/// /// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Arm Limited. /// /// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /// /// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy /// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to /// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the /// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or /// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is /// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: /// /// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all /// copies or substantial portions of the Software. /// /// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR /// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, /// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE /// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER /// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, /// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE /// SOFTWARE. /// namespace arm_compute { /** @page functions_list List of functions @tableofcontents @section S6_1 Arm® Neon™ functions - @ref IFunction - @ref INESimpleFunction - @ref NEArithmeticAddition - @ref NEArithmeticSubtraction - @ref NEBoundingBoxTransform - @ref NECast - @ref NEComplexPixelWiseMultiplication - @ref NEElementwiseComparison - @ref NEElementwiseComparisonStatic - @ref NEElementwiseDivision - @ref NEElementwiseMax - @ref NEElementwiseMin - @ref NEElementwiseSquaredDiff - @ref NEExpLayer - @ref NELogicalAnd - @ref NELogicalNot - @ref NELogicalOr - @ref NEPixelWiseMultiplication - @ref NEPReluLayer - @ref NEROIAlignLayer - @ref NERoundLayer - @ref NERsqrtLayer - @ref NESelect - @ref NEStridedSlice - @ref INESimpleFunctionNoBorder - @ref NEActivationLayer - @ref NEBatchToSpaceLayer - @ref NEBitwiseAnd - @ref NEBitwiseNot - @ref NEBitwiseOr - @ref NEBitwiseXor - @ref NEChannelShuffleLayer - @ref NECopy - @ref NEDepthConvertLayer - @ref NEFlattenLayer - @ref NEFloor - @ref NEGather - @ref NEGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScaleByFixedPoint - @ref NEGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScaleByFixedPoint - @ref NEMeanStdDevNormalizationLayer - @ref NEPermute - @ref NEPriorBoxLayer - @ref NEReorgLayer - @ref NEReshapeLayer - @ref NEReverse - @ref NESlice - @ref NETile - @ref NETranspose - @ref NEArgMinMaxLayer - @ref NEBatchNormalizationLayer - @ref NEComplexPixelWiseMultiplication - @ref NEConcatenateLayer - @ref NEConvertFullyConnectedWeights - @ref NEConvolutionLayer - @ref NEConvolutionLayerReshapeWeights - @ref NECropResize - @ref NEDeconvolutionLayer - @ref NEDepthwiseConvolutionAssemblyDispatch - @ref NEDepthwiseConvolutionLayer - @ref NEDequantizationLayer - @ref NEDetectionPostProcessLayer - @ref NEDirectConvolutionLayer - @ref NEFFT1D - @ref NEFFT2D - @ref NEFFTConvolutionLayer - @ref NEFill - @ref NEFillBorder - @ref NEFullyConnectedLayer - @ref NEFuseBatchNormalization - @ref NEGEMM - @ref NEGEMMAssemblyDispatch - @ref NEGEMMConv2d - @ref NEGEMMConvolutionLayer - @ref NEGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCore - @ref NEGenerateProposalsLayer - @ref NEInstanceNormalizationLayer - @ref NEL2NormalizeLayer - @ref NELSTMLayer - @ref NELSTMLayerQuantized - @ref NEQLSTMLayer - @ref NEMaxUnpoolingLayer - @ref NENormalizationLayer - @ref NEPadLayer - @ref NEPoolingLayer - @ref NEQuantizationLayer - @ref NERange - @ref NEReduceMean - @ref NEReductionOperation - @ref NERNNLayer - @ref NEROIPoolingLayer - @ref NEScale - @ref NESoftmaxLayerGeneric <IS_LOG> - @ref NESpaceToBatchLayer - @ref NESpaceToDepthLayer - @ref NESplit - @ref NEStackLayer - @ref NEUnstack - @ref NEWinogradConvolutionLayer @section S6_2 OpenCL functions - @ref IFunction - @ref CLBatchNormalizationLayer - @ref CLBatchToSpaceLayer - @ref CLComplexPixelWiseMultiplication - @ref CLConcatenateLayer - @ref CLConvolutionLayer - @ref CLConvolutionLayerReshapeWeights - @ref CLCropResize - @ref CLDeconvolutionLayer - @ref CLDeconvolutionLayerUpsample - @ref CLDepthToSpaceLayer - @ref CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer - @ref CLDequantizationLayer - @ref CLDirectConvolutionLayer - @ref CLDirectDeconvolutionLayer - @ref CLFFT1D - @ref CLFFT2D - @ref CLFFTConvolutionLayer - @ref CLFullyConnectedLayer - @ref CLFuseBatchNormalization - @ref CLGEMM - @ref CLGEMMConvolutionLayer - @ref CLGEMMDeconvolutionLayer - @ref CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCore - @ref CLGenerateProposalsLayer - @ref CLL2NormalizeLayer - @ref CLLogicalAnd - @ref CLLogicalNot - @ref CLLogicalOr - @ref CLLSTMLayer - @ref CLLSTMLayerQuantized - @ref CLQLSTMLayer - @ref CLMaxUnpoolingLayer - @ref CLNormalizationLayer - @ref CLNormalizePlanarYUVLayer - @ref CLPadLayer - @ref CLQuantizationLayer - @ref CLReduceMean - @ref CLReductionOperation - @ref CLRNNLayer - @ref CLSoftmaxLayerGeneric <IS_LOG> - @ref CLSpaceToBatchLayer - @ref CLSpaceToDepthLayer - @ref CLSplit - @ref CLStackLayer - @ref CLUnstack - @ref CLWinogradConvolutionLayer - @ref ICLSimpleFunction - @ref CLActivationLayer - @ref CLArgMinMaxLayer - @ref CLArithmeticAddition - @ref CLArithmeticDivision - @ref CLArithmeticSubtraction - @ref CLBitwiseAnd - @ref CLBitwiseNot - @ref CLBitwiseOr - @ref CLBitwiseXor - @ref CLBoundingBoxTransform - @ref CLCast - @ref CLChannelShuffleLayer - @ref CLComparison - @ref CLComparisonStatic - @ref CLConvertFullyConnectedWeights - @ref CLCopy - @ref CLDepthConvertLayer - @ref CLElementwiseMax - @ref CLElementwiseMin - @ref CLElementwiseSquaredDiff - @ref CLExpLayer - @ref CLFill - @ref CLFillBorder - @ref CLFlattenLayer - @ref CLFloor - @ref CLFullyConnectedLayerReshapeWeights - @ref CLGather - @ref CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScaleByFixedPoint - @ref CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToInt8ScaleByFixedPoint - @ref CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ScaleByFixedPointKernel - @ref CLMeanStdDevNormalizationLayer - @ref CLPermute - @ref CLPixelWiseMultiplication - @ref CLPoolingLayer - @ref CLPReluLayer - @ref CLPriorBoxLayer - @ref CLRange - @ref CLReorgLayer - @ref CLReshapeLayer - @ref CLReverse - @ref CLROIAlignLayer - @ref CLROIPoolingLayer - @ref CLRsqrtLayer - @ref CLScale - @ref CLSelect - @ref CLSlice - @ref CLStridedSlice - @ref CLTile - @ref CLTranspose - @ref CLWinogradInputTransform @section S6_3 CPP functions - @ref IFunction - @ref CPPDetectionOutputLayer - @ref CPPDetectionPostProcessLayer - @ref ICPPSimpleFunction - @ref CPPBoxWithNonMaximaSuppressionLimit - @ref CPPPermute - @ref CPPTopKV - @ref CPPUpsample */ } // namespace