/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 ARM Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * NOTE: Header to be included by implementation files only. * * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */ #include #include #include "arm_compute/core/NEON/kernels/convolution/depthwise/depthwise.hpp" #include "arm_compute/core/NEON/kernels/convolution/common/padding.hpp" #include "arm_compute/core/NEON/kernels/convolution/common/utils.hpp" #pragma once #define MEMBERFN(TOUT) template <\ unsigned int OutputTileRows, unsigned int OutputTileColumns,\ unsigned int KernelRows, unsigned int KernelColumns,\ unsigned int StrideRows, unsigned int StrideColumns,\ typename TIn, typename TBias, typename TOut,\ typename Derived\ > TOUT DepthwiseConvolutionBase<\ OutputTileRows, OutputTileColumns,\ KernelRows, KernelColumns,\ StrideRows, StrideColumns,\ TIn, TBias, TOut, Derived\ > using namespace neon_convolution_kernels; namespace depthwise { template struct PackParameters { static void execute( unsigned int n_channels, void *buffer, const void *weights, unsigned int weight_row_stride, unsigned int weight_col_stride, const void *biases ); }; const unsigned int CHANNEL_BLOCK = 16; MEMBERFN(int)::get_output_size( const int dim_size, const unsigned int padding_before, const unsigned int padding_after ) { return iceildiv(dim_size + padding_before + padding_after - KernelRows + 1, StrideRows); } MEMBERFN(int)::output_size( const int dim_size, const unsigned int padding_before, const unsigned int padding_after ) const { return get_output_size(dim_size, padding_before, padding_after); } MEMBERFN()::DepthwiseConvolutionBase( const int n_batches, const int n_input_rows, const int n_input_cols, const int n_channels, ActivationFunction activation, const unsigned int padding_top, const unsigned int padding_left, const unsigned int padding_bottom, const unsigned int padding_right ) : _input(nullptr), _output(nullptr), _packed_parameters(nullptr), _working_space(nullptr), _n_batches(n_batches), _n_input_rows(n_input_rows), _n_input_cols(n_input_cols), _n_channels(n_channels), _n_output_rows(get_output_size(n_input_rows, padding_top, padding_bottom)), _n_output_cols(get_output_size(n_input_cols, padding_left, padding_right)), _n_tile_rows(iceildiv(_n_output_rows, output_tile_rows)), _n_tile_cols(iceildiv(_n_output_cols, output_tile_cols)), _padding_top(padding_top), _padding_left(padding_left), _padding_bottom(padding_bottom), _padding_right(padding_right), _activation(activation), _input_col_stride(0), _input_row_stride(0), _input_batch_stride(0), _input_ws_col_stride(_n_channels), _input_ws_row_stride(_input_ws_col_stride * inner_tile_cols), _output_col_stride(0), _output_row_stride(0), _output_batch_stride(0), _output_ws_col_stride(_n_channels), _output_ws_row_stride(_output_ws_col_stride * OutputTileColumns) { } MEMBERFN(void)::set_input(const void* const inptr) { set_input(inptr, _n_channels); } MEMBERFN(void)::set_input(const void* const inptr, const int ld_col) { set_input(inptr, _n_input_cols * ld_col, ld_col); } MEMBERFN(void)::set_input(const void* const inptr, const int ld_row, const int ld_col) { set_input(inptr, _n_input_rows * ld_row, ld_row, ld_col); } MEMBERFN(void)::set_input(const void* const inptr, const int ld_batch, const int ld_row, const int ld_col) { _input = static_cast(inptr); _input_batch_stride = ld_batch; _input_row_stride = ld_row; _input_col_stride = ld_col; } MEMBERFN(void)::set_output(void* const outptr) { set_output(outptr, _n_channels); } MEMBERFN(void)::set_output(void* const outptr, const int ld_col) { set_output(outptr, _n_output_cols * ld_col, ld_col); } MEMBERFN(void)::set_output(void* const outptr, const int ld_row, const int ld_col) { set_output(outptr, _n_output_rows * ld_row, ld_row, ld_col); } MEMBERFN(void)::set_output(void* const outptr, const int ld_batch, const int ld_row, const int ld_col) { _output = static_cast(outptr); _output_batch_stride = ld_batch; _output_row_stride = ld_row; _output_col_stride = ld_col; } MEMBERFN(size_t)::get_packed_params_size(void) const { return _n_channels * (sizeof(TIn)*KernelRows*KernelColumns + sizeof(TBias)); } MEMBERFN(void)::set_packed_params_buffer(void *buffer) { _packed_parameters = buffer; } MEMBERFN(void)::pack_params(const void *weights, const void *biases) const { static_cast(this)->pack_params(_packed_parameters, weights, biases); } MEMBERFN(void)::pack_params(void *buffer, const void *weights, const void *biases) const { const unsigned int weight_col_stride = _n_channels; const unsigned int weight_row_stride = KernelColumns * weight_col_stride; static_cast(this)->pack_params( buffer, weights, weight_row_stride, weight_col_stride, biases ); } MEMBERFN(void)::pack_params( void * const buffer, const void * const weights, const unsigned int weight_row_stride, const unsigned int weight_col_stride, const void * const biases ) const { static_cast(this)->_pack_params( buffer, weights, weight_row_stride, weight_col_stride, biases ); } MEMBERFN(void)::_pack_params( void * const buffer, const void * const weights, const unsigned int weight_row_stride, const unsigned int weight_col_stride, const void * const biases ) const { // Default implementation PackParameters::execute( _n_channels, buffer, weights, weight_row_stride, weight_col_stride, biases ); } MEMBERFN(size_t)::get_working_space_size(const unsigned int nthreads) const { return nthreads * ( _get_input_working_space_size() + _get_output_working_space_size() ); } MEMBERFN(void)::set_working_space(void *buffer) { _working_space = buffer; } MEMBERFN(size_t)::_get_input_working_space_size(void) const { return sizeof(TIn) * inner_tile_rows * inner_tile_cols * _n_channels; } MEMBERFN(size_t)::_get_output_working_space_size(void) const { return sizeof(TOut) * OutputTileRows * OutputTileColumns * _n_channels; } MEMBERFN(void *)::_get_input_working_space(const unsigned int threadid) const { return static_cast(_working_space) + threadid * ( _get_input_working_space_size() + _get_output_working_space_size() ); } MEMBERFN(void *)::_get_output_working_space(const unsigned int threadid) const { return static_cast(_get_input_working_space(threadid)) + _get_input_working_space_size(); } MEMBERFN(unsigned int)::get_window() const { // Parallelise over blocks of channels. return iceildiv(_n_channels, CHANNEL_BLOCK); } MEMBERFN(void)::run( const unsigned int start, const unsigned int stop, const unsigned int threadid ) { // Parallelise over blocks of channels const auto start_channel = CHANNEL_BLOCK * start; const auto stop_channel = std::min(_n_channels, CHANNEL_BLOCK * stop); // Compute top and bottom padding for input and output const int input_pad_top = _padding_top; const int input_pad_left = _padding_left; constexpr int tile_overlap = kernel_rows - stride_rows; // Perform the convolution by calling `process_tile_row` for each tile row in // each batch. for (int batch = 0; batch < _n_batches; batch++) { const TIn* const inptr_batch = _input + batch*_input_batch_stride; TOut* const outptr_batch = _output + batch*_output_batch_stride; // Loop over rows of tiles for (int tile_i = 0; tile_i < _n_tile_rows; tile_i++) { // Pointer to the row const int input_row_offset = (tile_i == 0) ? 0 : input_pad_top; const TIn* const inptr_row = (inptr_batch + ((inner_tile_rows - tile_overlap)*tile_i - input_row_offset)*_input_row_stride); TOut* const outptr_row = outptr_batch + output_tile_rows * tile_i * _output_row_stride; // Input padding (top + bottom) for the row const int input_row_top = tile_i*(inner_tile_rows - tile_overlap) - input_pad_top; const int input_row_bottom = input_row_top + inner_tile_rows; const int input_row_pad_top = (tile_i == 0) ? input_pad_top : 0; const int input_row_pad_bottom = std::max(0, input_row_bottom - _n_input_rows); // Output padding (bottom) for the row const int output_row_bottom = (tile_i + 1)*output_tile_rows; const int output_row_pad_bottom = std::max(0, output_row_bottom - _n_output_rows); // Get the offset into the packed parameters const auto params_ptr = static_cast(_packed_parameters) + start_channel*(sizeof(TIn)*KernelRows*KernelColumns + sizeof(TBias)); // Process the row process_tile_row( threadid, stop_channel - start_channel, params_ptr, inptr_row + start_channel, outptr_row + start_channel, input_row_pad_top, input_pad_left, input_row_pad_bottom, output_row_pad_bottom, _n_tile_cols, _n_input_cols, _n_output_cols ); } } } MEMBERFN(void)::process_tile_row( const unsigned int threadid, const int n_channels, const void* const packed_params, const TIn* const inptr, TOut* const outptr, const int row_pad_in_top, const int row_pad_in_left, const int row_pad_in_bottom, const int row_pad_out_bottom, const int n_tiles, const int n_input_cols, const int n_output_cols ) { constexpr int tile_overlap = kernel_cols - stride_cols; // Loop over columns of tiles for (int tile_j = 0; tile_j < n_tiles; tile_j++) { // Input padding (left + right) for the tile const int t_pad_in_left = (tile_j == 0) ? row_pad_in_left : 0; const int t_in_start = tile_j*(inner_tile_cols - tile_overlap) - row_pad_in_left; const int t_in_end = t_in_start + inner_tile_cols; const int t_pad_in_right = std::max(0, t_in_end - n_input_cols); // Output padding (right) for the tile const int t_out_end = (tile_j + 1) * output_tile_cols; const int t_pad_out_right = std::max(0, t_out_end - n_output_cols); // Get pointers into the inputs and outputs const int col_offset = (tile_j == 0) ? 0 : row_pad_in_left; const TIn* const inptr_col = (inptr + ((inner_tile_cols - tile_overlap)*tile_j - col_offset)*_input_col_stride); TOut* const outptr_col = outptr + tile_j * output_tile_cols * _output_col_stride; // Process just this tile process_tile( threadid, n_channels, packed_params, inptr_col, outptr_col, row_pad_in_top, t_pad_in_left, row_pad_in_bottom, t_pad_in_right, // Input paddings row_pad_out_bottom, t_pad_out_right // Output paddings ); } } MEMBERFN(TIn)::_input_padding_value(void) const { return static_cast(0); } MEMBERFN(void)::process_tile( const unsigned int threadid, const int n_channels, const void* const packed_params, const TIn* const inptr, TOut* const outptr, const int pad_in_top, const int pad_in_left, const int pad_in_bottom, const int pad_in_right, const int pad_out_bottom, const int pad_out_right ) { const bool pad_input = pad_in_top || pad_in_left || pad_in_bottom || pad_in_right; const bool pad_output = pad_out_bottom || pad_out_right; if (pad_input) { // Copy the input into the temporary buffer, applying padding padding::copy_and_pad_tile( inner_tile_rows, inner_tile_cols, n_channels, inptr, _input_row_stride, _input_col_stride, static_cast(_get_input_working_space(threadid)), _input_ws_row_stride, _input_ws_col_stride, pad_in_top, pad_in_left, pad_in_bottom, pad_in_right, static_cast(this)->_input_padding_value() ); } // Execute the kernel const TIn * const tile_inptr = !pad_input ? inptr : static_cast(_get_input_working_space(threadid)); const int in_row_stride = !pad_input ? _input_row_stride : _input_ws_row_stride; const int in_col_stride = !pad_input ? _input_col_stride : _input_ws_col_stride; TOut * const tile_outptr = !pad_output ? outptr : static_cast(_get_output_working_space(threadid)); const int out_row_stride = !pad_output ? _output_row_stride : _output_ws_row_stride; const int out_col_stride = !pad_output ? _output_col_stride : _output_ws_col_stride; Derived * dthis = static_cast(this); switch(_activation) { case ActivationFunction::ReLU: dthis->template execute_tile( n_channels, packed_params, tile_inptr, in_row_stride, in_col_stride, tile_outptr, out_row_stride, out_col_stride ); break; case ActivationFunction::ReLU6: dthis->template execute_tile( n_channels, packed_params, tile_inptr, in_row_stride, in_col_stride, tile_outptr, out_row_stride, out_col_stride ); break; default: dthis->template execute_tile( n_channels, packed_params, tile_inptr, in_row_stride, in_col_stride, tile_outptr, out_row_stride, out_col_stride ); break; } if (pad_output) { // Copy the output from the temporary buffer, removing unnecessary values padding::CopyCropped::execute( n_channels * sizeof(TOut), _get_output_working_space(threadid), _output_ws_row_stride * sizeof(TOut), _output_ws_col_stride * sizeof(TOut), outptr, _output_row_stride * sizeof(TOut), _output_col_stride * sizeof(TOut), 0, 0, pad_out_bottom, pad_out_right ); } } MEMBERFN(int)::n_channels(void) const { return _n_channels; } } // namespace depthwise