/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef ARM_COMPUTE_OPERATOR_LIST_H #define ARM_COMPUTE_OPERATOR_LIST_H /** ActivationLayer * * Description: * Function to simulate an activation layer with the specified activation function. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_ELU * ANEURALNETWORKS_HARD_SWISH * ANEURALNETWORKS_LOGISTIC * ANEURALNETWORKS_RELU * ANEURALNETWORKS_RELU1 * ANEURALNETWORKS_RELU6 * ANEURALNETWORKS_TANH * */ /** ArgMinMaxLayer * * Description: * Function to calculate the index of the minimum or maximum values in a tensor based on an axis. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_ARGMAX * ANEURALNETWORKS_ARGMIN * */ /** ArithmeticAddition * * Description: * Function to add 2 tensors. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_ADD * */ /** ArithmeticSubtraction * * Description: * Function to substract 2 tensors. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_SUB * */ /** BatchNormalizationLayer * * Description: * Function to perform batch normalization. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** BatchToSpaceLayer * * Description: * Batch to space transformation. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_BATCH_TO_SPACE_ND * */ /** BitwiseAnd * * Description: * Function to perform bitwise AND between 2 tensors. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_LOGICAL_AND * */ /** BitwiseNot * * Description: * Function to perform bitwise NOT. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_LOGICAL_NOT * */ /** BitwiseOr * * Description: * Function to perform bitwise OR between 2 tensors. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_LOGICAL_OR * */ /** BitwiseXor * * Description: * Function to perform bitwise XOR between 2 tensors. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** BoundingBoxTransform * * Description: * Transform proposal bounding boxes to target bounding box using bounding box deltas. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** Cast * * Description: * Function to cast a tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CAST * */ /** ChannelShuffleLayer * * Description: * Function to shuffle the channels of the input tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CHANNEL_SHUFFLE * */ /** Comparison * * Description: * Function to compare 2 tensors. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_EQUAL * ANEURALNETWORKS_GREATER * ANEURALNETWORKS_GREATER_EQUAL * ANEURALNETWORKS_LESS * ANEURALNETWORKS_LESS_EQUAL * ANEURALNETWORKS_NOT_EQUAL * */ /** ConcatenateLayer * * Description: * Function to concatenate tensors along a given axis. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CONCATENATION * */ /** ConvertFullyConnectedWeights * * Description: * Function to transpose the weights for the fully connected layer. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** ConvolutionLayer * * Description: * Function to compute a convolution layer. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CONV_2D * */ /** Copy * * Description: * Function to copy a tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** Crop * * Description: * Performs a copy of input tensor to the output tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** CropResize * * Description: * Function to perform cropping and resizing. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** DeconvolutionLayer * * Description: * Function to compute a deconvolution or transpose convolution. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_TRANSPOSE_CONV_2D * */ /** DeconvolutionLayerUpsample * * Description: * Function to execute deconvolution upsample on OpenCL. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_TRANSPOSE_CONV_2D * */ /** DepthConvertLayer * * Description: * Performs a down-scaling depth conversion. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** DepthToSpaceLayer * * Description: * Depth to Space transformation. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_DEPTH_TO_SPACE * */ /** DepthwiseConvolutionLayer * * Description: * Function to perform depthwise separable convolution. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D * */ /** DequantizationLayer * * Description: * Function to dequantize the values in a tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_DEQUANTIZE * */ /** DetectionPostProcessLayer * * Description: * Function to generate the detection output based on center size encoded boxes, class prediction and anchors by doing non maximum suppression (NMS). * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_DETECTION_POSTPROCESSING * */ /** DirectConvolutionLayer * * Description: * Function to compute direct convolution. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CONV_2D * */ /** DirectDeconvolutionLayer * * Description: * Function to run the deconvolution layer. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_TRANSPOSE_CONV_2D * */ /** ElementwiseOperations * * Description: * Function to perform in Cpu: * - Div * - Max * - Min * - Pow * - SquaredDiff * - Comparisons (Equal, greater, greater_equal, less, less_equal, not_equal) * Function to perform in CL: * - Add * - Sub * - Div * - Max * - Min * - Pow * - SquaredDiff * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_MAXIMUM * ANEURALNETWORKS_MINIMUM * ANEURALNETWORKS_POW * ANEURALNETWORKS_DIV * ANEURALNETWORKS_ADD * ANEURALNETWORKS_SUB * ANEURALNETWORKS_EQUAL * ANEURALNETWORKS_GREATER * ANEURALNETWORKS_GREATER_EQUAL * ANEURALNETWORKS_LESS * ANEURALNETWORKS_LESS_EQUAL * ANEURALNETWORKS_NOT_EQUAL * */ /** ElementwiseUnaryLayer * * Description: * Function to perform: * - Rsqrt * - Exp * - Neg * - Log * - Abs * - Round * - Sin * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_ABS * ANEURALNETWORKS_EXP * ANEURALNETWORKS_LOG * ANEURALNETWORKS_NEG * ANEURALNETWORKS_RSQRT * ANEURALNETWORKS_SIN * */ /** FFT1D * * Description: * Fast Fourier Transform 1D. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** FFT2D * * Description: * Fast Fourier Transform 2D. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** FFTConvolutionLayer * * Description: * Fast Fourier Transform Convolution. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CONV_2D * */ /** Fill * * Description: * Set the values of a tensor with a given value. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_FILL * */ /** FillBorder * * Description: * Function to fill the borders within the XY-planes. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** FlattenLayer * * Description: * Reshape a tensor to be 1D * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_RESHAPE * */ /** Floor * * Description: * Round the value to the lowest number. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOOR * */ /** FullyConnectedLayer * * Description: * Function to perform a fully connected / dense layer. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_FULLY_CONNECTED * */ /** FuseBatchNormalization * * Description: * Function to fuse the batch normalization node to a preceding convolution node. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** Gather * * Description: * Performs the Gather operation along the chosen axis. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_GATHER * */ /** GEMM * * Description: * General Matrix Multiplication. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** GEMMConv2d * * Description: * General Matrix Multiplication. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CONV_2D * */ /** GEMMConvolutionLayer * * Description: * General Matrix Multiplication. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CONV_2D * */ /** GEMMDeconvolutionLayer * * Description: * General Matrix Multiplication. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_TRANSPOSE_CONV_2D * */ /** GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCore * * Description: * General Matrix Multiplication. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** GEMMLowpOutputStage * * Description: * General Matrix Multiplication. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** GenerateProposalsLayer * * Description: * Function to generate proposals for a RPN (Region Proposal Network). * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_GENERATE_PROPOSALS * */ /** InstanceNormalizationLayer * * Description: * Function to perform a Instance normalization on a given axis. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_INSTANCE_NORMALIZATION * */ /** L2NormalizeLayer * * Description: * Function to perform a L2 normalization on a given axis. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_L2_NORMALIZATION * */ /** Logical * * Description: * Function to perform: * - Logical AND * - Logical OR * - Logical NOT * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** LogicalAnd * * Description: * Function to perform Logical AND. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** LogicalOr * * Description: * Function to perform Logical OR. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** LogicalNot * * Description: * Function to perform Logical NOT. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** LSTMLayer * * Description: * Function to perform a single time step in a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layer. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_LSTM * */ /** LSTMLayerQuantized * * Description: * Function to perform quantized LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_QUANTIZED_LSTM * ANEURALNETWORKS_QUANTIZED_16BIT_LSTM * */ /** MaxUnpoolingLayer * * Description: * Function to perform MaxUnpooling. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** MeanStdDevNormalizationLayer * * Description: * Function to execute mean and standard deviation normalization. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** NormalizationLayer * * Description: * Function to compute normalization layer. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION * */ /** PadLayer * * Description: * Function to pad a tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_PAD * ANEURALNETWORKS_PAD_V2 * */ /** Permute * * Description: * Function to transpose an ND tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_TRANSPOSE * */ /** PixelWiseMultiplication * * Description: * Function to perform a multiplication. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_MUL * */ /** PoolingLayer * * Description: * Function to perform pooling with the specified pooling operation. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_AVERAGE_POOL_2D * ANEURALNETWORKS_L2_POOL_2D * ANEURALNETWORKS_MAX_POOL_2D * */ /** PReluLayer * * Description: * Function to compute the activation layer with the PRELU activation function. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_PRELU * */ /** PriorBoxLayer * * Description: * Function to compute prior boxes and clip. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** QLSTMLayer * * Description: * Function to perform quantized LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory). * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_QUANTIZED_LSTM * ANEURALNETWORKS_QUANTIZED_16BIT_LSTM * */ /** QuantizationLayer * * Description: * Function to perform quantization layer * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_QUANTIZE * */ /** Range * * Description: * Function to generates a sequence of numbers starting from START and extends by increments of 'STEP' up to but not including 'END'. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** ReduceMean * * Description: * Function to perform reduce mean operation. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_MEAN * */ /** ReductionOperation * * Description: * Function to perform reduce with the following operations * - ARG_IDX_MAX: Index of the max value * - ARG_IDX_MIN: Index of the min value * - MEAN_SUM: Mean of sum * - PROD: Product * - SUM_SQUARE: Sum of squares * - SUM: Sum * - MIN: Min * - MAX: Max * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_REDUCE_ALL * ANEURALNETWORKS_REDUCE_ANY * ANEURALNETWORKS_REDUCE_MAX * ANEURALNETWORKS_REDUCE_MIN * ANEURALNETWORKS_REDUCE_PROD * ANEURALNETWORKS_REDUCE_SUM * */ /** ReorgLayer * * Description: * Performs a reorganization layer of input tensor to the output tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** ReshapeLayer * * Description: * Function to reshape a tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_RESHAPE * ANEURALNETWORKS_SQUEEZE * */ /** Reverse * * Description: * Function to reverse tensor according to axis. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** RNNLayer * * Description: * Function to perform recurrent neural network layer. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_RNN * */ /** ROIAlignLayer * * Description: * Function to perform ROI alignment. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_ROI_ALIGN * */ /** ROIPoolingLayer * * Description: * Function to perform ROI pooling. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_ROI_POOLING * */ /** Scale * * Description: * Function to perform resize a tensor using to interpolate: * - Bilinear * - Nearest neighbor * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_RESIZE_BILINEAR * ANEURALNETWORKS_RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR * */ /** Select * * Description: * Function to select values from 2 tensors depending on an input tensor of booleans. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_SELECT * */ /** Slice * * Description: * Function to perform tensor slicing. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_SLICE * */ /** SoftmaxLayer * * Description: * Function to compute a SoftmaxLayer and a Log SoftmaxLayer. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_LOG_SOFTMAX * ANEURALNETWORKS_SOFTMAX * */ /** SpaceToBatchLayer * * Description: * Function to divide a tensor spatially. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_SPACE_TO_BATCH_ND * */ /** SpaceToDepthLayer * * Description: * Function to rearrange blocks of spatial data into depth. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_SPACE_TO_DEPTH * */ /** Split * * Description: * Function to split a tensor along a given axis. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_SPLIT * */ /** StackLayer * * Description: * Function to stack tensors along an axis. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** StridedSlice * * Description: * Function to extract a strided slice of a tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_STRIDED_SLICE * */ /** Tile * * Description: * Function to construct a tensor by tiling a given tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_TILE * */ /** Transpose * * Description: * Function to transpose a 2D tensor. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_TRANSPOSE * */ /** Unstack * * Description: * Function to unpack a rank-R tensor into rank-(R-1) tensors. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * n/a * */ /** WinogradConvolutionLayer * * Description: * Function to do Winograd Convolution. * * Equivalent Android NNAPI Op: * ANEURALNETWORKS_CONV_2D * */ #endif /* ARM_COMPUTE_OPERATOR_LIST_H */