", # 89 # "FLOOR_DIV" : "Unsupported", #90 # "REDUCE_ANY" : "Unsupported", #91 "SQUARE": "Activation", # 92 "ZEROS_LIKE": "", # 93 "FILL": "Fill", # 94 # "FLOOR_MOD" : "Unsupported", #95 "RANGE": "", # 96 "RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR": "Scale", # 97 "LEAKY_RELU": "Activation", # 98 "SQUARED_DIFFERENCE": "ElementwiseBinary", # 99 "MIRROR_PAD": "Pad", # 100 "ABS": "ElementwiseUnary", # 101 "SPLIT_V": "Split", # 102 # "UNIQUE" : "Unsupported", #103 # "CEIL" : "Unsupported", #104 "REVERSE_V2": "Reverse", # 105 "ADD_N": "Add", # 106 "GATHER_ND": "Gather", # 107 # "COS" : "Unsupported", #108 # "WHERE" : "Unsupported", #109 "RANK": "", # 110 "ELU": "Activation", # 111 # "REVERSE_SEQUENCE" : "Unsupported", #112 # "MATRIX_DIAG" : "Unsupported", #113 "QUANTIZE": "Quantize", # 114 # "MATRIX_SET_DIAG" : "Unsupported", #115 "ROUND": "ElementwiseUnary", # 116 "HARD_SWISH": "Activation", # 117 # "IF" : "Unsupported", #118 # "WHILE" : "Unsupported", #119 # "NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION_V4" : "Unsupported", #120 # "NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION_V5" : "Unsupported", #121 # "SCATTER_ND" : "Unsupported", #122 "SELECT_V2": "Select", # 123 "DENSIFY": "Cast", # 124 # "SEGMENT_SUM" : "Unsupported", #125 "BATCH_MATMUL": "GEMM", # 126 # "PLACEHOLDER_FOR_GREATER_OP_CODES" : "Unsupported", #127 # "CUMSUM" : "Unsupported", #128 # "CALL_ONCE" : "Unsupported", #129 # "BROADCAST_TO" : "Unsupported", #130 # "RFFT2D" : "Unsupported", #131 # "CONV_3D" : "Unsupported", #132 # "IMAG" : "Unsupported", #133 # "REAL" : "Unsupported", #134 # "COMPLEX_ABS" : "Unsupported", #135 # "HASHTABLE" : "Unsupported", #136 # "HASHTABLE_FIND" : "Unsupported", #137 # "HASHTABLE_IMPORT" : "Unsupported", #138 # "HASHTABLE_SIZE" : "Unsupported", #139 # "REDUCE_ALL" : "Unsupported", #140 # "CONV_3D_TRANSPOSE" : "Unsupported", #141 # "VAR_HANDLE" : "Unsupported", #142 # "READ_VARIABLE" : "Unsupported", #143 # "ASSIGN_VARIABLE" : "Unsupported", #144 } def tflite_typecode2name(toc): """Stringify TfLite data-type opcodes Parameters: ---------- toc: int TfLite type opcode Returns ---------- str Stringified opcode Raises ------ ValueError If opcode does not exist in the map """ if toc in _TFLITE_TYPECODE2NAME: return _TFLITE_TYPECODE2NAME[toc] else: raise ValueError("Unknown typecode %d" % toc) def tflite_op2acl(top): """Map TfLite operators to ComputeLibrary ones Parameters: ---------- top: str TfLite operator name Returns ---------- str Relevant ComputeLibrary operator name Raises ------ ValueError If operator cannot be mapped """ if top in _TFLITE_TO_ACL: return _TFLITE_TO_ACL[top] else: raise ValueError("Operator {} does not exist in ComputeLibrary" % top)