/* * Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #pragma once #include #include "arm.hpp" namespace reorder { /** Re-order a tensor from NCHW format to NHWC. * * @note The stride parameters are optional and are provided to allow padding in either input or output tensors. * * @param[in] in Input tensor in NCHW format. * @param[out] out Output tensor, to be written in NHWC format. * @param n_batches Number of batches in the tensors. * @param n_channels Number of channels in the tensors * @param n_rows Height of the tensor * @param n_cols Width of the tensor * @param in_batch_stride Stride over batches in the input tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_channels * in_channel_stride`. * @param in_channel_stride Stride over channels in the input tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_rows * in_row_stride`. * @param in_row_stride Stride over rows in the input tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_cols`. * @param out_batch_stride Stride over batches in the output tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_rows * out_row_stride`. * @param out_row_stride Stride over rows in the output tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_cols * out_col_stride`. * @param out_col_stride Stride over columns in the output tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_channels`. */ template inline void nchw_to_nhwc( const T* const in, T* const out, const int n_batches, const int n_channels, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, int in_batch_stride=0, int in_channel_stride=0, int in_row_stride=0, int out_batch_stride=0, int out_row_stride=0, int out_col_stride=0 ); /** Re-order a tensor from NHWC format to NCHW. * * @note The stride parameters are optional and are provided to allow padding in either input or output tensors. * * @param[in] in Input tensor in NHWC format. * @param[out] out Output tensor, to be written in NCHW format. * @param n_batches Number of batches in the tensors. * @param n_rows Height of the tensor * @param n_cols Width of the tensor * @param n_channels Number of channels in the tensors * @param in_batch_stride Stride over batches in the input tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_rows * in_row_stride`. * @param in_row_stride Stride over rows in the input tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_cols * in_col_stride`. * @param in_col_stride Stride over columns in the input tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_channels`. * @param out_batch_stride Stride over batches in the output tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_channels * out_channel_stride`. * @param out_channel_stride Stride over channels in the output tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_rows * out_row_stride`. * @param out_row_stride Stride over rows in the output tensor. If `0` defaults to `n_cols`. */ template inline void nhwc_to_nchw( const T* const in, // Input data in NHWC form T* const out, // Output data in NCHW form const int n_batches, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, const int n_channels, int in_batch_stride=0, int in_row_stride=0, int in_col_stride=0, int out_batch_stride=0, int out_channel_stride=0, int out_row_stride=0 ); /** Re-order a weight tensor from [Output feature map x Input feature map x * Height x Width] format to [Height x Width x Input feature map x Output * feature map] format. */ template inline void ofm_ifm_h_w_to_h_w_ifm_ofm( const T* const in, // Input in [Output x Input x Height x Width] form T* const out, // Output in [Height x Width x Input x Output] form const int n_output_feature_maps, const int n_input_feature_maps, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, int in_output_feature_map_stride=0, int in_input_feature_map_stride=0, int in_row_stride=0, int out_row_stride=0, int out_col_stride=0, int out_input_feature_map_stride=0 ); /** Re-order a weight tensor from [Height x Width x Input feature map x Output * feature map] format to [Output feature map x Input feature map x Height x * Width] format. */ template inline void h_w_ifm_ofm_to_ofm_ifm_h_w( const T* const in, // Input in [Height x Width x Input x Output] form T* const out, // Output in [Output x Input x Height x Width] form const int n_rows, const int n_cols, const int n_input_feature_maps, const int n_output_feature_maps, int in_row_stride=0, int in_col_stride=0, int in_input_feature_map_stride=0, int out_output_feature_map_stride=0, int out_input_feature_map_stride=0, int out_row_stride=0 ); /*****************************************************************************/ /* 32-bit implementation : NCHW -> NHWC */ template <> inline void nchw_to_nhwc( const int32_t* const in, int32_t* const out, const int n_batches, const int n_channels, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, int in_batch_stride, int in_channel_stride, int in_row_stride, int out_batch_stride, int out_row_stride, int out_col_stride ) { typedef int32_t T; // Fill in the stride values in_row_stride = (in_row_stride) ? in_row_stride : n_cols; in_channel_stride = (in_channel_stride) ? in_channel_stride : n_rows * in_row_stride; in_batch_stride = (in_batch_stride) ? in_batch_stride : n_channels * in_channel_stride; out_col_stride = (out_col_stride) ? out_col_stride : n_channels; out_row_stride = (out_row_stride) ? out_row_stride : n_cols * out_col_stride; out_batch_stride = (out_batch_stride) ? out_batch_stride : n_rows * out_row_stride; // Perform the re-ordering for (int n = 0; n < n_batches; n++) { const T* const in_batch = in + n*in_batch_stride; T* const out_batch = out + n*out_batch_stride; for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { const T* const in_row = in_batch + i*in_row_stride; T* const out_row = out_batch + i*out_row_stride; int j = 0, j_remaining = n_cols; #ifdef __arm_any__ for (; j_remaining >= 4; j += 4, j_remaining -= 4) { int c = 0, c_remaining = n_channels; for (; c_remaining >= 4; c += 4, c_remaining -= 4) { // Read 4 channels worth of 4 columns, then zip to produce 4 columns // worth of 4 channels. int32x4_t channel_pixels[4]; channel_pixels[0] = vld1q_s32(in_row + (c + 0)*in_channel_stride + j); channel_pixels[1] = vld1q_s32(in_row + (c + 1)*in_channel_stride + j); channel_pixels[2] = vld1q_s32(in_row + (c + 2)*in_channel_stride + j); channel_pixels[3] = vld1q_s32(in_row + (c + 3)*in_channel_stride + j); const auto zip1 = vzipq_s32(channel_pixels[0], channel_pixels[2]); const auto zip2 = vzipq_s32(channel_pixels[1], channel_pixels[3]); const auto out_0 = vzipq_s32(zip1.val[0], zip2.val[0]); const auto out_1 = vzipq_s32(zip1.val[1], zip2.val[1]); vst1q_s32(out_row + (j + 0)*out_col_stride + c, out_0.val[0]); vst1q_s32(out_row + (j + 1)*out_col_stride + c, out_0.val[1]); vst1q_s32(out_row + (j + 2)*out_col_stride + c, out_1.val[0]); vst1q_s32(out_row + (j + 3)*out_col_stride + c, out_1.val[1]); } for (; c_remaining; c++, c_remaining--) { for (int _j = 0; _j < 4; _j++) { const T* const in_col = in_row + j + _j; T* const out_col = out_row + (j + _j)*out_col_stride; const T* const in_channel = in_col + c*in_channel_stride; out_col[c] = *(in_channel); } } } for (; j_remaining >= 2; j += 2, j_remaining -= 2) { int c = 0, c_remaining = n_channels; for (; c_remaining >= 2; c += 2, c_remaining -= 2) { // Read 2 channels worth of 2 columns, then zip to produce 2 columns // worth of 2 channels. int32x2_t channel_pixels[2]; channel_pixels[0] = vld1_s32(in_row + (c + 0)*in_channel_stride + j); channel_pixels[1] = vld1_s32(in_row + (c + 1)*in_channel_stride + j); const auto output = vzip_s32(channel_pixels[0], channel_pixels[1]); vst1_s32(out_row + (j + 0)*out_col_stride + c, output.val[0]); vst1_s32(out_row + (j + 1)*out_col_stride + c, output.val[1]); } for (; c_remaining; c++, c_remaining--) { for (int _j = 0; _j < 2; _j++) { const T* const in_col = in_row + j + _j; T* const out_col = out_row + (j + _j)*out_col_stride; const T* const in_channel = in_col + c*in_channel_stride; out_col[c] = *(in_channel); } } } #endif // __arm_any__ for (; j_remaining; j++, j_remaining--) { const T* const in_col = in_row + j; T* const out_col = out_row + j*out_col_stride; for (int c = 0; c < n_channels; c++) { const T* const in_channel = in_col + c*in_channel_stride; out_col[c] = *(in_channel); } } } } } template <> inline void nchw_to_nhwc( const uint32_t* const in, uint32_t* const out, const int n_batches, const int n_channels, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, int in_batch_stride, int in_channel_stride, int in_row_stride, int out_batch_stride, int out_row_stride, int out_col_stride ) { nchw_to_nhwc( reinterpret_cast(in), reinterpret_cast(out), n_batches, n_channels, n_rows, n_cols, in_batch_stride, in_channel_stride, in_row_stride, out_batch_stride, out_row_stride, out_col_stride ); } template <> inline void nchw_to_nhwc( const float* const in, float* const out, const int n_batches, const int n_channels, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, int in_batch_stride, int in_channel_stride, int in_row_stride, int out_batch_stride, int out_row_stride, int out_col_stride ) { nchw_to_nhwc( reinterpret_cast(in), reinterpret_cast(out), n_batches, n_channels, n_rows, n_cols, in_batch_stride, in_channel_stride, in_row_stride, out_batch_stride, out_row_stride, out_col_stride ); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic implementation : NCHW -> NHWC */ template inline void nchw_to_nhwc( const T* const in, T* const out, const int n_batches, const int n_channels, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, int in_batch_stride, int in_channel_stride, int in_row_stride, int out_batch_stride, int out_row_stride, int out_col_stride ) { // Fill in the stride values in_row_stride = (in_row_stride) ? in_row_stride : n_cols; in_channel_stride = (in_channel_stride) ? in_channel_stride : n_rows * in_row_stride; in_batch_stride = (in_batch_stride) ? in_batch_stride : n_channels * in_channel_stride; out_col_stride = (out_col_stride) ? out_col_stride : n_channels; out_row_stride = (out_row_stride) ? out_row_stride : n_cols * out_col_stride; out_batch_stride = (out_batch_stride) ? out_batch_stride : n_rows * out_row_stride; // Perform the re-ordering for (int n = 0; n < n_batches; n++) { const T* const in_batch = in + n*in_batch_stride; T* const out_batch = out + n*out_batch_stride; for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { const T* const in_row = in_batch + i*in_row_stride; T* const out_row = out_batch + i*out_row_stride; for (int j = 0; j < n_cols; j++) { const T* const in_col = in_row + j; T* const out_col = out_row + j*out_col_stride; for (int c = 0; c < n_channels; c++) { const T* const in_channel = in_col + c*in_channel_stride; out_col[c] = *(in_channel); } } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* 32-bit implementation : NHWC -> NCHW */ template <> inline void nhwc_to_nchw( const int32_t* const in, // Input data in NHWC form int32_t* const out, // Output data in NCHW form const int n_batches, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, const int n_channels, int in_batch_stride, int in_row_stride, int in_col_stride, int out_batch_stride, int out_channel_stride, int out_row_stride ) { typedef int32_t T; // Fill in stride values in_col_stride = (in_col_stride) ? in_col_stride : n_channels; in_row_stride = (in_row_stride) ? in_row_stride : n_cols * in_col_stride; in_batch_stride = (in_batch_stride) ? in_batch_stride : n_rows * in_row_stride; out_row_stride = (out_row_stride) ? out_row_stride : n_cols; out_channel_stride = (out_channel_stride) ? out_channel_stride : n_rows * out_row_stride; out_batch_stride = (out_batch_stride) ? out_batch_stride : n_channels * out_channel_stride; // Perform the re-ordering // For every batch for (int n = 0; n < n_batches; n++) { const T* const in_batch = in + n*in_batch_stride; T* const out_batch = out + n*out_batch_stride; // For every row for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { const T* const in_i = in_batch + i*in_row_stride; T* const out_i = out_batch + i*out_row_stride; // For every column, beginning with chunks of 4 int j = 0, j_remaining = n_cols; #ifdef __arm_any__ for (; j_remaining >= 4; j += 4, j_remaining -=4) { // For every channel, beginning with chunks of 4 int c = 0, c_remaining = n_channels; for (; c_remaining >= 4; c += 4, c_remaining -= 4) { // Read 4 columns worth of 4 channels then zip to produce 4 channels // worth of 4 columns. int32x4_t pixel_channels[4]; pixel_channels[0] = vld1q_s32(in_i + (j + 0)*in_col_stride + c); pixel_channels[1] = vld1q_s32(in_i + (j + 1)*in_col_stride + c); pixel_channels[2] = vld1q_s32(in_i + (j + 2)*in_col_stride + c); pixel_channels[3] = vld1q_s32(in_i + (j + 3)*in_col_stride + c); const auto zip1 = vzipq_s32(pixel_channels[0], pixel_channels[2]); const auto zip2 = vzipq_s32(pixel_channels[1], pixel_channels[3]); const auto out_0 = vzipq_s32(zip1.val[0], zip2.val[0]); const auto out_1 = vzipq_s32(zip1.val[1], zip2.val[1]); vst1q_s32(out_i + j + (c + 0)*out_channel_stride, out_0.val[0]); vst1q_s32(out_i + j + (c + 1)*out_channel_stride, out_0.val[1]); vst1q_s32(out_i + j + (c + 2)*out_channel_stride, out_1.val[0]); vst1q_s32(out_i + j + (c + 3)*out_channel_stride, out_1.val[1]); } for (; c_remaining; c++, c_remaining--) { for (int _j = 0; _j < 4; _j++) { const T* const in_j = in_i + (j + _j)*in_col_stride; T* const out_j = out_i + (j + _j); const T* const in_channel = in_j + c; T* const out_channel = out_j + c*out_channel_stride; *(out_channel) = *(in_channel); } } } for (; j_remaining >= 2; j += 2, j_remaining -=2) { int c = 0, c_remaining = n_channels; for (; c_remaining >= 2; c += 2, c_remaining -= 2) { // Read 2 columns worth of 2 channels then zip to produce 2 channels // worth of 2 columns. int32x2_t pixel_channels[2]; pixel_channels[0] = vld1_s32(in_i + (j + 0)*in_col_stride + c); pixel_channels[1] = vld1_s32(in_i + (j + 1)*in_col_stride + c); const auto output = vzip_s32(pixel_channels[0], pixel_channels[1]); vst1_s32(out_i + j + (c + 0)*out_channel_stride, output.val[0]); vst1_s32(out_i + j + (c + 1)*out_channel_stride, output.val[1]); } for (; c_remaining; c++, c_remaining--) { for (int _j = 0; _j < 2; _j++) { const T* const in_j = in_i + (j + _j)*in_col_stride; T* const out_j = out_i + (j + _j); const T* const in_channel = in_j + c; T* const out_channel = out_j + c*out_channel_stride; *(out_channel) = *(in_channel); } } } #endif // __arm_any__ for (; j_remaining; j++, j_remaining--) { const T* const in_j = in_i + j*in_col_stride; T* const out_j = out_i + j; // For every channel for (int c = 0; c < n_channels; c++) { const T* const in_channel = in_j + c; T* const out_channel = out_j + c*out_channel_stride; *(out_channel) = *(in_channel); } } } } } template <> inline void nhwc_to_nchw( const uint32_t* const in, // Input data in NHWC form uint32_t* const out, // Output data in NCHW form const int n_batches, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, const int n_channels, int in_batch_stride, int in_row_stride, int in_col_stride, int out_batch_stride, int out_channel_stride, int out_row_stride ) { // Redirect to generic 32-bit implementation nhwc_to_nchw( reinterpret_cast(in), reinterpret_cast(out), n_batches, n_rows, n_cols, n_channels, in_batch_stride, in_row_stride, in_col_stride, out_batch_stride, out_channel_stride, out_row_stride ); } template <> inline void nhwc_to_nchw( const float* const in, // Input data in NHWC form float* const out, // Output data in NCHW form const int n_batches, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, const int n_channels, int in_batch_stride, int in_row_stride, int in_col_stride, int out_batch_stride, int out_channel_stride, int out_row_stride ) { // Redirect to generic 32-bit implementation nhwc_to_nchw( reinterpret_cast(in), reinterpret_cast(out), n_batches, n_rows, n_cols, n_channels, in_batch_stride, in_row_stride, in_col_stride, out_batch_stride, out_channel_stride, out_row_stride ); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic implementation : NHWC -> NCHW */ template inline void nhwc_to_nchw( const T* const in, // Input data in NHWC form T* const out, // Output data in NCHW form const int n_batches, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, const int n_channels, int in_batch_stride, int in_row_stride, int in_col_stride, int out_batch_stride, int out_channel_stride, int out_row_stride ) { // Fill in stride values in_col_stride = (in_col_stride) ? in_col_stride : n_channels; in_row_stride = (in_row_stride) ? in_row_stride : n_cols * in_col_stride; in_batch_stride = (in_batch_stride) ? in_batch_stride : n_rows * in_row_stride; out_row_stride = (out_row_stride) ? out_row_stride : n_cols; out_channel_stride = (out_channel_stride) ? out_channel_stride : n_rows * out_row_stride; out_batch_stride = (out_batch_stride) ? out_batch_stride : n_channels * out_channel_stride; // Perform the re-ordering // For every batch for (int n = 0; n < n_batches; n++) { const T* const in_batch = in + n*in_batch_stride; T* const out_batch = out + n*out_batch_stride; // For every row for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { const T* const in_i = in_batch + i*in_row_stride; T* const out_i = out_batch + i*out_row_stride; // For every column for (int j = 0; j < n_cols; j++) { const T* const in_j = in_i + j*in_col_stride; T* const out_j = out_i + j; // For every channel for (int c = 0; c < n_channels; c++) { const T* const in_channel = in_j + c; T* const out_channel = out_j + c*out_channel_stride; *(out_channel) = *(in_channel); } } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic weight re-order implementation. */ template inline void ofm_ifm_h_w_to_h_w_ifm_ofm( const T* const in, // Input in [Output x Input x Height x Width] form T* const out, // Output in [Height x Width x Input x Output] form const int n_output_feature_maps, const int n_input_feature_maps, const int n_rows, const int n_cols, int in_output_feature_map_stride, int in_input_feature_map_stride, int in_row_stride, int out_row_stride, int out_col_stride, int out_input_feature_map_stride ) { // Fill in stride values in_row_stride = (in_row_stride) ? in_row_stride : n_cols; in_input_feature_map_stride = (in_input_feature_map_stride) ? in_input_feature_map_stride : n_rows * in_row_stride; in_output_feature_map_stride = (in_output_feature_map_stride) ? in_output_feature_map_stride : n_input_feature_maps * in_input_feature_map_stride; out_input_feature_map_stride = (out_input_feature_map_stride) ? out_input_feature_map_stride : n_output_feature_maps; out_col_stride = (out_col_stride) ? out_col_stride : n_input_feature_maps * out_input_feature_map_stride; out_row_stride = (out_row_stride) ? out_row_stride : n_cols * out_col_stride; // Perform the re-ordering for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { const T* const in_row = in + i * in_row_stride; T* out_row = out + i * out_row_stride; for (int j = 0; j < n_cols; j++) { const T* const in_col = in_row + j; T* const out_col = out_row + j * out_col_stride; for (int ifm = 0; ifm < n_input_feature_maps; ifm++) { const T* const in_ifm = in_col + ifm * in_input_feature_map_stride; T* const out_ifm = out_col + ifm * out_input_feature_map_stride; for (int ofm = 0; ofm < n_output_feature_maps; ofm++) { const T* const in_ofm = in_ifm + ofm * in_output_feature_map_stride; T* const out_ofm = out_ifm + ofm; *(out_ofm) = *(in_ofm); } } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic weight re-order implementation. */ template inline void h_w_ifm_ofm_to_ofm_ifm_h_w( const T* const in, // Input in [Height x Width x Input x Output] form T* const out, // Output in [Output x Input x Height x Width] form const int n_rows, const int n_cols, const int n_input_feature_maps, const int n_output_feature_maps, int in_row_stride, int in_col_stride, int in_input_feature_map_stride, int out_output_feature_map_stride, int out_input_feature_map_stride, int out_row_stride ) { // Fill in the stride values in_input_feature_map_stride = (in_input_feature_map_stride) ? in_input_feature_map_stride : n_output_feature_maps; in_col_stride = (in_col_stride) ? in_col_stride : n_input_feature_maps * in_input_feature_map_stride; in_row_stride = (in_row_stride) ? in_row_stride : n_cols * in_col_stride; out_row_stride = (out_row_stride) ? out_row_stride : n_cols; out_input_feature_map_stride = (out_input_feature_map_stride) ? out_input_feature_map_stride : n_rows * out_row_stride; out_output_feature_map_stride = (out_output_feature_map_stride) ? out_output_feature_map_stride : n_input_feature_maps * out_input_feature_map_stride; // Perform the re-ordering for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { const T* const in_row = in + i * in_row_stride; T* const out_row = out + i * out_row_stride; for (int j = 0; j < n_cols; j++) { const T* const in_col = in_row + j * in_col_stride; T* const out_col = out_row + j; for (int ifm = 0; ifm < n_input_feature_maps; ifm++) { const T* const in_ifm = in_col + ifm * in_input_feature_map_stride; T* const out_ifm = out_col + ifm * out_input_feature_map_stride; for (int ofm = 0; ofm < n_output_feature_maps; ofm++) { const T* const in_ofm = in_ifm + ofm; T* const out_ofm = out_ifm + ofm * out_output_feature_map_stride; *(out_ofm) = *(in_ofm); } } } } } } // namespace reorder