# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Arm Limited. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import collections import os.path import re import subprocess import zlib import json VERSION = "v0.0-unreleased" LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR = 23 LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR = 0 LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH = 0 SONAME_VERSION = str(LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + str(LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR) + "." + str(LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH) Import('env') Import('vars') Import('install_lib') def build_bootcode_objs(sources): arm_compute_env.Append(ASFLAGS = "-I bootcode/") obj = arm_compute_env.Object(sources) obj = install_lib(obj) Default(obj) return obj def build_sve_objs(sources): tmp_env = arm_compute_env.Clone() tmp_env.Append(CXXFLAGS = "-march=armv8.2-a+sve+fp16") obj = tmp_env.SharedObject(sources) Default(obj) return obj def build_objs(sources): obj = arm_compute_env.SharedObject(sources) Default(obj) return obj def build_library(name, build_env, sources, static=False, libs=[]): if static: obj = build_env.StaticLibrary(name, source=sources, LIBS = arm_compute_env["LIBS"] + libs) else: if env['set_soname']: obj = build_env.SharedLibrary(name, source=sources, SHLIBVERSION = SONAME_VERSION, LIBS = arm_compute_env["LIBS"] + libs) else: obj = build_env.SharedLibrary(name, source=sources, LIBS = arm_compute_env["LIBS"] + libs) obj = install_lib(obj) Default(obj) return obj def remove_incode_comments(code): def replace_with_empty(match): s = match.group(0) if s.startswith('/'): return " " else: return s comment_regex = re.compile(r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) return re.sub(comment_regex, replace_with_empty, code) def resolve_includes(target, source, env): # File collection FileEntry = collections.namedtuple('FileEntry', 'target_name file_contents') # Include pattern pattern = re.compile("#include \"(.*)\"") # Get file contents files = [] for i in range(len(source)): src = source[i] dst = target[i] contents = src.get_contents().decode('utf-8') contents = remove_incode_comments(contents).splitlines() entry = FileEntry(target_name=dst, file_contents=contents) files.append((os.path.basename(src.get_path()),entry)) # Create dictionary of tupled list files_dict = dict(files) # Check for includes (can only be files in the same folder) final_files = [] for file in files: done = False tmp_file = file[1].file_contents while not done: file_count = 0 updated_file = [] for line in tmp_file: found = pattern.search(line) if found: include_file = found.group(1) data = files_dict[include_file].file_contents updated_file.extend(data) else: updated_file.append(line) file_count += 1 # Check if all include are replaced. if file_count == len(tmp_file): done = True # Update temp file tmp_file = updated_file # Append and prepend string literal identifiers and add expanded file to final list entry = FileEntry(target_name=file[1].target_name, file_contents=tmp_file) final_files.append((file[0], entry)) # Write output files for file in final_files: with open(file[1].target_name.get_path(), 'w+') as out_file: file_to_write = "\n".join( file[1].file_contents ) if env['compress_kernels']: file_to_write = zlib.compress(file_to_write, 9).encode("base64").replace("\n", "") file_to_write = "R\"(" + file_to_write + ")\"" out_file.write(file_to_write) def create_version_file(target, source, env): # Generate string with build options library version to embed in the library: try: git_hash = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): git_hash="unknown" build_info = "\"arm_compute_version=%s Build options: %s Git hash=%s\"" % (VERSION, vars.args, git_hash.strip()) with open(target[0].get_path(), "w") as fd: fd.write(build_info) def get_cpu_runtime_files(operator): file_list = [] operators = filelist['cpu']['operators'] if "operator" in operators[operator]["files"]: file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["operator"] return file_list def get_gpu_runtime_files(operator): file_list = [] operators = filelist['gpu']['operators'] if "operator" in operators[operator]["files"]: file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["operator"] return file_list def get_cpu_kernel_files(operator): file_list = [] file_list_sve = [] operators = filelist['cpu']['operators'] if env['estate'] == '64' and "neon" in operators[operator]['files'] and "estate64" in operators[operator]['files']['neon']: file_list += operators[operator]['files']['neon']['estate64'] if env['estate'] == '32' and "neon" in operators[operator]['files'] and "estate32" in operators[operator]['files']['neon']: file_list += operators[operator]['files']['neon']['estate32'] if "kernel" in operators[operator]["files"]: file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["kernel"] if ("neon" in operators[operator]["files"]): if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'qasymm8']) and ("qasymm8" in operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]): file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]["qasymm8"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'qasymm8_signed']) and ("qasymm8_signed" in operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]): file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]["qasymm8_signed"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'qsymm16']) and ("qsymm16" in operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]): file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]["qsymm16"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'integer']) and ("integer" in operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]): file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]["integer"] if (not "sve" in env['arch'] or env['fat_binary']) and ("neon" in operators[operator]["files"]): if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'fp16']) and ("fp16" in operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]): file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]["fp16"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'fp32']) and ("fp32" in operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]): file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]["fp32"] if any(i in env['data_layout_support'] for i in ['all', 'nchw']) and ("nchw" in operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]): file_list += operators[operator]['files']['neon']['nchw'] if ("all" in operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]): file_list += operators[operator]["files"]["neon"]["all"] if ("sve" in env['arch'] or env['fat_binary']) and ("sve" in operators[operator]["files"]): if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'fp16']) and ("fp16" in operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]): file_list_sve += operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]["fp16"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'fp32']) and ("fp32" in operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]): file_list_sve += operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]["fp32"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'qasymm8']) and ("qasymm8" in operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]): file_list_sve += operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]["qasymm8"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'qasymm8_signed']) and ("qasymm8_signed" in operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]): file_list_sve += operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]["qasymm8_signed"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'qsymm16']) and ("qsymm16" in operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]): file_list_sve += operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]["qsymm16"] if any(i in env['data_type_support'] for i in ['all', 'integer']) and ("integer" in operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]): file_list_sve += operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]["integer"] if ("all" in operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]): file_list_sve += operators[operator]["files"]["sve"]["all"] return file_list, file_list_sve arm_compute_env = env.Clone() version_file = arm_compute_env.Command("src/core/arm_compute_version.embed", "", action=create_version_file) arm_compute_env.AlwaysBuild(version_file) default_cpp_compiler = 'g++' if env['os'] not in ['android', 'macos'] else 'clang++' cpp_compiler = os.environ.get('CXX', default_cpp_compiler) # Generate embed files generate_embed = [ version_file ] if env['opencl'] and env['embed_kernels']: cl_files = Glob('src/core/CL/cl_kernels/*.cl') cl_files += Glob('src/core/CL/cl_kernels/*.h') embed_files = [ f.get_path()+"embed" for f in cl_files ] arm_compute_env.Append(CPPPATH =[Dir("./src/core/CL/").path] ) generate_embed.append(arm_compute_env.Command(embed_files, cl_files, action=resolve_includes)) Default(generate_embed) if env["build"] == "embed_only": Return() # Append version defines for semantic versioning arm_compute_env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('ARM_COMPUTE_VERSION_MAJOR', LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR), ('ARM_COMPUTE_VERSION_MINOR', LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR), ('ARM_COMPUTE_VERSION_PATCH', LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH)]) # Don't allow undefined references in the libraries: undefined_flag = '-Wl,-undefined,error' if 'macos' in arm_compute_env["os"] else '-Wl,--no-undefined' arm_compute_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=[undefined_flag]) arm_compute_env.Append(CPPPATH =[Dir("./src/core/").path] ) arm_compute_env.Append(LIBS = ['dl']) with (open(Dir('#').path + '/filelist.json')) as fp: filelist = json.load(fp) core_files = Glob('src/core/*.cpp') core_files += Glob('src/core/CPP/*.cpp') core_files += Glob('src/core/CPP/kernels/*.cpp') core_files += Glob('src/core/helpers/*.cpp') core_files += Glob('src/core/utils/*.cpp') core_files += Glob('src/core/utils/helpers/*.cpp') core_files += Glob('src/core/utils/io/*.cpp') core_files += Glob('src/core/utils/quantization/*.cpp') core_files += Glob('src/core/utils/misc/*.cpp') if env["logging"]: core_files += Glob('src/core/utils/logging/*.cpp') runtime_files_hp = Glob('src/runtime/*.cpp') runtime_files_hp += Glob('src/runtime/CPP/ICPPSimpleFunction.cpp') runtime_files = Glob('src/runtime/CPP/functions/*.cpp') # C API files runtime_files_hp += filelist['c_api']['common'] if env['opencl']: runtime_files_hp += filelist['c_api']['gpu'] # Common backend files core_files += filelist['common'] # Initialize high priority core files core_files_hp = core_files core_files_sve_hp = [] core_files = [] runtime_files_hp += Glob('src/runtime/CPP/SingleThreadScheduler.cpp') graph_files = Glob('src/graph/*.cpp') graph_files += Glob('src/graph/*/*.cpp') if env['cppthreads']: runtime_files_hp += Glob('src/runtime/CPP/CPPScheduler.cpp') if env['openmp']: runtime_files_hp += Glob('src/runtime/OMP/OMPScheduler.cpp') if env['opencl']: runtime_files_hp += filelist['gpu']['common'] runtime_files += Glob('src/runtime/CL/functions/*.cpp') operators = filelist['gpu']['operators'] for operator in operators: runtime_files += get_gpu_runtime_files(operator) if "kernel" in operators[operator]["files"]: core_files += operators[operator]["files"]["kernel"] graph_files += Glob('src/graph/backends/CL/*.cpp') sve_o = [] core_files_sve = [] if env['neon']: core_files += Glob('src/core/NEON/*.cpp') # build winograd/depthwise sources for either v7a / v8a arm_compute_env.Append(CPPPATH = ["src/core/NEON/kernels/convolution/common/", "src/core/NEON/kernels/convolution/winograd/", "src/core/NEON/kernels/convolution/depthwise/", "src/core/NEON/kernels/assembly/", "arm_compute/core/NEON/kernels/assembly/", "src/core/cpu/kernels/assembly/",]) # Load files based on user's options operators = filelist['cpu']['operators'] for operator in operators: if operator in filelist['cpu']['high_priority']: runtime_files_hp += get_cpu_runtime_files(operator) file_list, file_list_sve = get_cpu_kernel_files(operator) core_files_hp += file_list core_files_sve_hp += file_list_sve else: runtime_files += get_cpu_runtime_files(operator) file_list, file_list_sve = get_cpu_kernel_files(operator) core_files += file_list core_files_sve += file_list_sve runtime_files_hp += filelist['cpu']['common'] runtime_files_hp += Glob('src/runtime/NEON/*.cpp') runtime_files += Glob('src/runtime/NEON/functions/*.cpp') graph_files += Glob('src/graph/backends/NEON/*.cpp') bootcode_o = [] if env['os'] == 'bare_metal': bootcode_files = Glob('bootcode/*.s') bootcode_o = build_bootcode_objs(bootcode_files) Export('bootcode_o') high_priority_o = build_objs(core_files_hp + runtime_files_hp) high_priority_sve_o = [] if (env['fat_binary']): sve_o = build_sve_objs(core_files_sve) high_priority_sve_o = build_sve_objs(core_files_sve_hp) arm_compute_a = build_library('arm_compute-static', arm_compute_env, core_files + sve_o + high_priority_o + high_priority_sve_o + runtime_files, static=True) else: high_priority_o += build_objs(core_files_sve_hp) arm_compute_a = build_library('arm_compute-static', arm_compute_env, core_files + core_files_sve + high_priority_o + runtime_files, static=True) Export('arm_compute_a') if env['high_priority']: arm_compute_hp_a = build_library('arm_compute_hp-static', arm_compute_env, high_priority_o + high_priority_sve_o, static=True) Export('arm_compute_hp_a') if env['os'] != 'bare_metal' and not env['standalone']: if (env['fat_binary']): arm_compute_so = build_library('arm_compute', arm_compute_env, core_files + sve_o + high_priority_sve_o + high_priority_o + runtime_files, static=False) else: arm_compute_so = build_library('arm_compute', arm_compute_env, core_files + core_files_sve + high_priority_o + runtime_files , static=False) Export('arm_compute_so') if env['high_priority']: arm_compute_hp_so = build_library('arm_compute_hp', arm_compute_env, high_priority_sve_o + high_priority_o, static=False) Export('arm_compute_hp_so') # Generate dummy core lib for backwards compatibility arm_compute_core_a = build_library('arm_compute_core-static', arm_compute_env, [], static=True) Export('arm_compute_core_a') if env['os'] != 'bare_metal' and not env['standalone']: arm_compute_core_a_so = build_library('arm_compute_core', arm_compute_env, [], static=False) Export('arm_compute_core_a_so') arm_compute_graph_env = arm_compute_env.Clone() arm_compute_graph_env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Wno-redundant-move', '-Wno-pessimizing-move']) arm_compute_graph_a = build_library('arm_compute_graph-static', arm_compute_graph_env, graph_files, static=True, libs = [ arm_compute_a]) Export('arm_compute_graph_a') if env['os'] != 'bare_metal' and not env['standalone']: arm_compute_graph_so = build_library('arm_compute_graph', arm_compute_graph_env, graph_files, static=False, libs = [ "arm_compute" ]) Depends(arm_compute_graph_so, arm_compute_so) Export('arm_compute_graph_so') if env['standalone']: alias = arm_compute_env.Alias("arm_compute", [arm_compute_a]) else: alias = arm_compute_env.Alias("arm_compute", [arm_compute_a, arm_compute_so]) Default(alias) if env['standalone']: Depends([alias], generate_embed) else: Depends([alias], generate_embed)