/* * Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef __ARM_COMPUTE_NEDIRECTCONVOLUTIONDETAIL_H__ #define __ARM_COMPUTE_NEDIRECTCONVOLUTIONDETAIL_H__ #include "arm_compute/core/AccessWindowStatic.h" #include "arm_compute/core/NEON/NEFixedPoint.h" #include namespace arm_compute { namespace detail { /** Loads a 3x3 matrix as a row (float). * * @param[in] ptr Pointer to a float 3x3 matrix. * * @return The loaded matrix. */ inline float32x4x3_t load_matrix_row(const float *ptr) { const float32x4x3_t r = { { vld1q_dup_f32(ptr), vld1q_dup_f32(1 + ptr), vld1q_dup_f32(2 + ptr) } }; return r; } /** Loads a 3x3 matrix as a row (qint8_t). * * @param[in] ptr Pointer to a qint8 3x3 matrix. * * @return The loaded matrix. */ inline qint8x8x3_t load_matrix_row(const qint8_t *ptr) { /* ptr is a pointer to a row in a 3x3 matrix, the function returns 3 vectors holding exactly the same value in all lanes: r.val[0] contains the first element, r.val[1] the second element and r.val[2] the third element (in all lanes) */ const qint8x8x3_t r = { { vld1_dup_qs8(ptr), vld1_dup_qs8(1 + ptr), vld1_dup_qs8(2 + ptr) } }; return r; } /** Perform a convolve3x3 on float32. * * @param[in] in_top Pointer to the first row of the input. * @param[in] in_mid Pointer to the second row of the input. * @param[in] in_low Pointer to the third row of the input. * @param[in] m0 First row of the filter. * @param[in] m1 Second row of the filter. * @param[in] m2 Third row of the filter. * @param[in] fixed_point_position (Optional) Fixed point position. * */ template float32x4x2_t convolve_3x3(const float *in_top, const float *in_mid, const float *in_low, const float32x4x3_t &m0, const float32x4x3_t &m1, const float32x4x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position); template <> inline float32x4x2_t convolve_3x3<1>(const float *in_top, const float *in_mid, const float *in_low, const float32x4x3_t &m0, const float32x4x3_t &m1, const float32x4x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(fixed_point_position); const float32x4x3_t vtop = { { vld1q_f32(in_top), vld1q_f32(in_top + 4), vld1q_f32(in_top + 8) } }; const float32x4x3_t vmid = { { vld1q_f32(in_mid), vld1q_f32(in_mid + 4), vld1q_f32(in_mid + 8) } }; const float32x4x3_t vlow = { { vld1q_f32(in_low), vld1q_f32(in_low + 4), vld1q_f32(in_low + 8) } }; float32x4x2_t out = { { vmulq_f32(vtop.val[0], m0.val[0]), vmulq_f32(vtop.val[1], m0.val[0]) } }; out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vtop.val[0], vtop.val[1], 1), m0.val[1]); out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vtop.val[0], vtop.val[1], 2), m0.val[2]); out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vmid.val[0], m1.val[0]); out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vmid.val[0], vmid.val[1], 1), m1.val[1]); out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vmid.val[0], vmid.val[1], 2), m1.val[2]); out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vlow.val[0], m2.val[0]); out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vlow.val[0], vlow.val[1], 1), m2.val[1]); out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vlow.val[0], vlow.val[1], 2), m2.val[2]); out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vtop.val[1], vtop.val[2], 1), m0.val[1]); out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vtop.val[1], vtop.val[2], 2), m0.val[2]); out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vmid.val[1], m1.val[0]); out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vmid.val[1], vmid.val[2], 1), m1.val[1]); out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vmid.val[1], vmid.val[2], 2), m1.val[2]); out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vlow.val[1], m2.val[0]); out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vlow.val[1], vlow.val[2], 1), m2.val[1]); out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vlow.val[1], vlow.val[2], 2), m2.val[2]); return out; } template <> inline float32x4x2_t convolve_3x3<2>(const float *in_top, const float *in_mid, const float *in_low, const float32x4x3_t &m0, const float32x4x3_t &m1, const float32x4x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { float32x4x2_t out = convolve_3x3<1>(in_top, in_mid, in_low, m0, m1, m2, fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f32(vgetq_lane_f32(out.val[0], 2), out.val[0], 1); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f32(vgetq_lane_f32(out.val[1], 0), out.val[0], 2); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f32(vgetq_lane_f32(out.val[1], 2), out.val[0], 3); return out; } template <> inline float32x4x2_t convolve_3x3<3>(const float *in_top, const float *in_mid, const float *in_low, const float32x4x3_t &m0, const float32x4x3_t &m1, const float32x4x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { float32x4x2_t out = convolve_3x3<1>(in_top, in_mid, in_low, m0, m1, m2, fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f32(vgetq_lane_f32(out.val[0], 3), out.val[0], 1); return out; } /** Perform a convolve3x3 on qint16. * * @param[in] in_top Pointer to the first row of the input. * @param[in] in_mid Pointer to the second row of the input. * @param[in] in_low Pointer to the third row of the input. * @param[in] m0 First row of the filter. * @param[in] m1 Second row of the filter. * @param[in] m2 Third row of the filter. * @param[in] fixed_point_position (Optional) Fixed point position. * */ template qint16x8x2_t convolve_3x3(const qint8_t *in_top, const qint8_t *in_mid, const qint8_t *in_low, const qint8x8x3_t &m0, const qint8x8x3_t &m1, const qint8x8x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position); template <> inline qint16x8x2_t convolve_3x3<1>(const qint8_t *in_top, const qint8_t *in_mid, const qint8_t *in_low, const qint8x8x3_t &m0, const qint8x8x3_t &m1, const qint8x8x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(fixed_point_position); const qint8x8x3_t vtop = { { vld1_qs8(in_top), vld1_qs8(in_top + 8), vld1_qs8(in_top + 16) } }; const qint8x8x3_t vmid = { { vld1_qs8(in_mid), vld1_qs8(in_mid + 8), vld1_qs8(in_mid + 16) } }; const qint8x8x3_t vlow = { { vld1_qs8(in_low), vld1_qs8(in_low + 8), vld1_qs8(in_low + 16) } }; qint16x8x2_t out = { { vmull_qs8(vtop.val[0], m0.val[0], fixed_point_position), vmull_qs8(vtop.val[1], m0.val[0], fixed_point_position) } }; out.val[0] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[0], vext_s8(vtop.val[0], vtop.val[1], 1), m0.val[1], fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[0], vext_s8(vtop.val[0], vtop.val[1], 2), m0.val[2], fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[0], vmid.val[0], m1.val[0], fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[0], vext_s8(vmid.val[0], vmid.val[1], 1), m1.val[1], fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[0], vext_s8(vmid.val[0], vmid.val[1], 2), m1.val[2], fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[0], vlow.val[0], m2.val[0], fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[0], vext_s8(vlow.val[0], vlow.val[1], 1), m2.val[1], fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[0], vext_s8(vlow.val[0], vlow.val[1], 2), m2.val[2], fixed_point_position); out.val[1] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[1], vext_s8(vtop.val[1], vtop.val[2], 1), m0.val[1], fixed_point_position); out.val[1] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[1], vext_s8(vtop.val[1], vtop.val[2], 2), m0.val[2], fixed_point_position); out.val[1] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[1], vmid.val[1], m1.val[0], fixed_point_position); out.val[1] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[1], vext_s8(vmid.val[1], vmid.val[2], 1), m1.val[1], fixed_point_position); out.val[1] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[1], vext_s8(vmid.val[1], vmid.val[2], 2), m1.val[2], fixed_point_position); out.val[1] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[1], vlow.val[1], m2.val[0], fixed_point_position); out.val[1] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[1], vext_s8(vlow.val[1], vlow.val[2], 1), m2.val[1], fixed_point_position); out.val[1] = vqmlal_qs8(out.val[1], vext_s8(vlow.val[1], vlow.val[2], 2), m2.val[2], fixed_point_position); return out; } template <> inline qint16x8x2_t convolve_3x3<2>(const qint8_t *in_top, const qint8_t *in_mid, const qint8_t *in_low, const qint8x8x3_t &m0, const qint8x8x3_t &m1, const qint8x8x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { qint16x8x2_t out = convolve_3x3<1>(in_top, in_mid, in_low, m0, m1, m2, fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[0], 2), out.val[0], 1); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[0], 4), out.val[0], 2); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[0], 6), out.val[0], 3); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[1], 0), out.val[0], 4); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[1], 2), out.val[0], 5); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[1], 4), out.val[0], 6); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[1], 6), out.val[0], 7); return out; } template <> inline qint16x8x2_t convolve_3x3<3>(const qint8_t *in_top, const qint8_t *in_mid, const qint8_t *in_low, const qint8x8x3_t &m0, const qint8x8x3_t &m1, const qint8x8x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { qint16x8x2_t out = convolve_3x3<1>(in_top, in_mid, in_low, m0, m1, m2, fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[0], 3), out.val[0], 1); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[0], 6), out.val[0], 2); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_s16(vgetq_lane_s16(out.val[1], 1), out.val[0], 3); return out; } /** Stores a float32x4x2_t array into a memory location. * * @param[in] buffer Pointer to the memory location where the values will be stored. * @param[in] values Values that will be stored. * */ template void store_results(float *buffer, const float32x4x2_t &values); template <> inline void store_results<1>(float *buffer, const float32x4x2_t &values) { vst1q_f32(buffer, values.val[0]); vst1q_f32(buffer + 4, values.val[1]); } template <> inline void store_results<2>(float *buffer, const float32x4x2_t &values) { vst1q_f32(buffer, values.val[0]); } template <> inline void store_results<3>(float *buffer, const float32x4x2_t &values) { vst1_f32(buffer, vget_low_f32(values.val[0])); } /** Stores a qint16_t array into a memory location. * * @param[in] buffer Pointer to the memory location where the values will be stored. * @param[in] values Values that will be stored. * */ template void store_results(qint16_t *buffer, const qint16x8x2_t &values); template <> inline void store_results<1>(qint16_t *buffer, const qint16x8x2_t &values) { vst1q_qs16(buffer, values.val[0]); vst1q_qs16(buffer + 8, values.val[1]); } template <> inline void store_results<2>(qint16_t *buffer, const qint16x8x2_t &values) { vst1q_qs16(buffer, values.val[0]); } template <> inline void store_results<3>(qint16_t *buffer, const qint16x8x2_t &values) { vst1_qs16(buffer, vget_low_s16(values.val[0])); } #ifdef __ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC /** Loads a 3x3 matrix as a row (float16_t). * * @param[in] ptr Pointer to a float 3x3 matrix. * * @return The loaded matrix. */ inline float16x8x3_t load_matrix_row(const float16_t *ptr) { /* ptr is a pointer to a row in a 3x3 matrix, the function returns 3 vectors holding exactly the same value in all lanes: r.val[0] contains the first element, r.val[1] the second element and r.val[2] the third element (in all lanes) */ const float16x8x3_t r = { { vld1q_dup_f16(ptr), vld1q_dup_f16(1 + ptr), vld1q_dup_f16(2 + ptr) } }; return r; } /** Perform a convolve3x3 on float16. * * @param[in] in_top Pointer to the first row of the input. * @param[in] in_mid Pointer to the second row of the input. * @param[in] in_low Pointer to the third row of the input. * @param[in] m0 First row of the filter. * @param[in] m1 Second row of the filter. * @param[in] m2 Third row of the filter. * @param[in] fixed_point_position (Optional) Fixed point position. * */ template float16x8x2_t convolve_3x3(const float16_t *in_top, const float16_t *in_mid, const float16_t *in_low, const float16x8x3_t &m0, const float16x8x3_t &m1, const float16x8x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position); template <> inline float16x8x2_t convolve_3x3<1>(const float16_t *in_top, const float16_t *in_mid, const float16_t *in_low, const float16x8x3_t &m0, const float16x8x3_t &m1, const float16x8x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(fixed_point_position); const float16x8x3_t vtop = { { vld1q_f16(in_top), vld1q_f16(in_top + 8), vld1q_f16(in_top + 16) } }; const float16x8x3_t vmid = { { vld1q_f16(in_mid), vld1q_f16(in_mid + 8), vld1q_f16(in_mid + 16) } }; const float16x8x3_t vlow = { { vld1q_f16(in_low), vld1q_f16(in_low + 8), vld1q_f16(in_low + 16) } }; float16x8x2_t out = { { vmulq_f16(vtop.val[0], m0.val[0]), vmulq_f16(vtop.val[1], m0.val[0]) } }; out.val[0] = vaddq_f16(out.val[0], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vtop.val[0], vtop.val[1], 1), m0.val[1])); out.val[0] = vaddq_f16(out.val[0], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vtop.val[0], vtop.val[1], 2), m0.val[2])); out.val[0] = vaddq_f16(out.val[0], vmulq_f16(vmid.val[0], m1.val[0])); out.val[0] = vaddq_f16(out.val[0], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vmid.val[0], vmid.val[1], 1), m1.val[1])); out.val[0] = vaddq_f16(out.val[0], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vmid.val[0], vmid.val[1], 2), m1.val[2])); out.val[0] = vaddq_f16(out.val[0], vmulq_f16(vlow.val[0], m2.val[0])); out.val[0] = vaddq_f16(out.val[0], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vlow.val[0], vlow.val[1], 1), m2.val[1])); out.val[0] = vaddq_f16(out.val[0], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vlow.val[0], vlow.val[1], 2), m2.val[2])); out.val[1] = vaddq_f16(out.val[1], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vtop.val[1], vtop.val[2], 1), m0.val[1])); out.val[1] = vaddq_f16(out.val[1], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vtop.val[1], vtop.val[2], 2), m0.val[2])); out.val[1] = vaddq_f16(out.val[1], vmulq_f16(vmid.val[1], m1.val[0])); out.val[1] = vaddq_f16(out.val[1], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vmid.val[1], vmid.val[2], 1), m1.val[1])); out.val[1] = vaddq_f16(out.val[1], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vmid.val[1], vmid.val[2], 2), m1.val[2])); out.val[1] = vaddq_f16(out.val[1], vmulq_f16(vlow.val[1], m2.val[0])); out.val[1] = vaddq_f16(out.val[1], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vlow.val[1], vlow.val[2], 1), m2.val[1])); out.val[1] = vaddq_f16(out.val[1], vmulq_f16(vextq_f16(vlow.val[1], vlow.val[2], 2), m2.val[2])); return out; } template <> inline float16x8x2_t convolve_3x3<2>(const float16_t *in_top, const float16_t *in_mid, const float16_t *in_low, const float16x8x3_t &m0, const float16x8x3_t &m1, const float16x8x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { float16x8x2_t out = convolve_3x3<1>(in_top, in_mid, in_low, m0, m1, m2, fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f16(vgetq_lane_f16(out.val[0], 2), out.val[0], 1); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f16(vgetq_lane_f16(out.val[1], 0), out.val[0], 2); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f16(vgetq_lane_f16(out.val[1], 2), out.val[0], 3); return out; } template <> inline float16x8x2_t convolve_3x3<3>(const float16_t *in_top, const float16_t *in_mid, const float16_t *in_low, const float16x8x3_t &m0, const float16x8x3_t &m1, const float16x8x3_t &m2, int fixed_point_position) { float16x8x2_t out = convolve_3x3<1>(in_top, in_mid, in_low, m0, m1, m2, fixed_point_position); out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f16(vgetq_lane_f16(out.val[0], 3), out.val[0], 1); return out; } /** Stores a float16x8x2_t array into a memory location. * * @param[in] buffer Pointer to the memory location where the values will be stored. * @param[in] values Values that will be stored. * */ template void store_results(float16_t *buffer, const float16x8x2_t &values); template <> inline void store_results<1>(float16_t *buffer, const float16x8x2_t &values) { vst1q_f16(buffer, values.val[0]); vst1q_f16(buffer + 8, values.val[1]); } template <> inline void store_results<2>(float16_t *buffer, const float16x8x2_t &values) { vst1q_f16(buffer, values.val[0]); } template <> inline void store_results<3>(float16_t *buffer, const float16x8x2_t &values) { vst1_f16(buffer, vget_low_f16(values.val[0])); } #endif /* __ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC */ /** Get the number of elements processed on 3x3 convolution. * * @param[in] num_elems_written_per_iteration Number of elements written per iteration on 3x3 convolution. * * @return The number of elements processed. */ template int get_input_num_elems_processed(unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration); template <> inline int get_input_num_elems_processed<1>(unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration) { return num_elems_written_per_iteration; } template <> inline int get_input_num_elems_processed<2>(unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration) { return num_elems_written_per_iteration << 1; } template <> inline int get_input_num_elems_processed<3>(unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration) { return num_elems_written_per_iteration * 3; } inline int get_input_num_elems_processed(unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration, unsigned int stridex) { switch(stridex) { case 1: return get_input_num_elems_processed<1>(num_elems_written_per_iteration); case 2: return get_input_num_elems_processed<2>(num_elems_written_per_iteration); case 3: return get_input_num_elems_processed<3>(num_elems_written_per_iteration); default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("stridex not supported"); return 0; } } } } // namespace arm_compute #endif /* __ARM_COMPUTE_NEDIRECTCONVOLUTIONDETAIL_H__ */