path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-15COMPMID-2819: Retain layout in NEIm2ColKernelGeorgios Pinitas
2020-01-13COMPMID-2819: Fix offset in NEReductionOperationKernel.Pablo Tello
2020-01-10COMPMID-2819: Retain layout during configuration for multiple functions.Georgios Pinitas
2020-01-09COMPMID-2819: Fix data layout in NEScaleKernel for nhwc.Georgios Pinitas
2019-12-20COMPMID-2819: Retain data layout in NESpaceToDepth and NEDepthToSpaceGeorgios Pinitas
2019-12-19COMPMID-2819: Retain configuration step data layout to avoid side-effects.Pablo Tello
2019-12-19COMPMID-2819: Retain configuration step data layout to avoid side-effects.Georgios Pinitas
2019-12-17COMPMID-2819: Perform sqrt in double domain for L2 pooling.Georgios Pinitas
2019-12-11COMPMID-2855: CLReduceMean throws error for invalid configsPablo Tello
2019-12-11COMPMID-2855: NEReduceMean throws error for invalid configsPablo Tello
2019-12-11COMPMID-2637 [CL] fix broadcast pixel-wise multiplication with 5D tensorsSang-Hoon Park
2019-08-31COMPMID-2640: Fix performance regression for Resnet101 Int8 on NEONGian Marco Iodice
2019-08-26COMPMID-2336: Validate multiplier and offset calculation in LSTMQuantized and...Michele Di Giorgio
2019-08-23COMPMID-2336: Update GEMM codeMichalis Spyrou
2019-08-22COMPMID-2602: FullyConnected VTS failure on CL and Neon TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMMGian Marco Iodice
2019-08-21COMPMID-2596 MobilenetSSD produce wrong resultsMichalis Spyrou
2019-08-20COMPMID-2492 Fix Segfault in NEDeconvolutionLayer for NHWCSiCong Li
2019-08-20COMPMID-2604: (Nightly) Failing 'GC/ConvolutionLayer/ConfigurationGian Marco Iodice
2019-08-20COMPMID-2597: Checking bias type in NEDeconvolutionLayer::validate even when ...Manuel Bottini
2019-08-20COMPMID-2590: Avg_Pooling2d Fails on CL NHWC FP16Michele Di Giorgio
2019-08-19COMPMID-2568: NEON Convolution layer failuregiuros01
2019-08-19COMPMID-2336: Fix call to validate in NEDeconvolutionLayerMichele Di Giorgio
2019-08-19COMPMID-2595: (Nightly) Mismatches in NEArgMinMax for FP16Michele Di Giorgio
2019-08-14COMPMID-2582: Disable fuse batch normalization on OpenCL for FP16Gian Marco Iodice
2019-08-13COMPMID-2569: Fix access window in NEGEMMTranspose1xWKernel and NEGEMMLowpMat...Michele Di Giorgio
2019-08-13COMPMID-2580: Fix out of bound read in Depthwise Convolution layer (OpenCL)Gian Marco Iodice
2019-08-09COMPMID-2547: CLSpaceToBatchLayer causes NN Test Failures on QUANT8_ASYMM Dat...Michele Di Giorgio
2019-08-08COMPMID-2336 Extend validation for depthwise native and fix same pad calculatorGiorgio Arena
2019-08-06COMPMID-2526: Disabled Winograd when padding > half_kernel_sizePablo Tello
2019-08-06COMPMID-1849: Implement CPPDetectionPostProcessLayerIsabella Gottardi
2019-08-06COMPMID-2336 Fix valgrind error for BatchNormalizationLayer on NEON with NHWC...Giorgio Arena
2019-08-05COMPMID-2545: Reduce tests required by GEMM (OpenCL)Gian Marco Iodice
2019-08-02COMPMID-2539: Add bias addition check in CLGEMM validationGian Marco Iodice
2019-08-01COMPMID-2527: Remove activation function validation in CLWinogradConvolutionL...Gian Marco Iodice
2019-08-01COMPMID-2336: Fix build issues.Georgios Pinitas
2019-08-01COMPMID-2055: Fusion of ConvolutionLayer with BatchNormalization at graph onl...Manuel Bottini
2019-08-01COMPMID-1979: Fuse Activation Function in CLGEMM - part 4Gian Marco Iodice
2019-07-31COMPMID-2493: Update qs8 in Depthwise assemblyGeorgios Pinitas
2019-07-31COMPMID-2500: Report error in Int8 Conv2d if multiplier > 1.Georgios Pinitas
2019-07-31COMPMID-2336: Fix GEMMLowp 32bit checkGeorgios Pinitas
2019-07-30COMPMID-2467 Include IP information to the tuning configGiorgio Arena
2019-07-29COMPMID-2430: Adding FusedDepthwiseConvolutionBatchNormalizationLayer conditi...Manuel Bottini
2019-07-29COMPMID-2336: Guard quint8 gemm files for aarch64 only.Georgios Pinitas
2019-07-29COMPMID-1849: Add DetectorPostProcess operatorIsabella Gottardi
2019-07-29COMPMID-2336: Rename the new generic depthwise convolution on NEONGian Marco Iodice
2019-07-26COMPMID-2179 New generic depthwise convolution for NEON F32 NHWCGiorgio Arena
2019-07-26COMPMID-2490: (Nightly) Valgrind error in NEON ScaleMichalis Spyrou
2019-07-26COMPMID-2178: Update GEMM assembly code.Georgios Pinitas
2019-07-26COMPMID-2336: Set the correct valid region to the concatenation layer outputIsabella Gottardi
2019-07-23Use .inst directives instead of .int directives.Ramana Radhakrishnan