/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /// @example dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp /// @copybrief example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add Dynamic Fusion Example: Conv2d + Elementwise Addition (OpenCL target) /// This example demonstrates how to fuse a Conv2d with an Addition using the new OperatorGraph API, and to run it with the Async Composite Operator #ifdef ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMIC_FUSION #ifndef ARM_COMPUTE_CL /* Needed by Utils.cpp to handle OpenCL exceptions properly */ #error "This example needs to be built with -DARM_COMPUTE_CL" #endif /* ARM_COMPUTE_CL */ #include "arm_compute/core/CL/CLKernelLibrary.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Types.h" #include "arm_compute/core/experimental/ClWorkload.h" #include "arm_compute/core/experimental/OperatorGraph.h" #include "arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLScheduler.h" #include "arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLTensor.h" #include "arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLTuner.h" #include "arm_compute/runtime/experimental/ClCompositeOperator.h" #include "arm_compute/core/utils/misc/ShapeCalculator.h" #include "utils/TypePrinter.h" #include "utils/Utils.h" #include using namespace arm_compute; using namespace utils; using namespace arm_compute::experimental::dynamic_fusion; #define TICK(clock_name) \ auto clock_name##_tick = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); #define TOCK(clock_name, measurement_map) \ auto clock_name##_tock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); \ measurement_map["\"" #clock_name "\""] = duration_cast(clock_name##_tock - clock_name##_tick); #define TOCK_AVG(clock_name, measurement_map, num_iterations) \ auto clock_name##_tock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); \ measurement_map["\"" #clock_name "\""] = duration_cast((clock_name##_tock - clock_name##_tick) / (num_iterations)); using std::chrono::duration_cast; using std::chrono::microseconds; class ClFusedConv2dEltwiseAddExample : public Example { public: bool do_setup(int argc, char **argv) override { size_t ih; size_t iw; size_t ifm; size_t wh; size_t ww; size_t ofm; size_t tuner_choice; unsigned int pad_x; unsigned int pad_y; if(argc < 10) { // Print help std::cout << "Usage: ./cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add ih iw ifm wh ww ofm tuner_choice(0=Disable, 1=Rapid, 2=Normal, 3=Exhaustive) pad_x pad_y\n"; std::cout << "Too few or no input_matrices provided. Using shape config = SRGAN_0, tuner_choice=2\n\n"; ih = 512; iw = 512; ifm = 64; wh = 1; ww = 1; ofm = 3; tuner_choice = 2; pad_x = 0; pad_y = 0; } else { ih = strtol(argv[1], nullptr, 10); iw = strtol(argv[2], nullptr, 10); ifm = strtol(argv[3], nullptr, 10); wh = strtol(argv[4], nullptr, 10); ww = strtol(argv[5], nullptr, 10); ofm = strtol(argv[6], nullptr, 10); tuner_choice = strtol(argv[7], nullptr, 10); pad_x = strtol(argv[8], nullptr, 10); pad_y = strtol(argv[9], nullptr, 10); } CLTuner *tuner_to_use; switch(tuner_choice) { case 0: { tuner_to_use = nullptr; break; } case 1: { tuner.set_tuner_mode(CLTunerMode::RAPID); tuner_to_use = &tuner; break; } case 3: { tuner.set_tuner_mode(CLTunerMode::EXHAUSTIVE); tuner_to_use = &tuner; break; } case 2: default: { tuner.set_tuner_mode(CLTunerMode::NORMAL); tuner_to_use = &tuner; break; } } CLScheduler::get().default_init(tuner_to_use); TICK(startup_time); TICK(configure); /* Computation: * out = add_desc(addend, conv2d1x1(direct_conv)(input, weights, bias)) */ const auto data_type = DataType::F32; const auto data_layout = DataLayout::NHWC; const auto t_input_shape = TensorShape(ifm, iw, ih); const auto t_weight_shape = TensorShape(ifm, ww, wh, ofm); const auto t_bias_shape = TensorShape(ofm); const auto t_l1_addend_shape = TensorShape(ofm, iw); std::cout << "input_shape: " << t_input_shape << std::endl; std::cout << "weight_shape: " << t_weight_shape << std::endl; std::cout << "bias_shape: " << t_bias_shape << std::endl; std::cout << "addend_shape: " << t_l1_addend_shape << std::endl; /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// @section describe_workload_using_operator_graph Describe the workload to run using OperatorGraph /// OperatorGraph is a graph of Tensors and Operators. Let's first default-construct it /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Construct OperatorGraph // [Construct OperatorGraph] OperatorGraph op_graph; // [Construct OperatorGraph] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// @subsection add_conv2d Add the first operator (root operator) Conv2d /// The first operator to be added to the graph is called the "root operator" of the entire graph. /// @note As of now, operators need to be inserted according to their dependency order. This is because output tensor auto-initialization occurs during construction time. /// Later this might be changed to allow out-of-order insertion. /// Before we insert the operator, we need to initialize the required TensorInfo objects. /// We can choose not to initialize an output TensorInfo; if so, they will be auto-initialized during the construction of the OperatorGraph /// The "t_acc_info" is the TensorInfo of the accumulator tensor, which is the output tensor of our first operator conv2d /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Initialize Conv2d TensorInfo // [Initialize Conv2d TensorInfo] auto t_input_info = TensorInfo(t_input_shape, 1, data_type, data_layout); auto t_weight_info = TensorInfo(t_weight_shape, 1, data_type, data_layout); auto t_bias_info = TensorInfo(t_bias_shape, 1, data_type, data_layout); auto t_acc_info = TensorInfo(); // [Initialize Conv2d TensorInfo] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// Next we associate the TensorInfo with the OpTensor s created in the op_graph. /// @note The associated TensorInfo objects must be in scope and remain valid until the ClWorkload building is completed /// @note The associated TensorInfo objects must be declard as non-const, since they may be updated during the OperatorGraph construction /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Add OpTensors // [Add OpTensors] const auto op_t_input = add_tensor(op_graph, t_input_info); const auto op_t_weight = add_tensor(op_graph, t_weight_info); const auto op_t_bias = add_tensor(op_graph, t_bias_info); const auto op_t_acc = add_tensor(op_graph, t_acc_info); // [Add OpTensors] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// Finally we add the Conv2d operator to op_graph. The Conv2dDescriptor contains all the TOSA-compliant attribute parameters /// The add_op... group of functions accept the OpTensors created by the add_tensor function, and return an Operator handle. /// This handle can be used to further query and modify the operator inside the OperatorGraph after its creation /// For example, here we use the handle to force the ConvolutionMethod to be Direct Convolution /// @note The force_conv2d_method is only for debug purpose for now, as the end user is not expected to decide on the ConvolutionMethod /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Add Conv2d Operator // [Add Conv2d Operator] Conv2dDescriptor conv2d_desc{ Padding2D{ pad_x, pad_x, pad_y, pad_y } }; auto conv2d = add_op_conv2d(op_graph, conv2d_desc, op_t_input, op_t_weight, op_t_bias, op_t_acc); force_conv2d_method(op_graph, conv2d, ConvolutionMethod::DIRECT); // Only for debug purposes // [Add Conv2d Operator] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// @subsection add_elementwise_add Add the second operator Elementwise Add /// This is similar to adding the first operator to op_graph, except that we link the two operators together by their common tensor, /// namely the accumulator tensor op_t_acc, which is the output of conv2d and the input (lhs) of the addition /// @note At the moment, it is recommended to always declare a separate TensorInfo (even if empty) for each OpTensor. /// For example, here op_t_dst could be associated with op_t_acc info as they are the same, /// but we still recommend creating a separate object. /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Add Elementwise Add Operator // [Add Elementwise Add Operator] auto t_l1_addend_info = TensorInfo(t_l1_addend_shape, 1, data_type, data_layout); auto t_dst_info = TensorInfo(); const auto op_t_l1_addend = add_tensor(op_graph, t_l1_addend_info); const auto op_t_dst = add_tensor(op_graph, t_dst_info); AddDescriptor add_desc{}; add_op_elementwise_add(op_graph, add_desc, op_t_acc, op_t_l1_addend, op_t_dst); // [Add Elementwise Add Operator] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// @section build_clworkload Build ClWorkload /// ClWorkload is an intermediate object which contains all the built kernel codes and all other descriptors on how to schedule them /// We build ClWorkload from the op_graph object that we just described /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Build ClWorkload // [Build ClWorkload] const ClWorkloadContext workload_ctx { GpuInfo{ CLScheduler::get().target() } }; ClWorkload workload; build(workload, op_graph, workload_ctx); // [Build ClWorkload] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// @section run_fused_op_with_clcompositeoperator Run the fused operator workload with ClCompositeOperator /// @subsection configure_and_validate_clcompositeoperator Validate ClWorkload and Configure ClCompositeOperator /// After ClWorkload is built, we need to configure it with the Compute Library runtime ClCompositeOperator to run it. /// Optionally we can explicitly validate the workload to check if the workload has been built successfully. /// The validate is automatically run inside configure and would throw if it fails. /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Construct ClCompositeOperator /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Validate and configure ClCompositeOperator // [Validate and configure ClCompositeOperator] const auto success = ClCompositeOperator::validate(workload); // Optional op.configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), workload); // [Validate and configure ClCompositeOperator] TOCK(configure, measurements); TICK(tensor_allocation); /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// @subsection run_clcompositeoperator Run ClCompositeOperator /// Construct the runtime CLTensor s with backing memory /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Construct CLTensor objects /// Initialize, allocate and fill the CLTensor objects /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Initialize, Allocate and Fill CLTensor objects // [Initialize, Allocate and Fill CLTensor objects] t_input.allocator()->init(t_input_info); t_weight.allocator()->init(t_weight_info); t_bias.allocator()->init(t_bias_info); t_l1_addend.allocator()->init(t_dst_info); t_dst.allocator()->init(t_dst_info); t_input.allocator()->allocate(); t_weight.allocator()->allocate(); t_bias.allocator()->allocate(); t_l1_addend.allocator()->allocate(); t_dst.allocator()->allocate(); fill_random_tensor(t_input, -1.f, 1.f); fill_random_tensor(t_weight, -1.f, 1.f); fill_random_tensor(t_l1_addend, -1.f, 1.f); // [Initialize, Allocate and Fill CLTensor objects] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// The OpTensorBinding creates a mapping from the OpTensor handles that we created early to the real CLTensors /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Create OpTensorBinding // [Create OpTensorBinding] OpTensorBinding op_tensors({ { op_t_input, &t_input }, { op_t_weight, &t_weight }, { op_t_bias, &t_bias }, { op_t_l1_addend, &t_l1_addend }, { op_t_dst, &t_dst } }); // [Create OpTensorBinding] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// Bind the CLTensor objects to the prepare_pack_map and run_pack_map, which are used to prepare and run the op /// This step additionally creates empty auxiliary CLTensor objects if any, and contain them inside a ClAuxTensorData aux_tensor_data /// @note This step associates all the CLTensors contained in op_tensors and aux_tensor_data, with prepare_pack_map and run_pack_map /// Make sure these CLTensors remain valid as long as the two pack_maps are still in use /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Construct ClAuxTensorData /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Construct TensorPackMaps /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Bind Tensors // [Bind Tensors] bind_tensors(aux_tensor_data, prepare_pack_map, run_pack_map, workload, op_tensors); // [Bind Tensors] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// Initialize and Allocate Auxiliary CLTensor objects. /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Initialize and Allocate Auxiliary CLTensor objects // [Initialize and Allocate Auxiliary CLTensor objects] for(auto tensor_data : aux_tensor_data.get_tensors()) { tensor_data.tensor->allocator()->init(tensor_data.tensor_info); tensor_data.tensor->allocator()->allocate(); } // [Initialize and Allocate Auxiliary CLTensor objects] TOCK(tensor_allocation, measurements); TICK(dummy_run); /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// Run the ClCompositeOperator prepare job. This performs any jobs that are required for the first run, like /// reshaping tensors for a more performant format. /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Prepare ClCompositeOperator // [Prepare ClCompositeOperator] op.prepare(prepare_pack_map); // [Prepare ClCompositeOperator] /// @page example_dynamic_fusion_cl_conv2d_elementwise_add /// At last, we run our operator /// @snippet dynamic_fusion/cl_fused_conv2d_elementwise_add.cpp Run ClCompositeOperator // [Run ClCompositeOperator] op.run(run_pack_map); // [Run ClCompositeOperator] CLScheduler::get().sync(); TOCK(dummy_run, measurements); TOCK(startup_time, measurements); return true; } void do_run() override { // Run the fused op op.run(run_pack_map); // Make sure all the OpenCL jobs are done executing: CLScheduler::get().sync(); } void do_teardown() override { for(auto m : measurements) { std::cout << m.first << ": " << m.second.count() << "us" << std::endl; } } private: // [Construct CLTensor objects] CLTensor t_input{}; CLTensor t_weight{}; CLTensor t_bias{}; CLTensor t_l1_addend{}; CLTensor t_dst{}; // [Construct CLTensor objects] // [Construct ClAuxTensorData] ClAuxTensorData aux_tensor_data{}; // [Construct ClAuxTensorData] // [Construct TensorPackMaps] TensorPackMap prepare_pack_map{}; TensorPackMap run_pack_map{}; // [Construct TensorPackMaps] // [Construct ClCompositeOperator] ClCompositeOperator op{}; // [Construct ClCompositeOperator] CLTuner tuner{}; std::map measurements{}; }; /** Main program for sgemm test * * @param[in] argc Number of arguments * @param[in] argv Arguments ( [optional] Matrix A, [optional] Matrix B, [optional] Matrix C, [optional] alpha, [optional] beta ) */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { return utils::run_example(argc, argv); } #undef TICK #undef TOCK #undef TOCK_AVG #endif /* ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMIC_FUSION */