// // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as // authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited // (C) COPYRIGHT 2023 ARM Limited // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised // copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted // by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. == Appendix A NOTE: This appendix is at an early stage of development at this point in time === Random data generation The following function generates a pseudo-random floating-point value in the range -1.0 to +1.0 for use as test data. It uses a modulo (1<<32) recurrent sequence with multiplier derived from "TOSASETS" and the set number. [source,c++] ---- float set_data(uint32_t set, uint32_t index) { uint32_t m = (8*set + 1) * 0x705A5E75; // mod (1<<32) calculation uint32_t r = m + 1; // mod (1<<32) calculation for (uint32_t i = 0; i < index; i++) { r = r * m + 1; // mod (1<<32) calculation } float sign = (r>>31)==0 ? +1 : -1; return sign * (float)(r & 0x7FFFFFFF) / (float)(0x7FFFFFFF); } ---- === Main Inference test data generator This section describes the function tosa_mi_data(S, KS, p, k, i) that generates test data for main inference compliance. This function takes the following arguments: * S is the test set number which identifies which generator is used * KS is the kernel size * p is the parameter number of: ** 0 for the first input (usually data) ** 1 for the second input (usually weights) ** 2 for the third input if present (usually bias) * k is the index within the kernel in the range 0 \<= k < KS * i is the index within the tensor to write Some test data values are scaled by the bound parameter B which is defined in the table below. B is set to be the largest value that is both representable by the input type and such that B*B does not overflow the accumulator precision. |=== | inputs type | accumulator type | B value | fp16 | fp16 | (1<<8) - (1/8) = 255.875 | fp16 | fp32 | (1<<16) - (1<<5) = 65504 | bf16 | fp32 | (1<<64) - (1<<56) | fp32 | fp32 | (1<<64) - (1<<40) |=== ==== Test set S=0 generator The aim of this generator is to check that sum of products with zero gives zero result. [cols="1,9"] |=== | p | tosa_mi_data(S, KS, p, k, i) = | 0 | set_data(2*S, i) < 0 ? 0.0 : set_data(2*S+1, i) | 1 | set_data(2*S, i) < 0 ? set_data(2*S+1, i) : 0.0 | 2 | 0.0 |=== ==== Test set S=1 The aim of this test set is to check values with large exponents. [cols="1,9"] |=== | p | tosa_mi_data(S, KS, p, k, i) = | 0 | (B/sqrt(KS+1))*(0.75 + 0.25*set_data(3*S+0, i)) | 1 | (B/sqrt(KS+1))*(0.75 + 0.25*set_data(3*S+1, i)) | 2 | (B*B/(KS+1))*(0.75 + 0.25*set_data(3*S+2, i)) |=== ==== Test set S=2 The aim of this test set is to check rounding error when accumulating small values onto a large value. In this case the small values are of similar magnitude. If the implementation changes the order of the sum, then the test data must also be reordered so that the largest values occur first in the sum. [cols="1,9"] |=== | p | tosa_mi_data(S, KS, p, k, i) = | 0 | (k==0) ? 1.0 : set_data(2*S+0, i)/sqrt(KS) | 1 | (k==0) ? 1.0 : set_data(2*S+1, i)/sqrt(KS) | 2 | 0.0 |=== ==== Test set S=3 The aim of this test set is to check rounding error when accumulating small values onto a large value. In this case the small values are of varying magnitude. If the implementation changes the order of the sum, then the test data must also be reordered so that the largest values occur first in the sum. [cols="1,9"] |=== | p | tosa_mi_data(S, KS, p, k, i) = | 0 | (k==0) ? 16.0 : exp(2*set_data(2*S+0, 2*i+0)) * set_data(2*S+0, 2*i+1) | 1 | (k==0) ? 16.0 : exp(2*set_data(2*S+1, 2*i+0)) * set_data(2*S+1, 2*i+1) | 2 | 0.0 |=== ==== Test set S=4 The aim of this test set is to check a mixture of zero and non-zero products. [cols="1,9"] |=== | p | tosa_mi_data(S, KS, p, k, i) = | 0 | (k==KS/2) ? (set_data(2*S, i) < 0 ? -0.5 : +0.5) : (set_data(2*S, i) < 0 ? 0.0 : (B/sqrt(KS))*set_data(2*S+1, i)) | 1 | (k==KS/2) ? (set_data(2*S, i) < 0 ? +0.5 : -0.5) : (set_data(2*S, i) < 0 ? (B/sqrt(KS))*set_data(2*S+1, i) : 0.0) | 2 | 0.0 |=== ==== Test set S=5 The aim of this test set is to check signed inputs of large range. [cols="1,9"] |=== | p | tosa_mi_data(S, KS, p, k, i) = | 0 | (B/sqrt(KS))*set_data(3*S+0, i) | 1 | (B/sqrt(KS))*set_data(3*S+1, i) | 2 | 0.0 |=== === Main Inference operator test data For each operator, this section defines how to generate test data for test set S. For the results to be statistically significant the operation must calculate at least MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS dot products. For most operations this means that the output tensor must have at least MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS output values. For most operations batch size can be increased if necessary so that this holds. For this version of the specification, MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS is set to 1000. ==== CONV2D The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*OH*OW*OC >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = KW*KH*IC; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= iy < IH, 0 <= ix < IW, 0 <= ic < IC) { input [ n, iy, ix, ic] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, ((iy % KH)*KW+(ix % KW))*IC+ic, ((n*IH+iy)*IW+ix)*IC+ic); } for (0 <= oc < OC, 0 <= ky < KH, 0 <= kx < KW, 0 <= ic < IC) { weight[oc, ky, kx, ic] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 1, (ky*KW+kx)*IC+ic, ((oc*KH+ky)*KW+kx)*IC+ic); } for (0 <= oc < BC) { bias[oc] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 2, oc) } ---- ==== CONV3D The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*OD*OH*OW*OC >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = KD*KW*KH*IC; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= id < UD, 0 <= iy < IH, 0 <= ix < IW, 0 <= ic < IC) { input [ n, id, iy, ix, ic] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, (((id % KD)*KH+(iy % KH))*KW+(ix % KW))*IC+ic, (((n*ID+id)*IH+iy)*IW+ix)*IC+ic); } for (0 <= oc < OC, 0 <= kd < KD, 0 <= ky < KH, 0 <= kx < KW, 0 <= ic < IC) { weight[oc, kd, ky, kx, ic] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 1, ((kd*KH+ky)*KW+kx)*IC+ic, (((oc*KD+kd)*KH+ky)*KW+kx)*IC+ic); } for (0 <= oc < BC) { bias[oc] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 2, oc) } ---- ==== DEPTHWISE_CONV2D The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*OH*OW*C*M >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = KW*KH; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= iy < IH, 0 <= ix < IW, 0 <= c < C) { input [ n, iy, ix, c] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, (iy % KH)*KW+(ix % KW), ((n*IH+iy)*IW+ix)*C+c); } for (0 <= ky < KH, 0 <= kx < KW, 0 <= c < C, 0 <= m < M) { weight[ky, kx, c, m] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 1, (ky*KW+kx), ((ky*KW+kx)*C+c)*M+m); } for (0 <= oc < C*M) { bias[oc] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 2, oc) } ---- ==== FULLY_CONNECTED The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*OC >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = IC; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= ic < IC) { input [ n, ic] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, ic, n*IC+ic); } for (0 <= oc < OC, 0 <= ic < IC) { weight[oc, ic] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 1, ic, oc*IC+ic); } for (0 <= oc < BC) { bias[oc] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 2, oc) } ---- ==== MATMUL The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*H*W >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = C; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= y < H, 0 <= c < C) { A[n, y, c] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, c, (n*H+y)*C+c); } for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= c < C, 0 <= x < W) { B[n, c, x] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 1, c, (n*C+c)*W+x); } ---- ==== TRANSPOSE_CONV2D The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*OH*OW*OC >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = KW*KH*IC; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= iy < IH, 0 <= ix < IW, 0 <= ic < IC) { input [ n, iy, ix, ic] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, ((iy % KH)*KW+(ix % KW))*IC+ic, ((n*IH+iy)*IW+ix)*IC+ic); } for (0 <= oc < OC, 0 <= ky < KH, 0 <= kx < KW, 0 <= ic < IC) { weight[oc, ky, kx, ic] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 1, (ky*KW+kx)*IC+ic, ((oc*KH+ky)*KW+kx)*IC+ic); } for (0 <= oc < BC) { bias[oc] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 2, oc) } ---- ==== FFT2D The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*H*W >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = 2*H*W; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= y < H, 0 <= x < W) { input_real[n, y, x] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, y*W+x, ((0*N+n)*H+y)*IW+x); input_imag[n, y, x] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, y*W+x, ((1*N+n)*H+y)*IW+x); } for (0 <= y < H, 0 <= x < W, 0 <= m < H, 0 <= n < W) { weight_real[y, x, m, n] = real(exp(2*pi*i*((m*h/H) + (n*w/W)))); weight_imag[y, x, m, n] = imag(exp(2*pi*i*((m*h/H) + (n*w/W)))); } ---- ==== RFFT2D The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*H*W >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = H*W; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= y < H, 0 <= x < W) { input_real[n, y, x] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, y*W+x, ((0*N+n)*H+y)*IW+x); } for (0 <= y < H, 0 <= x < W, 0 <= m < H, 0 <= n < W) { weight_real[y, x, m, n] = real(exp(2*pi*i*((m*h/H) + (n*w/W)))); weight_imag[y, x, m, n] = imag(exp(2*pi*i*((m*h/H) + (n*w/W)))); } ---- ==== REDUCE_SUM The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `tensor_size(shape) >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KS = shape1[axis]; for (index in shape1) { input[index] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, index[axis], tensor_index_to_offset(index)); } for (0 <= c < KS) { weight[c] = 1; } ---- ==== AVG_POOL2D The following generates input test data for test set S. For compliant implementation, the test must pass whenever the attributes satisfy: `N*OH*OW*C >= MIN_DOT_PRODUCTS` [source,c++] ---- KX = kernel_x; KY = kernel_y; KS = KX*KY; for (0 <= n < N, 0 <= iy < IH, 0 <= ix < IW, 0 <= c < C) { input [ n, iy, ix, c] = tosa_mi_data(S, KS, 0, ((iy % KY)*KX+(ix % KX))*C+c, ((n*IH+iy)*IW+ix)*C+c); } for (0 <= ky < KY, 0 <= kx < KX, 0 <= c < C, 0 <= m < M) { weight[ky, kx] = 1/KS; } ----