// // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as // authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited // (C) COPYRIGHT 2020-2021 ARM Limited // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised // copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted // by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. === Data Layout ==== CONCAT Concatenate a list of tensors along a given axis. No data conversion happens during a concat operation. *Arguments:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Input|in_t**|input1|shapes1[]|List of input tensors. All inputs must have the same rank |Attribute|int|axis|-|Axis along which concatenation is to occur, in range from 0 to rank(shape)-1 |Output|in_t*|output|shape|Output tensor |=== *Operation Function:* [source,c] ---- for_each(index1 in shape) { index2 = index1; for (tensor t = 0; t < length(input1); t++) { // Continue to concatenate along axis from each tensor // For each output location, we are looking for the // appropriate input tensor if (index2[axis] >= 0 && index2[axis] < shapes1[t][axis]) { in_t value = tensor_read(input1[t], shapes1[t], index2); tensor_write(output, shape, index1, value); } index2[axis] = index2[axis] - shapes1[t][axis]; } } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|in_t |Any|Boolean|bool_t |Any|signed 8|int8_t |Any|signed 16|int16_t |Any|signed 32|int32_t |MI, MT|floating-point|float_t |=== ==== PAD Zero-pads a tensor along borders of each dimension. *Arguments:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Input|in_t*|input1|shape1|Input tensor |Attribute|int|padding|[rank(input1),2]|Amount of padding to be done |Output|in_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type as the input tensor |=== *Quantization Parameters:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Attribute|in_t|input1_zp|-|Input tensor zero point |=== *Operation Function:* [source,c++] ---- for_each(index in shape) { index1 = index; for(i = 0; i < rank(shape); i++) { index1[i] = index1[i] - padding[i,0]; } acc_t value = tensor_read(input1, shape1, index1, input1_zp, padding); tensor_write(output, shape, index, value + input1_zp); } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|in_t|acc_t |Any|Boolean|bool_t|bool_t |Any|signed 8|int8_t|int16_t |Any|signed 16|int16_t|int16_t |Any|signed 32|int32_t|int32_t |MI, MT|floating-point|float_t|float_t |=== ==== RESHAPE Returns a tensor with the same type/values as the input, with a new shape specified by the shape argument. Reshape may operate on tensors of any rank. No data conversion happens during a reshape operation. *Arguments:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Input|in_t*|input1|shape1|Input tensor |Attribute|int|new_shape|[rank(output)]|List of values, with each element giving the size of the result tensor for the given dimension. At most one dimension may be given as-1 to automatically calculate the dimension size. |Output|in_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type, size as the input tensor |=== *Operation Function:* [source,c++] ---- REQUIRE(tensor_size(shape1) == tensor_size(shape)); for(i = 0; i < tensor_size(shape); i++) { output[i] = input[i]; } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|in_t |Any|Boolean|bool_t |Any|signed 8|int8_t |Any|signed 16|int16_t |Any|signed 32|int32_t |MI, MT|floating-point|float_t |=== ==== REVERSE Returns a tensor with the same type/values as the input, with the data reversed along the given axis. No data conversion happens during a reverse operation. *Arguments:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Input|in_t*|input|shape|Input tensor from 1 to 4 dims |Attribute|int|axis|-|Axis to reverse, in range from 0 to rank(shape)-1 |Output|in_t*|output|shape|Output tensor. Same shape as input tensor. |=== *Operation Function:* [source,c++] ---- REQUIRE(0 <= axis && axis < rank(shape)); for_each(index in shape) { tmp_index = index; tmp_index[axis] = shape[axis] - 1 - index[axis]; in_t value = tensor_read(input, shape, tmp_index); tensor_write(output, shape, index, value); } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|in_t |Any|Boolean|bool_t |Any|signed 8|int8_t |Any|signed 16|int16_t |Any|signed 32|int32_t |MI, MT|floating-point|float_t |=== ==== SLICE Extracts a slice of the input1 on the given axis, beginning at the start coordinates, and extending for size elements in each direction. No data conversion happens during a slice operation. *Arguments:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Input|in_t*|input1|shape1|Input tensor with rank from 1 to 4 |Attribute|int|start|[rank(input1)]|List of integer coordinates, of length equal to the rank of input1. Start coordinate for slicing. |Attribute|int|size|[rank(input1)]|List of integer size values, of length equal to the rank of input1. Size of the input to be used. |Output|in_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type as the input tensor |=== *Operation Function:* [source,c++] ---- for_each(index in shape) { tmp_index = index; for(i = 0; i < rank(shape); i++) { tmp_index[i] = index[i] + start[i]; } in_t value = tensor_read(input, shape1, tmp_index); tensor_write(output, shape, index, value); } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|in_t |Any|Boolean|bool_t |Any|signed 8|int8_t |Any|signed 16|int16_t |Any|signed 32|int32_t |MI, MT|floating-point|float_t |=== ==== TILE Replicates input1 multiplies times along each dimension. *Arguments:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Input|in_t*|input1|shape1|Input tensor with rank from 1 to 4 |Attribute|int32_t|multiplies|[rank(shape1)]|Number of times to replicate input1 in each dimension |Output|in_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type, rank as the input tensor |=== *Operation Function:* [source,c++] ---- for_each(index in shape) { tmp_index = index; for(i = 0; i < rank(shape); i++) { REQUIRE(shape1[i] * multiplies[i] == shape[i]); tmp_index[i] = index[i] % shape1[i]; } in_t value = tensor_read(input, shape1, tmp_index); tensor_write(output, shape, index, value); } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|in_t |Any|Boolean|bool_t |Any|signed 8|int8_t |Any|signed 16|int16_t |Any|signed 32|int32_t |MI, MT|floating-point|float_t |=== ==== TRANSPOSE Permutes the dimensions based on perm. *Arguments:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Input|in_t*|input1|shape1|Input tensor with rank from 1 to 4 |Attribute|int32_t|perms|[rank(input1)]|List of integers of length equal to the rank of input1. |Output|in_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type, rank as the input tensor |=== *Operation Function:* [source,c++] ---- for_each(index in shape) { tmp_index = index; for(i = 0; i < rank(shape); i++) { REQUIRE(shape1[perm[i]] == shape[i]) tmp_index[perm[i]] = index[i] } in_t value = tensor_read(input, shape1, tmp_index); tensor_write(output, shape, index, value); } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|in_t |Any|Boolean|bool_t |Any|signed 8|int8_t |Any|signed 16|int16_t |Any|signed 32|int32_t |MI, MT|floating-point|float_t |===