# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Arm Limited. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import SCons import json import os import subprocess def version_at_least(version, required): version_list = version.split('.') required_list = required.split('.') end = min(len(version_list), len(required_list)) for i in range(0, end): if int(version_list[i]) < int(required_list[i]): return False elif int(version_list[i]) > int(required_list[i]): return True return True def read_build_config_json(build_config): build_config_contents = {} custom_types = [] custom_layouts = [] if os.path.isfile(build_config): with open(build_config) as f: try: build_config_contents = json.load(f) except: print("Warning: Build configuration file is of invalid JSON format!") else: try: build_config_contents = json.loads(build_config) except: print("Warning: Build configuration string is of invalid JSON format!") if build_config_contents: custom_types = build_config_contents.get("data_types", []) custom_layouts = build_config_contents.get("data_layouts", []) return custom_types, custom_layouts def update_data_type_layout_flags(env, data_types, data_layouts): # Manage data-types if any(i in data_types for i in ['all', 'fp16']): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DENABLE_FP16_KERNELS']) if any(i in data_types for i in ['all', 'fp32']): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DENABLE_FP32_KERNELS']) if any(i in data_types for i in ['all', 'qasymm8']): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DENABLE_QASYMM8_KERNELS']) if any(i in data_types for i in ['all', 'qasymm8_signed']): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DENABLE_QASYMM8_SIGNED_KERNELS']) if any(i in data_types for i in ['all', 'qsymm16']): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DENABLE_QSYMM16_KERNELS']) if any(i in data_types for i in ['all', 'integer']): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DENABLE_INTEGER_KERNELS']) # Manage data-layouts if any(i in data_layouts for i in ['all', 'nhwc']): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DENABLE_NHWC_KERNELS']) if any(i in data_layouts for i in ['all', 'nchw']): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DENABLE_NCHW_KERNELS']) return env vars = Variables("scons") vars.AddVariables( BoolVariable("debug", "Debug", False), BoolVariable("asserts", "Enable asserts (this flag is forced to 1 for debug=1)", False), BoolVariable("logging", "Enable Logging", False), EnumVariable("arch", "Target Architecture. The x86_32 and x86_64 targets can only be used with neon=0 and opencl=1.", "armv7a", allowed_values=("armv7a", "armv7a-hf", "arm64-v8a", "arm64-v8.2-a", "arm64-v8.2-a-sve", "arm64-v8.2-a-sve2", "x86_32", "x86_64", "armv8a", "armv8.2-a", "armv8.2-a-sve", "armv8.6-a", "armv8.6-a-sve", "armv8.6-a-sve2", "armv8.6-a-sve2-sme2", "armv8r64", "x86")), EnumVariable("estate", "Execution State", "auto", allowed_values=("auto", "32", "64")), EnumVariable("os", "Target OS. With bare metal selected, only Arm® Neon™ (not OpenCL) can be used, static libraries get built and Neon™'s multi-threading support is disabled.", "linux", allowed_values=("linux", "android", "tizen", "macos", "bare_metal", "openbsd","windows")), EnumVariable("build", "Either build directly on your device (native) or cross compile from your desktop machine (cross-compile). In both cases make sure the compiler is available in your path.", "cross_compile", allowed_values=("native", "cross_compile", "embed_only")), BoolVariable("examples", "Build example programs", True), BoolVariable("gemm_tuner", "Build gemm_tuner programs", True), BoolVariable("Werror", "Enable/disable the -Werror compilation flag", True), BoolVariable("multi_isa", "Build Multi ISA binary version of library. Works for armv8a without the support for FP16 vector arithmetic. Use armv8.2-a or beyond to enable FP16 vector arithmetic support", False), BoolVariable("standalone", "Builds the tests as standalone executables, links statically with libgcc, libstdc++ and libarm_compute", False), BoolVariable("opencl", "Enable OpenCL support", True), BoolVariable("neon", "Enable Arm® Neon™ support", False), BoolVariable("ckw", "Build and link the Compute Kernel Writer subproject", False), BoolVariable("embed_kernels", "Enable if you want the OpenCL kernels to be built in the library's binaries instead of being read from separate '.cl' / '.cs' files. If embed_kernels is set to 0 then the application can set the path to the folder containing the OpenCL kernel files by calling CLKernelLibrary::init(). By default the path is set to './cl_kernels'.", True), BoolVariable("compress_kernels", "Compress embedded OpenCL kernels in library binary using zlib. Useful for reducing the binary size. embed_kernels should be enabled", False), BoolVariable("set_soname", "If enabled the library will contain a SONAME and SHLIBVERSION and some symlinks will automatically be created between the objects. (requires SCons 2.4 or above)", False), BoolVariable("openmp", "Enable OpenMP backend. Only works when building with g++ and not clang++", False), BoolVariable("cppthreads", "Enable C++11 threads backend", True), PathVariable("build_dir", "Specify sub-folder for the build", ".", PathVariable.PathAccept), PathVariable("install_dir", "Specify sub-folder for the install", "", PathVariable.PathAccept), BoolVariable("exceptions", "Enable/disable C++ exception support", True), BoolVariable("high_priority", "Generate a library containing only the high priority operators", False), PathVariable("linker_script", "Use an external linker script", "", PathVariable.PathAccept), PathVariable("external_tests_dir", """Add examples, benchmarks and tests to the tests suite from an external path. In order to use this option, the external tests directory must have the following structure: EXTERNAL_TESTS_DIR: └── tests ├── benchmark │   ├── CL │   ├── datasets │   ├── fixtures │   └── Neon └── validation     ├── CL     ├── datasets     ├── fixtures     └── Neon\n""", "", PathVariable.PathAccept), BoolVariable("experimental_dynamic_fusion", "Build the experimental dynamic fusion files. This option also enables opencl=1 and ckw=1 on which it has a direct dependency.", False), BoolVariable("fixed_format_kernels", "Enable fixed format kernels for GEMM", False), BoolVariable("mapfile", "Generate a map file", False), ListVariable("custom_options", "Custom options that can be used to turn on/off features", "none", ["disable_mmla_fp"]), ListVariable("data_type_support", "Enable a list of data types to support", "all", ["qasymm8", "qasymm8_signed", "qsymm16", "fp16", "fp32", "integer"]), ListVariable("data_layout_support", "Enable a list of data layout to support", "all", ["nhwc", "nchw"]), ("toolchain_prefix", "Override the toolchain prefix; used by all toolchain components: compilers, linker, assembler etc. If unspecified, use default(auto) prefixes; if passed an empty string '' prefixes would be disabled", "auto"), ("compiler_prefix", "Override the compiler prefix; used by just compilers (CC,CXX); further overrides toolchain_prefix for compilers; this is for when the compiler prefixes are different from that of the linkers, archivers etc. If unspecified, this is the same as toolchain_prefix; if passed an empty string '' prefixes would be disabled", "auto"), ("extra_cxx_flags", "Extra CXX flags to be appended to the build command", ""), ("extra_link_flags", "Extra LD flags to be appended to the build command", ""), ("compiler_cache", "Command to prefix to the C and C++ compiler (e.g ccache)", ""), ("specs_file", "Specs file to use (e.g. rdimon.specs)", ""), ("build_config", "Operator/Data-type/Data-layout configuration to use for tailored ComputeLibrary builds. Can be a JSON file or a JSON formatted string", "") ) if version_at_least(SCons.__version__, "4.0"): vars.Add(BoolVariable("export_compile_commands", "Export compile_commands.json file.", False)) env = Environment(variables=vars, ENV = os.environ) build_path = env['build_dir'] # If build_dir is a relative path then add a #build/ prefix: if not env['build_dir'].startswith('/'): SConsignFile('build/%s/.scons' % build_path) build_path = "#build/%s" % build_path else: SConsignFile('%s/.scons' % build_path) install_path = env['install_dir'] #If the install_dir is a relative path then assume it's from inside build_dir if not env['install_dir'].startswith('/') and install_path != "": install_path = "%s/%s" % (build_path, install_path) env.Append(LIBPATH = [build_path]) Export('env') Export('vars') def install_lib( lib ): # If there is no install folder, then there is nothing to do: if install_path == "": return lib return env.Install( "%s/lib/" % install_path, lib) def install_bin( bin ): # If there is no install folder, then there is nothing to do: if install_path == "": return bin return env.Install( "%s/bin/" % install_path, bin) def install_include( inc ): if install_path == "": return inc return env.Install( "%s/include/" % install_path, inc) Export('install_lib') Export('install_bin') Help(vars.GenerateHelpText(env)) # Export compile_commands.json file if env.get("export_compile_commands", False): env.Tool("compilation_db") env.CompilationDatabase("%s/compile_commands.json" % build_path) if 'armv7a' in env['arch'] and env['os'] == 'android': print("WARNING: armv7a on Android is no longer maintained") if env['linker_script'] and env['os'] != 'bare_metal': print("Linker script is only supported for bare_metal builds") Exit(1) if env['build'] == "embed_only": SConscript('./SConscript', variant_dir=build_path, duplicate=0) Return() if env['neon'] and 'x86' in env['arch']: print("Cannot compile Arm® Neon™ for x86") Exit(1) if env['set_soname'] and not version_at_least(SCons.__version__, "2.4"): print("Setting the library's SONAME / SHLIBVERSION requires SCons 2.4 or above") print("Update your version of SCons or use set_soname=0") Exit(1) if env['os'] == 'bare_metal': if env['cppthreads'] or env['openmp']: print("ERROR: OpenMP and C++11 threads not supported in bare_metal. Use cppthreads=0 openmp=0") Exit(1) if env['experimental_dynamic_fusion']: # Dynamic Fusion on GPU has a direct dependency on OpenCL and Compute Kernel Writer env['opencl'] = 1 env['ckw'] = 1 if env['opencl'] and env['embed_kernels'] and env['compress_kernels'] and env['os'] not in ['android']: print("Compressed kernels are supported only for android builds") Exit(1) if not env['exceptions']: if env['opencl']: print("ERROR: OpenCL is not supported when building without exceptions. Use opencl=0") Exit(1) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_EXCEPTIONS_DISABLED']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-fno-exceptions']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-DARCH_ARM', '-Wextra','-Wdisabled-optimization','-Wformat=2', '-Winit-self','-Wstrict-overflow=2','-Wswitch-default', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wformat-security', '-Wctor-dtor-privacy','-Wsign-promo','-Weffc++','-Wno-overlength-strings']) if not 'windows' in env['os']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Wall','-std=c++14', '-pedantic' ]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP']) cpp_tool = {'linux': 'g++', 'android' : 'clang++', 'tizen': 'g++', 'macos':'clang++', 'bare_metal':'g++', 'openbsd':'g++','windows':'clang-cl'} c_tool = {'linux':'gcc', 'android': 'clang', 'tizen':'gcc', 'macos':'clang','bare_metal':'gcc', 'openbsd':'gcc','windows':'clang-cl'} default_cpp_compiler = cpp_tool[env['os']] default_c_compiler = c_tool[env['os']] cpp_compiler = os.environ.get('CXX', default_cpp_compiler) c_compiler = os.environ.get('CC', default_c_compiler) if env['os'] == 'android' and ( 'clang++' not in cpp_compiler or 'clang' not in c_compiler ): print( "WARNING: Only clang is officially supported to build the Compute Library for Android") if 'clang++' in cpp_compiler: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Wno-vla-extension']) elif 'armclang' in cpp_compiler: pass elif not 'windows' in env['os']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Wlogical-op','-Wnoexcept','-Wstrict-null-sentinel','-Wno-misleading-indentation']) if cpp_compiler == 'g++': # Don't strip comments that could include markers env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-C']) if env['cppthreads']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('ARM_COMPUTE_CPP_SCHEDULER', 1)]) if env['openmp']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('ARM_COMPUTE_OPENMP_SCHEDULER', 1)]) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-fopenmp']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-fopenmp']) # Validate and define state if env['estate'] == 'auto': if 'v7a' in env['arch']: env['estate'] = '32' else: env['estate'] = '64' # Map legacy arch if 'arm64' in env['arch']: env['estate'] = '64' if 'v7a' in env['estate'] and env['estate'] == '64': print("ERROR: armv7a architecture has only 32-bit execution state") Exit(1) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ENABLE_NEON', 'ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_NEON']) if 'sve' in env['arch']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ENABLE_SVE', 'ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_SVE']) if 'sve2' in env['arch']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_SVE2']) if 'sme' in env['arch']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ENABLE_SME', 'ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_SME']) if 'sme2' in env['arch']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_SME2']) # Add architecture specific flags if env['multi_isa']: # assert arch version is v8 if 'v8' not in env['arch']: print("Currently Multi ISA binary is only supported for arm v8 family") Exit(1) if 'v8a' in env['arch']: print("INFO: multi_isa armv8-a architecture build doesn't enable __ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC. Use armv8.2-a or beyond to enable FP16 vector arithmetic support") env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8-a']) # note: this will disable fp16 extension __ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC else: if 'v8.6-a' in env['arch']: if "disable_mmla_fp" not in env['custom_options']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_SVEF32MM']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8.2-a+fp16']) # explicitly enable fp16 extension otherwise __ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC is undefined else: # NONE "multi_isa" builds if 'v7a' in env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv7-a', '-mthumb', '-mfpu=neon']) if (env['os'] == 'android' or env['os'] == 'tizen') and not 'hf' in env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-mfloat-abi=softfp']) else: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-mfloat-abi=hard']) elif 'v8.6-a' in env['arch']: if 'armv8.6-a-sve2' in env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8.6-a+sve2']) elif 'armv8.6-a-sve' == env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8.6-a+sve']) elif 'armv8.6-a' == env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8.6-a+fp16']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_I8MM', 'ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_BF16','ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_FP16']) if "disable_mmla_fp" not in env['custom_options']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_SVEF32MM']) elif 'v8' in env['arch']: # Preserve the V8 archs for non-multi-ISA variants if 'sve2' in env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8.2-a+sve2+fp16+dotprod']) elif 'sve' in env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8.2-a+sve+fp16+dotprod']) elif 'armv8r64' in env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8.4-a']) elif 'v8.' in env['arch']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8.2-a+fp16']) # explicitly enable fp16 extension otherwise __ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC is undefined else: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-march=armv8-a']) if 'v8.' in env['arch']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_FP16']) elif 'x86' in env['arch']: if env['estate'] == '32': env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-m32']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-m32']) else: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-fPIC']) env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-m64']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-m64']) # Define toolchain # The reason why we distinguish toolchain_prefix from compiler_prefix is for cases where the linkers/archivers use a # different prefix than the compilers. An example is the NDK r20 toolchain auto_toolchain_prefix = "" if 'x86' not in env['arch']: if env['estate'] == '32': if env['os'] == 'linux': auto_toolchain_prefix = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-" if 'v7' in env['arch'] else "armv8l-linux-gnueabihf-" elif env['os'] == 'bare_metal': auto_toolchain_prefix = "arm-eabi-" elif env['os'] == 'android': auto_toolchain_prefix = "arm-linux-androideabi-" elif env['os'] == 'tizen': auto_toolchain_prefix = "armv7l-tizen-linux-gnueabi-" elif env['estate'] == '64' and 'v8' in env['arch']: if env['os'] == 'linux': auto_toolchain_prefix = "aarch64-linux-gnu-" elif env['os'] == 'bare_metal': auto_toolchain_prefix = "aarch64-elf-" elif env['os'] == 'android': auto_toolchain_prefix = "aarch64-linux-android-" elif env['os'] == 'tizen': auto_toolchain_prefix = "aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-" if env['build'] == 'native' or env["toolchain_prefix"] == "": toolchain_prefix = "" elif env["toolchain_prefix"] == "auto": toolchain_prefix = auto_toolchain_prefix else: toolchain_prefix = env["toolchain_prefix"] if env['build'] == 'native' or env["compiler_prefix"] == "": compiler_prefix = "" elif env["compiler_prefix"] == "auto": compiler_prefix = toolchain_prefix else: compiler_prefix = env["compiler_prefix"] env['CC'] = env['compiler_cache']+ " " + compiler_prefix + c_compiler env['CXX'] = env['compiler_cache']+ " " + compiler_prefix + cpp_compiler env['LD'] = toolchain_prefix + "ld" env['AS'] = toolchain_prefix + "as" if env['os'] == 'windows': env['AR'] = "llvm-lib" env['RANLIB'] = "llvm-ranlib" else: env['AR'] = toolchain_prefix + "ar" env['RANLIB'] = toolchain_prefix + "ranlib" print("Using compilers:") print("CC", env['CC']) print("CXX", env['CXX']) """Build the Compute Kernel Writer subproject""" if env['ckw']: # Strip ccache prefix from CC and CXX to obtain only the target triple CKW_CC = env['CC'].replace(env['compiler_cache'] + " ", "") CKW_CXX = env['CXX'].replace(env['compiler_cache'] + " ", "") CKW_CCACHE = 1 if env['compiler_cache'] else 0 CKW_BUILD_TYPE = "Debug" if env['debug'] else "Release" CKW_ENABLE_OPENCL = env['opencl'] CKW_ENABLE_ASSERTS = env['debug'] or env['asserts'] CKW_PROJECT_DIR = Dir('.').path + "/compute_kernel_writer" CKW_INCLUDE_DIR = CKW_PROJECT_DIR + "/include" CKW_BUILD_DIR = build_path.replace("#", "") CKW_CMAKE_CMD = "CC={CKW_CC} CXX={CKW_CXX} cmake -G \"Unix Makefiles\" " \ "-S {CKW_PROJECT_DIR} -B {CKW_BUILD_DIR} " \ "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={CKW_BUILD_TYPE} " \ "-DCKW_ENABLE_OPENCL={CKW_ENABLE_OPENCL} " \ "-DCKW_ENABLE_ASSERTS={CKW_ENABLE_ASSERTS} " \ "-DCKW_CCACHE={CKW_CCACHE} ".format(CKW_CC=CKW_CC, CKW_CXX=CKW_CXX, CKW_PROJECT_DIR=CKW_PROJECT_DIR, CKW_BUILD_DIR=CKW_BUILD_DIR, CKW_BUILD_TYPE=CKW_BUILD_TYPE, CKW_ENABLE_OPENCL=CKW_ENABLE_OPENCL, CKW_ENABLE_ASSERTS=CKW_ENABLE_ASSERTS, CKW_CCACHE=CKW_CCACHE ) # Configure CKW static objects with -fPIC (CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE) option to enable linking statically to ACL CKW_CMAKE_CONFIGURE_STATIC = CKW_CMAKE_CMD + "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON" CKW_CMAKE_BUILD = "cmake --build {CKW_BUILD_DIR} -j{NUM_JOBS}".format(CKW_BUILD_DIR=CKW_BUILD_DIR, NUM_JOBS=GetOption('num_jobs') ) # Build Compute Kernel Writer Static Library subprocess.check_call(CKW_CMAKE_CONFIGURE_STATIC, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) subprocess.check_call(CKW_CMAKE_BUILD, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) # Let ACL know where to find CKW headers env.Append(CPPPATH = CKW_INCLUDE_DIR) if not GetOption("help"): try: if env['os'] == 'windows': compiler_ver = subprocess.check_output("clang++ -dumpversion").decode().strip() else: compiler_ver = subprocess.check_output(env['CXX'].split() + ["-dumpversion"]).decode().strip() except OSError: print("ERROR: Compiler '%s' not found" % env['CXX']) Exit(1) if 'armclang' in cpp_compiler: pass elif 'clang++' not in cpp_compiler: if env['arch'] == 'arm64-v8.2-a' and not version_at_least(compiler_ver, '6.2.1'): print("GCC 6.2.1 or newer is required to compile armv8.2-a code") Exit(1) elif env['arch'] == 'arm64-v8a' and not version_at_least(compiler_ver, '4.9'): print("GCC 4.9 or newer is required to compile Arm® Neon™ code for AArch64") Exit(1) if version_at_least(compiler_ver, '6.1'): env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Wno-ignored-attributes']) if compiler_ver == '4.8.3': env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Wno-array-bounds']) if not version_at_least(compiler_ver, '7.0.0') and env['os'] == 'bare_metal': env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-fstack-protector-strong']) # Add Android NDK toolchain specific flags if 'clang++' in cpp_compiler and env['os'] == 'android': # For NDK >= r21, clang 9 or above is used if version_at_least(compiler_ver, '9.0.0'): env['ndk_above_r21'] = True if env['openmp']: env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-static-openmp']) # For NDK >= r23, clang 12 or above is used. This condition detects NDK < r23 if not version_at_least(compiler_ver, '12.0.0'): # System assembler is deprecated and integrated assembler is preferred since r23. # However integrated assembler has always been suppressed for NDK < r23. # Thus for backward compatibility, we include this flag only for NDK < r23 env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-no-integrated-as']) if env['high_priority'] and env['build_config']: print("The high priority library cannot be built in conjunction with a user-specified build configuration") Exit(1) if not env['high_priority'] and not env['build_config']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_GRAPH_ENABLED']) data_types = [] data_layouts = [] # Set correct data types / layouts to build if env['high_priority']: data_types = ['all'] data_layouts = ['all'] elif env['build_config']: data_types, data_layouts = read_build_config_json(env['build_config']) else: data_types = env['data_type_support'] data_layouts = env['data_layout_support'] env = update_data_type_layout_flags(env, data_types, data_layouts) if env['standalone']: if not 'windows' in env['os']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-fPIC']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-static-libgcc','-static-libstdc++']) if env['Werror']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Werror']) if env['os'] == 'android': env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ANDROID']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-pie', '-static-libstdc++', '-ldl']) elif env['os'] == 'bare_metal': env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-static']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-fPIC']) if env['specs_file'] == "": env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-specs=rdimon.specs']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['NO_MULTI_THREADING']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['BARE_METAL']) if env['os'] == 'linux' and env['arch'] == 'armv7a': env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-psabi' ]) if env['os'] == 'windows': env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '/std:c++14','/EHa']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-c++98-compat', '-Wno-covered-switch-default','-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-shorten-64-to-32', '-Wno-sign-conversion','-Wno-documentation']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-extra-semi-stmt', '-Wno-float-equal','-Wno-implicit-int-conversion']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-documentation-pedantic', '-Wno-extra-semi','-Wno-shadow-field-in-constructor']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-float-conversion', '-Wno-switch-enum','-Wno-comma']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion', '-Wno-deprecated-declarations','-Wno-old-style-cast']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant', '-Wno-inconsistent-missing-destructor-override']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-asm-operand-widths']) if env['specs_file'] != "": env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-specs='+env['specs_file']]) if env['neon']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_CPU_ENABLED']) if env['opencl']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_OPENCL_ENABLED']) if env['os'] in ['bare_metal'] or env['standalone']: print("Cannot link OpenCL statically, which is required for bare metal / standalone builds") Exit(1) if env["os"] not in ["windows","android", "bare_metal"] and (env['opencl'] or env['cppthreads']): env.Append(LIBS = ['pthread']) if env['os'] == 'openbsd': env.Append(LIBS = ['c']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-fPIC']) if env['opencl']: if env['embed_kernels']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['EMBEDDED_KERNELS']) if env['compress_kernels']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_COMPRESSED_KERNELS']) env.Append(LIBS = ['z']) if env['debug']: env['asserts'] = True if not 'windows' in env['os']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-O0','-g','-gdwarf-2']) else: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Z7','-MTd','-fms-compatibility','-fdelayed-template-parsing']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-DEBUG']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_DEBUG_ENABLED']) else: if not 'windows' in env['os']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-O3']) else: # on windows we use clang-cl which does not support the option -O3 env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-O2']) if env['asserts']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERTS_ENABLED']) if not 'windows' in env['os']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-fstack-protector-strong']) if env['logging']: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['ARM_COMPUTE_LOGGING_ENABLED']) env.Append(CPPPATH = ['#/include', "#"]) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = env['extra_cxx_flags']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = env['extra_link_flags']) Default( install_include("arm_compute")) Default( install_include("support")) Default( install_include("utils")) for dirname in os.listdir("./include"): Default( install_include("include/%s" % dirname)) Export('version_at_least') SConscript('./SConscript', variant_dir=build_path, duplicate=0) if env['examples'] and (env['build_config'] or env['high_priority']): print("WARNING: Building examples for selected operators not supported. Use examples=0") Return() if env['examples'] and env['exceptions']: if env['os'] == 'bare_metal' and env['arch'] == 'armv7a': print("WARNING: Building examples for bare metal and armv7a is not supported. Use examples=0") Return() SConscript('./examples/SConscript', variant_dir='%s/examples' % build_path, duplicate=0) if env['exceptions']: if env['build_config'] or env['high_priority']: print("WARNING: Building tests for selected operators not supported") Return() if env['os'] == 'bare_metal' and env['arch'] == 'armv7a': print("WARNING: Building tests for bare metal and armv7a is not supported") Return() SConscript('./tests/SConscript', variant_dir='%s/tests' % build_path, duplicate=0) # Unknown variables are not allowed # Note: we must delay the call of UnknownVariables until after # we have applied the Variables object to the construction environment unknown = vars.UnknownVariables() if unknown: print("Unknown variables: %s" % " ".join(unknown.keys())) Exit(1)