path: root/python/pytests/test_single_attr.py
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1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/pytests/test_single_attr.py b/python/pytests/test_single_attr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f126be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pytests/test_single_attr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2024, ARM Limited.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import pathlib
+import random
+import subprocess
+import string
+import serializer.tosa_serializer as ts
+import pytest
+# In some instances, the Python parameter names in TosaSerializerAttribute
+# differ from the argument names in the schema. Here are the discrepancies.
+# ('schema': 'python')
+ # spelling differences
+ ("TransposeConvAttribute", "out_pad"): "outpad",
+ ("MatMulAttribute", "a_zp"): "A_zp",
+ ("MatMulAttribute", "b_zp"): "B_zp",
+ # these are for a reason; PadAttribute and ClampAttribute have
+ # inputs that are byte arrays, and the param names reflect this
+ ("PadAttribute", "pad_const"): "pad_const_val_as_bytes",
+ ("ClampAttribute", "min_val"): "min_val_as_bytes",
+ ("ClampAttribute", "max_val"): "max_val_as_bytes",
+# When converting the tosa schema to json, the enums are lost and
+# replaced with UInt, so the enum names are hard-coded here.
+ ("ConvAttribute", "acc_type"): "DType",
+ ("PoolAttribute", "acc_type"): "DType",
+ ("TransposeConvAttribute", "acc_type"): "DType",
+ ("ResizeAttribute", "mode"): "ResizeMode",
+def get_attributes():
+ base_dir = (pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "../..").resolve()
+ tmp_dir = base_dir / "python/pytests/tmp"
+ # Helper function for querying lists of dictionaries for a value
+ def select(data: list[dict], key, value) -> dict:
+ return next(filter(lambda item: item[key] == value, data), None)
+ with open(tmp_dir / "tosa.json", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ tosa_schema = json.load(f)
+ attribute_info = select(
+ tosa_schema["enums"],
+ "name",
+ "tosa.Attribute",
+ )["values"]
+ for i in attribute_info:
+ # The library doesn't support custom or none attributes.
+ if i["name"] not in ["NONE", "CustomAttribute"]:
+ yield i["name"]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("attribute_name", get_attributes())
+def test_single_attr(request, attribute_name):
+ """
+ Creating an attribute of each type, serializing, deserializing, and
+ checking that arguments are preserved.
+ """
+ base_dir = (pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "../..").resolve()
+ tmp_dir = base_dir / "python/pytests/tmp"
+ testname = request.node.name
+ (tmp_dir / testname).mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ flatc = base_dir / "third_party/flatbuffers/flatc"
+ tosa_fbs = base_dir / "schema/tosa.fbs"
+ with open(tmp_dir / "tosa.json", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ tosa_schema = json.load(f)
+ # Defining temp filepaths
+ testname = request.node.name
+ tosa_file = tmp_dir / testname / f"{testname}.tosa"
+ json_file = tmp_dir / testname / f"{testname}.json"
+ # Helper function for querying lists of dictionaries for a value
+ def select(data: list[dict], key, value) -> dict:
+ return next(filter(lambda item: item[key] == value, data), None)
+ # Creating example tensors to reference in the operator
+ ser = ts.TosaSerializer(tmp_dir / testname)
+ ser.currRegion.currBasicBlock.addTensor("t1", [1], ts.DType.INT32)
+ ser.currRegion.currBasicBlock.addTensor("t2", [1], ts.DType.INT32)
+ ser.currRegion.currBasicBlock.addInput("t1")
+ ser.currRegion.currBasicBlock.addOutput("t2")
+ # 'py_kwargs' is what we will pass to the Python function to
+ # create the attribute, while 'expected' is what we expect
+ # to see from the graph serialized as json.
+ # So 'py_kwargs' needs to worry about the FIELD_NAME_REPLACEMENTS,
+ # but we use the unaltered field names from the schema for 'expected'.
+ expected = {}
+ py_kwargs = {}
+ if attribute_name in ["PadAttribute", "ClampAttribute"]:
+ py_kwargs["serializer_builder"] = ser.builder
+ # Getting the fields of the attribute from the schema
+ fields = select(
+ tosa_schema["objects"],
+ "name",
+ f"tosa.{attribute_name}",
+ )["fields"]
+ for field in fields:
+ if field.get("deprecated", False):
+ continue
+ field_name = field["name"]
+ (attribute_name, field_name),
+ field_name,
+ )
+ # Randomly generating the field based on type
+ if (attribute_name, field_name) in ENUM_FIELDS:
+ enum_name = ENUM_FIELDS[(attribute_name, field_name)]
+ enum = select(
+ tosa_schema["enums"],
+ "name",
+ f"tosa.{enum_name}",
+ )["values"]
+ choice = random.choice(enum)
+ py_kwargs[kwarg] = choice["value"]
+ expected[field_name] = choice["name"]
+ continue
+ field_type = field["type"]
+ if field_type["base_type"] == "Vector" and field_type["element"] == "UByte":
+ py_kwargs[kwarg] = random.randbytes(random.randint(1, 16))
+ # json stores bytes as list[uint8]
+ expected[field_name] = list(py_kwargs[kwarg])
+ elif field_type["base_type"] == "Vector" and field_type["element"] == "Int":
+ expected[field_name] = py_kwargs[kwarg] = random.sample(
+ range(-(2**31), 2**31), random.randint(1, 16)
+ )
+ elif field_type["base_type"] == "Vector" and field_type["element"] == "Short":
+ expected[field_name] = py_kwargs[kwarg] = random.sample(
+ range(-(2**15), 2**15), random.randint(1, 16)
+ )
+ elif field_type["base_type"] == "Int":
+ expected[field_name] = py_kwargs[kwarg] = random.randint(
+ -(2**31), 2**31 - 1
+ )
+ elif field_type["base_type"] == "Bool":
+ expected[field_name] = py_kwargs[kwarg] = random.choice(
+ [True, False],
+ )
+ elif field_type["base_type"] == "String":
+ expected[field_name] = py_kwargs[kwarg] = "".join(
+ random.choices(
+ string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits,
+ k=random.randint(1, 16),
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ f"{attribute_name}.{field_name} is of an unknown type and random "
+ "arguments couldn't be generated for testing. If it uses an enum, "
+ f"consider adding to ENUM_FIELDS. {field_type}"
+ )
+ # Creating the attribute and adding it to the serializer
+ attr = ts.TosaSerializerAttribute()
+ # This line calls the attribute function,
+ # e.g. attr.ConvAttribute(pad=[...], ...)
+ getattr(attr, attribute_name)(**py_kwargs)
+ ser.currRegion.currBasicBlock.addOperator(
+ ts.TosaOp.Op().UNKNOWN, ["t1"], ["t2"], attr
+ )
+ # TODO: we use Op.UNKNOWN since there's no easy mapping
+ # for attribute <-> operator. Op is just a uint so we're
+ # not losing much coverage, but this would be useful
+ # Serializing to flatbuffer and writing to a temporary file
+ with open(tosa_file, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(ser.serialize())
+ # Using flatc to convert the flatbuffer to strict json
+ _ = subprocess.run(
+ [
+ flatc,
+ "--json",
+ "--strict-json",
+ "--defaults-json",
+ "-o",
+ tosa_file.parent,
+ tosa_fbs,
+ "--",
+ tosa_file,
+ ],
+ check=True,
+ )
+ with open(json_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ serialized = json.load(f)
+ # Getting the arguments of the attribute that we serialized
+ new_attr = serialized["regions"][0]["blocks"][0]["operators"][0]["attribute"]
+ assert expected == new_attr